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Submitted URL: https://trucking.loans/
Effective URL: https://www.itagequipment.com/
Submission: On December 01 via api from BE — Scanned from US

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                    <div class="pb1">Jun 21, 2023</div>
                    <p>We will like to give a big thanks to Jeff Boyte and Christ green we recently buy two trailers from ITAG EQUIPMENT and I have not word to describe how easy and constable this two people make the purchase I will also have to said
                      that every one in the...</p>
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                    <p class="read-more-wrap"><span class="read-more-target"> ... office knew exactly what to do how efficient everyone was I have to mention that the company that they used to do the financial paper was amazing Tina was extremely
                        helpful and patiently help tru all the way to complete the purchase If you are considering buying an equipment dont hesitate to do it with the right people and in this matter I will recommending with my eyes closed, hoping
                        they continue the great work in the best interest of the buyers Sincerely Armando Josue And Danays Barrios </span></p>
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                    <div class="h5"><a href="https://maps.app.goo.gl/2zyHNRCDr6bjCSgdA" target="_blank" tabindex="-1">Google</a></div>
                    <div class="pb1">May 24, 2023</div>
                    <p>This company was very helpful in purchasing my drop deck. I believe what really impressed me was even though I wired them the money for the trailer Chris still called me went over all the details of the trailer from front to
                      back and ask me if I was...</p>
                    <input type="checkbox" class="read-more-state" id="" tabindex="-1">
                    <p class="read-more-wrap"><span class="read-more-target"> ... was not satisficed he would wire me the money back. Needless to say when I got the trailer I was very satisfied and everything was just like he mention.</span></p>
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">Steven Henry</div>
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                    <div class="pb1">Jan 28, 2023</div>
                    <p>The ITAG team was courteous to my concerns and they met all my expectations.</p>
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">Tinker Raasch</div>
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                    <div class="h5"><a href="https://maps.app.goo.gl/XWTV9ah8Vu8TEpH4A" target="_blank" tabindex="-1">Google</a></div>
                    <div class="pb1">Sep 11, 2024</div>
                    <p>If I could find trailers to deliver all the time I would absolutely do this with ITAG. Fast payment, easy to deal with. Kudos guys!!</p>
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">David Balay</div>
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                          data-symbol="" tabindex="0">
                    <div class="h5"><a href="https://maps.app.goo.gl/z57Tnyv2y41x3m9Z8" target="_blank" tabindex="0">Google</a></div>
                    <div class="pb1">Aug 29, 2024</div>
                    <p>Excellent communication and they will make sure meet what you need. I recommend 10/10.</p>
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">Tim Bottorff</div>
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                    <div class="h5">Google</div>
                    <div class="pb1">Aug 28, 2024</div>
                    <p>They are a pleasure to work with ,absolutely professional in every way</p>
              <div class="slick-slide slick-active" data-slick-index="3" aria-hidden="false" tabindex="-1" role="option" aria-describedby="slick-slide03" style="width: 336px;">
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">Chapman Logistics LLC</div>
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                        <div class="rating-stars" data-content="" style="width: 100%;"></div><input name="ctl00$sc$wrcc$dicc$ctl03$tsr" value="5.0" id="sc_wrcc_dicc_tsr_3" class="rating static-rating form-control hide" type="number"
                          data-symbol="" tabindex="0">
                    <div class="h5"><a href="https://maps.app.goo.gl/6H8howobW5qYKjGY9" target="_blank" tabindex="0">Google</a></div>
                    <div class="pb1">Aug 21, 2024</div>
                    <p>ITag definitely pays in one business day. I was scared because they arent brokers with a MC but they paid faster than any broker Ive dealt with. Brian was really cool and we talked on the phone for about 30 mins about life!
                      Definitely needed the talk...</p>
                    <input type="checkbox" class="read-more-state" id="post-3" tabindex="0">
                    <p class="read-more-wrap"><span class="read-more-target"> ... brother! Thanks!!</span></p>
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">Claritza Latorre</div>
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                        <div class="rating-stars" data-content="" style="width: 100%;"></div><input name="ctl00$sc$wrcc$dicc$ctl04$tsr" value="5.0" id="sc_wrcc_dicc_tsr_4" class="rating static-rating form-control hide" type="number"
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                    <div class="h5"><a href="https://maps.app.goo.gl/D7H6LcGonanXsPHC6" target="_blank" tabindex="-1">Google</a></div>
                    <div class="pb1">Aug 21, 2024</div>
                    <p>We highly recommend them, they did an amazing job! The team was professional, efficient, and exceeded our expectations. Thank you Claritza and Mike!</p>
              <div class="slick-slide" data-slick-index="5" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" role="option" aria-describedby="slick-slide05" style="width: 336px;">
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">Sinan Chik</div>
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                        <div class="rating-stars" data-content="" style="width: 100%;"></div><input name="ctl00$sc$wrcc$dicc$ctl05$tsr" value="5.0" id="sc_wrcc_dicc_tsr_5" class="rating static-rating form-control hide" type="number"
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                    <div class="h5"><a href="https://maps.app.goo.gl/zm8W1XeGJ9dqP3fx6" target="_blank" tabindex="-1">Google</a></div>
                    <div class="pb1">Aug 20, 2024</div>
                    <p>ITag helped me a lot. Find the trailer, registration etc they are great guys. Thank you very much </p>
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">Meredith McKinney</div>
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                        <div class="rating-stars" data-content="" style="width: 100%;"></div><input name="ctl00$sc$wrcc$dicc$ctl06$tsr" value="5.0" id="sc_wrcc_dicc_tsr_6" class="rating static-rating form-control hide" type="number"
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                    <div class="h5"><a href="https://maps.app.goo.gl/HDLvKoU1pDJpJr1P7" target="_blank" tabindex="-1">Google</a></div>
                    <div class="pb1">Aug 20, 2024</div>
                    <p>ITAG was easy to work with and we received payment in a timely manner via ACH, normally we use factoring companies, but we trusted ITAG and they followed through</p>
              <div class="slick-slide" data-slick-index="7" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" role="option" aria-describedby="slick-slide07" style="width: 336px;">
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">Johnny Springer</div>
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                        <div class="rating-stars" data-content="" style="width: 100%;"></div><input name="ctl00$sc$wrcc$dicc$ctl07$tsr" value="5.0" id="sc_wrcc_dicc_tsr_7" class="rating static-rating form-control hide" type="number"
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                    <div class="h5"><a href="https://maps.app.goo.gl/UmGeV3czsq9UDGqn8" target="_blank" tabindex="-1">Google</a></div>
                    <div class="pb1">Aug 16, 2024</div>
                    <p>I deliver a trailer for them everyone that I had talked to was very nice as soon as I delivered the trailer to their customer they had paid with then 30 minutes to an hour of deliver great people they responded back to you as
                      soon as possible</p>
              <div class="slick-slide" data-slick-index="8" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" role="option" aria-describedby="slick-slide08" style="width: 336px;">
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">Joe Praker</div>
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                        <div class="rating-stars" data-content="" style="width: 100%;"></div><input name="ctl00$sc$wrcc$dicc$ctl08$tsr" value="5.0" id="sc_wrcc_dicc_tsr_8" class="rating static-rating form-control hide" type="number"
                          data-symbol="" tabindex="-1">
                    <div class="h5"><a href="https://maps.app.goo.gl/gQMJhDgQDzMbVFbf8" target="_blank" tabindex="-1">Google</a></div>
                    <div class="pb1">Aug 15, 2024</div>
                    <p>I would like to share a positive experience I had with buying a gooseneck trailer from ITAG, I appreciate the straight up approach to the price no hassle with back and forth. All departments work well together to keep the
                      process flowing smoothly. I...</p>
                    <input type="checkbox" class="read-more-state" id="post-8" tabindex="-1">
                    <p class="read-more-wrap"><span class="read-more-target"> ... also had the experience of selling a trailer to ITAG and the process was seemless again. Thank you to all of the folks that helped me in my dealings with ITAG. I would
                        definitely recommend them for any trailer needs. Thanks again, joe p.</span></p>
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">Ty Anthony</div>
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                          data-symbol="" tabindex="-1">
                    <div class="h5"><a href="https://maps.app.goo.gl/uKoxHCihMngBUgMB9" target="_blank" tabindex="-1">Google</a></div>
                    <div class="pb1">Aug 14, 2024</div>
                    <p>Bryan and the team at iTAG Equipment was great to work with. All processes were completed in a timely manner and helped us secure the equipment needed for our customer. Thank you for the iTAG Equipment Team.</p>
              <div class="slick-slide" data-slick-index="10" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" role="option" aria-describedby="slick-slide010" style="width: 336px;">
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">Thomas Lunik</div>
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                        <div class="rating-stars" data-content="" style="width: 100%;"></div><input name="ctl00$sc$wrcc$dicc$ctl10$tsr" value="5.0" id="sc_wrcc_dicc_tsr_10" class="rating static-rating form-control hide" type="number"
