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Text Content

 * HomeBack to front page
 * MegaFiersMesh Deformation & Animation
   * What it does
   * Modify Object
   * Modifiers
     * Common Params
     * Vertex Modifiers
       * A – G
         * Bend
         * Bubble
         * Bulge
         * Conform
         * Crumple
         * Curve Deform
         * Curve Sculpt Layered
         * Cylindrify
         * Displace
         * Dynamic Ripple
         * FFD
         * Globe
       * H – P
         * Hump
         * Melt
         * Morph
           * Morph-O-Matic
         * Noise
         * PageFlip
         * Path Deform
         * Pivot Adjust
         * Point Cache
         * Push
       * Q – T
         * Radial Skew
         * Ripple
         * Rope 2D Deform
         * Rubber
         * Simple Mod
         * Skew
         * Spherify
         * Squeeze
         * Stretch
         * Taper
         * Twist
       * U – Z
         * Vertex Anim
         * Vertex Paint
         * Vertical Noise
         * Warp Bind
         * Wave
         * Waving
         * World Path Deform
     * Selection Modifiers
       * Multi Volume Select
       * Vert Col Select
       * Volume Select
     * UV Modifiers
       * UV Adjust
       * UV Tile
     * Warps
       * What are Warps
       * Bend Warp
       * Noise Warp
       * Ripple Warp
       * Skew Warp
       * Stretch Warp
       * Taper Warp
       * Twist Warp
       * Wave Warp
   * MegaShapes
     * What it does
     * Common Params
     * Arc
     * Circle
     * Ellipse
     * Helix
     * Hose
     * NGon Shape
     * Page Mesh
     * Rectangle
     * Star Shape
     * MegaShape API
   * Utils
     * Animation
       * FFD Animate
       * Morph Animate
       * Morph Animator
       * Morph Link
       * Point Cache Animator
     * Systems
       * Book Builder
       * Hose
       * Mega Attach
       * MegaFiers Window
       * Tank Tracks
       * Wrap
   * Tutorials
     * Adding mods via script
     * Bouncing Ball
     * Carpet & Scroll
     * Write a Simple Mod
   * Buy MegaFiers
   * Buy MegaFiers Actions
   * Customer Comments
   * Version History
 * MegaShapesNew Spline & Curve system
   * What it does
   * Common Params
   * Loft Object
   * Layers
     * Clone Layers
       * Clone
       * Clone Rules
       * Clone Rules Spline
       * Clone Simple
       * Clone Simple Spline
       * Clone Spline
     * Loft Layers
       * Simple Loft
       * Complex Loft
       * Multi Material Loft
     * Scatter Layers
       * Scatter
       * Scatter Simple
       * Scatter Spline
   * Helper Shapes
     * Arc
     * Circle
     * Ellipse
     * Helix
     * NGon Shape
     * Rectangle
     * Star Shape
   * Utils
     * Hose
     * Shape Follow
     * Tank Tracks
     * Walk Loft
   * MegaShape API
   * Buy MegaShapes
   * Customer Comments
   * Version History
   * Tutorials
     * MegaShape Tutorials
   * Features videos
 * MegaFlowFluid Flows & Vector Fields
   * What it does
   * Flow Source
   * Create Flow
   * Moving Source
   * Sample Field
   * Controllers
     * Particle
     * Moving Particle
     * Particle Legacy
     * Moving Particle Legacy
     * Rigid Body
     * Effect
   * SmokeGun
   * FLW File Format
   * Buy MegaFlow
   * Version History
 * MegaCacheObject & Particle Sequences
   * What it does
   * Object Cache
   * Object Cache Ref
   * Particle Pro
   * Particle Pro Legacy
   * Buy MegaCache
 * MegaBookMake Books & Comics
   * What it Does
   * Adding Mesh Content
   * Buy MegaBook
   * Version History
 * MegaScatterProcedural Scattering
   * What it does
   * Scatter Types
     * Scatter Mesh
     * Scatter Mesh Along
     * Scatter Mesh Texture
     * Scatter Object
     * Scatter Object Along
     * Scatter Object Texture
   * Scatter Scripting
   * Customer Comments
   * Version History
   * Buy MegaScatter
 * MegaWiresDynamic Wires
   * What it does
   * Wires
   * Plant Poles List
   * Helper Window
   * Wind
   * Attach
   * Hanger
   * Connection Helper
   * Buy MegaWires
 * MegaDazDaz3D Morph Importer
   * What it does
   * Buy MegaDaz
   * Daz Morphs Demo
 * MegaGrabPoster size screenshots
   * What it does
   * Buy MegaGrab
 * StoreBuy the Packages
   * Buy MegaFiers
   * Buy MegaShapes
   * Buy MegaFlow
   * Buy MegaCache
   * Buy MegaBook
   * Buy MegaScatter
   * Buy MegaWires
   * Buy Terrain Plugin
   * Buy MegaGrab
   * Buy MegaFiers Actions
   * Buy MegaDaz
 * Terrain Plugin3DS Max plugin
   * Terrain
   * Terrain Plugin News
   * Buy Terrain Plugin
   * Terrain License Transfer
   * Version History
 * ExtrasContact Us & Demos
   * Fun Stuff
     * Demos
       * Playroom Demo
       * MegaFlier Demo
       * MegaMoo Demo
       * Professor MacSpeedee’s Test Chamber
       * MegaShapes Pottery Demo
       * MegaScatter Demo
     * Gallery
     * Portfolio
   * Contact Us
   * Support
   * Coming Soon
   * MegaFiers Blog
   * FAQ
   * Forum

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June 24th, 2021

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We have just updated the Terrain Plugin to work with the 2022 version of 3DS
Max. If you visit the store page and enter the email used for the purchase you
can get the latest version now. The demo version download also includes a demo
version for 2022.




March 4th, 2021

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MegaFiers - 2 Single Seat
Price: $150
Single seat license for MegaFiers - 2 the mesh deformation and animation system
for Unity 3D. This also includes a basic version of MegaShapes. You can add
further seat licenses by increasing the Qty count in your shopping cart. A
license needs to be purchased for each user of the system. If you require more
than 5 licenses please contact us for pricing.


This is our all new version of our very popular MegaFiers asset for Unity 2019
onwards. It features a complete rewrite of all the core systems to make use of
Unity Burst and Jobs which brings between 5 and 40 times less CPU use for all
the deformations.


If you own MegaFiers and need to Upgrade to MegaFiers – 2 Please contact us for
a reduced price

MegaFiers is complete Mesh deformation, animation and Morphing system including
over 50 modifiers such as Bend, Twist, FFD, Displace, Taper and many more. They
can be stacked in any combination and any number of modifiers can be applied to
a mesh to achieve complex results. Objects can stretch, squash or be bent over
of deformed, whatever your imagination allows. Or use the Space Warps to
automatically deform your objects as they moved through areas in space. Other
additions to the suite include Point Cache animation support, and a dynamic
water ripple and floating object system.

All deformations work in Editor Mode as well as Play Mode so you can use the
deformers to add variety to your models when building your scene.

MegaFiers is also ideal for deforming TextMeshPro objects (both Mesh and now UI
versions) so you can animate your text in interesting ways. And also works with
ProBuilder allowing you to create more interesting levels directly inside Unity.
And a new feature is the ability to use the Modifiers to deform Sprites.

Another powerful feature is our Mesh Wrap system which allows one mesh to be
deformed and animated by another, making it ideal for clothing etc. The wrap
system also works with Unity Blendshapes and skinned meshes. MegaWrap has also
been rewritten to use Jobs and Burst for more than 5 times speedup.

MegaFiers is written in C# and all source code is included, and supports all
Unity Platforms that also support Burst and Jobs. Compatible with all versions
of Unity from 2019 onwards and works on IOS and Android as well as VR and AR
platforms. MegaFiers also is fully compatible with all Unity Rendering
pipelines. We also constantly update the asset for all new releases of Unity.
And if you have an idea for a Modifier let us know or write your own.

Also included is an advanced spline system which also allows for path following
or conversion of splines to meshes, a dynamic hose system and a system for
tracked vehicles.


