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Searching Apartamentos Bon Lloc, from 2023-04-01 to 2023-04-02 ...

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According to the current legislation on General Data Protection Regulation
(GDPR), we inform you that the personal data you provide by filling in the
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Bon Lloc

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exercise his rights of access, rectification, delete, opposition, treatment
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Bon Lloc

or by email to the email address of indicating in the subject the title 'General
Data Protection Regulation'.
The fact of not registering the personal data required in the form as mandatory,
could cause that we cannot proceed with your request.

The accommodation Apartamentos Bon Lloc uses Neobookings booking software as the
responsible of the processing and storage of your personal data and reservations
in its servers whose responsible is:

C/ Menéndez Pidal, 14
07820 Sant Antoni de Portmany (Ibiza)
NIF: B-57298010

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Furthermore, accepting this legal warning, you are recognizing that the
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We also inform you that our server will send to your computer a file ('cookie'),
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Bon Lloc and Neobookings, S.L. make a commitment to treat your personal data in
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We inform you that Bon Lloc and Neobookings, S.L. has adopted the legally
required security measures in its facilities, systems and files required by the
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According to the provisions of article 10 of Law 34/2002, on the Information
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Tourist tax

Tourist tax not included € 2.20 per person per night

Starting on the 01/07/2016, a Balearic Islands eco tax of €2.20 /person/night
depending on the establishment's category (not included in the total price and
to be paid at the establishment) will be applicable to guests ages 16 and over.

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Check-in and check-out date:
1 Apr 2023 - 2 Apr 2023

April 2023


May 2023


01 Apr - 02 Apr, 1 Nights


No. of guests and apartments:
2 adults (1 apartment)

Children: 2-11 y/o
Babies: 0 to 1 y/o
Children: 2-11 y/o
Babies: 0 to 1 y/o

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Best price guaranteed
Immediately confirmed

 * Step 1Dates and apartments selection
 * Step 2Personal data & payment
 * Step 3Booking confirmation

Apartamentos Bon Lloc



Please choose different dates or split up guests in several rooms and try again.

Not Available apartments
Penthouse for 1/4 peopleShow descriptionPenthouse for 1/4 people


Penthouse one bedroom with 2 beds, Bathroom with hair dryer, lounge, Equipped
kitchen, Basic appliances , television, Safe, air conditioning, heating and
private terrace. FREE WIFI
The other two people sleep in two comfortable bed sofas.

 * Cleaning twice per week
 * Towel change: day in, day out.
 * Bed-linen change: midweek.
 * Cot and High Chair on request: one for housing.

Apartment closed in the chosen days.
Open 30-04-2023 Show availability

Penthouse one bedroom with 2 beds, Bathroom with hair dryer, lounge, Equipped
kitchen, Basic appliances , television, Safe, air conditioning, heating and
private terrace. FREE WIFI
The other two people sleep in two comfortable bed sofas.

 * Cleaning twice per week
 * Towel change: day in, day out.
 * Bed-linen change: midweek.
 * Cot and High Chair on request: one for housing.


Penthouse for 1/4 peopleUp to 4 peopleShow descriptionPenthouse for 1/4 people


Penthouse one bedroom with 2 beds, Bathroom with hair dryer, lounge, Equipped
kitchen, Basic appliances , television, Safe, air conditioning, heating and
private terrace. FREE WIFI
The other two people sleep in two comfortable bed sofas.

 * Cleaning twice per week
 * Towel change: day in, day out.
 * Bed-linen change: midweek.
 * Cot and High Chair on request: one for housing.

Apartment closed in the chosen days.
Open 30-04-2023Show availability
Studio for 3 peopleShow descriptionStudio for 3 people


Comfortable Studio open space with two beds, Bathroom with hair dryer, Equipped
kitchen, Basic appliances, TV, Safe, Air conditioning, Heating and Private
balcony. FREE WIFI 

The third person will sleep in a comfortable bed-sofa

 * Cleaning twice per week
 * Towel change: day in, day out.
 * Bed-linen change midweek.
 * Cot and High on request: one for accommodation 

Apartment closed in the chosen days.
Open 30-04-2023 Show availability

Comfortable Studio open space with two beds, Bathroom with hair dryer, Equipped
kitchen, Basic appliances, TV, Safe, Air conditioning, Heating and Private
balcony. FREE WIFI 

The third person will sleep in a comfortable bed-sofa

 * Cleaning twice per week
 * Towel change: day in, day out.
 * Bed-linen change midweek.
 * Cot and High on request: one for accommodation 


Studio for 3 peopleUp to 3 peopleShow descriptionStudio for 3 people


Comfortable Studio open space with two beds, Bathroom with hair dryer, Equipped
kitchen, Basic appliances, TV, Safe, Air conditioning, Heating and Private
balcony. FREE WIFI 

