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2606:4700::6813:9813  Public Scan

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Submission: On February 06 via manual from GB — Scanned from GB

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM


<form method="post" id="email-password-form" onsubmit="return false;">
  <div class="outer-input-field-container">
    <div class="input-field-container" id="email-container"><input type="email" placeholder=" " id="email-input" class="input-field"> <label for="email-input" class="input-field-label">Email</label> <svg alt="warning" class="warning-icon"
        id="email-warning-icon" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 16 14">
          <path id="a" d="M14.881 11.934l-6.125-10.5a.876.876 0 00-1.512 0l-6.125 10.5a.876.876 0 00.756 1.316h12.25a.875.875 0 00.756-1.316z"></path>
          <path id="c" d="M9 8.5a1 1 0 01-2 0V4a1 1 0 012 0v4.5zm-1 4a1 1 0 110-2 1 1 0 010 2zm7.864-.004l-7-12a1.001 1.001 0 00-1.728 0l-7 12A1 1 0 001 14h14a1 1 0 00.864-1.504z"></path>
        <g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
          <mask id="b" fill="#fff">
            <use xlink:href="#a"></use>
          <use fill="#FFF" xlink:href="#a"></use>
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            <path fill="#FFF" d="M0-1h16v16H0z"></path>
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          <use fill="#FFF" xlink:href="#c"></use>
          <g mask="url(#d)">
            <path fill="#D0021B" d="M0-1h16v16H0z"></path>
    <div class="email-input-error-display" id="email-input-error-display"></div>
  <div style="display: none;" id="locked-email-info"><input type="checkbox" id="expansion-checkbox"> <label for="expansion-checkbox" class="chevron">Why can't I change my email?</label>
    <div id="info-text">To connect your recent order with your new account, the email that was used to place your order needs to be the same when signing up. You can change your email in your account via the <b>sign in details</b> page.</div>
  <div class="input-field-container" id="password-container"><input type="password" placeholder=" " id="password-input" class="input-field"> <label for="password-input" class="input-field-label">Password</label> <svg alt="warning"
      class="warning-icon" id="password-warning-icon" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 16 14">
        <path id="a" d="M14.881 11.934l-6.125-10.5a.876.876 0 00-1.512 0l-6.125 10.5a.876.876 0 00.756 1.316h12.25a.875.875 0 00.756-1.316z"></path>
        <path id="c" d="M9 8.5a1 1 0 01-2 0V4a1 1 0 012 0v4.5zm-1 4a1 1 0 110-2 1 1 0 010 2zm7.864-.004l-7-12a1.001 1.001 0 00-1.728 0l-7 12A1 1 0 001 14h14a1 1 0 00.864-1.504z"></path>
      <g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
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        <use fill="#FFF" xlink:href="#c"></use>
        <g mask="url(#d)">
          <path fill="#D0021B" d="M0-1h16v16H0z"></path>
    <div id="toggle-password-obfuscation-button">
      <div id="eye-closed"><svg alt="see password" width="16" height="16" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
              d="M15.707.293a.999.999 0 00-1.414 0l-14 14a.999.999 0 101.414 1.413l14-14a.999.999 0 000-1.413zm-7.292 10.12a2.492 2.492 0 002.041-2.04l-2.04 2.04zm-.857-4.8c.01-.036.008-.078.02-.114a2.49 2.49 0 00-2.052 2.147l2.032-2.032zm6.285-.628l-1.41 1.41a15.783 15.783 0 011.354 1.609C12.721 9.47 10.388 11.998 8 11.998c-.347 0-.689-.055-1.024-.145L5.427 13.4c.801.362 1.662.598 2.572.598 4.37 0 7.708-5.245 7.848-5.468a1.004 1.004 0 000-1.063 16.448 16.448 0 00-2.004-2.482zM.153 8.53a1.004 1.004 0 010-1.063c.14-.223 3.477-5.468 7.846-5.468.912 0 1.774.235 2.576.598L9.027 4.145A3.885 3.885 0 008 3.999c-2.388 0-4.72 2.527-5.787 3.994.298.407.768 1.003 1.357 1.61l-1.41 1.41A16.348 16.348 0 01.151 8.53z"