 * Full rewrite of all core systems
 * Rewrite for Unity 2019.1 and newer
 * All modifiers converted to use Unity Burst and jobs.
 * Create Blendshapes from Deformations
 * Drive High Poly model deformations from a low res model for faster
 * Works alongside your existing Blendshapes
 * New normal calculation system using Burst that is as fast as the Unity calc
   normals but preserves groups etc
 * Rewritten to use Burst and Jobs for between 5 to 50 times performance
 * New auto disable system which will detect when a mesh does not need updating
 * Virtually no slow down when editing scenes with lots of modifiers
 * Seemless integration into Unity prefab system
 * Copying of objects now just works
 * Undo system fully functional
 * Animation window properly detects changes for easier animation of
 * All workarounds for previous versions of Unity removed, streamlining the
   systems and improving performance
 * Wrap system updated and working with Burst for 5 times performance
 * Path deform modifiers now uses Burst for spline interpolations gaining 20
   times performance boost
 * Attractor modifier also makes use of Burst for finding nearest point on
   splines for 10 times boost in perfomance
 * Sprite deformation system, now you can stretch, squash, bend your Unity
 * 2D FFD/Lattice modifiers specially for working with sprite
 * Full Text Mesh Pro support, both mesh and UI versions, updates with changes
   etc. Deform your UI text or 3d text.
 * Group deform support, deform multiple objects as one.
 * Support for deforming ProBuilder objects.
 * Improved Scroll making system, automatic setup.
 * Add your own modifiers.
 * Use low poly meshes to drive deformation of high poly ones
 * Works on all Graphic Pipelines
 * Works on Unity Platforms including VR and AR
 * Reorder modifier stack by dragging components in inspector
 * Proxy Mesh Collider option for faster collider updates
 * Improved worflow with simple dropdown box for adding modifiers
 * Quick edit area showing main params for all attached modifiers and quick
 * Limit Deformations to parts of Meshes using Vertex Color weighting


 * Conform meshes to terrains or ground objects
 * Procedural box mesh
 * MegaShapes Lite Bezier spline system
 * Import animated splines directly from 3ds max
 * Make animated Splines inside Unity with our Spline Keyframe system
 * Turn splines into line meshes with spline to line/tubes or fill to mesh
 * Spline exporters available for 3ds Max, Maya and Blender.
 * Kml, SVG, OSM spline import support
 * Wrap Mesh, wrap a mesh to a deforming mesh, great for clothing or facial hair
 * Animated Book
 * Attach objects to deforming mesh surfaces
 * Paper Scroll System
 * Bezier Patch image deform
 * Spline Path Follow System, objects, Rigid Bodies, Character Controller
 * Draw Spline at runtime system
 * Animated Hoses, connect two objects with deforming animating hose
 * Tracked Vehicle system
 * Train Follow system
 * Train Tracks system
 * Camera Orbit script


 * Bezier Attractor
 * Bend
 * Bubble
 * Bulge
 * Collision Deform
 * Conform
 * Conform Multi
 * Crumple
 * Curve Deform
 * Curve Sculpt
 * Curve Scult Layered
 * Cylindrify
 * Deformable
 * Displace
 * Displace Limits
 * Displace Web Cam
 * Displace Render target
 * Dynamic Ripple
 * FFD 2x2x2
 * FFD 3x3x3
 * FFD 4x4x4
 * 2D versions of FFD for Sprites
 * Globe
 * Hit Deform
 * Hump
 * Melt
 * Noise
 * Page Flip
 * Paint
 * Path Deform
 * Pivot Adjust
 * Point Cache
 * Push
 * Radial Skew
 * Relax
 * Ripple
 * Rolled
 * Rope Deform
 * Rubber
 * Scale
 * Simple Mod
 * Sinus Curve
 * Skew
 * Spherify
 * Squeeze
 * Stretch
 * Taper
 * Tree Bend
 * Twist
 * Vertex Anim
 * Vert Noise
 * Wave
 * Waving
 * World Path Deform


 * Bend
 * Bubble
 * Cylindrify
 * FFD 2x2x2
 * FFD 3x3x3
 * FFD 4x4x4
 * Globe
 * Hump
 * Melt
 * Noise
 * Ripple
 * Sinus Curve
 * Skew
 * Spherify
 * Squeeze
 * Stretch
 * Taper
 * Twist
 * Wave
 * Waving
 * ZStretch Noise


 * Written using Unitys Jobs and Burst
 * All C# source code included
 * Works on all Graphics Pipelines
 * Works on all Platforms including VR and AR
 * Works on all versions of Unity from 2019.4 onwards
 * Full API for Spline system
 * Full API for the Modifier system
 * Zero Garbage Collection


March 4th, 2021

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We have released a new version of the plugin for Max 2015 through to 2021. The
new data source has the same coverage as the old data but now all data is
1arcsecond (30m) so three times the resolution it used to be (Only the US had an
option for 30m data previously).
To get the update please visit the store page and enter your email address in
the box at the bottom to be sent a new download link. If on installing the new
version files are not downloading then please change your Cache path using the
‘Cache Path’ button on the plugin rollup to a new directory, that will reset the
cache system.


February 9th, 2021

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The USGS website has turned of direct access to the the SRTM data stream used by
the Terrain Plugin, so until we can arrange a new direct streaming source you
can still use the plugin by directly downloading the DEM files either from the
USGS Earth Explorer website or from sites such as

When you download the data the filename should be in the format of
N32E037.hgt.zip for example so if you get a file called N32E037.hgt then you
will need to zip that up and make sure the name is right. Once you have the file
just put it in the ‘User’ folder of the ‘Cache’ folder for the Terrain Plugin,
the plugin will always look in this folder before trying to download any data,
this is also how you can add your own higher res data or missing data such a
Polar regions, sea bed data etc. You can find where the Cache folder is on your
machine by clicking the the ‘Cache Path’ button on the Terrain Rollup.

Check back to see when there is a new version of the plugin with a new data
source available.


January 27th, 2021

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Over the last few weeks I have been going back through old projects and demos
and saw that there were a lot of systems that would not really make full blown
Assets, although there are a fair few that would as well, but people might find
useful. I will be uploading these on my Patreon page along with 3d objects and
other bits as I find them. The first two small systems are up and they are from
The Steampunk demo I did a long time back for MegaFiers.

The first Asset is the Nixie Tube display system for writing messages in Nixie
tubes. The system takes a string input or a list of strings and will scroll
through the string or the lines and the text can be displayed on any number of
tubes. The asset includes the scripts as well as the 3d objects, materials and

The second system is a very simple one to display the correct time on watches or
clocks, it will move the hands to show the correct time and for a clock will
swing a pendulum, again the asset includes the scripts as well as 3d models of a
clock and a pocket watch with textures and sounds.

I have dozens of other systems to post so keep an eye out. You can see the Nixie
system and the watch in the video below.



May 25th, 2020

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It would seem the latest version of Google Earth has broken the system other
programs use to connect to it which has stopped the texture grab feature from
working, and it also seems GE now has an Auto update feature that can not be
turned off so to continue to use the Texture Grab feature you will need to
install a version of GE prior to 7.3. You can use this link
to get version 7.1.8 which works fine. You will still need to do the RegServer
trick after installing GE.

To re register the GE COM server open a cmd window and go to the folder where
the GoogleEarth.exe is. Then type ‘googleearth /RegServer’ then close the cmd
window. The texture grabbing system should now be able to find GE correctly and
grab your image.


April 26th, 2019

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We have just updated the Terrain Plugin to work with the 2020 version of 3DS
Max. If you visit the store page and enter the email used for the purchase you
can get the latest version now. The demo version download also includes a demo
version for 2020.




February 1st, 2019

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Now that Google Earth 6 is no longer working some users of the Terrain plugin
are having trouble getting the texture grabbing to work with GE 7 and GE Pro. If
you are having a problem then you may need to re register the GE COM server, to
do this open a cmd window and go to the folder where the GoogleEarth.exe is.
Then type ‘googleearth /RegServer’ then close the cmd window. The texture
grabbing system should now be able to find GE correctly and grab your image.


June 5th, 2018

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We have recently submitted an update to the asset store, and below you will find
a list of bug fixes, new features and improvements from version v3.40 which we
lasted posted about here. This makes MegaFiers fully compatible with Unity
2018.1 and 2018.2, also rewritten the Wrap system so is now almost instantly
generates the mapping data for wrapping the mesh instead of sometimes taking
several seconds for complex meshes. MegaFiers now also builds correctly for the
Hololens platform. And a small fix to the Create Mega Prefab system which could
mean some prefabs could look wrong when added to a scene.


Fixed the missing GUI call in the Point Cache Animator Inspector script that
could cause Unity to crash.

Fixed the missing GUI call in the Morph Animator Inspector script that could
cause Unity to crash.

Added option to Point Cache modifier to ignore first frame in playback, since
some mdd files seem to save a pose frame as frame 0.

Fixed bug in MegaHose and MegaHoseNew which could cause Hose mesh to update
every frame.

Some changes for latest Unity 2018.2 release.

Complete rewrite of the MegaWrap mapping system, now takes less than a second
for complex meshes as opposed to an hour in some cases.

Remove some unused objects from the package

MegaFiers now works with the Hololens platform.

