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We represent the collective voice of our members.

We provide resources to strengthen workplaces, individuals and communities.

Strengthening BC’s collective action on HIV, hepatitis C, and harm reduction.

We value the voices of people with lived experience in our work.

Our programs build capacity, skills and strength in organizations and

We represent the collective voice of our members.

We provide resources to strengthen workplaces, individuals and communities.

Strengthening BC’s collective action on HIV, hepatitis C, and harm reduction.

We value the voices of people with lived experience in our work.


 * Home
 * News and Community Events
 * About Us
    * Strategic Plan, Values, Approaches
       * Members’ and Allies’ Surveys
       * Governance History
    * Board of Directors
       * Interested in Joining the PAN Board of Directors?
       * PAN Board Application
    * Staff Directory
       * Meet the People at PAN: 5 Question Challenge
    * Member Organizations
       * Membership Application
       * Membership Benefits and Expectations
    * Our Supporters
    * Annual Reports, Bylaws, and Policies

 * Training and Leadership
    * Health, Safety, and Respect at Group Gatherings
    * Upcoming and On-Demand Trainings
       * Supporting clients’ interpersonal relationships
       * PLDI Core Training February 8-22, 2024
       * Community. Action. Change.
       * HPV Prevention, Care, and Research
    * Webinars and Virtual Events
    * Positive Leadership Development Institute (PLDI)
       * PLDI Core Training February 8-22, 2024
    * Organizational Stigma Assessment Cycle Project
    * Hepatitis C Leadership Project
       * Hepatitis C Leadership Pilot Program Training

 * Research and Evaluation
    * Overview of Research at PAN
       * What is Community-Based Research?
       * Making it Work Project
       * Organizational Stigma Assessment Cycle Project
       * Sharing Space Community of Practice
       * The Small Urban, Rural, and Remote Harm Reduction Project
       * SPARTA Project: Sustaining Partnerships to Advance Community PrioRities
         in STIBBI Public Health Data Sets
       * CBR in BC Quarterly Meetings
       * Positive Living, Positive Homes
       * The BC People Living with HIV Stigma Index Project
       * PAN Affiliated Researchers
    * Community-Based Research News (blogs)
    * Evaluation at PAN
       * Positive Leadership Development Institute Impact Evaluation  
       * Program Science
       * Population Size Estimates Project

 * Policy Change and Collective Action
    * Government and Ally Communications
    * Collaborations and Consultations
    * Collective Impact Network
    * Research to Action
       * PAN Members and Safe Supply
       * New testing technologies for STBBIs

 * Impact Solutions Research and Evaluation Consulting
 * Connect and Learn More
    * Careers
    * PAN E-News: Subscribe and Share Your News
    * Impact Solutions Research and Evaluation Consulting
    * Resources
       * Training, Special Event, and Webinar Resources
          * Webinars: Live and On-Demand
          * Regional Training Event Resources
             * Regional Education for Vancouver Island (Mid-North), Spring 2022
             * Regional Education for the North, 2022
          * Educators’ Forum and Roundtable Resources
             * Educators’ Roundtable 2021
             * Educators’ Roundtable 2022
          * Gender Construct and Continuumn
          * Alcohol: Community Trends and Impact.
          * Hep C Diversities
          * Hep C in Focus
          * Heart and SoLE: Peers gather to share stories, inform and inspire
          * Peer Support Work – Webinar Series Reflection
          * Let’s Talk Stigma Reduction!
          * Stigma Reduction Interventions Deliberative Dialogue
          * Two-Spirit Reconciliation
          * AGM Keynote Presentations and PWLE Forums
       * Community-Based Research Resources
          * CBR Glossary
          * PAN’s Research and Evaluation Treehouse
          * Ethics and HIV/AIDS Research
          * Finding funding for community-based research
          * Knowledge translation & exchange
          * Methods in Community-Based Research
          * Peer Researcher Resources
          * Personal Experiences of Stigma Survey
          * Research Partnerships
          * Resources for Virtual Collaboration
          * Social media and research
       * Evaluation Resources
          * PAN’s Research and Evaluation Treehouse
          * Personal Experiences of Stigma Survey
          * Evaluation Tools
          * Shared Measures for Community Organizations Addressing HIV and
            Hepatitis C
       * Advocacy and Policy Resources
          * Meaningful Involvement of People with HIV
          * Nothing About Us Without Us Principles
          * HCV Manifesto
          * U=U: Undetectable Equals Untransmittable
          * Indigenous Cultural Safety Resources
          * Substance Use and Harm Reduction
          * HIV Criminalization
          * HIV Housing Toolkit
          * Personal Experiences of Stigma Survey
          * World AIDS Day, Indigenous AIDS Awareness Week, and World Hepatitis
       * Population and Public Health Resources
          * COVID-19 Resources
          * Alcohol: Community Trends and Impacts
          * Substance Use and Harm Reduction
          * Hepatitis C (HCV)
          * HIV and Aging
          * Mpox
          * New testing technologies for STBBIs
          * PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis)
       * Tools for Organizations
          * COVID-19 Resources
          * Indigenous Cultural Safety Resources
          * Personal Experiences of Stigma Survey
          * Creating Cultures of Wellness
          * Foundations: Human Resources, Team Building, and Leadership
          * Peer Worker Support and Compensation
          * Health, Safety, and Respect at Group Gatherings
          * HIV Housing Toolkit
          * Emergency Preparedness Resources
          * Emergency Preparedness: Wildfire Smoke and Air Quality
    * Staff Directory

