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Submission: On March 28 via manual from NL — Scanned from NL
Submission: On March 28 via manual from NL — Scanned from NL
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<div class="filterOption primary" id="selectedShops">
<h4 class="ellipsis toggleCollapse" title="Winkels">Winkels</h4>
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<div style="display: none;">NOT <input type="checkbox" name="esi" value="1" checked=""></div>
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<li><label for="es_8533" class="checkbox hasCount"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="checkbox" name="es" id="es_8533" value="8533"></span> <span title="bol Plaza" class="facetLabel">bol Plaza</span><span class="facetCount"
<li><label for="es_131" class="checkbox hasCount"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="checkbox" name="es" id="es_131" value="131"></span> <span title="" class="facetLabel"></span><span class="facetCount"
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<ul class="hideMore">
<li><label for="es_11274" class="checkbox hasCount"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="checkbox" name="es" id="es_11274" value="11274"></span> <span title="Galaxus" class="facetLabel">Galaxus</span><span class="facetCount"
<li><label for="es_15" class="checkbox hasCount"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="checkbox" name="es" id="es_15" value="15"></span> <span title="Informatique" class="facetLabel">Informatique</span><span class="facetCount"
<li><label for="es_7403" class="checkbox hasCount"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="checkbox" name="es" id="es_7403" value="7403"></span> <span title="Max ICT B.V." class="facetLabel">Max ICT B.V.</span><span class="facetCount"
<li><label for="es_3695" class="checkbox hasCount"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="checkbox" name="es" id="es_3695" value="3695"></span> <span title="" class="facetLabel"></span><span class="facetCount"
<li><label for="es_49" class="checkbox hasCount"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="checkbox" name="es" id="es_49" value="49"></span> <span title="Paradigit" class="facetLabel">Paradigit</span><span class="facetCount"
<li><label for="es_9126" class="checkbox hasCount"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="checkbox" name="es" id="es_9126" value="9126"></span> <span title="" class="facetLabel"></span><span
class="facetCount" id="es_9126_fc">0</span></label></li>
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<li><label for="es_10291" class="checkbox hasCount"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="checkbox" name="es" id="es_10291" value="10291"></span> <span title=" | zakelijk" class="facetLabel"> |
zakelijk</span><span class="facetCount" id="es_10291_fc">0</span></label></li>
</ul><a class="showLink">Alle opties</a>
<div class="excludedValue">
<li><label for="esx_10654" class="checkbox hasCount"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="checkbox" name="esx" id="esx_10654" value="10654"></span> <span title="" class="facetLabel"></span><span class="facetCount"
<li><label for="esx_6703" class="checkbox hasCount"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="checkbox" name="esx" id="esx_6703" value="6703"></span> <span title="Azerty" class="facetLabel">Azerty</span><span class="facetCount"
<li><label for="esx_7638" class="checkbox hasCount"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="checkbox" name="esx" id="esx_7638" value="7638"></span> <span title="Belsimpel" class="facetLabel">Belsimpel</span><span class="facetCount"
<li><label for="esx_8533" class="checkbox hasCount"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="checkbox" name="esx" id="esx_8533" value="8533"></span> <span title="bol Plaza" class="facetLabel">bol Plaza</span><span class="facetCount"
<li><label for="esx_131" class="checkbox hasCount"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="checkbox" name="esx" id="esx_131" value="131"></span> <span title="" class="facetLabel"></span><span class="facetCount"
<li><label for="esx_9309" class="checkbox hasCount"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="checkbox" name="esx" id="esx_9309" value="9309"></span> <span title="" class="facetLabel"></span><span class="facetCount"
<ul class="hideMore">