MegaFiers updated to be compatible with Unity 2018.1

Removed unused assets from the package

Fixed a bug where some modifiers would look wrong after being added into a scene
from a prefab.

Fixed an issue in Unity 2017.2 that stopped the spline knots from being moved.


April 28th, 2018

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We have just updated the Terrain Plugin to work with the 2019 version of 3DS
Max. If you visit the store page and enter the email used for the purchase you
can get the latest version now. The demo version download also includes a demo
version for 2019.




October 6th, 2017

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We have recently submitted an update to the asset store, and below you will find
a list of bug fixes, new features and improvements from version v3.34 which we
lasted posted about here. This makes MegaFiers fully compatible with Unity
2017.2 and 2017.3, we have improved the OBJ Cache system and made it easier to
import sequences. The Undo feature for working with splines has also been
updated and improved to make editing splines nicer, and few other small fixes
and improvements.


Added inverse option to Volume Selection modifier to invert the selection.

Added inverse option to the Multi volume selection modifier to invert the

Small optimisation to the volume selection modifiers.

MegaFiers is now fully compatible with Unity 2017.3

MegaFiers is now fully compatible with Unity 2017.2

MegaCache OBJ seq import now works if the file names are just numbers.

SVG importer updated to handle SVG files with ‘ ‘ separators as well as ‘,’.

Added an Align option to Bez Patch object which will automatically position non
corner control points to be aligned with the edges.

Added Init Lattice context menu option to reset the Lattice points on a bez
patch object.

Added Align context menu option to Bez Patch object to align non corner control

The Undo for MegaShapes now recognises adding and deleting of knots as well
other the other options that change the spline such as Autocurve, scale etc.

Fixed bug in Make Prefab where if a mesh was deformed when prefab was made it
would be double deformed when the prefab was added to a scene.

Removed an object from the demo scene with an invalid vertex that would stop the
demo scene building on Mobile platforms.

Changed file sequence importers to work without need for split character or
format number, so now works correctly.

Updated OBJ file importer to be able to handle negative indices.

Changed OBJ material importer so you wont get an error if Material texture map
fields are empty in the OBJ file.

MegaCache made fully Unity 2017 compatible.

Stopped MegaCache OBJ animated system from animating in edit mode.

Fixed a problem with importing materials.

MegaCache now fully compatible with Unity 5.6

Changed various importers to work around the Monobehaviour bug for StringReader
making importing of files with Unix line endings very very slow.

OBJ Material importer will now create Standard Shader materials instead of
Legacy shaders.

Added an error message when trying to import an OBJ file which contains faces
with more than 4 sides, the OBJ importer only supports quads and tris.

MegaCache now fully compatible with Unity 5.5

Improved the material importer so will use names in mtllib instead of expecting
same filenames as obj files.

Option added to force calculation of normals on import, this will override any
normals in the OBJ files.

OBJ files which contain no normals will now have normals calculated on import.

Material importer now removes any ‘:’ found in the material names, ‘:’ can not
be used in asset names in Unity.

Material importer now defaults alpha value to 1 instead of 0 is alpha component
missing, this stops meshes from being invisible after import.

Fixed bug where mesh would not display if multiple materials were found in the
OBJ sequence but load materials is not selected.

MegaCache is fully 5.4 compatible.

Added option to update mesh collider for Object Cache.


August 8th, 2017

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There is a new version of MegaFlow in the Asset Store, and since we last posted
here about MegaFlow (v1.09) we have made dozens of improvements, bug fixes and
added new features and improvements to make MegaFlow more powerful and easier to
use. We have added support for Maya .pda particle cache files. Also the version
of MegaShapes included with MegaFlow has seen many improvements to make it
easier to edit and control your splines when authoring your own flows inside
Unity. MegaFlow as also been made compatible with the latest release if Unity
2017. Please check the list below for the full list of changes to MegaFlow since
version 1.09.


The Undo for MegaShapes now recognises adding and deleting of knots as well
other the other options that change the spline such as Autocurve, scale etc.

When importing FLW, FGA or FXD sequences you no longer need to specify a split
character or decformat.

MegaFlow made fully Unity 2017 compatible.

Fixed a bug where splines were being deleted if the ‘Add’ option was used when
Loading a spl file.

Updated MegaUitls.cs so if MegaFlow and MegaFiers used together there wont be
missing methods errors.

Changed FGA importer so it works with Blender FGA files that use floats instead
of ints for grid dimensions.

Removed latest depreciated method calls for the final Unity 5.6 release

Fixed a problem with the Position handles when editing splines.

Splines now default to Free Handle mode for editing.

MegaFlow is fully 5.6 compatible.

Added new improved spline smoothing, you can now choose between old and new
smoothing modes in the Shape Inspector. New method will produce a perfectly
smooth spline through all the control points.

Added option to auto smooth the spline when you drag a knot, this will recalc
the knot control points if you have changed any.

Rewritten the spline editing bit, making it easier to select and move spline
knots and handles.

Move gizmos are now only shown for the currently selected knot.

To edit a spline knot you just need to click the green sphere for the point you
want to edit, that will then select that point.

Option to freeze y movement when editing spline points, useful if using the free
move handle type.

No need to click and drag mid point gizmos to add a new point you can now just
click the circle to add a new knot.

Move handles now point along the spline.

Added extra circle gizmo at end of open spline for easier creation of splines by
easily allowing addition of knot on the end.

Add Undo system for spline editing, you can now undo any changes made to a
splines knots by clicking the Undo Edit Spline button.

Added option to set the max Undos that can be stored.

Fixed bug that caused splines to get corrupted if you tried to use the Spline
animation builder on a spline with an imported animation.

Added the missing SetHandles method to the MegaShapes API.

Fixed errors when building for a Windows App platforms.

Removed error in SVG importer when using a platform that does not support Regex

MegaFlow now fully compatible with Unity 5.5

Legacy particle system removed for Unity 5.5

MegaShapes lite changes applied to MegaFlow.

The Green Handle Gizmo will now scale with the gameobject transform correctly.

Fixes for deprecated methods

Fixed bug which stopped MegaFlow working correctly when flow data had been

Added a check for empty velocity data in a flow frame, stopping an exception

Added a warning in the console when trying to import FXD data that contains no
velocity data.

Fixed FXD parser for when there are different grid dimensions for velocity,
smoke and grid fields.

Beta of optimized 2D flows, if Z Grid is 1 then the system will use an optimized
grid interpolation and z flow component will be 0.

MegaFlow fully Unity 5.4 compatible

Fixed a bug for Unity 5.x users where the CreateFlow component would give an
error due to the component not getting an Awake call.

Added an interpolate option to the particle controllers so you can smoothly move
from one flow frame to another.

Fixed particles not flowing correctly on platforms with no threading support.

Removed obsolete methods for Unity 5.1 and Unity 5.2

Fixed MegaShapeLightMapWindow problem when doing an app build.

You can now build lightmap data for MegaShape standard meshes.

Changed OSM importer to use ulong for ids instead of int so can now handle
complex OSM files.

Fixed Shape labels being displayed if behind the camera.

Added a beta OSM data importer. Click the Assets/Import OSM option.

Added FindNearestPointXZ and FindNearestPointXZWorld methods to MegaShape API.

Fixed exception if trying to build a mesh with a shape with no splines.

Fixed exception if trying to interpolate along a shape with no splines.

Fixed exception if trying to interpolate a spline with no knots.

Autocurve fixed so the last knots handles on an open spline are correct.

Fixed some potential errors in the constant speed interpolation.

Smooth value is now a slider and shows results in realtime for easier use.

Added a StartVal to the Create flow inspector which will be used to initialize
the flow grid so you can easily set a start flow state.

Fixed bug in the MegaFlow Rigid Body component that stopped it working.

Added a MegaFlow controlled Rigidbody to the example scene.

Fully Unity 5 compatible

Added option to export flow frames back out to FGA files for use by other

Fixed bug which caused the smoke gun objects from being shown after a while.

Added option to Smoke Gun to set range of start rotation of objects.

Flow Effect now has color gradient option to change the color of the object
depending on the speed range set.

Added option to Flow Effect to align objects with the flow direction or the
object movement direction, useful for arrows objects to show flow direction etc.

Added missing Mass value to the Flow Effect inspector.

Update the SmokeGun script with more options and to make it easier to use.

Added a SmokeGun object to the demo scene.

Further small changes to make compatible with Unity 5.0

Made changes for latest Unity 5 beta to fix any import warnings.

Fixed exception when adding a new curve to a shape.

Added option to Spline Tube Mesh to flip normals for inside tubes.

Added option to Spline Box Mesh to flip normals for inside box tubes.

Added option to Spline Ribbon Mesh to flip normals.

Imported SXL splines will now no longer change values to centre the spline.

