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Lake Clarity Tracker
 * LT Info Home
 * Climate Resilience Dashboard
 * EIP Project Tracker
 * Lake Clarity Tracker
 * Monitoring Dashboard
 * Parcel Tracker
 * Threshold Dashboard
 * Transportation Tracker
 * Projects
 * Data Center
 * News & Announcements

 * Data Center
 * Request Support
 * Log in
 * Toggle Dropdown
   * Forgot Password
   * Create Account

Toggle navigation
 * About
 * Projects
 * Results
   * Overview
   * Urban Uplands
   * Forest Uplands
   * Atmospheric Deposition
   * Stream Channel Erosion
   * Water Clarity
 * Resources
   * Urban Stormwater Crediting Program
   * Non-Urban Performance Metrics
   * TMDL Program Management
   * All Documents
 * Contact Us



Guiding Efforts to Restore Lake Tahoe's Historic Clarity


Lake Tahoe is designated an Outstanding National Resource Water and a “Waterbody
of extraordinary ecological or aesthetic value” by the states of California and
Nevada, respectively, for its world famous clarity and striking blue color. Over
the past half century however, clarity has significantly diminished, threatening
Lake Tahoe’s value as one of the few large alpine lakes in the world with
exceptionally clean and clear waters. The Lake Tahoe TMDL Program seeks to
effectively guide efforts to restore historic clarity within the lake so people
may once again be able to see to depths of nearly 100 feet.

Have a question or want to provide feedback on the Lake Tahoe TMDL Program?

Provide Feedback


 * 5/15/2024
   The Washoe County, NV BMP Registration "Lower Wood Creek Phase I & II WQIP"
   was approved
 * 3/18/2024
   0 Lake Clarity Credits were awarded to Douglas County, NV
 * 2/12/2024
   37 Lake Clarity Credits were awarded to Washoe County, NV
 * 2/12/2024
   44 Lake Clarity Credits were awarded to Washoe County, NV
 * 2/12/2024
   56 Lake Clarity Credits were awarded to Washoe County, NV
 * See all News & Announcements


The Lake Clarity Tracker is the central hub for information related to the Lake
Tahoe TMDL Program. The About page provides an overview of the Lake Tahoe TMDL
and the TMDL Management System. The Results pages provide the status of
pollutant load reduction accomplishments for various source categories. The
Resources pages include technical information and resources related to results
tracking and reporting as well as documents related to program management and

The Lake Clarity Tracker and the Lake Tahoe Info Stormwater Tools are sponsored
by the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board and the Nevada Division of
Environmental Protection.


Implementation & Hosting by Environmental Science Associates

Portions of the Lake Tahoe Info platform may be freely modified and
redistributed. The open source version of the EIP Project Tracker is available
as ProjectFirma on GitHub. The source code for the Stormwater Tools is available
upon request. Other components of LT Info are available via commercial licensing
through the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (

Copyright (C) 2024 Tahoe Regional Planning Agency | Version 1.34.2549.0 |
Compiled 2024-08-13 17:07:22