                          data-symbol="" tabindex="-1">
                    <div class="h5"><a href="https://maps.app.goo.gl/iAwRVHBATUZRYu4F6" target="_blank" tabindex="-1">Google</a></div>
                    <div class="pb1">Aug 14, 2024</div>
                    <p>Great group of folks who helped us out with a used trailer!</p>
              <div class="slick-slide" data-slick-index="11" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" role="option" aria-describedby="slick-slide011" style="width: 336px;">
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">Todd Oshel</div>
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                        <div class="rating-stars" data-content="" style="width: 100%;"></div><input name="ctl00$sc$wrcc$dicc$ctl11$tsr" value="5.0" id="sc_wrcc_dicc_tsr_11" class="rating static-rating form-control hide" type="number"
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                    <div class="h5"><a href="https://maps.app.goo.gl/jh1ceA5294a6ht1v5" target="_blank" tabindex="-1">Google</a></div>
                    <div class="pb1">Aug 5, 2024</div>
                    <p>A+ Company to work with! Landon and Bryan both were very communicative about all the details. I did a power only flatbed move for them and was paid by ACH the next day. Will definitely do business with these guys again.</p>
              <div class="slick-slide" data-slick-index="12" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" role="option" aria-describedby="slick-slide012" style="width: 336px;">
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">Vikki Church</div>
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                    <div class="h5"><a href="https://maps.app.goo.gl/8oytbPevS6MEpjCPA" target="_blank" tabindex="-1">Google</a></div>
                    <div class="pb1">Aug 5, 2024</div>
                    <p>Our company purchased a new 2025 Dura Haul trailer. The process was very smooth, they kept us informed and their customer service was excellent. We would definitely buy from them again!! Thank you!!</p>
              <div class="slick-slide" data-slick-index="13" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" role="option" aria-describedby="slick-slide013" style="width: 336px;">
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">Vu Nguyen</div>
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                        <div class="rating-stars" data-content="" style="width: 100%;"></div><input name="ctl00$sc$wrcc$dicc$ctl13$tsr" value="5.0" id="sc_wrcc_dicc_tsr_13" class="rating static-rating form-control hide" type="number"
                          data-symbol="" tabindex="-1">
                    <div class="h5"><a href="https://maps.app.goo.gl/NrVX55EQHWPMpxYN8" target="_blank" tabindex="-1">Google</a></div>
                    <div class="pb1">Aug 5, 2024</div>
                    <p>Ive been working with iTAG for 5 years now and heres what I have to say about them. They stand behind their trailers, they are very transparent with the conditions and photos of the trailers, and their customer service is
                      outstanding. Not to...</p>
                    <input type="checkbox" class="read-more-state" id="post-13" tabindex="-1">
                    <p class="read-more-wrap"><span class="read-more-target"> ... mentioned that their prices and are very competitive. Its hard finding a used trailer dealers that has the level of integrity like iTAG Equipment. I would doubt
                        recommend them for your next trailer purchase.</span></p>
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              <div class="slick-slide" data-slick-index="14" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" role="option" aria-describedby="slick-slide014" style="width: 336px;">
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">Jacob Long</div>
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                        <div class="rating-stars" data-content="" style="width: 100%;"></div><input name="ctl00$sc$wrcc$dicc$ctl14$tsr" value="5.0" id="sc_wrcc_dicc_tsr_14" class="rating static-rating form-control hide" type="number"
                          data-symbol="" tabindex="-1">
                    <div class="h5"><a href="https://maps.app.goo.gl/wFXzH3BkMaWMCL859" target="_blank" tabindex="-1">Google</a></div>
                    <div class="pb1">Aug 2, 2024</div>
                    <p>I have absolutely nothing but good things to say about my experience with Itag Equipment. They are my go to source for trailers for our company. They are prompt, professional, thorough, and very helpful. We have and will
                      continue to use them in the...</p>
                    <input type="checkbox" class="read-more-state" id="post-14" tabindex="-1">
                    <p class="read-more-wrap"><span class="read-more-target"> ... future as they are one of the best suppliers I've ever worked with.</span></p>
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">Clint Van Vliet</div>
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                        <div class="rating-stars" data-content="" style="width: 100%;"></div><input name="ctl00$sc$wrcc$dicc$ctl15$tsr" value="5.0" id="sc_wrcc_dicc_tsr_15" class="rating static-rating form-control hide" type="number"
                          data-symbol="" tabindex="-1">
                    <div class="h5"><a href="https://maps.app.goo.gl/aSGAJNsKCmcH6sTV9" target="_blank" tabindex="-1">Google</a></div>
                    <div class="pb1">Aug 2, 2024</div>
                    <p>I purchased a trailer and only saw pictures from the website. From what I could see from the pictures it looked like a nice trailer. The gentleman told me it was a really nice trailer and I took there word for it! I traveled
                      from Oregon to Texas to...</p>
                    <input type="checkbox" class="read-more-state" id="post-15" tabindex="-1">
                    <p class="read-more-wrap"><span class="read-more-target"> ... pick it up and I was very impressed with the trailer. It was everything and then some what they told it was. Everyone was super helpful and honest . I definitely
                        recommend buying from ITAG. Thank you for all the help!!</span></p>
                    <label for="post-15" class="read-more-trigger"></label>
              <div class="slick-slide" data-slick-index="16" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" role="option" aria-describedby="slick-slide016" style="width: 336px;">
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">Matt Wilson</div>
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                    <div class="pb1">Aug 2, 2024</div>
                    <p>I was apprehensive about buying a step deck sight unseen, ITAG made it easy. They were quick to respond even after the sale, my title work came promptly, they assisted me with delivery, just a first- class bunch of folks and a
                      great experience.</p>
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">Diana Paredes</div>
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                    <div class="pb1">Aug 1, 2024</div>
                    <p>It was the first time me and my husband bought a trailer out of state without putting eyes on it first. The whole team were beyond amazing. The communication was out of this world. We would definitely go back to ITag in the
                      future. They made the...</p>
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                    <p class="read-more-wrap"><span class="read-more-target"> ... process smooth and easy.</span></p>
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">Pedro A Curi Mon</div>
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                    <div class="pb1">Jul 18, 2024</div>
                    <p>I recently sold some trailers through ITAG Equipment, and the experience was outstanding. From start to finish, their team was professional, knowledgeable, and incredibly helpful. They made the entire process smooth and
                      stress-free, providing...</p>
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                    <p class="read-more-wrap"><span class="read-more-target"> ... excellent communication and support at every step. I was impressed with their expertise in the market and their dedication to getting me the best deal possible. If
                        youre looking to sell or buy trailers, I highly recommend ITAG Equipment for their top-notch service and commitment to customer satisfaction. Thank you for a fantastic experience!</span></p>
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">Corban Hairston</div>
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                    <div class="pb1">Jul 5, 2024</div>
                    <p>A Strong two thumbs up for the professionalism and support I received throughout this experience. They took a, what could have been a frustrating experience and walked with me every step of the way. Great teamwork Jeff and
                      Shelley! As my company grow...</p>
                    <input type="checkbox" class="read-more-state" id="post-19" tabindex="-1">
                    <p class="read-more-wrap"><span class="read-more-target"> ..., I will return!</span></p>
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">Jason Fagan</div>
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                    <div class="pb1">Jul 5, 2024</div>
                    <p>Great company to work with. The service was great and I highly recommend them!</p>
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">Dondi Reynolds</div>
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                    <div class="pb1">Apr 23, 2024</div>
                    <p>Absolutely wonderful most professional</p>
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">Troy Swindell</div>
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                    <div class="pb1">Apr 18, 2024</div>
                    <p>Very great people to deal with and quick payment wish all the freight brokers were this easy and great to deal with !</p>
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">Matthew Baker</div>
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                    <div class="pb1">Apr 16, 2024</div>
                    <p>They were great to deal with. They kept me informed during the whole process and called to make sure it was delivered and I was happy with it. Would do business with them again. Thanks</p>
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">Shapialevich Natallia</div>
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                    <div class="pb1">Apr 10, 2024</div>
                    <p>Very professional team. Thank you guys for the work, everything was done very quickly and smoothly, despite the fact that the title was under lien. Everything went well. Recommended, especially thanks to Andy (financing ) and