Imported SVG splines will now no longer change values to centre the spline.

Added Centre Shape button to Shapes Inspector to allow you move the pivot to the
centre of all the points.

Added new InterpCurve3D method which will return the postion, twist and also
rotation quaternion for a point on a spline.

Autocurve now does the first and last handles on open splines.

Added ‘Update on Drag’ option to MegaShape inspector, if checked spline meshes
will update as you drag, off then they will update when dragging stops.

Fixed inspector for spline animations so buttons aren’t hidden.


May 15th, 2017

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We have made quite a few improvements and bug fixes to our MegaFiers asset since
version 3.25, below you will see a complete list of what new but amongst the
changes are big improvements to the spline system included in MegaFiers making
it easier to use and getting better results with a new auto smoothing system. We
have also made MegaFiers fully compatible with Unity 5.6 and Unity 2017.


Changed animation system to stop animated modifiers from updating in edit mode
when not playing.

Took out the check to only update modified objects if selected which was causing
unexpected effects and objects not updating when dependencies were changed.

MegaFiers made Unity 2017 compatible.

Changes made for the latest Unity 5.6 obsolete methods for the final release of
Unity 5.6

Added new options to the BezPatch system to allow for better control over the
animation system.

Size value now works for FFD handles.

Gizmo col alpha will effect FFD handles.

Stopped all MegaModify objects in the scene being updated when editing another.

Fixed FFD handles not changing mesh while dragging.

Added experimental Hit Deform modifier for deformations when your object hits

Fixed a problem with the Position handles when editing splines.

Splines now default to Free Handle mode for editing.

Fixed problem when building for Windows App platform with the OBJ Exporter.

MegaShapes is fully 5.6 compatible.

Added new improved spline smoothing, you can now choose between old and new
smoothing modes in the Shape Inspector. New method will produce a perfectly
smooth spline through all the control points.

Added option to auto smooth the spline when you drag a knot, this will recalc
the knot control points if you have changed any.

Rewritten the spline editing bit, making it easier to select and move spline
knots and handles.

Move gizmos are now only shown for the currently selected knot.

To edit a spline knot you just need to click the green sphere for the point you
want to edit, that will then select that point.

Option to freeze y movement when editing spline points, useful if using the free
move handle type.

No need to click and drag mid point gizmos to add a new point you can now just
click the circle to add a new knot.

Move handles now point along the spline.

Added extra circle gizmo at end of open spline for easier creation of splines by
easily allowing addition of knot on the end.

Add Undo system for spline editing, you can now undo any changes made to a
splines knots by clicking the Undo Edit Spline button.

Added option to set the max Undos that can be stored.

Fixed bug that caused splines to get corrupted if you tried to use the Spline
animation builder on a spline with an imported animation.

Added the missing SetHandles method to the MegaShapes API.

Mega Copy Object now works correctly for deformed meshes so that the new mesh is
not predeformed.

World Path Deform animation option works in Distance mode as well as percent

Path Deform animation option works in Distance mode as well as percent mode.

Animation loop modes added to Path Deform and World Path deform, so you can
Loop, Clamp, PingPong the animation if you want.

Fixed an issue with the Bezier Attractor where the points array was not being
initialised causing an exception.


January 16th, 2017

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A new update for MegaShapes is now available, in this update we have re written
the spline editing code to make it much niser and easier to use, we have removed
the clutter of gizmos so now only the point you are editing will have a move
gizmo displayed. We have also made it easier to add points to your spline by
simply clicking the mid point circle a new knot will be added and on open
splines you just need to click the circle gizmo past the end of the spline to
add further knots to your spline.
Another new feature is a new smoothing method, this new system will always
generate the smoothest spline through all your control points, and we added the
option to automatically smooth as you drag a control point or add knots to the
We have also added a custom undo system to the spline editing make it very
simple to back track over any changes you make to the spline, you now just need
to click the Undo button in the inspector.
And finally MegaShapes is fully Unity 5.6 compatible.



MegaShapes is fully 5.6 compatible.

Fixed negative dist value in terrain carve component causing an exception.

Added new improved spline smoothing, you can now choose between old and new
smoothing modes in the Shape Inspector. New method will produce a perfectly
smooth spline through all the control points.

Added option to auto smooth the spline when you drag a knot, this will recalc
the knot control points if you have changed any.

Lofts etc will auto update if a spline knot is deleted now.

Lofts etc will auto update if a spline is reversed now.

Rewritten the spline editing bit, making it easier to select and move spline
knots and handles.

Move gizmos are now only shown for the currently selected knot.

To edit a spline knot you just need to click the green sphere for the point you
want to edit, that will then select that point.

Option to freeze y movement when editing spline points, useful if using the free
move handle type.

No need to click and drag mid point gizmos to add a new point you can now just
click the circle to add a new knot.

Move handles now point along the spline.

Added extra circle gizmo at end of open spline for easier creation of splines by
easily allowing addition of knot on the end.

Add Undo system for spline editing, you can now undo any changes made to a
splines knots by clicking the Undo Edit Spline button.

Added option to set the max Undos that can be stored.

Added option to Walk Loft Smooth to use a raycast, useful if your loft is
conformed to the ground or otherwise moved from the loft spline.

Fixed bug that caused splines to get corrupted if you tried to use the Spline
animation builder on a spline with an imported animation.

Added the missing SetHandles method to the MegaShapes API.


December 1st, 2016

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MegaFiers has been updated again, this brings numerous changes, some bug fixes
and a couple of new features. Firstly we fixed a small bug in the multi threaded
morphing system which meant some vertices might not be moved correctly and you
might have noticed a flickering on your moprhing object, this is now fixed. We
also fixed the Lattice handles not updating meshes on the FFD warp objects. We
also changed the Mega Copy Object option in the GameObject menu so it will now
copy objects and keep their prefab info intact. Another change is the LateUpdate
option has been replaced with an UpdateMode so you can now choose from Update,
LateUpdate or OnRender. This was added to make MegaFiers work nicely along side
other assets that may do they mesh updates in the OnRender method such as Text
Mesh Pro. And finally we had a request to add an OBJ file exporter for deforming
objects, so there is now an option in the GameObject menu to export the selected
object to an OBJ file, or you can add the MegaOBJExport component to your
deforming object and then select a key that will export the mesh, if you select
‘Sequence’ then you can set the frame rate to capture and as long as you hold
down the export key a sequence of OBJ files will be exported. You can use this
to bake complex animations to an OBJ sequence which you can then use to make a
Point Cache file in a 3d package or import the sequence using the version of
MegaCache that is included in MegaFiers.


Added MegaOBJExport component so you can export a deforming mesh to an OBJ File
or a sequence of OBJ Files.

Added new item to GameObject Menu to allow you to directly export any mesh
object to an OBJ file.

Added a Scale modifier, making it easier to work with meshes that need scaling

Added a new ‘Mega Duplicate Object New’ option to the GameObject menu, this will
duplicate an object in the scene and preserve any prefabs and still update the
meshes correctly for MegaFiers.

Fixed bug that caused splines to get corrupted if you tried to use the Spline
animation builder on a spline with an imported animation.

FFD Warps can now be found in the same component section as the other warps
instead of a different warp heading.

Fixed issue on Unity 5.4 that dragging FFD Warp handles was not updating any
object bound to that warp.

Added UpdateMode to Modify Object, you can now choose between Update, LateUpdate
or OnRender, this will change when in the render pipeline the deformations are
added, Update is fine for most cases but sometimes you may need the other
options, use OnRender with TextMeshPro objects for example or other procedural

Removed LateUpdate option from Mega Modify Object.

Small optimisation to the Bend modifier.

Fixed a bug in the multi-threaded Morph where some vertices might not be moved.

Fixed the morph example in the demo scene not working and added more example
morph channels.


November 7th, 2016

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We have done numerous updates to MegaShapes over the last couple of months
bringing some small bug fixes and a couple of new features. We have made
MegaShapes fully Unity 5.5 compatible, also added a new Hose system that works
better for connecting moving and rotating objects. We fixed the collisions in
the rope system so that the layer selection works correctly, optimized the Lathe
mesh builder and improved the normal calculation system, and many more little
bug fixes and improvements.

Visit the Asset Store Now


This video shows a car being controlled by a spline but still being free to go
over obstacles etc.



MegaShapes fully Unity 5.5 compatible.

Layer field for the Rope collision field now shows all the layers correctly.

Fixed bug with rope collisions not using the selected layer value correctly.

Moved the New Hose system source file from the editor folder to the correct
folder. You may need to delete the MegaHoseNew.cs file in the editor folder
after an update.

Added new Hose Attach system that uses the new hose system.

Added a new version of the hose system that works correctly when end nodes are
transformed or moved. Use ‘Hose New’ instead of ‘Hose’.

