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Home * French's * Gourmet * Grill Mates * Lawry's * Zatarain's * Español Search * Popular Searches: * chili * chicken * gluten free * beef stew * Products Back PRODUCTS Explore * HERBS & SPICES * Spices * Spice Blends * Grinders * RECIPE MIXES * Mexican * Chili * Gravies & Sauces * Instant Pot * McCormick ONE * EXTRACTS & FOOD COLOR * Extracts * Food Color * MORE PRODUCTS * Ready to Heat Rice * Seafood * Mayonnaise * El Guapo * FLAVOR INSPIRATIONS * Unique and exclusive flavors, made in small batches * WHERE TO BUY * Recipes Back RECIPES Explore * MEAL TYPE * Breakfast * Lunch & Dinners * Soups, Stews & Chili * Snack * Dessert * PREPARATION * Grill * Quick & Easy * Instant Pot * Slow Cooker * MAIN INGREDIENT * Beef * Chicken * Crab Recipes * Vegetables * Pork * Seafood * CUISINE * Caribbean * Indian * Italian * Mexican * Thai * DISH TYPE * Better For You * Low Sodium * Low Carb * Vegetarian * HOLIDAY & THEMES * Feel Good Recipes * Winter Recipes * Most Popular Recipes * Quick Breakfast * Budget-Friendly Meals * Make it Great Back MAKE IT GREAT Explore * EXPLORE CUISINES * Caribbean * Chinese * Greek * Indian * Italian * Korean * Mexican * Moroccan * Peruvian * Thai * EXPLORE FLAVORS * Allspice * Ancho * Basil * Bay Leaves * Black Pepper * Cardamom * Chipotle * Chives * Cilantro * Cinnamon * Cloves * Coriander * Cumin * Curry * Dill Weed * Garlic * Ginger * Gochugaru * Hot Chili * Mint * Nutmeg * Onion * Oregano * Paprika * Parsley * Get Inspired Back GET INSPIRED Explore * ARTICLES * Warm Up This Winter With Zero Proof Cocktails * 6 Easy Wellness Shot Recipes For Winter * 15 Reasons To Use Your Slow Cooker In January * See All * VIDEOS * How To Make Orange Homemade Popsicles * How To Make Crepes * Coconut Milk Recipes * See All * HOW-TO * How To Cook Potatoes * How To Make Brownies * How To Cook Mushrooms * MEET OUR CHEFS * Christine Gutchess * Cindy Gilbert * Hadar Cohen Aviram * See All * Meal Planner * My List * * * * Search See all results * Popular Searches: * chili * chicken * gluten free * beef stew Share on Whisk Share on Facebook Send a message Pin it Twitter Send an Email Copy Link This spice has now been added to your Flavor Profile, under "My Spices". 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EmailPasswordConfirmation Code Submit LET'S GET COOKING! SET UP YOUR FLAVOR PROFILE. Handpick your favorite recipes, spices, flavors, and more, and save them here. Sign up with Facebook Sign up with Apple Sign up with Google OR ALL FIELDS REQUIRED First Name Last Name Email Password 6 CHARACTER MINIMUM Birthday (Optional): Why? To send you exclusive offers and content: Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 I would like to receive electronic messages, which may include promotions, product information and service offers, from McCormick. I understand that I may unsubscribe at any time using the opt-out link provided in the electronic messages. I understand and agree to the privacy policy and legal message CREATE YOUR ACCOUNT We value your privacy. You can manage additional layers of account protection via your account information settings. Already have an account? login Edit SHOPPING LIST Buy Now RECIPES Select All Edit SHOPPING LIST Back PERSONAL LIST Close Add SHOPPING LIST Back RECIPE SHOPPINGLIST_RECIPENAME View Recipe>> INGREDIENTS SHOPPING LIST YOUR SHOPPING LIST IS CURRENTLY EMPTY PLAN YOUR MEALS Go To Meal Planner FEEL GOOD RECIPES FEEL GOOD RECIPES There’s no better time than now to try your hand at feel good recipes in the kitchen. Whether you’re craving fresh flavor, light bites or something else, McCormick is here to help you make your resolutions a reality. Feeling good starts here GET OUR FREE MEAL PLANNER. Start weekly meal planning, get recipe inspiration and track your spice collection in addition to special discounts and offers based on what you like to cook. * Start Planning MEET YOUR NEW CULINARY SIDEKICK Get the Flavor Maker app to discover recipes, help plan meals, organize your spice pantry, and more! * GET FLAVOR MAKER CREATE YOUR FLAVOR PROFILE! Find just-for-you recipes, save favorites and more when you customize your Flavor Profile. * SIGN UP WITH * * * SIGN UP WITH EMAIL Already have an account? Login. GET INSPIRED