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Our work is developed and delivered in multiple regions in northwestern Turtle
Island, and we are committed to respectfully developing relationships with
Indigenous peoples, communities, and Nations in the areas in which we work.



PAN works collaboratively with member organizations and allies who are
addressing HIV, hepatitis C and harm reduction. Based in what is colonially
referred to as British Columbia, we have 40+ member organizations and we help
build their capacity and skills for stronger communities. We  provide workplace
training, leadership development,  community-based research and evaluation
initiatives, and we support a collective impact network to reach all regions in
the province. We consult with our member groups across all regions to ensure we
represent a BC-wide voice as we advocate for change in public perception and
policies. Learn about about our legacy.


We help organizations build stronger communities and leaders.
Responding to member needs, our work includes intersecting issues of HIV,
hepatitis C, mental health, stigma, HIV criminalization, drug decriminalization,
and substance use. HIV was the push that  got our work started, and people with
HIV have important roles in our past and present as we also address social
issues such as safe housing, food security, and dynamics of poverty.


We value the meaningful involvement of people with lived experience.

We work with people with lived experience of HIV, hepatitis C, and substance use
to build education, research and programs that centre the voices of lived
experience in our community-based response.


Scroll  down to learn more about our values, our approaches, and the work we do
in BC.


We greatly appreciate the vision of our supporters and their ongoing commitment
to the work of the PAN.The views and content herein do not necessarily represent
the views of PAN or our supporters.




News and Community Events
Training and leadership programs
Learn live online and on-demand
Community-based research and evaluation
Our work and values
Policy Change and Collective Action
Meet the team

“I think you struck an excellent balance between research and lived experience.”
– training participant



Posted On: Friday, January 26th, 2024

Date: February 21, 2024 Time: 10-11:30 AM Pacific time   Please join PAN and two
community educators from Freddie for PrEP 201: Prevention for Every Body. This
webinar will be presented by Thomas Iglesias Trombetta and Grant Picarillo. It
will offer accessible information about some of the lesser-known intricacies of
PrEP for HIV prevention, with… Read more »

Posted in: PAN News and Events, Advocacy, Policy, Public Health, Conferences and
Events, Resources, Webinars and Online Learning


Posted On: Friday, February 9th, 2024

This BC Centre for Excellence (BC CfE) webinar will be presented by: Erin Ready,
BSc(Pharm), ACPR, MPH, AAHIVP Date: Wednesday, February 28th, 2024 Time: 12:00 –
1:00 PM Pacific time.* Register online at   At the end of
the webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Describe common drug interactions
with antiretrovirals 2. Identify… Read more »

Posted in: Conferences and Events, Research, Webinars and Online Learning


Posted On: Friday, February 9th, 2024

Position Type: Full-Time, Permanent Annual Salary: $80,000 Schedule: 37.5 hours
weekly – regular working hours are 9am-5pm in your local time zone – we offer
flexibility, and occasional flexibility is required to meet the needs of an
organization operating coast-to-coast. Start Date: April 1, 2024 (exact date
flexible) Location: Remote, within Canada; Hybrid and on-site arrangements are
possible in Vancouver… Read more »

Posted in: Peer Leadership, Job Postings, Advocacy, Policy, Public Health,
Community-Based Research



Presenter: Thomas Iglesias Trombetta and Grant Picarillo

Webinar On: Wednesday, February 21st, 2024 - 10:00 am

Please join PAN and two community educators from Freddie for PrEP 201:
Prevention for Every Body. This webinar will be presented by Thomas Iglesias
Trombetta and Grant Picarillo. It will offer accessible information about some
of the lesser-known intricacies of PrEP for HIV prevention, with special focus
on considerations for different types of communities, new… Read more »

Posted in: Advocacy, Policy and Public Health, Professional Development,

News and Community Events
Training and leadership programs
Learn live online and on-demand
Community-based research and evaluation
Our work and values
Policy Change and Collective Action
Meet the team


 * Webinar: Antiretroviral Drug Interactions Update

 * Job posting: Associate Director of Human Resources, CBRC

 * Spotlight on Edi Young

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Charitable Registration Number: 88090 0501 RR0001


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