Optimized the Lathe mesh builder.

Improved the Lathe Normal calculation system so it works correctly for all

Fixed the mesh array size errors in the Lathe system when reducing the vertex

Fixed the Regex error in the SVG importer when building for a Windows Store App

Editing of splines is now disabled if an Alt key is down, stops accidental
editing of splines while changing the scene view.

Added simple demo scene showing the RBody following a path component.

Fixed error with Spline Fill mesh when being used as a collider with zero

MegaShapes fully compatible with Unity 5.3

Train demo scene fixed so the train works correctly in Unity 5.x

Fixed main demo scene where one of the lofts had its rules disabled causing an

Fixed a problem in Unity 5.x where zero length tris would cause an error and
stop the collider being built.

Fixed exception in inspector if you happen to create a spline with no knots in

Added option to turn of the autosmooth when a new knot is added to the spline.

Also added the AutoCurve option when the Add Knot button is clicked

Fixed bug in the Lathe system where normals were pointing the wrong way


November 2nd, 2016

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We have just submitted a small update to the AssetStore and our web store. This
brings Unity 5.5 compatibility as well as various bug fixes such as fixing a
problem when building for the Windows App platform, fixing a bug in he conform
modifier when using the axis value, and stopping the mesh being deleted if you
removed the Modify Object component. We also added a new hose system that wokrs
better when connecting two objects, and made improvements to the conform
modifier, improved the Material imported for the MegaCache system, and added a
couple of helper options to the context menu to make it easy to remove all
MegaFier components from an object and also to restore the mesh to its original

Visit the Unity Assetstore


Fixed a small bug in the Conform modifier which caused odd results when the mesh
was rotated and using Local Down.

Made changes to make compatible with upcoming Unity 5.5 release.

Fixes for errors when building for Windows App platform.

Fixed a bug in the Conform modifier so now detects if the Axis value is changed
and so will work correctly.

Added new options to the conform modifier to allow you to use the down axis of
the object, so can conform on to objects from different directions, useful for
conforming to say a sphere.

Added new Hose Attach system that uses the new hose system.

Added a new version of the hose system that works correctly when end nodes are
transformed or moved. Use ‘Hose New’ instead of ‘Hose’.

Fixed the mesh being deleted if you removed the Modify Object component.

Added two helper options to the context menu for the modify object component
alowing you easily remove all MegaFier components from your object and either
leave the deformed state or retore the mesh to its original state.

Improved the material importer for MegaCache so will use names in mtllib instead
of expecting same filenames as obj files.

Fix for Wrap system on non skinned targets not being in the correct place.


June 15th, 2016

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We have just submitted a small update to the AssetStore and our web store. This
brings a few bug fixes such as a missing Copy Object method when using the
Windows App target platform, and also MegaCache missing a method on platforms
that do not support multi cores. We also added the requested Morph weight option
for progressive morphs, and finally did some work on the Wrap system which fixed
a problem with wrap prefabs on skinned objects not work working when added back
into the scene and we have also greatly sped up the wrap system to between 2 and
4 times faster. This also adds an option to use the Unity BakeMesh system for
faster calculation of skinned mesh vertices which again is a lot faster but note
using that option will generate GC, if you turn it off it will be a little
slower but no GC will happen, hopefully Unity will fix the BakeMesh so it will
reuse a mesh instead of allocating one each time in the future.


Fixed bug in the wrap system when using new BakedMesh option.

More fixes for depreciated methods in Unity 5.4

Greatly sped up the MegaWrap system, 2 to 4 times faster.

Added option to MegaWrap to use Unity BakeMesh for faster calculation of skinned
vertices, note using the Bake option is a lot faster but will generate some GC.

Fix for MegaCache missing a method when used on a platform that does not support
multi threading.

Fixed MegaCopyObject not present on Window App platforms.

Fixed error in SVG code on Windows App platforms.

Changes to the Progressive Morph Weight option so works as expected now.

Helper script MegaShapeRBodyPath.cs moved from Test Scene folder to MegaShapes
folder to stop duplication if MegaFiers and MegaShapes are used together in a

Added weight option to Morph channels to allow adjustment of each channels
contribution to the morph, useful for progressive morphs.

Fixed a problem with Wrapped object prefabs when they were wrapped to a skinned
target causing errors and not working when added back to a scene.


May 23rd, 2016

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We have just updated the Terrain Plugin to work with the 2017 version of 3DS
Max. If you visit the store page and enter the email used for the purchase you
can get the latest version now. The demo version download also includes a demo
version for 2017.




April 26th, 2016

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We have updated the MegaFiers system with a few new features and some bug fixes,
we added 3 new Warps namely the FFD modifiers, we also fixed a bug in the Max
Morph exporter in Max 2015 and 16 if you were using Progressive morphs, we have
also fix a few bugs in the Make Prefab system so there should be no problems any
more and also in the Copy Object system. We also added Unity Blendshape support
to the wrap system so if your wrap object had Blendshapes they will still work
now. And a few other fixes as well.


Added beta FFD2x2x2 Warp Modifier.

Added beta FFD3x3x3 Warp Modifier.

Added beta FFD4x4x4 Warp Modifier.

Fixed an issue with the 2015/16 3ds max exporter crashing with Progressive morph

MegaMelt modifier custom inspector code updated to support multi object edit and

Fixed a bug in the wrap system when a mesh is being copied causing an exception.

Fixed an issue in the Make Prefab system if a ModifyObject was attached to an
object with no mesh data.

Fixed an issue with the Make Prefab system if there were copies of the same mesh
in the hierarchy

Fixed an issue in the Make Prefab system where meshes could be swapped depending
on order of skinned and normal meshes in the children.

Fixed the above also for Copy Object.

MegaWrap system now copies Unity BlendShape data to preserve any blendshapes
that may be attached to a wrapped item.

MegaWrapRef system now copies Unity BlendShape data to preserve any blendshapes
that may be attached to a wrapped item.

Fixed mesh instead of sharedmesh being used in part of the copy object, so no
more leaked mesh errors in edit mode when copying.

Added a check in Create Prefab system for when a MegaWrap component is attached
to a gameobject with no meshfilter which broke the copy system.


February 29th, 2016

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We have released an update for MegaFiers, this updates now allows you to use
MegaFier modifiers on objects with Unity Blendshapes, so you can now have say
all your facial morphs driven by your favourite lip syncing system but still
have body deformations or morphs driven by MegaFiers running on top so clothing
wraps etc will work with your lip synced models. We have also removed the error
message you used to get when applying the MegaWrap system to an object. Also the
version of MegaShapes has been brought up to date to include all the latest bug
fixes and some improvements to the editing, and finally the system is fully
compatible with the upcoming release of Unity 5.4 Available now on our webstore
or on the asset store

Update video showing a few different modifiers being used to deform Text Mesh
Pro text, click the image to play the video.


Updated Mesh copy functions so Unity Blendshape data is preserved.

Stopped the mesh leak error when remapping the wrap mesh to object in the edit

Editing of splines is now disabled if an Alt key is down, stops accidental
editing of splines while changing the scene view.

Fixed error with Spline Fill mesh when being used as a collider with zero

MegaFiers fully compatible with Unity 5.4

Fixed a problem in Unity 5.x where zero length tris would cause an error and
stop the collider being built.

Fixed exception in inspector if you happen to create a spline with no knots in

Added option to turn of the autosmooth when a new knot is added to the spline.

Also added the AutoCurve option when the Add Knot button is clicked


February 2nd, 2016

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There is a new version of MegaFiers in the AssetStore and on our webstore, since
the last update post here. This update brings a major change to the internal
workings of MegaFiers improving how it manages meshes and their data, this
finally stops the false error from appearing when you first add a modifier to an
object and more importantly it allows MegaFiers to work correctly with dynamic
meshes such as those from assets like Text Mesh Pro. If you do want to use
MegaFiers with an asset that is procedurally generated or likely to change
vertex counts then just check the Dynamic Mesh check box in the Modify Object
inspector and the system will take care of any changes made to the mesh. Note
that with Text Mesh Pro sometimes the deformation may not show on the mesh when
Play Mode is exited, changing any value in the inspector though will update the
view and the mesh to what it should be. We also improved the MegaWrap system to
make mapping a lot faster and also offer a cancel button for the mapping process
so you can more easily tweak the values, we also added the option to use Mega
Normal calculations on Wrap meshes so as to preserve smoothing groups. We also
made MegaFiers fully 5.3 compatible.

Please note due to the large changes to the internals of MegaFiers in this
update please backup your project before updating the asset.


Please make a backup before updating to this version as a lot of internals have
been changed.

Removed a lot of dead code and commented out sections.

