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Need information in English? ENGLISH WEBSITE Toggle navigation 주영국한국교육원 영국한국교육원 주영한국교육원 Korean Education Centre in the UK * 교육원 소개 * 교육원 새소식 * 교육원 공지사항 * 인사말 * 주요업무 * 교육원 연혁 * 교육원 연락처 * 한글학교 * 한글학교 소개 * 한글학교 공지사항 * 한글학교 새소식 * 한국어보급 * 영국 초중등학교 한국어 채택 * 한국어 강좌 * 한국어 능력시험 (TOPIK) * IGCSE 한국어 * 영국교육 * 영국교육 전체보기 * 영국 교육정보 (최신뉴스) * 영국의 학제 * 영국의 학사일정 * 영국의 교육과정 * 영국학교의 종류 * 영국의 고등교육 * 교원정책 * 주요교육정책 * 영국 교육정보 웹사이트 * 주요 용어 및 기관 * 한국유학 * 한국유학 정보(GKS) – Study in Korea * 원어민영어보조교사(EPIK) – English Program in Korea * English Search × HOME > English > Education in Korea EDUCATION IN KOREA Korea has traditionally placed great importance on education as a means for self-fulfillment as well as for social advancement. Today, Korea boasts one of the highest literacy rates in the world. It is a well- recognized fact that Korea’s well-educated people have been the primary source of the rapid economic growth that the nation has achieved during the past six decades. The Ministry of Education (MOE) is the government body responsible for the formulation and implementation of educational policies. The government provides guidance on basic policy matters as well as financial assistance. Korea has a single-track 6-3-3-4 system, which denotes six years of elementary school, three years of middle school, three years of high school, and four years of college or university which also offer graduate courses leading to master’s degrees and doctoral degrees. The single track has been a characteristic of the Korean education system, which maintains a single ladder system of schooling in order to ensure that every citizen can receive primary, secondary, and tertiary education. EDUCATION IN KOREA 2020 Education in Korea (2020), published by the Ministry of Education(PDF) THE NATIONAL CURRICULUM The National Curriculum for the Primary and Secondary Schools 2015(PDF) PRE-PRIMARY EDUCATION The national kindergarten curriculum has been reformed ten times since the first curriculum was established in 1969. The Nuri Curriculum was implemented for all five-year-olds in 2012, and was expanded to cover all three to four-year-olds in 2013. The Nuri Curriculum is designed to promote the development of children in five key areas (physical exercise, health, communication, social relationship, artistic experience, nature exploration) with the aim to promote balanced growth of both mind and body. Read more PRIMARY EDUCATION Primary education in Korea is free and compulsory providing the general rudimentary education necessary in life. Enrollment rate at primary schools is as high as 99.9%. The quantitative expansion of primary education is due to the high public zeal for education and the educational policies of the government. The sudden increase in the number of students and the migration of the rural population into cities has prompted the government to create an education tax in 1982 to finance the expansion and modernization of physical facilities and to improve the socio-economic status of teachers. As a result, the number of students per class dropped to 34.8 in 1990. Overcrowded schools have been divided into smaller ones and the double shift system of classes has been terminated. The government will continue to strive to improve primary education. With the revision of the regulation that prohibited children under six from entering primary school, even five year olds who are thought to have the ability became eligible to enter school if there is space. In addition, to expand foreign language education, English has been taught as a part of the regular curriculum starting in 1997, one hour per week for third and fourth graders, two hours per week for fifth and sixth grade students. Read more SECONDARY EDUCATION High school course in Korea consists of three years. Individuals who graduate from middle schools or pass a qualification exam and/or an assessment that offers equivalent credits can be admitted into high