The third person will sleep in a comfortable bed-sofa

 * Cleaning twice per week
 * Towel change: day in, day out.
 * Bed-linen change midweek.
 * Cot and High on request: one for accommodation 

Apartment closed in the chosen days.
Open 30-04-2023Show availability
Studio for 2 peopleShow descriptionStudio for 2 people


Comfortable Studio open space with 2 beds, bathroom with hair dryer , Armchairs,
Equipped kitchen, Basic appliances , TV, Safe, Air conditioning, Heating and
private balcony. FREE WIFI

 * Cleaning twice per week
 * Towel change daily if not today.
 * Bed-linen change mid week.
 * Cot and High chair on request: one for housing

Apartment closed in the chosen days.
Open 30-04-2023 Show availability

Comfortable Studio open space with 2 beds, bathroom with hair dryer , Armchairs,
Equipped kitchen, Basic appliances , TV, Safe, Air conditioning, Heating and
private balcony. FREE WIFI

 * Cleaning twice per week
 * Towel change daily if not today.
 * Bed-linen change mid week.
 * Cot and High chair on request: one for housing


Studio for 2 peopleUp to 2 peopleShow descriptionStudio for 2 people


Comfortable Studio open space with 2 beds, bathroom with hair dryer , Armchairs,
Equipped kitchen, Basic appliances , TV, Safe, Air conditioning, Heating and
private balcony. FREE WIFI

 * Cleaning twice per week
 * Towel change daily if not today.
 * Bed-linen change mid week.
 * Cot and High chair on request: one for housing

Apartment closed in the chosen days.
Open 30-04-2023Show availability
Apartment 2/4 peopleShow descriptionApartment 2/4 people


One bedroom apartment with 2 beds, bathroom with hair dryer, Lounge, Equipped
kitchen, Basic appliances, Tv, Safe , air conditioning, heating and private
balcony. FREE WIFI

The other two people sleep in two comfortable bed sofas.

 * Cleaning twice per week
 * Towel change: day in, day out.
 * Bed-linen change: midweek.
 * Cot and High chair on request: one for housing

Apartment closed in the chosen days.
Open 30-04-2023 Show availability

One bedroom apartment with 2 beds, bathroom with hair dryer, Lounge, Equipped
kitchen, Basic appliances, Tv, Safe , air conditioning, heating and private
balcony. FREE WIFI

The other two people sleep in two comfortable bed sofas.

 * Cleaning twice per week
 * Towel change: day in, day out.
 * Bed-linen change: midweek.
 * Cot and High chair on request: one for housing


Apartment 2/4 peopleUp to 4 peopleShow descriptionApartment 2/4 people


One bedroom apartment with 2 beds, bathroom with hair dryer, Lounge, Equipped
kitchen, Basic appliances, Tv, Safe , air conditioning, heating and private
balcony. FREE WIFI

The other two people sleep in two comfortable bed sofas.

 * Cleaning twice per week
 * Towel change: day in, day out.
 * Bed-linen change: midweek.
 * Cot and High chair on request: one for housing

Apartment closed in the chosen days.
Open 30-04-2023Show availability
Penthouse B for 1/4 peopleShow descriptionPenthouse B for 1/4 people


Penthouse one bedroom with 2 beds, Bathroom with hair dryer, lounge, Equipped
kitchen, Basic appliances , television, Safe, air conditioning, heating and
private terrace. FREE WIFI
The other two people sleep in two comfortable bed sofas.

 * Cleaning twice per week
 * Towel change: day in, day out.
 * Bed-linen change: midweek.
 * Cot and High Chair on request: one for housing.

Apartment closed in the chosen days.
Open 30-04-2023 Show availability

Penthouse one bedroom with 2 beds, Bathroom with hair dryer, lounge, Equipped
kitchen, Basic appliances , television, Safe, air conditioning, heating and
private terrace. FREE WIFI
The other two people sleep in two comfortable bed sofas.

 * Cleaning twice per week
 * Towel change: day in, day out.
 * Bed-linen change: midweek.
 * Cot and High Chair on request: one for housing.


Penthouse B for 1/4 peopleUp to 4 peopleShow descriptionPenthouse B for 1/4


Penthouse one bedroom with 2 beds, Bathroom with hair dryer, lounge, Equipped
kitchen, Basic appliances , television, Safe, air conditioning, heating and
private terrace. FREE WIFI
The other two people sleep in two comfortable bed sofas.

 * Cleaning twice per week
 * Towel change: day in, day out.
 * Bed-linen change: midweek.
 * Cot and High Chair on request: one for housing.

Apartment closed in the chosen days.
Open 30-04-2023Show availability

 * +34 971 33 83 93 / +34 677 15 32 92
 * C/ Molins de rei 3

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