ryan.aftersleep.org Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://ryan.aftersleep.org/
Effective URL: https://ryan.aftersleep.org/
Submission: On September 20 via api from US — Scanned from CA

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM

GET http://duckduckgo.com/

<form method="get" id="search1" action="http://duckduckgo.com/">
  <input type="hidden" name="sites" value="http://ryan.aftersleep.org">
  <input type="text" size="8" name="q" maxlength="255" placeholder="DuckDuck">
  <input type="submit" value="Go">
  <small>searching ryan's site</small>

Name: searchGET http://wiby.org

<form name="search" id="search" method="get" action="http://wiby.org">
  <font face="arial" size="2">Search <font color="#2b2b2b">the Web for:</font>
  <input type="text" name="q" id="q" size="5" role="form" aria-label="Main search form" autofocus="">
  <input type="submit" value="wiby it!"><small>
    <center>search with <a href="https://wiby.org/">wiby</a></center>

Text Content

Thank you so much for 1 year!!!

Home - Links - Games - About Me - Blog - Updates - Community

Updated March 1, 2024 | | under a lot of construction, we will be a while

Home Links Chat Page Games About me Updates Blog Thoughts Downloads RCT Stuff
Minecraft Stuff Classic Site Community Search this site

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For a cool place to chat, check out aftersleep

every page on the site (probably) sitemap

goals: 25 thousand views, we can make it

Welcome! Welcome to.. this. This is my website. To be honest, big social media
apps suck. So, I decided to make a website. This is my website, which is under
neverending construction.

At some point in march I stumbled across dvd3000's website, and I thought it was
pretty cool. So I made my own, which is consecutively being hosted on two sites,
neocities and aftersleep.

This is the amazing thing known as my website. I post things like updates, art
(soon), and blog posts.

I update my site somewhat frequently, and I might change some things, and I
might not. I don't have a definite update schedule, so don't expect it to change
on a set time every day. I update it when I decide to, and that's that.

If you're looking for a cool community to host your own site with, come join the
aftersleep collective and create your own home on the net.

< About
< Main Page

Updates 07/06/23 Redesigned every page. It was very much needed because all of
the other pages looked out of place compared to my homepage.
08/07/23 Added the Chat Page to the sidebar. 05/05/24 Added CPU-Z Validation
banner at the bottom of the main page. Previous Updates

Latest Post: 06/15/24 - "The Bliss of Summer"


I have finally been released from the purgatorial slave machine known as school.
Well, I got off for summer break 2 weeks ago but whatever. Anyways...keep

< Read More [ blog ] Random thoughts of 04/02/24 wordpress is booty cheeks!!

So I've been thinking about this and I finally realized how trash wordpress
sites are. Warning: poorly written typo-ridden rant ahead. Prepare yourself.
Wordpress sites suck so much. i go to look at a really cool article about
something i like like for example the arcade blogger and than i see a hideous
m*dern website with like 4 buttons and everything... keep reading

< other random thoughts

Random Pages:

Ever had the sudden urge to play computer games older than you?
Well download some games here!

This website is somewhat fixed, but there is some stuff that might still be
messed up. If you find an issue, email me at ryan.brewer1334@protonmail.com.
looking for a cool community and place to host your site? check out
aftersleep.org and come chat!

[as] www . a f t e r s l e e p . org --------- u s e r s ---------- ryan [you
are here] dvd3000 3mok/searchparties userpenalties whitecat nyanezt --------- p
a g e s ---------- aftersleep index < afterweb [7:15 A.M. 24/17/24]>email me if
you actually read these

Page created Mar 20, 2023
Hit counter added Mar 22, 2023

Copyright 2023-2024 Ryan

a part of the aftersleep network

thank you for visiting