Changed the way meshes are copied and cached to make initial setup quicker, use
less memory and stops the false error that would appear when a modifier is first
added to a mesh.

Mesh changes mean system can work with assets like Text Mesh Pro which update
their meshes at Start time.

Added Dynamic Mesh option to Modify Object, turn this option on if your mesh is
procedural in any way, ie text , for optimized handling of dynamic mesh data

Re did Mega Wrap mapping so now uses a cancel progress bar, so you can stop the
process and also see how long it will take.

Greatly sped up the Wrap mapping process.

More performance increase to come to the wrap system in future updates.

Made changes for full compatibility with Unity 5.3

Added beta option to MegaWrap to use the MegaNormal recalculate option to
preserve smoothing groups.

Added beta option to MegaWrapRef to use the MegaNormal recalculate option to
preserve smoothing groups.


October 5th, 2015

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We have done numerous updates to MegaShapes over the last couple of months
bringing some small bug fixes as well as new features such as all the Clone
layers now work with the Conform option so you can easily build fences, walls
etc that lay nicely on your ground, you can also now generate lightmap data for
the basic MegaShape meshing options. We have also improved the OSM importer to
allow you to select which layers to import and we also added a new demo scene to
show how MegaShape splines can be used to control Rigid Body objects, in this
case a car driving around a scene but still allowed to go over jumps etc.


This video shows a car being controlled by a spline but still being free to go
over obstacles etc.



Fixed exception bug in the spline notify system that could appear when loft
layers which do not use cross sections are used.

Added conform option to the Clone spline layer so can now easily make fences etc
fit the terrain

Added conform option to the Clone spline Rules layer so can now easily make
fences etc fit the terrain

Added conform option to the Clone spline Simple layer so can now easily make
fences etc fit the terrain

Added conform option to the Scatter spline layer so can now easily make fences
etc fit the terrain

Changes for Unity 5.1, removal of obsolete items etc.

Fixed CrossSection lines not showing for Complex layer type.

You can now build lightmap data for MegaShape standard meshes.

Changed OSM importer to use ulong for ids instead of int so can now handle
complex OSM files.

Added a new demo scene to show a RBody being controlled by a spline. Car model
kindly provided by


June 26th, 2015

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There is a new version of MegaFiers in the AssetStore and on our webstore, since
the last update post here we have added a few features to the spline system and
fixed a few small bugs. The Point Cache system importer has been improved as has
the OBJ importer for morphs. And the Wrap system has seen some fixes and can now
properly be saved to Prefabs and multi object prefabs can also be made correctly


Fixed MegaShapeLightMapWindow problem when doing an app build.

Changed the Copy Object system to work better with Wrapped objects. Use
“GameObject/Mega Duplicate Object”

Improved the Create Mega Prefab system. Use “GameObject/Create Mega Prefab”

Added MegaCopyObject.DuplicateObject() method to allow you to copy Mega objects
from script.

You can now build lightmap data for MegaShape standard meshes.

Changed OSM importer to use ulong for ids instead of int so can now handle
complex OSM files.

Fixed Shape labels being displayed if behind the camera.

Added a beta OSM data importer. Click the Assets/Import OSM option.

Fixed exception if trying to build a mesh with a shape with no splines.

Fixed exception if trying to interpolate along a shape with no splines.

Fixed exception if trying to interpolate a spline with no knots.

Added a check to the Wrap system for skinned meshes with no bones being used as
targets, system will now work in such cases.

Changed the PC2 file importer to allow for files that do not contain all the
samples indicated by the header.

Added FindNearestPointXZ and FindNearestPointXZWorld methods to MegaShape API.

Improved Move RigidBody along spline system example script
MegaShapeRBodyPathNew, note it is an example script for you to base your own on.

Added a break force option to RigidBody spline follow.

Fixed a bug in the Load Targets option when using OBJ files with the morpher.

Added more options to the Move Rigidbody along a spline script.

Added option to the Walk Rope example scripts to check object is within the
bounds of the bridge object. Enable Recalc Bounds on any rope bridge to use.

Removed the unused function LoadTexture which was causing a compile error when
building for webplayer.

Added a warning in the Wrap system if you are trying to wrap to an object with
no mesh.


May 19th, 2015

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Just a quick post to highlight some of our assets for Unity from the videos we
have posted just in case we have any new visitors that may have missed them.


A little promo video for MegaFiers that shows a few selected features of the








May 14th, 2015

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Just added an update to MegaShapes v2.08, since the last update posted here we
have made improvements to the Terrain carving, fixed some bugs and made a bunch
of general improvements. We also added example scripts showing how to draw
splines and lofts at runtime using the mouse or touch, also added an example
script showing how to control rigid bodies with splines and we have added
support for importing OSM (Open Street Map) files to splines. Below you can see
a couple of videos showing the new draw spline.loft system as well as the system
to control Rigid bodies.


This video shows the new script included with MegaShapes that allows for splines
or lofts to be drawn at by the user at runtime.


This video shows a car being controlled by a spline but still being free to go
over obstacles etc.


Fixed Shape labels being displayed if behind the camera.

Added a beta OSM data importer. Click the Assets/Import OSM option.

Added example script showing how to move a RigidBody object along a spline with

Added FindNearestPointXZ and FindNearestPointXZWorld methods to MegaShape API.

Improved Move RigidBody along spline system example script
MegaShapeRBodyPathNew, note it is an example script for you to base your own on.

Added a break force option to RigidBody spline follow.

Added more options to the Move Rigidbody along a spline script.

Changed Clone Spline simple so position of layer is not linked to spline
position, no need to duplicate the spline if used multiple times.

Changed Clone Spline so position of layer is not linked to spline position, no
need to duplicate the spline if used multiple times.

Changed Clone Spline Rules so position of layer is not linked to spline
position, no need to duplicate the spline if used multiple times.

Fixed exception if trying to build a mesh with a shape with no splines.

Fixed exception if trying to interpolate along a shape with no splines.

Fixed exception if trying to interpolate a spline with no knots.

Remove the SetActive warning from Draw Loft Component.

Added in the Mega Mesh Page component.

Added a new Scatter system (MegaLoftScatter) to allow you to scatter complete
objects onto lofts.

Tweaks to the Draw loft and Draw Spline components.

Autocurve fixed so the last knots handles on an open spline are correct.

Added a Draw Spline example script to make splines by drawing with the mouse at

Added a Draw Loft example script to make new lofts by drawing with the mouse at

Added a demo scene showing the draw spline system.

Added draw loft example to the first tutorial scene.

Fixed some potential errors in the constant speed interpolation.

Smooth value is now a slider and shows results in realtime for easier use.

Fixed Terrain Carve gizmo being offset from the loft.

Fixed exception when first adding a terrain object to the terrain carve system.

Made the default curves for the terrain carves correct for left and right.

Terrain carve now works with open lofts.

Terrain carve outline splines now use same interpolation settings as the loft
spline for better results.

Terrain carve Conform button will not appear in the inspector until the Save
Heights button has been clicked to save confusion.

Fixed bug in the WalkLoft GetLocalPoint method where it was not using the passed
dist value.

Fixed bug in the WalkLoftSmooth GetLocalPoint method where it was not using the
passed dist value.

Added GetPoint method to WalkLoft to get any point on the loft, as opposed to
the GetLocalPoint which is relative to the current walk loft position.

Added GetPoint method to WalkLoftSmooth to get any point on the loft, as opposed
to the GetLocalPoint which is relative to the current walk loft smooth position.

Further small changes to make compatible with Unity 5.0

Fixed import warnings for the latest Unity 5 beta.


April 18th, 2015

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We have set up a Patreon page in case anyone would like to help support the
creation of new tutorial videos for our Unity assets and also help add new
features to existing assets as well as the creation on new systems to help you
make your games.


March 20th, 2015

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We have submitted the latest update to MegaCache to the Asset Store and our
webstore, this adds a beta of a new Particle Playback system which is different
from the existing Particle cache system in that it can be used to playback one
shot or discreet particle effects such as explosions, the previous particle
cache system is used to play back continuous particle simulations such as smoke.
Also the system is fully compatible with Unity 5.


Added option to particle import to remove particles alive in last frame from

Improved particle importer to remove particles that only have one frame of data.

Added a new Particle Playback component for direct particle playback as opposed
to the emitter version, means one shot effects like explosions etc can be used
as opposed to constant effects like smoke.

Added playback component for legacy particles as well.

Removed the unused function LoadTexture which was causing a compile error when
building for webplayer.

Fully Unity 5 compatible.

Smoke in demo scene working correctly.

Added a beta of a new Point Cloud import and playback system.

Works with Unity 5

Fixed bug in Particle Inspector

Fixed bug in Legacy Particle Inspector

Added a beta exporter for Blender to export Blender particle systems to
MegaCache prt format.

