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Text Content


 * About FSRS
 * FAQs
 * Awardee Login
 * Government User Login


When reporting to FSRS, users may experience issues reporting awards made to
some sub-awardees. We are currently working to resolve the issue and will have
full functionality back shortly.
Starting Monday, April 4, 2022, the new Unique Entity ID from SAM.gov will be
the official governmentwide identifier used for federal awards. Without a Unique
Entity ID (SAM), primes will not be able to find their sub-awardees in FSRS.gov
to report a subaward after April 4, 2022. Go to SAM.gov to get a UEI.

Login.gov - At this time, all FSRS users must have a login.gov account to use
this system. You must create a login.gov account if you don't already have one.
Be sure to use the same email address you use for FSRS.gov. Read our fact sheet
and blog post for more information.

Login.gov - At this time, all FSRS users must have a login.gov account to use
this system. You must create a login.gov account if you don't already have one.
Be sure to use the same email address you use for FSRS.gov. Read our fact sheet
and blog post for more information.

Reporting Requirement Update - Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations has
been updated increasing the subaward reporting requirement for grants from
$25,000 to $30,000. Only subawards $30,000 or above require reports for prime
grant awards.

Please use Internet Explorer 6.0+, Mozilla Firefox 2.0+, or Apple Safari 3.0+ to
access FSRS.



The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) was signed on
September 26, 2006. The intent is to empower every American with the ability to
hold the government accountable for each spending decision. The end result is to
reduce wasteful spending in the government. The FFATA legislation requires
information on federal awards (federal financial assistance and expenditures) be
made available to the public via a single, searchable website, which is

The FFATA Subaward Reporting System (FSRS) is the reporting tool Federal prime
awardees (i.e. prime contractors and prime grants recipients) use to capture and
report subaward and executive compensation data regarding their first-tier
subawards to meet the FFATA reporting requirements. Prime contract awardees will
report against sub-contracts awarded and prime grant awardees will report
against sub-grants awarded. The sub-award information entered in FSRS will then
be displayed on www.USASpending.gov associated with the prime award furthering
Federal spending transparency.


Prime Contractors awarded a Federal contract or order that is subject to Federal
Acquisition Regulation clause 52.204-10 (Reporting Executive Compensation and
First-Tier Subcontract Awards) are required to file a FFATA subaward report by
the end of the month following the month in which the prime contractor awards
any subcontract greater than $30,000. This reporting requirement will be
phased-in (see below):

 * Phase 1: Reporting subcontracts under federally-awarded contracts and orders
   valued greater than or equal to $20,000,000, reporting starts now.
 * Phase 2: Reporting subcontracts under federally-awarded contracts and orders
   valued greater than or equal to $550,000, reporting starts October 1, 2010.
 * Phase 3: Reporting subcontracts under federally-awarded contracts and orders
   valued greater than or equal to $25,000, reporting starts March 1, 2011.
 * Phase 4: Reporting subcontracts under federally-awarded contracts and orders
   valued greater than or equal to $30,000, reporting starts October 1, 2015.

Although the requirement to report subawards is being phased-in at certain
dollar levels, if you would like to start reporting prior to the start date for
your subcontracts, the system is available to you for reporting.


Prime Grant Recipients awarded a new Federal grant greater than or equal to
$30,000 as of October 1, 2010 are subject to FFATA sub-award reporting
requirements as outlined in the Office of Management and Budgets guidance issued
August 27, 2010. The prime awardee is required to file a FFATA sub-award report
by the end of the month following the month in which the prime recipient awards
any sub-grant greater than or equal to $30,000.

» Click here for Public Law 109-282 FFATA Legislation

» Click here for Public Law 110-252 FFATA Legislation

» Click here for Federal Acquisition Regulation

Top    Frequently Asked Questions

For Help: Federal Service Desk   Version 4.0

Question of the month:
Who is required to file a FFATA report in FSRS?

The FFATA Sub-award Reporting System (FSRS) will collect data from Federal prime
awardees on sub-awards they make: a prime grant awardee will be required to
report on its sub-grants and a prime contract awardee will be required to report
on its sub-contracts.

(Effective October 1, 2015, the Department of Defense (DOD), General Services
Administration (GSA), and National Aeronautics Administration (NASA) are issuing
FAR Case 2014-022 as a final rule amending the Federal Acquisition Regulation
(FAR) to implement the inflation adjustment of acquisition-related dollar

In accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation clause 52.204-10 (Reporting
Executive Compensation and First-Tier Sub-contract Awards), Prime Contractors
awarded a federal contract or order are required to file a FFATA sub-award
report by the end of the month following the month in which the prime contractor
awards any sub-contract greater than $30,000. This reporting requirement will be
phased-in (see below):

Phase 1: Reporting sub-contracts under federally-awarded contracts and orders
valued greater than or equal to $20,000,000, reporting started July 8, 2010.

