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                          <div class="StyledLabel-si59rq-0 bCiAuX" id="shrinking-label-id-socialSecurity"><span id="label-message-id-socialSecurity">SSN or Individual Tax ID</span></div>
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                              d="M12 2a10 10 0 1010 10A10.011 10.011 0 0012 2zm0 19a9 9 0 119-9 9.01 9.01 0 01-9 9zm.75-4a.75.75 0 11-.75-.75.75.75 0 01.75.75zM15 9a4.471 4.471 0 01-1.223 2.656A4.672 4.672 0 0012.5 14.5a.5.5 0 01-1 0 5.539 5.539 0 011.481-3.45A3.646 3.646 0 0014 9a2 2 0 00-4 0 .5.5 0 01-1 0 3 3 0 016 0z"
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      <div class="grv-col"><span class="grv-text grv-text--normal DisclosuresFooterTitle-sc-7fmkxf-1 fpvZOF">Rate and fee summary</span>
        <ul class="StyledList-sc-7fmkxf-2 hTBRtS">
          <li><span class="grv-text grv-text--small StyledText-sc-7fmkxf-3 kqIeRX">Purchase APR: 0% intro APR for 15 months; 29.74% variable APR after that</span></li>
          <li><span class="grv-text grv-text--small StyledText-sc-7fmkxf-3 kqIeRX">Transfer APR: 29.74% variable APR</span></li>
          <li><span class="grv-text grv-text--small StyledText-sc-7fmkxf-3 kqIeRX">Cash Advance Fee: Either $3 or 3% of the amount of each cash advance, whichever is greater</span></li>
          <li><span class="grv-text grv-text--small StyledText-sc-7fmkxf-3 kqIeRX">Annual Fee: $0</span></li>
          <li><span class="grv-text grv-text--small StyledText-sc-7fmkxf-3 kqIeRX">Transfer Fee: No Transfer Fee with this Transfer APR</span></li>
          <li><span class="grv-text grv-text--small StyledText-sc-7fmkxf-3 kqIeRX">Cash Advance APR: 29.74% variable</span></li>

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 * Card Details
 * Security
 * FAQ

View important rates and disclosures

Have a Capital One account? Sign in to pre-fill your application.

What does this mean?
Personal Information
Legal First Name
Legal Last Name
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
SSN or Individual Tax ID
Why do we need this?
Are you a U.S. citizen?
Rate and fee summary
 * Purchase APR: 0% intro APR for 15 months; 29.74% variable APR after that
 * Transfer APR: 29.74% variable APR
 * Cash Advance Fee: Either $3 or 3% of the amount of each cash advance,
   whichever is greater
 * Annual Fee: $0
 * Transfer Fee: No Transfer Fee with this Transfer APR
 * Cash Advance APR: 29.74% variable


©2023 Capital One
Member FDICEqual Housing Lender


 * Personal
 * Financial
 * Decision

Why do you need my personal information?
We need your personal information for two reasons. Federal law requires us to
obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an
account. As a result, your personal information is required and used for
identification purposes. We use your personal information like social security
number to pull your credit bureau data, which in turn is used with other
information like annual income in processing your application.
What is autofill and how is it used for my application?
Autofill allows us to save you time by importing and populating basic
information like your name, address, phone number, etc., from your existing
Capital One online account - if you have one already. Any updates or changes you
make to your information after using autofill will be applied only in your
credit card application. To update information for your current account, you
must separately log in to that account.
Can I use my private mailbox to apply (P.O. Box/CMRA - Commercial Mail Receiving
Unfortunately, under federal law a physical address is required to process your
application. You can always change your address to a private mailbox such as a
P.O.Box or Commercial Mail Receiving Agency once your account is opened. We'll
also keep your physical address on file.
Can you help me understand how to answer the question about income?
Here's how to think about what to include: Personal Income: Income you earn,
including full-time, part-time, or seasonal jobs, self-employment, interest or
dividends, retirement, and public assistance. Shared Income: Money from somebody
else that is regularly deposited into your individual account or into a joint
account that person shares with you. Optional Income: Alimony, child support, or
separate maintenance income doesn't need to be included, unless you want it
If somebody else pays my expenses, can I include that in my income amount?
Yes, as long as you are at least 21 years old, and that income is regularly used
to pay your expenses. If you are under 21 years old, you may include your own
income or income from somebody else if it's regularly deposited into your bank
account or into an account that you share with this person.
What are acceptable documents for proof of income?
Capital One will contact you by mail if proof of income is required with a list
of acceptable documents.
Can you help me understand how to answer the question about Employment Status?
For employment status, choose employed, self-employed, retired, unemployed,
student or other - whichever is most accurate: Employed if you work full or part
time for a company or business you do not own. Self-Employed if you own a
business where you work full or part-time. Unemployed if you are not employed
full or part-time and do not own a business, even if you are collecting
unemployment benefits or public assistance. Retired if you no longer work full
or part time, but currently have a source of income or are living off of savings
or other retirement benefits. Student if you are enrolled in classes full time
even if you have a job related to your schooling. Other if none of these apply,
or you are unemployed but do have regular access to income from somebody else.
Will I get an instant decision on-line?
Capital One will attempt to provide a decision in 60 seconds or less. Sometimes
system availability affects our ability to make a credit decision or, in some
cases, we need to collect additional information. If so, you will receive
further details either via email or letter within 7-10 business days.
What will my credit line be?
Upon approval, we will further evaluate your application and establish your full
credit line. This process may take several days. We will notify you of your
credit line by mail within 7 to 10 business days. If approved for a Capital One
Secured Credit Card, your credit line will be as disclosed in your secured card
When will I receive my credit card?
Upon approval, you should receive your Capital One® card, credit line, and
welcome materials by mail within 7 to 10 business days. If approved for a
Capital One Secured Credit Card, you will receive your card and welcome
materials 2 to 3 weeks after we receive your minimum deposit.
Can I add someone to my account?
Yes. You can simply call the number on the back of your card. Please note that
to add an authorized user to your account, you must be the primary cardholder,
secondary cardholder, authorized signatory/company officer, or additional
business owner.


Capital One uses 256-bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology. This means that
when you are on our website, the data transferred between Capital One and you is


Continue to My Application
Bonus Offer
Earn a one-time $200 cash bonus once you spend $500 on purchases within the
first 3 months from account opening
Rewards Info
Earn unlimited 3% cash back on dining, entertainment, popular streaming services
and at grocery stores (excluding superstores like Walmart® and Target®), plus 1%
on all other purchases.
Capital One Travel Rewards
Earn unlimited 5% cash back on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One
Annual Fee
Purchase APR
0% intro APR for 15 months; 29.74% variable APR after that
Transfer Info
29.74% variable APR; No Transfer Fee with this Transfer APR


Please read through these Important Disclosures, which contain additional
information about eligibility, rates, fees, and other costs, as applicable.