                      Jeff (sales )</p>
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">Nathan Unruh</div>
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                    <div class="pb1">Sep 7, 2023</div>
                    <p>They did a good job of listing my trailer and finding a buyer. A deal went through quickly and the money was in my account immediately.</p>
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">Chris and LaToya Bell</div>
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                    <div class="pb1">Sep 1, 2023</div>
                    <p>I was so nervous about working with this company.... but they assured me every step of the way that the deal would work out and IT DID. I would definitely use them again. It was a pleasure</p>
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">Danays Barrios</div>
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                    <div class="pb1">Jun 21, 2023</div>
                    <p>We will like to give a big thanks to Jeff Boyte and Christ green we recently buy two trailers from ITAG EQUIPMENT and I have not word to describe how easy and constable this two people make the purchase I will also have to said
                      that every one in the...</p>
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                    <p class="read-more-wrap"><span class="read-more-target"> ... office knew exactly what to do how efficient everyone was I have to mention that the company that they used to do the financial paper was amazing Tina was extremely
                        helpful and patiently help tru all the way to complete the purchase If you are considering buying an equipment dont hesitate to do it with the right people and in this matter I will recommending with my eyes closed, hoping
                        they continue the great work in the best interest of the buyers Sincerely Armando Josue And Danays Barrios </span></p>
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">David Hardin</div>
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                    <div class="pb1">May 24, 2023</div>
                    <p>This company was very helpful in purchasing my drop deck. I believe what really impressed me was even though I wired them the money for the trailer Chris still called me went over all the details of the trailer from front to
                      back and ask me if I was...</p>
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                    <p class="read-more-wrap"><span class="read-more-target"> ... was not satisficed he would wire me the money back. Needless to say when I got the trailer I was very satisfied and everything was just like he mention.</span></p>
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">Steven Henry</div>
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                    <div class="pb1">Jan 28, 2023</div>
                    <p>The ITAG team was courteous to my concerns and they met all my expectations.</p>
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">Tinker Raasch</div>
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                    <div class="pb1">Sep 11, 2024</div>
                    <p>If I could find trailers to deliver all the time I would absolutely do this with ITAG. Fast payment, easy to deal with. Kudos guys!!</p>
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">David Balay</div>
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                    <div class="pb1">Aug 29, 2024</div>
                    <p>Excellent communication and they will make sure meet what you need. I recommend 10/10.</p>
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                  <div class="h5" style="margin-bottom: 0">Tim Bottorff</div>
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                    <div class="pb1">Aug 28, 2024</div>
                    <p>They are a pleasure to work with ,absolutely professional in every way</p>
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        <h2 class="color--black">Financing</h2>
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          <p>We have put much thought into what company we use to offer our customer base financing options. After many years of working with hundreds of finance companies nationwide, we have narrowed it down to one option. Here is a secure link to
            the finance application that includes a detailed overview of some requirements and could help you decide if our finance option is right for you. <a href="/financing" class="">www.itagequipment.com/financing</a> </p>
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                            <h2 class="color--black">Truck, Trailer &amp; Equipment Sales Process</h2>
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                            <p>At ITAG, we have two different options when buying a used <a href="/trucks-for-sale-i2c0f0m0">semi truck</a> or <a href="/trailers-for-sale-i3c0f0m0">used semi-trailer</a>. Used heavy equipment or construction equipment is for sale the same two ways. We have a retail side with units on-site and a wholesale online side with equipment that is not on-site. ITAG has satellite partner locations throughout the lower 48 states, but the yard location at 4400 Blue Mound Road, Fort Worth, TX 76106, is currently the only ITAG-stocked location. We are a licensed, bonded, and insured semi-trailer dealer in Texas. We also sell our products worldwide and can offer shipping to the U.S. port of your choice and ocean shipping to the port in your country. We have a limited selection of on-site units at the Fort Worth, TX, facility, and our online selection is vastly better stocked and priced but not on-site in Fort Worth, TX. ITAG's online truck, trailer, and equipment selection are sold at wholesale prices and terms.</p>
							<p>Not shipping and stocking every unit we have online allows us to offer you a better price. Most customers find the most value in our off-site online selection as the pricing is attractive. The downside to our off-site selection is that you do have to be comfortable buying off of pictures, videos, and specs, as they are not available for viewing. If you are not comfortable buying a product solely by looking at images, then you would need to pick from the selection we have on site. If we have nothing in stock you like, and you aren't comfortable buying on pictures, then we are sorry, but you would need to find another seller with what you want in stock and readily available for you to look at. Not much different than any store these days; if the store doesn't have it in stock, you go to the next store, and if nobody has what you like in stock, you buy it online or wait till a store does have what you want in stock and on the shelf.</p>
							<p><b>How does it work if I find what I like on your website and am ready to buy?</b>You'll have to call or msg in to speak with a sales rep. You'll be well-prepared and knowledgeable about how everything works with us if you read everything on this page. Once an item is picked out and you're happy with your sales rep, we'll send you a quote via DocuSign. We use DocuSign to send out all quotes as they use &quot;<a href="https://www.docusign.com/trust/security/protect-sign" class="" target="_blank">AES 256-bit encryption or the most recent FIPS-approved methods</a>&quot;This helps protect the information we are sending you and limits the possibility of a hacker getting in between you and us with sensitive payment instructions.</p>
							<p>The DocuSign purchase agreement will detail what we have described above and below, the unit you are purchasing, the amount, terms and conditions, and our payment instructions. If you are financing, this is what your financier will need to get started on the loan documents. Your financier will need other documents and information from us, so please give the name, number, and email address of whom you are working with to your sales rep so we can add them to your file and get them whatever they need. Be sure to ask your sales rep any questions or requests for more information and that you receive it and are comfortable with it before sending your funds or authorizing the finance folks to send the funds. Most all finance companies require verbal authorization as the last step before sending funds. Once you allow the finance company to send the funds, we will be paid and work quickly to button up the deal. If you are a cash customer, call us before sending your funds and ask for the accounting department so you can verify the payment instructions verbally with us. Verbal verification of payment instructions to whom you send funds is crucial, regardless of whom you buy from if you transfer funds. It would be best if you googled whom you were doing business with and made sure the number you are calling matches the number on their Google profile, emails to you, and their website. Verify that the sales rep you are speaking with works at the company and that the account number, routing number, and name on the account all match with whom you are doing business. This best practice technique will help keep you safe. Read all the information on this page and the product listing, ask questions and receive more pictures, videos, and specifications until you are comfortable making the purchase!</p>
							<p>ITAG shipping rates are kept at our cost to provide the best and most affordable shipping options. 99% of everything we sell, even the on-site inventory, is sold sight unseen, and we deliver, or the customer picks it up. The tractor trucks and semi-trailers at our Fort Worth, TX, location are readily available to inspect. Suppose on the listing it says located in Online Wholesale Deal, TX. In that case, this means it is a private party deal that we are administering the sale of but not located with us in Fort Worth, TX, and could be located anywhere across the lower 48 states.</p>
							<p>We do not give address information to off-site units for pre-inspections for several reasons, mainly because it is not ITAG property. We have tried this in the past and have had customers go to off-site locations and damage property, get into arguments with our vendors, or our vendors have items come up missing. Our insurance only covers ITAG locations as well. Lastly, we put in a ton of effort and resources to put these deals together. Our staff of 12+ personnel can't work for free, and we are not interested in getting cut out of a deal. We are consistently at the top of the rankings for most of our products. You don't get to the top of search rankings quickly by spending little time and effort. Thousands of dealers across the country need to be more effective in this area. To be near the top requires much capital, thought, and care to provide a high-quality and authoritative website. We must be protected and successfully put deals together to make it all work. Our process is time-tested and has proven effective at putting deals together. While we understand everyone might not agree with our approach, it is in place for good reason.</p>
