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We serve businesses nationwide


Simply verify the info below and receive an instant loan offer

Business Start date Less than 6 months 6 months to 1year Longer than 1 year

Credit Score Excellent Good Average Poor

Business Debt None Low Medium High

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* Larger loan amounts can be made available upon further review

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about us


For over 15 years, we have been helping businesses of all sizes across the
nation secure the business financing they need. We service most types of
business loans including Credit lines, Traditional Bank Loans, Unsecured Working
Capital Loans, SBA Loans, Commercial Real Estate Loans, Invoice Factoring and
Equipment Loans / Leases.
APPLy now


For over a decade, our highly experienced team has been helping businesses all
across the country secure their urgently needed business capital. With our vast
knowledge and understanding of the marketplace, we can customize a solution or
type of financing that is ideal for your company. In addition, we can get you an
approval in 24 hours or less in most scenarios.


Need to grow your business? Secure financing within 24 hours to make your dreams
a reality. Contact us regarding our no hassle application process.
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Need to secure inventory for your business while maintaining cash flow? Buy the
inventory you need by securing a business loan. No collateral needed.
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You have a contract but you need financing to carry your business before you get
paid. Ask about our short-term financing options and get moving today.
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For over a decade, our highly experienced team has been helping businesses all
across the country secure their urgently needed business loans. With our vast
network of business lenders, we can customize a solution or type of financing
that is ideal for your company at this time. In addition, we can get you an
approval in 24 hours or less in most scenarios.
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$250 Million
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We are here to help


11021 Winners Cir #103,
Los Alamitos, CA 90720 1-800-214-7498
Contact us
Client’s Stories


For over a decade, we have been helping businesses of all sizes across the
nation secure the business financing they need. Here is a small sampling of some
of our satisfied clients.


New York Carpet Distributors, Inc.

We would like to take the time to thank you for putting together the working
capital loan for our business. You delivered exactly what you said you would and
that goes a long way for us. Our experience with you and Spectrum Financial was
excellent. Thank you for coming through!


The Eye Center

It was great to have your assistance on starting up our new practice back in
2002. We have been successful and my private practice dream came true with your


Next Generation Interiors of Baker’s

I have never in my 35 years of being a business owner had such an easy
experience in obtaining a loan. My overall experience with Spectrum Financial
has been outstanding. I look forward to doing business with you again soon.
Thanks again!!


Trivecta Enterprises, LLC

We wish to thank the team at Spectrum for working diligently to secure our
equipment financing. We were very impressed with the flexibility and quick
response in securing the financing for our equipment requirements. It was
refreshing to deal with a team that was motivated to help secure financing in a
short time frame.


Great West Distribution

I would like to thank you for all the hard work in getting the Funding that we
needed for our company. This was a very simple process and the professionalism
was top notch. It was a pleasure working you. Again Thanks.

Contact us today to experience the Spectrum Financial difference – Reliable and
Customized Business Financing Solutions. We serve businesses nationwide.



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11021 Winners Cir #103
Los Alamitos, CA 90720

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