          <g id="------↳-Log-in-Scenarios" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
            <g id="UX+Dev_Exploration_Create-Account_Header" transform="translate(-807 -320)">
              <g id="Group" transform="translate(807 320)">
                <mask id="mask-3" fill="#fff">
                  <use xlink:href="#path-3"></use>
                <use id="Mask" fill="#231F20" xlink:href="#path-3"></use>
                <g mask="url(#mask-3)" fill="#303B41" id="Bond/Brand-Colours/Charcoal">
                  <path id="Colour" d="M0 0h16v16H0z"></path>
      <div id="eye-open"><svg alt="hide password" width="16" height="16" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
              d="M8.999 7.458a1.5 1.5 0 01-1.5-1.5c0-.161.032-.312.079-.458a2.494 2.494 0 00-2.079 2.457 2.5 2.5 0 005 0c0-.409-.108-.789-.282-1.129-.272.38-.715.63-1.218.63m-6.787.537C3.087 9.189 5.419 12 8 12c2.577 0 4.906-2.802 5.784-4C12.906 6.802 10.577 4 8 4 5.611 4 3.278 6.527 2.212 7.995M8 14C3.63 14 .292 8.754.153 8.531a.998.998 0 010-1.062C.292 7.246 3.63 2 8 2c4.369 0 7.707 5.246 7.847 5.469a.998.998 0 010 1.062C15.707 8.754 12.369 14 8 14"
          <g id="------↳-Exploration000" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
            <g id="Group000">
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                <path id="Colour000" d="M0 0h16v16H0z"></path>
  <div id="password-input-error-display"></div>
  <div id="caps-lock-notification" style="display: none;"><svg alt="caps lock" class="caps-lock-icon" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
      <path d="M8 0l8 6H0zM4 6h8v6H4zm0 7h8v3H4z" fill="#767676" fill-rule="evenodd"></path>
    </svg> Caps lock on</div><a class="link" target="_self" id="myAccountSignin--forgottenPassword" style="display: block;">Forgotten your password?</a>
  <ul id="validation-check-list">
    <li id="rule-1" class="list-item">8 characters minimum</li>
    <li id="rule-2" class="list-item">1 lowercase letter</li>
    <li id="rule-3" class="list-item">1 capital letter</li>
    <li id="rule-4" class="list-item">1 number <strong>or</strong> special character - e.g 123!@#$&amp;</li>
  <div id="signing-up-agreements-small-font">By creating an account, you agree to our <a href="" class="link" target="_self" id="terms-and-conditions-link">Terms &amp; Conditions</a>, our
    <a href="" class="link" target="_self" id="privacy-policy-link">Privacy Policy</a> and that you are 18 years or above.</div><button type="submit" id="submit-button"
    class="btn submit-btn chevron submit-btn-inactive" disabled="">Sign In</button> <button id="checkout-as-guest-button" class="btn btn-ternary" style="display: none;">Checkout As Guest</button>
  <a href="#" class="link back-link--" target="_self" id="back-link"><svg alt="Left Chevron" class="left-chevron" id="leftChevron" data-testid="left-chevron" xmlns="" width="10" height="16" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path fill="#303B41" d="M23 2a1.99 1.99 0 01-.586 1.414L9.829 16l12.585 12.586a2 2 0 11-2.828 2.828l-14-14a2 2 0 010-2.828l14-14A2 2 0 0123 2"></path></svg> Back</a>


<form method="post" id="change-password-form" onsubmit="return false;">
  <div class="outer-input-field-container">
    <div class="input-field-container"><input type="email" placeholder=" " id="email-forget-password-input" class="input-field"> <label for="email-input" class="input-field-label">Email</label></div>
  </div><button type="submit" id="change-password-button" class="btn submit-btn chevron">Send Link</button> <a class="link" target="_self" id="myAccountForgottenPasswordSet--Cancel">Cancel</a>

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