WARM UP THIS WINTER WITH ZERO PROOF COCKTAILS The holiday season always seems to call for cocktails. Besides, what better way to get through the long, cold slog of winter? But if liquor isn’t your... SARAH ZORN Source: McCormick 6 EASY WELLNESS SHOT RECIPES FOR WINTER Missing your regular visits to the juice bar? We've got the solution: make a juice bar at home with these wellness shot recipes. Packed with fruits and... SYLVIE TREMBLAY Source: McCormick 15 REASONS TO USE YOUR SLOW COOKER IN JANUARY This winter, your slow cooker will be your best friend. Some quick preparation in the morning and by dinnertime you’ll have a delicious, warming meal. Here, 15... MORGAN GOLDBERG Source: Food & Wine THIS IS THE KEY TO MAKING TRULY GREAT CHICKEN SOUP It’s sick season, and I’m a little sick. It’s not COVID, but it is the first head cold I’ve had in over two years, and it will... CLAIRE LOWER Source: https://lifehacker.com/this-is-the-key-to-making-truly-great-chicken-soup-1849710760 HOW TO TAKE YOUR ‘BREAKFAST FOR DINNER’ TO THE NEXT... When I was a scrappy youth growing up in New Jersey, it always surprised me when friends would chuckle at my descriptions of having egg-centric meals for... ALLIE CHANTHORN REINMANN Source: https://lifehacker.com/how-to-take-your-breakfast-for-dinner-to-the-next-lev-1849643421 8 WINTER TEA RECIPES TO BEAT THE CHILL The dropping temperature means we are all about warm and cozy cooking right now, and a comforting mug of warm winter tea is our favorite better-for-you treat.... SYLVIE TREMBLAY Source: McCormick TOP 10 INSTANT POT RECIPES FOR WINTER When the cold hits, it’s easy to think your only option for food is to order out. But who really wants to get out of a warm,... Source: McCormick 20 CHINESE RECIPES FOR HOMEMADE TAKEOUT From chicken chow mein to beef noodle soup, Chinese food is an ever-popular staple for delivery and takeout. You can live your best Chinese food life when... LUCAS AYKROYD Source: McCormick 8 HOMEMADE CHILI RECIPES TO MAKE ALL SEASON LONG Did you know that chili was reportedly invented in San Antonio, Texas in the 18th century? Chili recipes have sure come a long way since those early... LUCAS AYKROYD PERFECT PLANNER Meal Planner helps you find fresh and inspired meal ideas so you can quickly organize an entire week of meals and easily purchase the ingredients. Simply choose options tailored to your tastes, occasions, or even time of year. * Start planning now FEATURED PRODUCTS * * McCormick® Ground Cinnamon * * McCormick Gourmet™ All Natural Whole Cloves * * McCormick® Ground Mustard * * McCormick® Ground Cumin * * McCormick® Pure Ground Black Pepper * * McCormick® Garlic Powder * * McCormick® Chili Powder * * McCormick® Ground Cloves * * McCormick® Cumin Seed * * McCormick® Garlic Salt * * McCormick® Ground Ginger * * McCormick® Paprika * * McCormick® Crushed Red Pepper MAKE SOMETHING NEW TONIGHT Explore and find inspiration with our most popular recipes and products this month. * Explore FEATURED RECIPES Slow Cooker Cranberry Sauce SLOW COOKER CRANBERRY SAUCE * * * Slow Cooker Breakfast Cinnamon French Toast SLOW COOKER BREAKFAST CINNAMON FRENCH TOAST * * * Southwestern Breakfast Pizza SOUTHWESTERN BREAKFAST PIZZA * * * SEE MORE DINNER MADE EASY Easy weeknight meals that are sure to delight the whole family. * Explore Recipes GET INSPIRED Explore a new flavor. 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Google App Question? Search FAQ's or Contact Us Contact Us *Click here to view our nutritional definitions. Because we are constantly improving our products, we encourage you to read the ingredient statement on our packages at the time of your purchase. Copyright © 2023 McCormick & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Taste You Trust™ Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, and iPad are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries and regions. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC. * Privacy Policy * Cookie Policy * Your Privacy Choices * Legal Message * Site Map × MODELTITLE Close × Back ADD TO MEAL PLANNER View RecipeRemoveChange DateCopy PrevNext January 2023 SunMonTueWedThuFriSat12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 BreakfastLunchDinner DONE Your meal has been added! Go to Meal Planner