schools. There are four types of high schools- General High Schools, Special-Purposed High Schools, Vocational High Schools, and Autonomous High Schools. Student selection procedures differ by school types and/or school location (e.g., metropolitan or provincial areas). Students are required to pay admission fees and tuition since high school is not considered compulsory education in Korea. Read more HIGHER EDUCATION The purposes of universities and colleges are to develop students’ personality, teach and research the profound theories of science and arts necessary for the development of the nation and human society (Article 28 of the Higher Education Act). Higher education is provided to high school graduates or individuals with equivalent academic abilities approved by relevant laws in Korea, and a bachelor’s degree or a professional license is conferred to those who complete the curriculum. The years required for university graduation are two to four years for Junior Colleges and four years for universities, yet two years of preparatory courses and thus six years in total are required for the fields of medicine, traditional Asian medicine, dental, veterinary medicine, and pharmacology. Read more SPECIAL EDUCATION Special education provides relative curricula and services (e.g., counseling service, family support, treatment support, assistant personnel support, supplementary technology support, supplementary academic support, etc.) in order to meet the needs of students with diverse types of disabilities and characteristics. Kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, and high school education are compulsory education for individuals with special needs, in which free education is provided to children under three-year-olds as well as those who wish to continue education in a specific major (i.e., individuals with special needs who has a high school diploma and wants to continue studying career and vocation education). Read more USEFUL LINKS * G20 Education Report * Development of Education * Education Statistics * Education Documents and Resources * MOE(Ministry of Education) * KESS(Korean Educational Statistics Service) * KICE(Korean Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation) * NCiC(National Curriculum Information Center) Study in Korea AddThis Sharing Buttons Share to FacebookFacebookShare to TwitterTwitterShare to PrintPrintShare to EmailEmailShare to MoreAddThis ENGLISH HOME HOME | ENGLISH SITE ABOUT US OUR BUSINESS EDUCATION IN KOREA KOREAN LANGUAGE COURSES IN UK SCHOOLS KOREAN LANGUAGE COURSES TEACH IN KOREA(EPIK/TALK) STUDY IN KOREA (KGSP) TEST OF PROFICIENCY IN KOREA (TOPIK) ANNOUNCEMENT CONTACT US * 교육원 소개 * 한글학교 * 한국어 보급 * 영국교육 안내 * Study/Teach in Korea Korean Education Centre UK Korean Embassy 60 Buckingham Gate London SW1E 6AJ E. educentre@mofa.go.kr T. +44 (0)207 227 5500 Copyright © The Korean Education Centre in the UK. All right reserved Designed by J&Space 엑시터 한글학교 (Exeter Korean School) 학교주소: Fore street, Exeter, Devon. EX4 3AT 학교연락처: 07767 146673 학교이메일: mikyoungleeinengland@gmail.com 홈페이지: http://ks-exeter.org.uk 학교설립일: 2015년 7월 23일 학교장: 이미경 수업시간: 매주 일요일 오후 12시 반 – 3시 반 운영과정: 유치부 (3년), 초등부 (6년), 중등부 (3년), 고등부 (3년) 소개글: 영국의 남서부 Devon county의 수도인 Exeter와 그 외 Plymouth에 거주해서 사는 교민 2-3세와 일시거주자 등 재외국민에게 한국어, 한국역사와 문화 등을 교육하기 위해 설립된 재외국인 교육 기간입니다. 본교의 교육과정은 다문화 가정자녀와 재외동포 자녀들을 대상으로 국어, 역사, 그리고 한국문화 학습 (창작활동)으로 이루어져 있습니다. 한글학교의 설립 목적은 우리 한글을 지역사회에 알림과 동시에 특히 교민 2-3세와 재외국민 자녀들에게 한글과 한국문화을 바로 알고 배움으로써 한국인의 올바른 정체성을 키우는데 중점을 두고 있습니다. CLOSE 아버딘 한글학교 (Aberdeen Korean School) 학교주소: Multi-Faith Chaplaincy, University of Aberdeen, 25 High Street, Aberdeen, AB24 3EE 학교연락처: 07476 579132 학교이메일: deuxjaes@gmail.com 홈페이지: N/A 학교설립일: 1989년 3월 18일 학교장: 이유진 수업시간: 매주 토요일 오전 09:30 – 12:00 운영과정: 새싹반(유아반), 겨레반(다문화반), 슬기반(초등반) 소개글: 1989년 스코틀랜드 최초의 한글학교로 시작했던 아버딘한글학교가 2019년 11월 재개교 하였습니다. 한국어 및 한국의 역사, 문화, 음악, 한문 등의 교육을 통해 아버딘과 아버딘셔에 거주하는 재외동포 어린이들이 한민족으로서의 정체성을 잃지 않고 자긍심을 늘 가질 수 있도록 학교 구성원 모두 최선을 다하겠습니다. CLOSE