Phase 2: Reporting sub-contracts under federally-awarded contracts and orders
valued greater than or equal to $550,000, reporting started October 1, 2010.

Phase 3: Reporting sub-contracts under federally-awarded contracts and orders
valued greater than or equal to $25,000, reporting starts March 1, 2011.

Phase 4: Reporting sub-contracts under federally-awarded contracts and orders
valued greater than or equal to $30,000, reporting starts October 1, 2015.

Although the requirement to report sub-awards is being phased-in at certain
dollar levels, if you would like to start reporting prior to the start date for
your sub-contracts, the system is available to you for reporting.

In accordance with 2 CFR Chapter 1, Part 170 REPORTING SUB-AWARD AND EXECUTIVE
COMPENSATION INFORMATION, Prime Awardees awarded a federal grant are required to
file a FFATA sub-award report by the end of the month following the month in
which the prime awardee awards any sub-grant equal to or greater than $30,000.
The reporting requirements are as follows:

 1. This requirement is for both mandatory and discretionary grants awarded on
    or after October 1, 2010.
 2. All sub-award information must be reported by the prime awardee.
 3. For those new Federal grants as of October 1, 2010, if the initial award is
    equal to or over $30,000, reporting of sub-award and executive compensation
    data is required.
 4. If the initial award is below $30,000 but subsequent grant modifications
    result in a total award equal to or over $30,000, the award will be subject
    to the reporting requirements, as of the date the award exceeds $30,000.
 5. If the initial award equals or exceeds $30,000 but funding is subsequently
    de-obligated such that the total award amount falls below $30,000, the award
    continues to be subject to the reporting requirements of the Transparency
    Act and this Guidance.

OCTOBER 29TH, 2010

Please click on the question to review the answer.


Q. What is the Transparency Act?

A. The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA or
Transparency Act - P.L.109-282, as amended by section 6202(a) of P.L. 110-252)
requires the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to maintain a single,
searchable website that contains information on all Federal spending awards.
That site is www.USAspending.gov.

Q. What is required to be reported as part of the Transparency Act?

A. FFATA prescribes specific pieces of information to be reported:

1. The following data about sub-awards greater than $25K

 1.  Name of entity receiving award
 2.  Amount of award
 3.  Funding agency
 4.  NAICS code for contracts / CFDA program number for grants
 5.  Program source
 6.  Award title descriptive of the purpose of the funding action
 7.  Location of the entity (including congressional district)
 8.  Place of performance (including congressional district)
 9.  Unique identifier of the entity and its parent; and
 10. Total compensation and names of top five executives (same thresholds as for

2. The Total Compensation and Names of the top five executives if:

 1. More than 80% of annual gross revenues from the Federal government, and
    those revenues are greater than $25M annually and
 2. Compensation information is not already available through reporting to the

Classified information is exempt from the prime and sub-award reporting
requirement as are contracts with individuals.

Definitions for data elements may be found beginning October 1, 2010 at the data
dictionaries maintained on www.USAspending.gov.

Q. What is a sub-award?

A. The Office of Management & Budget issued guidance identifying the requirement
to report first-tier sub-awards on April 6, 2010 and that guidance may be found
at the OMB Open Government site at http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/open. That
guidance defines a sub-award as generally referring to a monetary award made as
a result of a Federal award to a grant recipient or contractor to a
sub-recipient or sub-contractor respectively.

Q. Why is sub-award information being collected?

A. The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (Transparency Act)
requires OMB to "ensure the existence and operation of a single searchable
website" for Federal awards. The Transparency Act's definition of "Federal
awards" included not only prime awards for grants, cooperative agreements,
loans, and contracts, but also included sub-grants and sub-contracts. The
guidance issued today will begin the process by which we will be able to further
implement the Transparency Act and enhance the transparency of federal spending.

Q. Federal agencies already report prime award(ee) information to
www.USAspending.gov.. Are there new reporting requirements for Federal agencies
under FFATA?

A. No. There are no new Federal agency reporting requirements, beyond those
already required by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Memorandum M-09-19
for grant making agencies. OMB M-09-19 strongly encourages Federal agencies to
ensure the accuracy and data quality of the prime award information they report.
For Federal agencies awarding contracts, the reporting requirements are governed
by the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Subpart 4.14--Reporting Executive
Compensation and First-Tier Subcontract Awards.