							<p>We provide as many pictures, specifications, and videos as you need to be comfortable with your online sight-unseen purchase. It is your responsibility to ask us and ensure you receive any additional images, specifications, measurements, or video that you need to be comfortable with your purchase before sending us any funds or authorizing the finance company, bank, investor, friend, or family to send the funds. Only send us funds if you are comfortable buying online and on pictures. Only authorize another party to send us funds if you are comfortable buying online and on photos. You are in control of whether or not you do business with us. Our job is to work hard to get you comfortable with your purchase. You must look at the pictures we have listed thoroughly, zoom in on each image, look for areas of concern and, ask us questions, ask for more detailed pictures if needed. On the videos we post, we slow down the speed of each video to showcase the product for sale as best as we can. We do our best to list any areas we think are concerning or damaged. If the unit is an older item or near the low end of market pricing, it is usually for a reason! Old and cheap do not equal quality. We do an exhaustive process on the back end with <a href="https://www.nicb.org/vincheck" class="" target="_blank">VIN audits</a>, title audits, stolen/salvage, and wrecked database checks to ensure the product we have represented is as accurate as humanly possible. If we find any discrepancies in our reports, we will call to let you know before the deal is completed. As of August 2022, we provide you with a final phone call to give you one last opportunity not to make the sale and get your money back.</p>
							<p>After the final phone call and you verbally agree/authorize us to purchase the product, it is yours. If, for some reason, we cannot connect with you for a final call, then your purchase agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the deal. Please read it and understand it. If you have any questions about anything, let us know. ITAG does not offer a return policy, no refunds, and no ITAG paying your shop, repair, or tire bills. The pictures provided are what you have bought off of. If no additional pictures, specs, or info was requested before you sent your funds, then it is what it is, and we are not responsible for anything wrong with the product that a picture was not provided for. There is much you cannot see in an image, from seals to bearings to spindles to all sides of the tires, nooks, and crannies that could have cracks, welds, or something wrong, and we are not responsible for what cannot be seen in a picture. We recommend having a maintenance budget set aside before purchasing. Upon purchasing a used piece of equipment, prudent maintenance items are regularly greasing, replacement of seals and bearings, oil replacement, shocks, checking the inner lining of drums, brake adjustment, all sides of the tires, and more. Other items a maintenance budget could be good for after purchasing used equipment are tires, brakes, drums, welding that might be needed, and accessories. Write it down when you perform these functions, and keep a log of your maintenance records. A detailed <a href="https://greatdane.com/flatbed-trailer-maintenance-tips/" class="" target="_blank">maintenance</a> schedule will extend the life of your equipment and keep your downtime to a minimum.</p>
							<p>We don't sell our products promising to pass an inspection of any kind or guarantee that it is "legal" for the road. We sell a wide variety of equipment that ranges in age, condition, and price, so only some items are ready to hit the road with no issues or fixes. These days inspections are so subjective that we can no longer offer this, as anyone can find a shop to make a trailer pass inspection, and anyone can find a shop that can make a trailer not pass inspection. We can try to get you a copy of the most recent inspection but cannot promise it will pass your inspection. A few bad apples have ruined it for the bunch on this one.</p>
							<p>While we strive for accuracy, we can make listing errors from time to time. If any mistakes are made, we are not responsible. You are advised that we sell used, as-is, where-is equipment, and used equipment can be problematic, and repairs can be costly. If, after sending your funds, you want to avoid going through with the purchase, you need to let us know immediately and on the final call. We are the only dealer in the country that performs this extensive process with our customers to ensure all our customers understand our process, what they are purchasing, and the terms of the deal. Some may see this as anti-sell or not the way to get customers, but we see this as an essential part of our process. We did not make it 12+ years in business by doing bad deals with folks, and we aren't going to make another 12 if we don't do our best. We want to earn your business and are confident that if you can give us 1% of your trust, we'll work hard to earn the remaining 99%.</p>
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        <h2 class="color--black">Commercial Equipment 3rd Party Inspections</h2>
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        <p>Typical inspection cost runs from around <b>$300-$500</b> (USD) depending on location and inspector availability. ITAG uses <a href="http://www.nationalinspect.com/" class="" target="_blank">www.nationalinspect.com</a> for most of our
          third-party inspections. If you need example reports to see what kind of bang for your buck you'll get on the examination, please let us know. It is your choice to decide whether or not you want to purchase a third-party inspection. ITAG
          only provides these inspections if you desire and pay for one. Inspection times can prolong the deal. All units are subject to prior sale, and we do not take deposits, so this is something to consider before opting for a 3rd party
          inspection. If you have picked out a desirable unit where we have 5-10 other interested parties on it, there is no sense in getting a 3rd party inspection as it'll be sold and gone before the review is completed. It is best to pick a
          middle-of-the-road-priced unit if a 3rd party inspection is vital to you, increasing the chance that another party doesn't purchase the unit before you can complete an inspection. All third-party inspections are coordinated through us, and
          we provide you with the report after it is completed. If the equipment is no longer available before the inspection report is completed or before you decide to complete your purchase, then the cost of the report will not be refunded.</p>
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        <h2 class="color--black">Commercial Equipment Shipping &amp; Delivery</h2>
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        <p>ITAG shipping rates on all open deck semi-trailers range from <b>$900-$2,500</b> as a load-out rate depending on the distance and pickup/drop-off locations. Open deck semi-trailers vary from flatbeds to drop decks to lowboys to extendable
          flatbed trailers to double drop deck trailers to step deck trailers to most any kind of trailer with a flat deck on it can be loaded out. You are essentially ride-sharing with available loads that can be put on the trailer en route to your
          location. We offer doorstep delivery if you have a good GPS address that shows on map apps like Google, Apple, and trucker GPS systems. If you are buying a low-quality unit, more risks are associated with the delivery, and additional costs,
          such as DOT inspections and repairs along the way, are at your expense. Expedited shipping on these 18-wheeler trailers is available as well. Expedited shipping typically runs from as low as $3 a mile to as much as $5 a mile, depending on
          location and semi-truck driver availability. The prices of fuel and equipment cost can make the cost of shipping go up and down. In the past couple of years pricing of everything has gone through the roof due to inflation. Over time the
          <a href="https://truckstop.com/blog/understand-rising-trucker-costs/" class="" target="_blank">shipping rates could go down or rise higher</a>. The estimated rates quoted here are as of October 2022.</p>
        <p><b>What affects the price of shipping and the time it takes to deliver?</b> Several factors include the weather, pickup location, drop-off location, driver availability, load availability, rate compared to the general market rates, and the
          rate compared to the local market rates for that pickup or drop-off location. Rate means the amount of money the load is posted at. If the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex typically offers $1-2K+ for load-outs and your rate is below that, we
          will receive little interest. If we come out of Gillette, WY, the local going rate might be less.</p>
        <p>We are also looking for carriers with trucks but no trailers, so driver availability could be a factor. There might be many drivers in that area, but they all have trailers hauling general freight. We are looking for an empty truck to
          marry to an empty trailer with all the proper insurance and requirements. If the rate is high enough, at times, you'll convince a carrier with a trailer to park his trailer and accept the load on the chance that they think they can make the
          run worthwhile. You can get lucky when a trucker is already going in that direction empty, and they will take the load cheaply because they were going that way anyways. Trucking is costly, and owner-operators are intelligent people who
          often refuse to run cheap freight. Their equipment is expensive, and their time is valuable, so understandably so. If you chose the load-out option, the number of loads available to put on or in the trailer could be a factor. If the loads
          going your direction aren't paying a reasonable rate to go that direction, then it might not be a desirable lane, and we will have a challenging time getting it delivered.</p>
        <p>The distance between pickup and drop off, fuel prices in between, or tolls could play a factor. In the northeast corner of the U.S.,
          <a href="https://tollguru.com/calculate-commercial-truck-toll-rates/" class="" target="_blank">tolls are costly</a>, and if the rate doesn't cover the cost, nobody will call in interested in making the delivery. If the deadhead miles from
          the pickup or drop-off area are too far apart, that can play a factor too. The rate has to be commensurate with the time, fuel, load availability, deadhead miles involved, tolls, equipment type needed, equipment condition, driver
          knowledgable with the equipment hauled, and so much more. If you have bought an old crappy-looking product, finding a carrier willing to risk their MVR, authority, and reputation to pull a crappy-looking trailer will take much work. We can