<li><label for="esx_11274" class="checkbox hasCount"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="checkbox" name="esx" id="esx_11274" value="11274"></span> <span title="Galaxus" class="facetLabel">Galaxus</span><span class="facetCount"
<li><label for="esx_15" class="checkbox hasCount"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="checkbox" name="esx" id="esx_15" value="15"></span> <span title="Informatique" class="facetLabel">Informatique</span><span class="facetCount"
<li><label for="esx_7403" class="checkbox hasCount"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="checkbox" name="esx" id="esx_7403" value="7403"></span> <span title="Max ICT B.V." class="facetLabel">Max ICT B.V.</span><span
class="facetCount" id="esx_7403_fc">0</span></label></li>
<li><label for="esx_3695" class="checkbox hasCount"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="checkbox" name="esx" id="esx_3695" value="3695"></span> <span title="" class="facetLabel"></span><span class="facetCount"
<li><label for="esx_49" class="checkbox hasCount"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="checkbox" name="esx" id="esx_49" value="49"></span> <span title="Paradigit" class="facetLabel">Paradigit</span><span class="facetCount"
<li><label for="esx_9126" class="checkbox hasCount"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="checkbox" name="esx" id="esx_9126" value="9126"></span> <span title="" class="facetLabel"></span><span
class="facetCount" id="esx_9126_fc">0</span></label></li>
<li><label for="esx_10990" class="checkbox hasCount"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="checkbox" name="esx" id="esx_10990" value="10990"></span> <span title="" class="facetLabel"></span><span class="facetCount"
<li><label for="esx_10291" class="checkbox hasCount"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="checkbox" name="esx" id="esx_10291" value="10291"></span> <span title=" | zakelijk" class="facetLabel"> |
zakelijk</span><span class="facetCount" id="esx_10291_fc">0</span></label></li>
</ul><a class="showLink">Alle opties</a>
<p class="totalResult">
<a class="ctaButton secondary">
Toon resultaten <span class="totalResultCount">14</span>
filterForm.addFilter("selectedShops", true, {
"filterType": "persistentMultiSelect",
"notSelect": "esi",
"settingsInclude": {
"select": "es"
"settingsExclude": {
"select": "esx"
<div class="filterOption primary fancy" id="shopRatingFilter">
<h4 class="ellipsis toggleCollapse" title="Beoordeling winkel">Beoordeling winkel</h4>
<div class="options">
<select name="sri">
<option value="">nvt</option>
<option value="1">1</option>
<option value="2">2</option>
<option value="3">3</option>
<option value="4">4</option>
<option value="5">5</option>
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<div class="sliderBar">
<div class="sliderBar selected" style="left: 8px; width: 262px;"></div>
<div class="sliderPointer" style="left: 0px;"></div>
<div class="sliderLabel" style="left: -3px; margin-left: 6px; font-size: 0px;">nvt<twk-star-rating>
<div class="background">
<twk-icon class="icon" name="twk-star-solid-sprite"><svg>
<use href="/x/build/images/icons-symbol.f923b0fd.svg#twk-star-solid-sprite"></use>
<div class="foreground" style="width: 0%;">
<twk-icon class="icon" name="twk-star-solid-sprite"><svg>
<use href="/x/build/images/icons-symbol.f923b0fd.svg#twk-star-solid-sprite"></use>
<div class="sliderTick" style="margin-left: 17px; width: 60px;"><span style="left: -3px;">1</span></div>
<div class="sliderTick" style="width: 62px;"><span style="left: -3px;">2</span></div>
<div class="sliderTick" style="width: 61px;"><span style="left: -3px;">3</span></div>
<div class="sliderTick" style="width: 61px;"><span style="left: -3px;">4</span></div>
<div class="sliderTick" style="width: 8px;"><span style="left: -3px;">5</span></div>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p class="totalResult">
<a class="ctaButton secondary">
Toon resultaten <span class="totalResultCount">14</span>
filterForm.addFilter("shopRatingFilter", true, {
"filterType": "slider",
"showLower": 1,
"tickLabelPadding": 14,
"minSelect": "sri",
"onChange": updateShopScoreStars
<div class="filterOption active collapsed secondary" id="transportId">
<h4 class="ellipsis toggleCollapse" title="Verzendmethode">Verzendmethode</h4>
<div class="options">
<li><label for="tm_2" class="radio selected"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="radio" name="tm" id="tm_2" value="2" checked=""></span> <span title="Opsturen" class="facetLabel">Opsturen</span></label></li>