Q. Who will be required to report executive compensation and sub-award
information associated with these Federal contracts and grants?

A. A prime grant awardee will be required to report its sub-grants and a prime
contract awardee will be required to report its sub-contracts.

Q. Who is considered a Prime Awardee?

A. Both Prime Contractors and Grants Recipients are considered "Prime Awardees"
when registering in FSRS.

Q. How will these prime awardees report this information?

A. Prime awardees will report using the FFATA Sub-award Reporting System (FSRS).
The tool will pre-populate, to the maximum extent possible, recipient
information from existing Federal agency databases, such as the System for Award
Management (SAM), to reduce the burden associated with this new FFATA reporting.
All Federal contractors and prime grant recipients are required to register in

User guides, FAQs, and an on-line demonstration are currently available at the
FSRS website (www.fsrs.gov) for the contract sub-award reporting capability.
Grant sub-award reporting user guides, FAQs, and an on-line demonstration will
be incorporated into FSRS on October 29, 2010.

OMB is planning to issue additional guidance to agencies to provide more
instructions for financial assistance reporting requirements.

Q. How much time does a prime awardee have to report executive compensation or
sub-award information?

A. The prime recipient will have until the end of the month plus one additional
month after an award or sub-award is obligated to fulfill the reporting
requirement. For example, if a sub-award was made on October 15, 2010, the prime
recipient has until November 30, 2010 to report the sub-award information.

Q. For ARRA-funded Federal contracts and/or grants covered under this FFATA
sub-award reporting requirement, will reporting be required to both
FederalReporting.gov and FSRS?

A. For ARRA-funded Federal contracts that are subject to FFATA reporting, the
prime recipient will be required to report the ARRA-funded Federal contracts to
both FederalReporting.gov and FSRS if the contract so requires.

For ARRA-funded Federal grants that are subject to FFATA reporting, the prime
recipient will not be required to report the ARRA-funded Federal grants to both
FederalReporting.gov and FSRS. ARRA-funded grants will continue to be reported
to FedReporting.gov only and non-ARRA funded grants will be reported to FSRS

Q. What guidance or other documents implement these FFATA reporting

A. The Office of Management & Budget has issued guidance related to Open
Government and Transparency to include an April 6, 2010 memo requiring the
reporting of first-tier sub-awards. The guidance may be found at the OMB Open
Government site at http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/open.

The Office of Management & Budget issued guidance containing specific
instructions on the sub-award reporting on August 27, 2010. The guidance may be
found at the OMB Open Government site at http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/open.

On July 8, 2010, an interim FAR Rule with request for comments was published
that contains information on the FFATA reporting requirements for Federal
contracts. Comments were due by September 7, 2010.

PRA information collections regarding sub-award and executive compensation
reporting requirements for grants and SAM registration for prime grantees was
published on July 23, 2010.

Q. What SAM information can the awardee change in their profile? Will the user
also have to make these changes in SAM as well?

A. The awardee cannot change any SAM information within FSRS. They will need to
make the changes in SAM, then the data in FSRS will update based on the SAM

Q. What if the Recipient location/project place of performance is outside of the
United States? Do the required address fields, including Zip Code+4 field, turn
off or otherwise accommodate data entry for non-domestic addresses?

A. FSRS is able to accept foreign recipient locations and/or project place of
performance. When completing an editable location field, the prime awardee
selects "Non-US" from the State drop down menu. When Non-US is selected for
State, then a non-United States country must be selected and the zip code field
and the Congressional District become optional.

Q. Will there be any language support for Foreign Grantees?

A. No. Foreign language support is not part of the system requirements.

Q. You said data was coming over from FPDS for contracts and from USAspending
for grants. Which FPDS dollar value field is being used to determine the proper
reporting threshold for contracts, and which dollar value field from the FAADS
Plus reporting format are being used to determine the proper reporting threshold
for Grants?

A. FSRS uses the "Award Amount" (formerly "Total Dollars Obligated") field value
from FPDS to determine if prime contract data meets the FFATA reporting
threshold. FSRS uses an aggregated award amount calculated by Federal Award
Identifier Number (FAIN) in USAspending represented as the Total Fed Funding
Amount (Sum of Federal funding amount of base and all modifications).

Q. Under compensation, if the organization is a state entity or university, who
do they enter into the system as the top five executives?