          load it on top of a <a href="/flatbed-trailers-for-sale-i3c200f0m0" class="" target="">flatbed</a> or drop deck to haul it to you if it is a truck. The truck must be able to drive onto the trailer, or we have to find a carrier with a
          trailer with a winch on it that could pull it onto the deck. Loading one trailer on top of another can be more costly with crane or rotator cost to get them out there to load it and then again at the drop-off location to unload it. If
          you're still reading this far, you see that many factors are at play when shipping commercial equipment.</p>
        <p>Other types of used semi-trailers we sell, such as <a href="/end-dump-trailers-for-sale-i3c198f0m0" class="">end dump trailers</a>, grain hopper trailers, or side dump trailers, are more challenging to ship via load-out rates. Trailers
          that cannot be loaded out can only be shipped via the power-only option, which is the <b>$3 - $5 a mile rate</b>. Trucks can be sent one of two ways. A <a href="https://teamdriveaway.com/" class="" target="_blank">drive-away</a> is where it
          is driven to you by a CDL driver, or the semi-truck can be loaded onto a trailer and shipped to you. Depending on the trailer type, additional loading or unloading costs could be required, such as cranes or a rotator to load the item.</p>
        <p>Heavy equipment, construction equipment, or cranes for sale will vary in shipping rates depending on the disassembly or reassembly cost or special permits needed. Permits can range from over width to overweight to over height to escorts
          required. We will advise you of the equipment shipping cost according to the purchase. Overseas ocean shipping to any seaport in the world can be complex and require additional fees. Document fees, getting the equipment into the port,
          ensuring it is clean and free from leaks, and it can start and drive itself onto the ship. If it cannot operate under its own power, you could have a cost to break it down and load it inside a container and the cost of the container. Ocean
          shipping is primarily based on dimensions and weight, so the taller, broader, and heavier it is, the more it will cost to ship!</p>
        <p>We only use A or B-rated commercial carriers and as competent and knowledgeable truckers as possible to deliver our customer's products. We ensure they have proper trucking insurance coverage and commercially licensed truck drivers for
          pulling the trailer. We collect several documents from each carrier, including proof of authority, a certificate of insurance, a copy of the driver's ID, a picture of their truck, and a voided check with the company name and address on it
          that matches the other reviewed information we have, such as insurance certificate, trucking databases, and proof of authority paperwork. The tags we provide each driver are good for the days they have to deliver. On each rate confirmation,
          we have the authorization to debit their account for any violations of our rate confirmation document. We require that ITAG is listed as a certificate holder on each certificate of insurance. We call each carrier's insurance agent and
          insurer to verify policy numbers, active insurance, and the required insurance coverage. Each trucking company is thoroughly vetted to ensure only the highest quality carriers are used to deliver your equipment purchased. This meticulous
          process has been hammered out over many years of delivering equipment across the country. We didn't create all this red tape out of thin air to make things difficult or slow, but every requirement we have in place is from a challenging and
          likely expensive lesson learned in the past. We staff dedicated in-house shipping personnel to manage and coordinate our deliveries. Our shipping process is not outsourced to a third party or a shipping broker.</p>
        <p>Shipping and delivery times cannot be promised or guaranteed by anyone at ITAG. All deliveries depend on several factors, from the weather to driver availability to load availability to pickup and delivery locations to many factors outside
          the control of ITAG. You are welcome to pick up the purchased truck, trailer, or equipment yourself anytime after the purchase is complete. If you need your equipment earlier than ITAG can provide, you are encouraged to pick it up or hire
          another party to deliver it. ITAG delivery options and estimated pricing are just some shipping options available, as many other nationwide carriers offer these same services. Our shipping option is likely the cheapest as we do not mark up
          the freight as our only interest is getting units delivered as fast as possible. Shipping is more challenging than throwing it on a load board and getting it picked up. There are a lot of
          <a href="https://www.dat.com/blog/trucking-scams-how-brokers-and-carriers-can-protect-themselves&quot;&quot;" class="" target="_blank">pitfalls, scams, and bad carriers</a> to know how to avoid. Then you must understand how to navigate the
          problems and successfully get out of a hairy situation with a poor quality carrier. We have put in the work and many years of failures to create the shipping process we have in place today.</p>
        <p>We also maintain an A Experience Factor Rating with <a href="TruckStop.com" class="" target="_blank">TruckStop.com</a> with a 1-days-to-pay payment rating. This rating shows potential carriers that we are a quality shipper to work with and
          that they will be paid for their services on the same day. Our rating and relationships with carriers are vital to get products picked up and delivered to our customer base. Nobody would want to ship our product if we had a bad rating or an
          undesirable days-to-pay factor. We must provide references every quarter to <a href="TruckStop.com" class="" target="_blank">TruckStop.com</a> with five recent carriers that delivered for us so they can verify their experience with us and
          amount of days it took us to pay them. Maintaining quality carrier relationships and the systems we have in place to continuously have an A+ experience with each carrier and a 1-day-to-pay rating requires doing many little things right!</p>
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                            <h2 class="color--black">Semi Truck | Tractor Truck | 18 Wheeler Warranty</h2>
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                            <p>ITAG offers third-party <a href="/day-cab-semi-trucks-for-sale-i2c54f0m0">semi truck</a> warranty packages via Truck Masters Warranty Programs on used tractor trucks that vary in availability and price. Semi-Truck warranty availability and price varies based on year model, ECM verified miles, overall inspection, and truck condition. Only some 18-wheeler trucks qualify. We will advise you of the Truck warranty cost and availability. We do not provide warranties or guarantees if you do not purchase a third-party warranty. All purchases are sold as-is, where-is, and any third-party warranty you buy would be between you and the company providing you the warranty.</p>
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        <h2 class="color--white">Mission Statement</h2>
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            <p>Our mission statement is simple.</p>
            <h3>“To do good deals with good people!”</h3>
            <p>We do not sacrifice our desire to do good deals with folks for any profit. It's more to us than just a solid one-liner to stand behind or a cheesy line that sounds good. It's the ITAG way of life. We have a great staff of good, honest,
              and hardworking folks at ITAG who go home to their families each night knowing that the customers they served that day got a good fair deal. Knowing they didn't have to lie or bamboozle anyone to "make a sale." We all work together to
              provide the best buying experience we can offer. Nobody is perfect, and we might mess up sometimes, but it's not from a lack of effort or malicious intent. When we are doing good honest deals with our vendors, customers, carriers,
              subcontractors, and beyond, we trust that people will respect that and want to continue doing business with us. We are a Veteran owned company and offer military discounts to all U.S. Citizens who have honorably served our country in
              the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps.<br>
              <br> If you can’t do the little things right. You’ll never be able to do the big things right! ~ Semper Fi <a href="https://youtu.be/mMEq0r97T_k" class="" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/mMEq0r97T_k</a>
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        <h2 class="color--black">Terms and Conditions</h2>
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        <p>All units sold are under as-is, where-is terms and conditions detailed in the quote document we send out on each purchased unit. We strive to list all items for sale as accurately as possible. However, specifications, prices, and
          descriptions are subject to change in photographs and videos at any time, with or without notice. INDEMNIFICATION OF BUYER, CONSIGNEE, CONSIGNOR, AGENT, OR BROKER: Buyer shall indemnify, protect and hold harmless the Seller, its agents,
          servants, successors, and assigns from and against all losses, damages, injuries, claims, demands, and expenses, including legal costs, of whatever nature, arising out of the use, condition or operation of any item of the equipment,
          regardless of where, how and by whom operated. Buyer shall assume the settling of and the defense of any suits or other legal proceedings. The indemnification and assumptions of liability and obligation herein provided shall continue in
          full force and effect notwithstanding the termination of this agreement, whether by the expiration of time, by operation of law, or otherwise. By use of this website or any other site our equipment is listed on that results in a purchase of
          any kind, you agree to all our terms and conditions. All final terms are explicitly stated in our purchase agreement. Whether signed or not signed, read or not read, our purchase agreement and terms here within are agreed upon once funds
          are sent to ITAG Equipment to purchase any item or service sold or offered by ITAG Equipment, its agents, brokers, employees, subsidiaries, or affiliates. Additional Terms and Conditions can be found on our Terms and Conditions page at:
          <a href="/termsandconditions" class="">https://www.itagequipment.com/termsandconditions</a></p>
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ITAG Benefits: Licensed, Bonded & Insured | Family-Operated & Veteran-Owned |
Competitive Pricing & Finance | SBA Veteran-Owned Certified. We carry a wide
selection of inventory at great pricing and deliver nationwide. We are a Veteran
Owned Business and work incredibly hard to do good deals with folks and earn
your business!