<li><label for="tm_1" class="radio"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="radio" name="tm" id="tm_1" value="1"></span> <span title="Afhalen" class="facetLabel">Afhalen</span></label></li>
<ul class="hideMore">
<li><label for="tm_5" class="radio"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="radio" name="tm" id="tm_5" value="5"></span> <span title="Koerier" class="facetLabel">Koerier</span></label></li>
<li><label for="tm_3" class="radio"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="radio" name="tm" id="tm_3" value="3"></span> <span title="Rembours" class="facetLabel">Rembours</span></label></li>
</ul><a class="showLink">Alle opties</a>
<p class="totalResult">
<a class="ctaButton secondary">
Toon resultaten <span class="totalResultCount">14</span>
filterForm.addFilter("transportId", false, {
"filterType": "multiselect",
"select": "tm"
<div class="filterOption active collapsed secondary" id="paymentId">
<h4 class="ellipsis toggleCollapse" title="Betaalmethode">Betaalmethode</h4>
<div class="options">
<li><label for="pm_10" class="radio selected"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="radio" name="pm" id="pm_10" value="10" checked=""></span> <span title="iDEAL" class="facetLabel">iDEAL</span></label></li>
<li><label for="pm_6" class="radio"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="radio" name="pm" id="pm_6" value="6"></span> <span title="Contant" class="facetLabel">Contant</span></label></li>
<ul class="hideMore">
<li><label for="pm_1" class="radio"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="radio" name="pm" id="pm_1" value="1"></span> <span title="Achteraf betalen" class="facetLabel">Achteraf betalen</span></label></li>
<li><label for="pm_19" class="radio"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="radio" name="pm" id="pm_19" value="19"></span> <span title="American Express" class="facetLabel">American Express</span></label></li>
<li><label for="pm_3" class="radio"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="radio" name="pm" id="pm_3" value="3"></span> <span title="Bankoverschrijving" class="facetLabel">Bankoverschrijving</span></label></li>
<li><label for="pm_2" class="radio"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="radio" name="pm" id="pm_2" value="2"></span> <span title="Machtiging" class="facetLabel">Machtiging</span></label></li>
<li><label for="pm_8" class="radio"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="radio" name="pm" id="pm_8" value="8"></span> <span title="Mastercard" class="facetLabel">Mastercard</span></label></li>
<li><label for="pm_4" class="radio"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="radio" name="pm" id="pm_4" value="4"></span> <span title="Op rekening" class="facetLabel">Op rekening</span></label></li>
<li><label for="pm_20" class="radio"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="radio" name="pm" id="pm_20" value="20"></span> <span title="Overige Creditcards" class="facetLabel">Overige Creditcards</span></label></li>
<li><label for="pm_9" class="radio"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="radio" name="pm" id="pm_9" value="9"></span> <span title="Paypal" class="facetLabel">Paypal</span></label></li>
<li><label for="pm_7" class="radio"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="radio" name="pm" id="pm_7" value="7"></span> <span title="Pinnen" class="facetLabel">Pinnen</span></label></li>
<li><label for="pm_17" class="radio"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="radio" name="pm" id="pm_17" value="17"></span> <span title="Rembours" class="facetLabel">Rembours</span></label></li>
<li><label for="pm_18" class="radio"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="radio" name="pm" id="pm_18" value="18"></span> <span title="Visa" class="facetLabel">Visa</span></label></li>
<li><label for="pm_21" class="radio"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="radio" name="pm" id="pm_21" value="21"></span> <span title="Vooruitbetalen" class="facetLabel">Vooruitbetalen</span></label></li>
</ul><a class="showLink">Alle opties</a>
<p class="totalResult">
<a class="ctaButton secondary">
Toon resultaten <span class="totalResultCount">14</span>
filterForm.addFilter("paymentId", false, {
"filterType": "multiselect",
"select": "pm"
<div class="filterOption primary fancy" id="deliveryTime">
<h4 class="ellipsis toggleCollapse" title="Maximale levertijd">Maximale levertijd</h4>