A. The Transparency Act requires a prime awardee to provide, for their Unique
Entity ID (SAM) and the Unique Entity ID (SAM) of their sub-awardee(s), the
names and total compensation of the five most highly compensated officers of the
entity if the entity in the preceding fiscal year received 80 percent or more of
its annual gross revenues in Federal awards; and $30,000,000 or more in annual
gross revenues from Federal awards; and the public does not have access to this
information about the compensation of the senior executives of the entity
through periodic reports filed under section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. §§ 78m(a), 78o(d)) or section 6104 of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986. See FFATA § 2(b)(1).

Q. Does the system automatically update or do you need to exit the system to see
if it has been updated?

A. As you save, or save and continue, while creating a FFATA sub-award report,
FSRS saves your information. If you reopen a FFATA sub-award report to edit
previously entered data, FSRS saves the updated information upon either the
save, or save and continue command.

Q. Does the agency have a requirement to ensure FFATA sub-award reports have
been submitted by the prime for grants the agency has awarded?

A. No. There are no new Federal agency reporting requirements, beyond those
already required by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Memorandum
M-09-19. However, Federal agencies are strongly encouraged to ensure the
accuracy and data quality of the award information they report.

Q. What system do you use to confirm Congressional District? USPS? House.gov?

A. FSRS uses http://www.zip-codes.com/ as the source of the Congressional
District look-up table. The data set includes the 111th Congressional District
alignment to the Zip+4 value

Q. How will primary recipients report on funds given to individuals, without
violating the Privacy Act?

A. Federal awards given to individuals are not subject to the Transparency Act's
reporting requirements as discussed in the August 27, 2010 OMB guidance, Open
Government Directive - Federal Spending Transparency and Sub-award and
Compensation Data Reporting which states "For grants, both mandatory and
discretionary grants, equal to or over $30,000, and awarded on or after October
1, 2010 must be reported by the prime awardee.

The following are not subject to the Transparency Act's reporting requirements:

 1. Grants, whether existing or new as of October 1, 2010, that are funded by
    the Recovery Act. Rather, such awards will continue to report those awards
    and related sub-awards through FederalReporting.gov;
 2. Transfers of title between Federal agencies of Federally owned property;
 3. Federal inter-agency transfers of award funds;
 4. Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRDAs), as defined under 15
    U.S.C. 3710a;
 5. Federal awards to individuals who apply for or receive Federal awards as
    natural persons (i.e., unrelated to any business or non-profit organization
    he or she may own or operate in his or her name);
 6. Federal awards to entities that had a gross income, from all sources, of
    less than $300,000 in the entities' previous tax year; and
 7. Federal awards, if the required reporting would disclose classified

Q. Do these regulations apply only to U.S. primary recipients, or do they also
apply to nondomestic primary recipients? What about U.S. primary recipients with
non-domestic sub-recipients?

A. Yes. With some limited exceptions, the reporting requirements apply to all
prime awardees of Federal grants, including foreign prime recipients and foreign
sub-awardees. FSRS is able to accept Non- US recipient locations and Non-US
principal place of performance. Please contact your awarding agency with any
specific questions regarding applicability.

Q. Do these regulations apply if the sub-recipient is a state, local, or tribal

A. Yes.

Q. What rules apply for contracts awarded under grants?

A. At present, the reporting requirements pertain to sub-grants awarded
underneath a prime Federal grant. To facilitate transparency of Federal funds
awarded through grants, OMB will consider future additional guidance related to
the collection of sub-award data. These may include capturing information about:
procurements under grants, grant awardees' costs other than sub-awards and
procurements, and sub-awards under other types of Federal financial assistance

Q. Under what circumstances must a primary recipient report its own executive

A. The Transparency Act requires a prime awardee to provide, for their Unique
Entity ID (SAM) and the Unique Entity ID (SAM) of their sub-awardee(s), the
names and total compensation of the five most highly compensated officers of the
entity if the entity in the preceding fiscal year received 80 percent or more of
its annual gross revenues in Federal awards; and $30,000,000 or more in annual
gross revenues from Federal awards; and the public does not have access to this
information about the compensation of the senior executives of the entity
through periodic reports filed under section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. §§ 78m(a), 78o(d)) or section 6104 of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986. See FFATA § 2(b)(1).

Q. What do the codes in the status bar mean?

A. The status codes are DRT (Draft), SUB (Submitted) and RPN (Re-opened). There
is a legend in the lower right of the screen.