Browse around the site, find a few items you like and give us a call. We are
here Monday thru Saturday 9am - 6pm to help you with all your semi trailer or
heavy equipment shopping needs. We hope to exceed your expectations from start
to finish!









Danays Barrios
Jun 21, 2023

We will like to give a big thanks to Jeff Boyte and Christ green we recently buy
two trailers from ITAG EQUIPMENT and I have not word to describe how easy and
constable this two people make the purchase I will also have to said that every
one in the...

... office knew exactly what to do how efficient everyone was I have to mention
that the company that they used to do the financial paper was amazing Tina was
extremely helpful and patiently help tru all the way to complete the purchase If
you are considering buying an equipment dont hesitate to do it with the right
people and in this matter I will recommending with my eyes closed, hoping they
continue the great work in the best interest of the buyers Sincerely Armando
Josue And Danays Barrios

David Hardin
May 24, 2023

This company was very helpful in purchasing my drop deck. I believe what really
impressed me was even though I wired them the money for the trailer Chris still
called me went over all the details of the trailer from front to back and ask me
if I was...

... was not satisficed he would wire me the money back. Needless to say when I
got the trailer I was very satisfied and everything was just like he mention.

Steven Henry
Jan 28, 2023

The ITAG team was courteous to my concerns and they met all my expectations.

Tinker Raasch
Sep 11, 2024

If I could find trailers to deliver all the time I would absolutely do this with
ITAG. Fast payment, easy to deal with. Kudos guys!!

David Balay
Aug 29, 2024

Excellent communication and they will make sure meet what you need. I recommend

Tim Bottorff
Aug 28, 2024

They are a pleasure to work with ,absolutely professional in every way

Chapman Logistics LLC
Aug 21, 2024

ITag definitely pays in one business day. I was scared because they arent
brokers with a MC but they paid faster than any broker Ive dealt with. Brian was
really cool and we talked on the phone for about 30 mins about life! Definitely
needed the talk...

... brother! Thanks!!

Claritza Latorre
Aug 21, 2024

We highly recommend them, they did an amazing job! The team was professional,
efficient, and exceeded our expectations. Thank you Claritza and Mike!

Sinan Chik
Aug 20, 2024

ITag helped me a lot. Find the trailer, registration etc they are great guys.
Thank you very much

Meredith McKinney
Aug 20, 2024

ITAG was easy to work with and we received payment in a timely manner via ACH,
normally we use factoring companies, but we trusted ITAG and they followed

Johnny Springer
Aug 16, 2024

I deliver a trailer for them everyone that I had talked to was very nice as soon
as I delivered the trailer to their customer they had paid with then 30 minutes
to an hour of deliver great people they responded back to you as soon as

Joe Praker
Aug 15, 2024

I would like to share a positive experience I had with buying a gooseneck
trailer from ITAG, I appreciate the straight up approach to the price no hassle
with back and forth. All departments work well together to keep the process
flowing smoothly. I...

... also had the experience of selling a trailer to ITAG and the process was
seemless again. Thank you to all of the folks that helped me in my dealings with
ITAG. I would definitely recommend them for any trailer needs. Thanks again, joe

Ty Anthony
Aug 14, 2024

Bryan and the team at iTAG Equipment was great to work with. All processes were
completed in a timely manner and helped us secure the equipment needed for our
customer. Thank you for the iTAG Equipment Team.

Thomas Lunik
Aug 14, 2024

Great group of folks who helped us out with a used trailer!

Todd Oshel
Aug 5, 2024

A+ Company to work with! Landon and Bryan both were very communicative about all
the details. I did a power only flatbed move for them and was paid by ACH the
next day. Will definitely do business with these guys again.

Vikki Church
Aug 5, 2024

Our company purchased a new 2025 Dura Haul trailer. The process was very smooth,
they kept us informed and their customer service was excellent. We would
definitely buy from them again!! Thank you!!

Vu Nguyen
Aug 5, 2024

Ive been working with iTAG for 5 years now and heres what I have to say about
them. They stand behind their trailers, they are very transparent with the
conditions and photos of the trailers, and their customer service is
outstanding. Not to...

... mentioned that their prices and are very competitive. Its hard finding a
used trailer dealers that has the level of integrity like iTAG Equipment. I
would doubt recommend them for your next trailer purchase.

Jacob Long
Aug 2, 2024

I have absolutely nothing but good things to say about my experience with Itag
Equipment. They are my go to source for trailers for our company. They are
prompt, professional, thorough, and very helpful. We have and will continue to
use them in the...

... future as they are one of the best suppliers I've ever worked with.

Clint Van Vliet
Aug 2, 2024

I purchased a trailer and only saw pictures from the website. From what I could
see from the pictures it looked like a nice trailer. The gentleman told me it
was a really nice trailer and I took there word for it! I traveled from Oregon
to Texas to...

... pick it up and I was very impressed with the trailer. It was everything and
then some what they told it was. Everyone was super helpful and honest . I
definitely recommend buying from ITAG. Thank you for all the help!!

Matt Wilson
Aug 2, 2024

I was apprehensive about buying a step deck sight unseen, ITAG made it easy.
They were quick to respond even after the sale, my title work came promptly,
they assisted me with delivery, just a first- class bunch of folks and a great

Diana Paredes
Aug 1, 2024

It was the first time me and my husband bought a trailer out of state without
putting eyes on it first. The whole team were beyond amazing. The communication
was out of this world. We would definitely go back to ITag in the future. They
made the...

