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Submission: On September 04 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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      * Cloud Services and SolutionsWe are cloud agnostic. We’ll recommend the
        cloud solution that best meets workload requirements – and manage each
      * Managed Public CloudMulticloud and hybrid solutions
        Azure Managed ServicesAWS Managed Services
      * Hosted Private CloudHyperconverged (HCI) and dedicated, single-tenant
        cloud resources
      * Managed Azure StackExtend Azure to a TierPoint data center for enhanced
        hybrid capabilities
      * Multitenant CloudSecure, enterprise-level solution on shared
      * Cloud Connectivity / On RampsHigh-performance on ramps between our data
        centers and public clouds
      * Storage as a Service High performance and resilient storage with a
        subscription-based service model
      * ApplicationsManaged application services can improve efficiency and
        reduce OpEx with highly experienced experts and up-to-date technology
      * SAP Managed ServicesDesign, implementation, management, security, and
        private cloud services
      * Microsoft 365Secure, optimized applications for productivity and
        collaboration across your unique workforce
      * SecurityCustomize your security solution for a multilayered approach to
        safeguarding your environment.
      * CleanIP NGFW (Next-Generation Firewall)Secure your business with less
        complexity and more visibility
      * CleanIP XDR (Extended Detection and Response)Real-time, holistic view of
        your IT environment with response options
      * CleanIP MMFAManaged multi-factor authentication for secure and
        streamlined logins
      * CleanIP AVEndpoint anti-virus keeps your organization up and running
      * WAF & DDoSWeb Application Firewall and DDoS Defense defend against
        next-gen threats
      * ComplianceHelping ensure regulatory compliance across multiple
      Advisory & Consulting
      * Advisory & ConsultingOur experts are in your corner, ready to help your
        team address evolving needs with consulting, solution design, and
        migration services.
      * Hybrid Cloud ConsultingIdentify the right mix of cloud solutions to fit
        your workloads
      * Azure Consulting Services Seamless cloud migration, application
        innovation, and scalable business solutions.
      * Security ConsultingIdentify vulnerabilities and optimize your security
        posture while meeting compliance requirements
      * BC/DR ConsultingBuild an implementation plan for business continuity and
        disaster recovery
      * Application ModernizationLower costs and gain advantages for your
        business with advanced technologies
      * Data & AnalyticsCapture the intelligence in your data
      * DevOpsSelect the right strategy, tools, and platforms to accelerate
      Disaster Recovery
      * Disaster RecoveryAvoid unexpected interruptions to operations and
        protect your data from cyber threats.
      * Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS)Ensure resiliency for your
        applications, data, and infrastructure
        Zerto vCloud Director Availability
      * Backup as a Service (BaaS)Enterprise-grade backup protection powered by
      * Microsoft 365 Backup and RecoverySafeguard your Microsoft 365 data &
        reduce risk from data loss and downtime
      * Veeam Cloud ConnectExtend your Veeam backup infrastructure with hosted
        offsite backups
      Managed Services
      * Managed ServicesYou don’t have to delay those strategic projects.
        TierPoint managed services take day-to-day management tasks off your
        team’s plate.
      * Database ManagementHigh availability, data protection, and performance
        management for MySQL and SQL databases
      * Help Desk ServicesBest-in-class, U.S.-based technical professionals
        provide 24×7 multi-tiered support
      * OS ManagementKeep your servers up to date, patched, optimized and
        available – to ensure optimal performance, security and uptime
      Colo & Data Center Services
      * Colo & Data Center ServicesTierPoint data center services enable uptime
        and availability, compliance, and various connectivity options to reach
        your business goals.
      * High-Density ColocationElevate performance and resource efficiency of AI
        and High Performance workloads with high-density-colocation featuring
        advanced cooling options.
      * ColocationMaximize availability, minimize risk and realize cost savings
        when you deploy hardware in our state-of-the-art facilities
      * Remote HandsOffload routine tasks and easily manage and monitor them
        from afar
      * Network ServicesAccess a spectrum of redundant, carrier-diverse
        connections and hyperscale cloud providers
      * Business Continuity WorkspaceSecondary workspace to keep employees
        productive during a disaster or disruption
      IBM Managed Services
      * IBM Managed ServicesOur world-class team of IBM-certified solutions
        experts deliver comprehensive 24/7/365 management for your mainframe and
        IBM Power Systems workloads.
      * IBM Power SystemsManagement, maintenance, and SLAs for IBM Power
        Operating Systems (IBM i and AIX) production and recovery environments
      * IBM Mainframe (z)Monitoring and infrastructure management ensure
        consistent performance for production and recovery workloads

 * Data Centers
      * Little Rock Data Center
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 * Industries
    * IndustriesTierPoint delivers customized solutions that include cloud,
      disaster recovery, cybersecurity, and data center services.View All
      * Financial ServicesCompliant IT services for regulated organizations
      * HealthcareProtect sensitive data & improve patient care
      * Technology & SaaSEdge data centers & big data storage solutions
      * Communication ProvidersData center, edge and IT solutions
      * Professional ServicesFlexible, secure IT solutions for legal,
        accounting, A&E, consulting firms, and more
      * Gov / Edu / Non ProfitTrusted IT solutions and compliance for public
        sector organizations
      * Manufacturing & Supply ChainOvercome IT complexity in the modern supply

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