<div class="options">
<select name="dts">
<option value="0">24 uur</option>
<option value="3">3 dagen</option>
<option value="5">5 dagen</option>
<option value="8">8 dagen</option>
<option value="12">12 dagen</option>
<option value="255">> 12 dagen</option>
<option value="-30" selected="">pre-order</option>
<div class="sliderControl">
<div class="sliderArea" style="width: 255px;">
<div class="sliderBar">
<div class="sliderBar selected" style="left: 0px; width: 246px;"></div>
<div class="sliderPointer" style="left: 238px;"></div>
<div class="sliderLabel" style="left: 216px;">pre-order</div>
<div class="sliderTick" style="margin-left: 8px; width: 45px;"><span style="display: none;"><span class="sprite deliveryTime one_day_245" title="Op een werkdag besteld, morgen in huis"> </span><br>24 uur</span></div>
<div class="sliderTick" style="width: 46px;"><span><span class="sprite deliveryTime three_days" title="Levering verwacht binnen 3 dagen"> </span><br>3 dagen</span></div>
<div class="sliderTick" style="width: 45px;"><span><span class="sprite deliveryTime five_days" title="Levering verwacht binnen 5 dagen"> </span><br>5 dagen</span></div>
<div class="sliderTick" style="width: 46px;"><span><span class="sprite deliveryTime eight_days" title="Levering verwacht binnen 8 dagen"> </span><br>8 dagen</span></div>
<div class="sliderTick" style="width: 46px;"><span><span class="sprite deliveryTime twelve_days" title="Levering verwacht binnen 12 dagen"> </span><br>12 dagen</span></div>
<div class="sliderTick" style="width: 18px;"><span><span class="sprite deliveryTime over_twelve_days" title="Levertijd langer dan 12 dagen"> </span><br>> 12 dagen</span></div>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p class="totalResult">
<a class="ctaButton secondary">
Toon resultaten <span class="totalResultCount">14</span>
filterForm.addFilter("deliveryTime", true, {
"filterType": "slider",
"maxSelect": "dts",
"showHigher": 1,
"rangeLabels": ["<span class=\"sprite deliveryTime one_day_245\" title=\"Op een werkdag besteld, morgen in huis\"> <\/span><br>24 uur",
"<span class=\"sprite deliveryTime three_days\" title=\"Levering verwacht binnen 3 dagen\"> <\/span><br>3 dagen", "<span class=\"sprite deliveryTime five_days\" title=\"Levering verwacht binnen 5 dagen\"> <\/span><br>5 dagen",
"<span class=\"sprite deliveryTime eight_days\" title=\"Levering verwacht binnen 8 dagen\"> <\/span><br>8 dagen", "<span class=\"sprite deliveryTime twelve_days\" title=\"Levering verwacht binnen 12 dagen\"> <\/span><br>12 dagen",
"<span class=\"sprite deliveryTime over_twelve_days\" title=\"Levertijd langer dan 12 dagen\"> <\/span><br>> 12 dagen", "<span class=\"sprite deliveryTime pre-order\" title=\"Alvast te reserveren\"> <\/span><br>pre-order"
<div class="filterOption active collapsed secondary" id="customerType">
<h4 class="ellipsis toggleCollapse" title="Prijsweergave">Prijsweergave</h4>
<div class="options">
<li><label for="ct_B2C" class="radio selected"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="radio" name="ct" id="ct_B2C" value="B2C" checked=""></span> <span title="Inclusief btw" class="facetLabel">Inclusief btw</span></label></li>
<li><label for="ct_B2B" class="radio"><span class="inputWrapper"><input type="radio" name="ct" id="ct_B2B" value="B2B"></span> <span title="Exclusief btw" class="facetLabel">Exclusief btw</span></label></li>
<p class="totalResult">
<a class="ctaButton secondary">
Toon resultaten <span class="totalResultCount">14</span>
filterForm.addFilter("customerType", false, {
"filterType": "multiselect",
"select": "ct"
<div class="filterOption collapsed secondary" id="distanceFilter">
<h4 class="ellipsis toggleCollapse" title="Locatie en afstand">Locatie en afstand</h4>
<div><input type="text" id="distanceFilterLocation" name="l" value="" placeholder="Postcode of plaats" class="text"></div>
<div class="options">
<label for="da"><span class="range-label">Tot</span> <input type="text" name="da" id="da" class="range facetCount text" value=""> <label class="range-label-right">Km</label></label>
<p class="totalResult">
<a class="ctaButton secondary">
Toon resultaten <span class="totalResultCount">14</span>
filterForm.addFilter("distanceFilter", false, {
"filterType": "slider",
"showHigher": 1,
"maxSelect": new sliderInputWrapper("da", [{
"value": "1",
"text": "1 km"
}, {
"value": "5",
"text": "5 km"
}, {
"value": "10",
"text": "10 km"
}, {
"value": "15",
"text": "15 km"
}, {