... process smooth and easy.

Pedro A Curi Mon
Jul 18, 2024

I recently sold some trailers through ITAG Equipment, and the experience was
outstanding. From start to finish, their team was professional, knowledgeable,
and incredibly helpful. They made the entire process smooth and stress-free,

... excellent communication and support at every step. I was impressed with
their expertise in the market and their dedication to getting me the best deal
possible. If youre looking to sell or buy trailers, I highly recommend ITAG
Equipment for their top-notch service and commitment to customer satisfaction.
Thank you for a fantastic experience!

Corban Hairston
Jul 5, 2024

A Strong two thumbs up for the professionalism and support I received throughout
this experience. They took a, what could have been a frustrating experience and
walked with me every step of the way. Great teamwork Jeff and Shelley! As my
company grow...

..., I will return!

Jason Fagan
Jul 5, 2024

Great company to work with. The service was great and I highly recommend them!

Dondi Reynolds
Apr 23, 2024

Absolutely wonderful most professional

Troy Swindell
Apr 18, 2024

Very great people to deal with and quick payment wish all the freight brokers
were this easy and great to deal with !

Matthew Baker
Apr 16, 2024

They were great to deal with. They kept me informed during the whole process and
called to make sure it was delivered and I was happy with it. Would do business
with them again. Thanks

Shapialevich Natallia
Apr 10, 2024

Very professional team. Thank you guys for the work, everything was done very
quickly and smoothly, despite the fact that the title was under lien. Everything
went well. Recommended, especially thanks to Andy (financing ) and Jeff (sales )

Nathan Unruh
Sep 7, 2023

They did a good job of listing my trailer and finding a buyer. A deal went
through quickly and the money was in my account immediately.

Chris and LaToya Bell
Sep 1, 2023

I was so nervous about working with this company.... but they assured me every
step of the way that the deal would work out and IT DID. I would definitely use
them again. It was a pleasure

Danays Barrios
Jun 21, 2023

We will like to give a big thanks to Jeff Boyte and Christ green we recently buy
two trailers from ITAG EQUIPMENT and I have not word to describe how easy and
constable this two people make the purchase I will also have to said that every
one in the...

... office knew exactly what to do how efficient everyone was I have to mention
that the company that they used to do the financial paper was amazing Tina was
extremely helpful and patiently help tru all the way to complete the purchase If
you are considering buying an equipment dont hesitate to do it with the right
people and in this matter I will recommending with my eyes closed, hoping they
continue the great work in the best interest of the buyers Sincerely Armando
Josue And Danays Barrios

David Hardin
May 24, 2023

This company was very helpful in purchasing my drop deck. I believe what really
impressed me was even though I wired them the money for the trailer Chris still
called me went over all the details of the trailer from front to back and ask me
if I was...

... was not satisficed he would wire me the money back. Needless to say when I
got the trailer I was very satisfied and everything was just like he mention.

Steven Henry
Jan 28, 2023

The ITAG team was courteous to my concerns and they met all my expectations.

Tinker Raasch
Sep 11, 2024

If I could find trailers to deliver all the time I would absolutely do this with
ITAG. Fast payment, easy to deal with. Kudos guys!!

David Balay
Aug 29, 2024

Excellent communication and they will make sure meet what you need. I recommend

Tim Bottorff
Aug 28, 2024

They are a pleasure to work with ,absolutely professional in every way

More reviews and testimonials








































We have put much thought into what company we use to offer our customer base
financing options. After many years of working with hundreds of finance
companies nationwide, we have narrowed it down to one option. Here is a secure
link to the finance application that includes a detailed overview of some
requirements and could help you decide if our finance option is right for you.



Typical inspection cost runs from around $300-$500 (USD) depending on location
and inspector availability. ITAG uses www.nationalinspect.com for most of our
third-party inspections. If you need example reports to see what kind of bang
for your buck you'll get on the examination, please let us know. It is your
choice to decide whether or not you want to purchase a third-party inspection.
ITAG only provides these inspections if you desire and pay for one. Inspection
times can prolong the deal. All units are subject to prior sale, and we do not
take deposits, so this is something to consider before opting for a 3rd party
inspection. If you have picked out a desirable unit where we have 5-10 other
interested parties on it, there is no sense in getting a 3rd party inspection as
it'll be sold and gone before the review is completed. It is best to pick a
middle-of-the-road-priced unit if a 3rd party inspection is vital to you,
increasing the chance that another party doesn't purchase the unit before you
can complete an inspection. All third-party inspections are coordinated through
us, and we provide you with the report after it is completed. If the equipment
is no longer available before the inspection report is completed or before you
decide to complete your purchase, then the cost of the report will not be



ITAG shipping rates on all open deck semi-trailers range from $900-$2,500 as a
load-out rate depending on the distance and pickup/drop-off locations. Open deck
semi-trailers vary from flatbeds to drop decks to lowboys to extendable flatbed
trailers to double drop deck trailers to step deck trailers to most any kind of
trailer with a flat deck on it can be loaded out. You are essentially
ride-sharing with available loads that can be put on the trailer en route to
your location. We offer doorstep delivery if you have a good GPS address that
shows on map apps like Google, Apple, and trucker GPS systems. If you are buying
a low-quality unit, more risks are associated with the delivery, and additional
costs, such as DOT inspections and repairs along the way, are at your expense.
Expedited shipping on these 18-wheeler trailers is available as well. Expedited
shipping typically runs from as low as $3 a mile to as much as $5 a mile,
depending on location and semi-truck driver availability. The prices of fuel and
equipment cost can make the cost of shipping go up and down. In the past couple
of years pricing of everything has gone through the roof due to inflation. Over
time the shipping rates could go down or rise higher. The estimated rates quoted
here are as of October 2022.

What affects the price of shipping and the time it takes to deliver? Several
factors include the weather, pickup location, drop-off location, driver
availability, load availability, rate compared to the general market rates, and
the rate compared to the local market rates for that pickup or drop-off
location. Rate means the amount of money the load is posted at. If the
Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex typically offers $1-2K+ for load-outs and your rate
is below that, we will receive little interest. If we come out of Gillette, WY,
the local going rate might be less.

We are also looking for carriers with trucks but no trailers, so driver
availability could be a factor. There might be many drivers in that area, but
they all have trailers hauling general freight. We are looking for an empty
truck to marry to an empty trailer with all the proper insurance and
requirements. If the rate is high enough, at times, you'll convince a carrier
with a trailer to park his trailer and accept the load on the chance that they
think they can make the run worthwhile. You can get lucky when a trucker is
already going in that direction empty, and they will take the load cheaply
because they were going that way anyways. Trucking is costly, and
owner-operators are intelligent people who often refuse to run cheap freight.
Their equipment is expensive, and their time is valuable, so understandably so.
If you chose the load-out option, the number of loads available to put on or in
the trailer could be a factor. If the loads going your direction aren't paying a
reasonable rate to go that direction, then it might not be a desirable lane, and
we will have a challenging time getting it delivered.

The distance between pickup and drop off, fuel prices in between, or tolls could
play a factor. In the northeast corner of the U.S., tolls are costly, and if the
rate doesn't cover the cost, nobody will call in interested in making the
delivery. If the deadhead miles from the pickup or drop-off area are too far
apart, that can play a factor too. The rate has to be commensurate with the
time, fuel, load availability, deadhead miles involved, tolls, equipment type
needed, equipment condition, driver knowledgable with the equipment hauled, and
so much more. If you have bought an old crappy-looking product, finding a
carrier willing to risk their MVR, authority, and reputation to pull a
crappy-looking trailer will take much work. We can load it on top of a flatbed
or drop deck to haul it to you if it is a truck. The truck must be able to drive
onto the trailer, or we have to find a carrier with a trailer with a winch on it
that could pull it onto the deck. Loading one trailer on top of another can be
more costly with crane or rotator cost to get them out there to load it and then
again at the drop-off location to unload it. If you're still reading this far,
you see that many factors are at play when shipping commercial equipment.