Fixed bug with particle importers wanting .txt extension instead of .prt
generated by the Max exporter.

Demo scene was saved using a file as a data source which would not work without
the cache file. Demo scene now uses an ‘Image’ data source.

Added option to update mesh collider for Object Cache.

Added option to update mesh collider for Object Cache Ref.

Added a runtime folder option for OBJ Cache files, cache files for standalone
builds need to be copied the data folder for the build after the Unity build.


March 19th, 2015

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Just a quick post to say that all our Assets are fully Unity 5 compatible and
will import into your Unity 5 projects with warnings or need for the Unity auto
update tool etc.


March 3rd, 2015

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We have just updated MegaFiers again in the Assetstore and on our webstore, this
brings a lot of changes since the last update news was posted here, below you
will see a list of the changes, improvements and bug fixes since version 2.82.


Optimized the Attractor Shape modifier some more.

Attractor shape modifier now works with multiple splines.

Added a version of the Displace modifier that can use RenderTextures.

Added option to World Path deform to use a distance value or percent value.

Added option to Path deform to use a distance value or percent value.

Tweaks to the Draw Spline components.

Autocurve fixed so the last knots handles on an open spline are correct.

Added a Draw Spline example script to make splines by drawing with the mouse at

Fixed some potential errors in the constant speed interpolation.

Smooth value is now a slider and shows results in realtime for easier use.

Further small changes to make compatible with Unity 5.0

Made changes for latest Unity 5 beta to fix any import warnings.

Fixed exception when adding a new curve to a shape.

The Clone Spline layer now works with the spline twist values.

Fixed exception when adding a new curve to a shape.

Added option to Spline Tube Mesh to flip normals for inside tubes.

Added option to Spline Box Mesh to flip normals for inside box tubes.

Added option to Spline Ribbon Mesh to flip normals.

Imported SXL splines will now no longer change values to centre the spline.

Imported SVG splines will now no longer change values to centre the spline.

Added Centre Shape button to Shapes Inspector to allow you move the pivot to the
centre of all the points.

Added new InterpCurve3D method which will return the postion, twist and also
rotation quaternion for a point on a spline.

Autocurve now does the first and last handles on open splines.

Added ‘Update on Drag’ option to MegaShape inspector, if checked spline meshes
will update as you drag, off then they will update when dragging stops.

Fixed inspector for spline animations so buttons aren’t hidden.

Added option to MegaCache Obj to update the mesh collider if one is present.

Fixed a bug in the Copy Object method where normals might not be copied
correctly depending on settings.

Added a runtime folder option for OBJ Cache files, cache files for standalone
builds need to be copied the data folder for the build after the Unity build.

Fixed mouse offset issue in dynamic ripple modifier if using a box collider
which has a non zero center value.

Added new modifier, Conform Modifier that supports multiple targets.

Added option to OBJ Cache inspector for Name Split character.

Fixed potential memory leak in OBJ Cache system

Fixed image base OBJ Seq mesh not appearing when project loaded until it is

Fixed final warning for importing asset into Unity 5.x project.

Fixed bug meaning bilinear option in Dynamic ripple could not be unchecked.

Made changes to OBJ importer to work with odd OBJ files such as ones with no
normals etc

Frames slider appears correctly when selecting a cache file for the first time

Added beta of the MegaCache OBJ cache system, this will be the basic version of
the system in the full MegaCache asset

Fixed MegaPaint so it imports into Unity 5.x with no changes needed

Doubled the speed of the Attractor modifier

Added a limit option to the Attractor modifier to limit range of the effect and
help improve performance.

Repulse mode in Attractor modifier now works correctly.

Added simple demo scene for the Attractor modifier.

MegaFiers now imports into Unity 5.x with no changes required.


February 2nd, 2015

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We have just released version 1.97 of MegaShapes to the Asset Store and our
webstore. This brings some bug fixes as well as new features such as being able
to flip the normals on meshes generated from Splines so you can have inside
tubes easily. The Clone Spline layer now can use the spline twist values and we
added some extra methods to the Walk Loft scripts to allow you to easily get
points on the loft.


The Clone Spline layer now works with the spline twist values.

Fixed exception when adding a new curve to a shape.

Added option to Spline Tube Mesh to flip normals for inside tubes.

Added option to Spline Box Mesh to flip normals for inside box tubes.

Added option to Spline Ribbon Mesh to flip normals.

Added a method GetLocalPoint(float dist, float crossa) to WalkLoft script to
allow you to easily get a point on the loft in the local space which can be used
for steering controls etc.

Added a method GetLocalPoint(float dist, float crossa) to WalkLoftSmooth script
to allow you to easily get a point on the loft in the local space which can be
used for steering controls etc.

Imported SXL splines will now no longer change values to centre the spline.

Imported SVG splines will now no longer change values to centre the spline.

Added Centre Shape button to Shapes Inspector to allow you move the pivot to the
centre of all the points.

Fixed a bug in the MegaShapeFollow script when using the option to rotate
objects to align to the spline.

Added new InterpCurve3D method which will return the position, twist and also
rotation quaternion for a point on a spline.


January 21st, 2015

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The nice people over at HutonGames sent us a copy of PlayMaker so we could look
at adding some actions to allow PlayMaker users to more easily use the MegaFiers
system, so over the last week or so we have been adding Actions for the more
commonly used aspects of the system and will be releasing a PlayMaker Actions
asset soon. To start with the include actions will allow you to control most of
the Modifiers in MegaFiers along with the Warps. We will be adding further
actions to the system probably as they are requested by PlayMaker users, so if
you are a user of PlayMaker and MegaFiers then please do let us know what is
needed. And we will also soon be adding PlayMaker actions for our other Mega
Assets such as Shapes, Book, Scatter, Flow, Cache and Wires.


Currently the actions included allow you to control the following Modifiers.

Attractor Shape
Curve Deform
Displace Limits
Page Flip
Path Deform
Point Cache
Radial Skew
Sinus Curve
Tree Bend
Vertical Noise
Warp Bind
World Path Deform


And also the following Warps.

Sinus Curve


You can get the PlayMaker actions now at our WebStore for $10 per seat.


January 18th, 2015

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The clever chaps at VirtualWare have released a video of their amazing Virtual
Aquarium that they have just installed in the Yurabi Restaurant in Barcelona.
They used MegaFiers to animate all the fish and creatures in the tank. I think a
trip to Barcelona is called for 🙂 Click the image above to play the video to
see the Aquariums in their full glory.


January 12th, 2015

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The nice people over at HutonGames sent us a copy of PlayMaker so we could look
at adding some actions to allow PlayMaker users to more easily use the MegaFiers
system, so over the last week or so we have been adding Actions for the more
commonly used aspects of the system and will be releasing a PlayMaker Actions
asset soon. To start with the include actions will allow you to control most of
the Modifiers in MegaFiers along with the Warps. We will be adding further
actions to the system probably as they are requested by PlayMaker users, so if
you are a user of PlayMaker and MegaFiers then please do let us know what is
needed. And we will also soon be adding PlayMaker actions for our other Mega
Assets such as Shapes, Book, Scatter, Flow, Cache and Wires.


Currently the actions included allow you to control the following Modifiers.

Attractor Shape
Curve Deform
Displace Limits
Page Flip
Path Deform
Point Cache
Radial Skew
Sinus Curve
Tree Bend
Vertical Noise
Warp Bind
World Path Deform


And also the following Warps.

Sinus Curve


You can get the PlayMaker actions now at our WebStore for $10 per seat.


December 14th, 2014

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MegaCache is available for purchase on our webstore, and will soon be in the
Unity AssetStore, you can find out more about the system by cheking the
MegaCache section of the website by using the mneu bar on the left.


December 6th, 2014

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We are getting close to the release of MegaCache which is our new system for
Unity that allows you to import complex mesh animations and particle systems and
play them back inside Unity. All the systems in MegaCache make use of multi
threading for amazingly fast performance and also feature memory optimizations
to allow complex files to be used with minimum inpact of resources. The video is
a little teaser of the system playing back a Fluids dynamic simulation a RayFire
Fracturing object animation and a Particle Flow system exported from Max and
imported into the Unity Shuriken system by MegaCache.

Update: We have submitted MegaCache to the Unity Assetstore for approval, or if
you can’t wait it is available now on our website.


December 6th, 2014

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Since the first release of MegaFlow we have done numerous updates to fix any
issues and add numerous new features to the system with more to come. The main
new feature that was added is support for moving flow sources which opens up
some cool uses for the system, we have also improved the Texture 3D support so
now vector feilds can be used by GPU based particle systems such as TC Particle,
and we have improved the Vector field authoring system. Below is a complete list
of the changes since first release and there is also a video showing the work
flow for the new moving source system.