"value": "20",
"text": "20 km"
}, {
"value": "25",
"text": "25 km"
}, {
"value": "30",
"text": "30 km"
}, {
"value": "40",
"text": "40 km"
}, {
"value": "50",
"text": "50 km"
}, {
"value": "60",
"text": "60 km"
}, {
"value": "70",
"text": "70 km"
}, {
"value": "",
"text": "∞"
<p class="submit"><input type="hidden" name="dc" value="NL" data-fixed-value="1"><input type="hidden" name="pt" value="totalprice" data-fixed-value="0"><input type="hidden" name="of" value="totalprice" data-fixed-value="0"><input type="hidden"
name="od" value="asc" data-fixed-value="0"><input type="hidden" name="twk" value="51-1928710" data-fixed-value="1"><input type="submit" value="submit"></p>
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Tweakers * Frontpage * Nieuws * Reviews * Best Buy Guides * Smartphones * Laptops * Desktops * Tablets * Monitors * Videokaarten * Processors * Moederborden * Ssd's * Netwerken * Pricewatch * Vraag & Aanbod * Forum * TweakersGear * Meer * Video * Podcasts * Downloads * IT Pro * Profielen * Carrière * Acties & Events * Abonnementen * Huisregels * Over Tweakers 0 * Account * Inloggen * Registreren * settings * vergelijk items0 * Inloggen * Registreren DE GROOTSTE PRIJSDALERS BEKIJK HET OVERZICHT VAN DE BESTE DEALS IN DE PRICEWATCH Gebruikers 3.5 van 5 sterren (15 reviews) 15 reviews GERELATEERD Categorie Smartphones Merk Google Productserie Pixel Product Google Pixel 7a Uitvoering Google Pixel 7a Zwart EAN 0840244701819 SKU GA03694-GB Tweakers ID 1928710 * Smartphones * Google * Pixel 7a * Zwart * Prijzen * Alle smartphones GOOGLE PIXEL 7A ZWART Prijs € 389,- wacht je op een prijsdaling? Alert wordt verzonden wanneer er een prijs beschikbaar is. Specificaties 6,1" • 2400x1080 • 128GB - Bekijk alle specificaties Productuitvoering Zwart * Alle 4 uitvoeringen * Blauw * Rood * Wit * Zwart willen hebben vergelijken * Prijzen * Abonnementen * Kenmerken * Reviews * Alternatieven * Vraag & Aanbod * Discussies & Vragen * Nieuws Tracker Actieve topics VIND DE WEBSHOP MET DE LAAGSTE PRIJS VERFIJN RESULTATEN WINKELS welgeen NOT * Amazon.nl0 * Azerty0 * Belsimpel0 * bol Plaza0 * Conrad.nl0 * Coolblue.nl0 * Galaxus0 * Informatique0 * Max ICT B.V.0 * Mobiel.nl0 * Paradigit0 * PhoneMarket.nl0 * Proshop.nl0 * | zakelijk0 Alle opties * Amazon.nl0 * Azerty0 * Belsimpel0 * bol Plaza0 * Conrad.nl0 * Coolblue.nl0 * Galaxus0 * Informatique0 * Max ICT B.V.0 * Mobiel.nl0 * Paradigit0 * PhoneMarket.nl0 * Proshop.nl0 * | zakelijk0 Alle opties Toon resultaten 14 BEOORDELING WINKEL nvt12345 nvt 1 2 3 4 5 Toon resultaten 14 VERZENDMETHODE * Opsturen * Afhalen * Koerier * Rembours Alle opties Toon resultaten 14 BETAALMETHODE * iDEAL * Contant * Achteraf betalen * American Express * Bankoverschrijving * Machtiging * Mastercard * Op rekening * Overige Creditcards * Paypal * Pinnen * Rembours * Visa * Vooruitbetalen Alle opties Toon resultaten 14 MAXIMALE LEVERTIJD 24 uur3 dagen5 dagen8 dagen12 dagen> 12 dagenpre-order pre-order 24 uur 3 dagen 5 dagen 8 dagen 12 dagen > 12 dagen Toon resultaten 14 PRIJSWEERGAVE * Inclusief btw * Exclusief btw Toon resultaten 14 LOCATIE EN AFSTAND Tot Km Toon resultaten 14 RECHTEN BIJ KOPEN OP AFSTAND * Levering binnen 30 dagen * Veertien dagen bedenktijd * Twee jaar garantie Meer informatie Sortering * Winkel * Score * Levertijd * Basisprijs * Totaalprijs Paradigit Snelle levering | Gratis verzending vanaf € 50 🚛 3.5 van 5 sterren (49 shopreviews) (49) € 439,- € 439,- Bekijk advertentie Op werkdagen voor 23.30 uur besteld, morgen in huis! Refurbished (3) Bekijk teruggestuurde en refurbished producten € 331,- Conditie Levertijd webshop Shopscore Totaalprijs Lichte gebruikssporen LICHTE GEBRUIKSSPOREN Dit toestel bevat lichte gebruikssporen op het scherm en de behuizing. 24 maanden garantie. Belsimpel 4 van 5 sterren (197 shopreviews) (197) € 331,- Bekijk Lichte gebruikssporen LICHTE GEBRUIKSSPOREN Returned product in opened original packaging Garantietermijn onbekend. 4 van 5 sterren (295 shopreviews) (295) € 388,- Bekijk Nieuwstaat - open doos NIEUWSTAAT - OPEN DOOS In nieuwstaat. Dit product is volledig door ons gecontroleerd en heeft geen gebruikssporen. De doos van dit product is open geweest, maar onbeschadigd. 24 maanden garantie. Paradigit 3.5 van 5 sterren (49 shopreviews) (49) € 424,- Bekijk Actie: Slimme Keuze-Weken Deals! 4 van 5 sterren (38 shopreviews) (38) € 389,- € 389,- Bekijk Belsimpel Toestel cadeau i.c.m. 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