Other types of used semi-trailers we sell, such as end dump trailers, grain
hopper trailers, or side dump trailers, are more challenging to ship via
load-out rates. Trailers that cannot be loaded out can only be shipped via the
power-only option, which is the $3 - $5 a mile rate. Trucks can be sent one of
two ways. A drive-away is where it is driven to you by a CDL driver, or the
semi-truck can be loaded onto a trailer and shipped to you. Depending on the
trailer type, additional loading or unloading costs could be required, such as
cranes or a rotator to load the item.

Heavy equipment, construction equipment, or cranes for sale will vary in
shipping rates depending on the disassembly or reassembly cost or special
permits needed. Permits can range from over width to overweight to over height
to escorts required. We will advise you of the equipment shipping cost according
to the purchase. Overseas ocean shipping to any seaport in the world can be
complex and require additional fees. Document fees, getting the equipment into
the port, ensuring it is clean and free from leaks, and it can start and drive
itself onto the ship. If it cannot operate under its own power, you could have a
cost to break it down and load it inside a container and the cost of the
container. Ocean shipping is primarily based on dimensions and weight, so the
taller, broader, and heavier it is, the more it will cost to ship!

We only use A or B-rated commercial carriers and as competent and knowledgeable
truckers as possible to deliver our customer's products. We ensure they have
proper trucking insurance coverage and commercially licensed truck drivers for
pulling the trailer. We collect several documents from each carrier, including
proof of authority, a certificate of insurance, a copy of the driver's ID, a
picture of their truck, and a voided check with the company name and address on
it that matches the other reviewed information we have, such as insurance
certificate, trucking databases, and proof of authority paperwork. The tags we
provide each driver are good for the days they have to deliver. On each rate
confirmation, we have the authorization to debit their account for any
violations of our rate confirmation document. We require that ITAG is listed as
a certificate holder on each certificate of insurance. We call each carrier's
insurance agent and insurer to verify policy numbers, active insurance, and the
required insurance coverage. Each trucking company is thoroughly vetted to
ensure only the highest quality carriers are used to deliver your equipment
purchased. This meticulous process has been hammered out over many years of
delivering equipment across the country. We didn't create all this red tape out
of thin air to make things difficult or slow, but every requirement we have in
place is from a challenging and likely expensive lesson learned in the past. We
staff dedicated in-house shipping personnel to manage and coordinate our
deliveries. Our shipping process is not outsourced to a third party or a
shipping broker.

Shipping and delivery times cannot be promised or guaranteed by anyone at ITAG.
All deliveries depend on several factors, from the weather to driver
availability to load availability to pickup and delivery locations to many
factors outside the control of ITAG. You are welcome to pick up the purchased
truck, trailer, or equipment yourself anytime after the purchase is complete. If
you need your equipment earlier than ITAG can provide, you are encouraged to
pick it up or hire another party to deliver it. ITAG delivery options and
estimated pricing are just some shipping options available, as many other
nationwide carriers offer these same services. Our shipping option is likely the
cheapest as we do not mark up the freight as our only interest is getting units
delivered as fast as possible. Shipping is more challenging than throwing it on
a load board and getting it picked up. There are a lot of pitfalls, scams, and
bad carriers to know how to avoid. Then you must understand how to navigate the
problems and successfully get out of a hairy situation with a poor quality
carrier. We have put in the work and many years of failures to create the
shipping process we have in place today.

We also maintain an A Experience Factor Rating with TruckStop.com with a
1-days-to-pay payment rating. This rating shows potential carriers that we are a
quality shipper to work with and that they will be paid for their services on
the same day. Our rating and relationships with carriers are vital to get
products picked up and delivered to our customer base. Nobody would want to ship
our product if we had a bad rating or an undesirable days-to-pay factor. We must
provide references every quarter to TruckStop.com with five recent carriers that
delivered for us so they can verify their experience with us and amount of days
it took us to pay them. Maintaining quality carrier relationships and the
systems we have in place to continuously have an A+ experience with each carrier
and a 1-day-to-pay rating requires doing many little things right!



Our mission statement is simple.


We do not sacrifice our desire to do good deals with folks for any profit. It's
more to us than just a solid one-liner to stand behind or a cheesy line that
sounds good. It's the ITAG way of life. We have a great staff of good, honest,
and hardworking folks at ITAG who go home to their families each night knowing
that the customers they served that day got a good fair deal. Knowing they
didn't have to lie or bamboozle anyone to "make a sale." We all work together to
provide the best buying experience we can offer. Nobody is perfect, and we might
mess up sometimes, but it's not from a lack of effort or malicious intent. When
we are doing good honest deals with our vendors, customers, carriers,
subcontractors, and beyond, we trust that people will respect that and want to
continue doing business with us. We are a Veteran owned company and offer
military discounts to all U.S. Citizens who have honorably served our country in
the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps.

If you can’t do the little things right. You’ll never be able to do the big
things right! ~ Semper Fi https://youtu.be/mMEq0r97T_k



All units sold are under as-is, where-is terms and conditions detailed in the
quote document we send out on each purchased unit. We strive to list all items
for sale as accurately as possible. However, specifications, prices, and
descriptions are subject to change in photographs and videos at any time, with
BROKER: Buyer shall indemnify, protect and hold harmless the Seller, its agents,
servants, successors, and assigns from and against all losses, damages,
injuries, claims, demands, and expenses, including legal costs, of whatever
nature, arising out of the use, condition or operation of any item of the
equipment, regardless of where, how and by whom operated. Buyer shall assume the
settling of and the defense of any suits or other legal proceedings. The
indemnification and assumptions of liability and obligation herein provided
shall continue in full force and effect notwithstanding the termination of this
agreement, whether by the expiration of time, by operation of law, or otherwise.
By use of this website or any other site our equipment is listed on that results
in a purchase of any kind, you agree to all our terms and conditions. All final
terms are explicitly stated in our purchase agreement. Whether signed or not
signed, read or not read, our purchase agreement and terms here within are
agreed upon once funds are sent to ITAG Equipment to purchase any item or
service sold or offered by ITAG Equipment, its agents, brokers, employees,
subsidiaries, or affiliates. Additional Terms and Conditions can be found on our
Terms and Conditions page at: https://www.itagequipment.com/termsandconditions




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Yard Address:
4400 Blue Mound Rd
Fort Worth, TX 76106

Corporate Office:
101 Summit Ave
Suite 104
Fort Worth, TX 76102






Mon-Sat : 9:00am-6:00pm

Sunday : Closed







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Site provided by MyLittleSalesman.com



Terms and Conditions:

All units sold are under as-is; where-is terms and conditions that are detailed
in the quote document we send out on each unit purchased. We strive to list all
items for sale as accurately as possible. However, specifications, prices,
descriptions are subject to change in photographs and videos at any time with or
Buyer shall indemnify, protect and hold harmless the Seller, its agents,
servants, successors and assigns from and against all losses, damages, injuries,
claims, demands and expenses, including legal expenses, of whatever nature,
arising out of the use, condition or operation of any item of the equipment,
regardless of where, how and by whom operated. Buyer shall assume the settling
of and the defense of any suits or other legal proceedings. The indemnification
and assumptions of liability and obligation herein provided shall continue in
full force and effect notwithstanding the termination of this agreement, whether
by the expiration of time, by operation of law or otherwise. By use of this
website or any other site our equipment is listed on that results in a purchase
of any kind you are agreeing to our terms and conditions. All final terms are
explicitly stated in our purchase agreement. Whether signed or not signed, read
or not read our purchase agreement and terms here within are agreed upon once
funds are sent to ITAG Equipment to purchase any item or service sold or offered
by ITAG Equipment, its agents, brokers, employees, subsidiaries or affiliates.
Additional Terms and Conditions can be found on our Terms and Conditions page
at: https://www.itagequipment.com/termsandconditions