Added beta of the new moving source system.

Added a simple demo scene showing the moving source in use.

Added a Shuriken particle controller that uses moving sources.

Added a legacy particle controller that uses moving sources.

Added method to MegaFlowFrame API to get flow velocity as a world space
position. Makes it easier to use for external scripts.

Changes made so users of MegaWires can use flow sources as wind sources for the
wire physics.

Improved the inspector layout for the Create Flow system.

Added helper component MegaFlowSample which has two methods to allow you to get
easily get the velocity from a flow field.

Updated the docs page for the MegaFlow source to show new options.

Updated the docs page for the Create Flow system to show the new options and
inspector layout.

Further Optimizations to the particle controllers.

Changed the Texture3D create mode to fit the TCParticle layout.

Include setting for splines now respected in create flow.

Option to use a Texture3D in create flow mode

You can now resample the current frame to new grid dimensions, handy for testing
smaller grids for better memory use.

Added option to add modifiers to the flow creation, so you can add any object
with a collider and use that to adjust the flow.

Fixed an issue with missing preview flows not being saved in the scene.

Each frame can now have an offset value, useful if using multiple frames of
different sizes.

Added option to the inspector normalize the flow frame data.

Added a preview option for the Create Flow system, so you can quickly see the
current flow without having to send it to the flow source.

Fixed issue in Texture3D builder with negative values.

Added API section to MegaFlow docs, GetGridVelWorld, SetFrame, SetMatrix, GetCol

If the MegaFlow Particle component is attached to a particle system you dont
need to select a particle system to use, the system will use the object.

If the MegaFlow Legacy Particle component is attached to a particle system you
dont need to select a particle system to use, the system will use the object.

Added beta option to inspector to save a Texture3D to the project for the
current frame, can be used by GPU shader or particle systems such a TC

Fixed an exception if particle system was trying to use a flow source with no
frame data.

Fixed an exception if rigid body controller was trying to use a flow source with
no frame data.

Fixed an exception if effect controller was trying to use a flow source with no
frame data.

Removed some old code.

Fixed a mismatch between cell and vector colors when showing magnitudes.

Added flow arrows to the Create From Spline gizmos to show the flow direction
and force for that spline.

Added option to ring display to adjust alpha value.

Splines remain visible when Create Flow object selected.

Option to have Create flow gizmo always on.

Added option to show color of velocity vectors based on either direction or

Added editable color gradient for showing velocity magnitude

Added option to show color of the grid cells based on either direction or

Added FLW file format page to website

Added gradient color option to create flow from splines system.


November 17th, 2014

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Just a quick post to say the early adopter pricing of $50 for the MegaFlow
system will be ending soon, so don’t miss out.


November 13th, 2014

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This video is a first look at a new system coming to MegaFlow soon, it allows
you to have moving MegaFlow sources in a scene that follow the path of a moving
object and allow that object to interact with particles as it moves through
them. The first part of the video shows a scene with leaves and smoke and a car
driving through them, as expected no interaction happens between the car and the
particles. With the Moving source system turned on the car will now react nicely
with the leaves and smoke, dragging the particles along in the MegaFlow vector
field that is attached to the car. The Vector Field was generated using FumeFX
in 3DS Max and imported into MegaFlow.


October 30th, 2014

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Have you ever wanted to simulate a wind tunnel in your game, or have leaves of
snow blow through your village flowing naturally around buildings, speeding up
down alley ways or settling slowly in the lee of an obstacle, Lava flowing down
a volcano side or Waterfalls cascading over rocks, Or a car stirring up leaves
as it drives along a road in Autumn, vortices for your plane wings, perhaps an
object floating along fast moving water, tornadoes, or even simulate gravity
around objects in space, if so then MegaFlow can help.

MegaFlow is a set of systems that allow you to use Vector Fields to control the
movement of objects or particle systems in Unity. Vector fields are a 2D or 3D
grids of values that describe the direction and magnitude of velocities for that
point in space. The Vector Field can be generated by systems such as Maya
Fluids, FumeFX, Krakatoa, etc. MegaFlow can import the files generated by those
systems in the form of .FXD or .FXA files, it also has an exporter for Maya that
will export any Maya fluid simulation to the MegaFlow .FLW format. You can then
import a single frame or multiple frames into the MegaFlow system in Unity and
then use that to control the movement of particles from either the Shuriken or
Legacy particle system, or control movement of Rigid Bodies or just general
objects. Don’t worry though if you don’t have access to any Fluid Simulation
software as MegaFlow also comes with a system that allows you to author your own
Vector Fields inside Unity using multiple splines to define flow directions and

The movement of objects interacting with the Vector Fields is via a simple
physics simulation which has parameters that allow you to control the overall
force the field applies and the mass of the objects that are interacting with
it, this means you can adjust the look and feel of the flow from either a very
tight following of the flow to a subtle influencing only of objects that move
through the field. You can change the force the field exerts or reverse the flow
direction. All the values can be adjusted at runtime via script of the Unity
animation system if required.The physics code used is optimized for performance
and makes use of multi threading on any system that has multiple cores for super
fast performance even with 10’s of thousands of particles being moved.

If a system such as FumeFX or Maya fluids has been used to create the Vector
Fields then that would allow you to place obstacles into the flow, if the flow
is then used to control a Particle system you can get even more performance back
by disabling the collision system in the Particle system, since the Vector Field
will now handle moving the particles around objects in the way, this can get you
quite a saving in CPU time in complex scenes. You can off course still use the
collision system of the particles or rigid bodies alongside the flow system if
you wish.

The Vector Field source can have any number of Vector Fields loaded so you can
do animation of flows if required, or just easily swap the flow field being used
to change the look and flow of your scene. You can ask the system to show you
the flow through the system of objects via the visualization options, or display
the flow as either vector lines or colored cells.

Included in MegaFlow are various components to help you use the Vector Fields in
your projects. There are components to control the Unity particle systems as
well as a component you can attach to any rigid body object that will then allow
that object to be influenced by the Vector Field. There is also an example Smoke
Gun script that will inject large numbers of objects into a scene so you can see
how they flow.


 * Support for FumeFX FXD file import
 * Support for FGA file import
 * Custom Maya Fluids Exporter
 * Create Vector Fields in Unity
 * Multi-Threaded physics
 * Highly optimized physics code
 * C# Source Code Included
 * Multiple frames of flow data per source
 * Control Legacy or Shuriken particles
 * Control Rigid Bodies
 * Control Normal Objects
 * Works in Unity Free
 * Works on Mobile devices
 * Flow visualization
 * Create a 3d Texture from the flow
 * MegaShapes Lite included

To find out more about the system please check the MegaFlow section on the menu
on the left.


Below are some videos showing the MegaFlow system being used in a couple of
scenarios, the first uses a Maya Fluid simulation to simulate the airflow around
objects in a scene, the second shows the in Unity creation of Vector Fields from
splines and that then being used to control a particle system. The third shows a
Vector Field being created inside Unity using splines to define flows.


We have added some new features and fixed a couple of bugs since the first
release, listed below are the changes, many more coming.

Added option to add modifiers to the flow creation, so you can add any object
with a collider and use that to adjust the flow.

Fixed an issue with missing preview flows not being saved in the scene.

Each frame can now have an offset value, useful if using multiple frames of
different sizes.

Added option to the inspector normalize the flow frame data.

Added a preview option for the Create Flow system, so you can quickly see the
current flow without having to send it to the flow source.

Fixed issue in Texture3D builder with negative values.

Added API section to MegaFlow docs, GetGridVelWorld, SetFrame, SetMatrix, GetCol

If the MegaFlow Particle component is attached to a particle system you dont
need to select a particle system to use, the system will use the object.

If the MegaFlow Legacy Particle component is attached to a particle system you
dont need to select a particle system to use, the system will use the object.

Added beta option to inspector to save a Texture3D to the project for the
current frame, can be used by GPU shader or particle systems such a TC

Fixed an exception if particle system was trying to use a flow source with no
frame data.

Fixed an exception if rigid body controller was trying to use a flow source with
no frame data.

Fixed an exception if effect controller was trying to use a flow source with no
frame data.

Removed some old code.

Fixed a mismatch between cell and vector colors when showing magnitudes.

Added flow arrows to the Create From Spline gizmos to show the flow direction
and force for that spline.

Added option to ring display to adjust alpha value.

Splines remain visible when Create Flow object selected.

Option to have Create flow gizmo always on.

Added option to show color of velocity vectors based on either direction or

Added editable color gradient for showing velocity magnitude

Added option to show color of the grid cells based on either direction or

Added FLW file format page to website

Added gradient color option to create flow from splines system.

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