Q. Do cooperative agreements have to be entered?

A. Yes. OMB's August 27, 2010 guidance outlines the requirements for Federal
Agencies and prime contractors and prime grant and cooperative agreement
awardees (collectively "prime awardees") for reporting sub-award and executive
compensation data pursuant to the Federal Funding Accountability and
Transparency Act of 2006 and associated 2008 amendments (the "Transparency Act"
or "FFATA" ). In FSRS, use of the term "grants" includes both grants and
cooperative agreements.

Q. Will all federal agency contracts/grants be available in this system? Also,
will awardees be submitting this information on a macro level view across
Federal programs? For example, if one awardee has 28 grants/contracts, will they
be program centric or Federal agency centric?

A. FSRS interfaces with the Federal Procurement Data System-Next Generation
(FPDS-NG) for Agency-reported contract award information and with USAspending
for Agency-reported grant award information. FSRS takes an 'awardee-centric'
approach allowing the prime awardee to manage (using their Awardee Worklist) and
report against multiple contracts and/or grants awarded to their registered
Unique Entity ID (SAM). The awardee can sort and filter their worklist by type
(i.e. contract or grant), by awarding agency, and by other filter terms. They
will be able to see, by award number, the FFATA sub-award reports filed against
that particular contract and/or grant.

Q. Who is required to file a FFATA report in FSRS?

A. The FFATA Sub-award Reporting System (FSRS) will collect data from Federal
prime awardees on sub-awards they make: a prime grant awardee will be required
to report on its sub-grants and a prime contract awardee will be required to
report on its sub-contracts.

In accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation clause 52.204-10 (Reporting
Executive Compensation and First-Tier Sub-contract Awards), Prime Contractors
awarded a federal contract or order are required to file a FFATA sub-award
report by the end of the month following the month in which the prime contractor
awards any sub-contract greater than $30,000. This reporting requirement will be
phased-in (see below):

Phase 1: Reporting sub-contracts under federally-awarded contracts and orders
valued greater than or equal to $20,000,000, reporting started July 8, 2010.

Phase 2: Reporting sub-contracts under federally-awarded contracts and orders
valued greater than or equal to $550,000, reporting started October 1, 2010.

Phase 3: Reporting sub-contracts under federally-awarded contracts and orders
valued greater than or equal to $30,000, reporting starts March 1, 2011.

Phase 4: Reporting sub-contracts under federally-awarded contracts and orders
valued greater than or equal to $30,000, reporting starts October 1, 2015.

Although the requirement to report sub-awards is being phased-in at certain
dollar levels, if you would like to start reporting prior to the start date for
your sub-contracts, the system is available to you for reporting.

In accordance with 2 CFR Chapter 1, Part 170 REPORTING SUB-AWARD AND EXECUTIVE
COMPENSATION INFORMATION, Prime Awardees awarded a federal grant are required to
file a FFATA sub-award report by the end of the month following the month in
which the prime awardee awards any sub-grant equal to or greater than $30,000.
The reporting requirements are as follows:

 1. This requirement is for both mandatory and discretionary grants awarded on
    or after October 1, 2010.
 2. All sub-award information must be reported by the prime awardee.
 3. For those new Federal grants as of October 1, 2010, if the initial award is
    equal to or over $30,000, reporting of sub-award and executive compensation
    data is required.
 4. If the initial award is below $30,000 but subsequent grant modifications
    result in a total award equal to or over $30,000, the award will be subject
    to the reporting requirements, as of the date the award exceeds $30,000.
 5. If the initial award equals or exceeds $30,000 but funding is subsequently
    de-obligated such that the total award amount falls below $30,000, the award
    continues to be subject to the reporting requirements of the Transparency
    Act and this Guidance.

Q. How should auditors test compliance pursuant to Part 3L, Reporting, steps 10
and 11 (pp. 3-L-16), of the March 2011 Single Audit Compliance Supplement
regarding subaward reporting under Federal Funding Accountability and
Transparency Act (FFATA or the Transparency Act)?

A: In the event that applicable subawards were not properly reported by a
recipient pursuant to FFATA, auditors should evaluate compliance with these
requirements based on whether a recipient demonstrated a "good faith" effort to
comply. Demonstration of a "good faith" effort by a recipient should be
evidenced by proper documentation such as: emails or phone logs of communication
between a recipient and the awarding agency or the General Services
Administration; or computer screen shots that illustrate recipient attempts to
upload information into the FFATA Subaward Reporting System (FSRS). Auditors are
not required to report audit findings when there is evidence a recipient
demonstrated a "good faith" effort. However, auditors are still required to
report audit findings for non-compliance with the FFATA reporting requirements
that are not supported by a recipient's demonstrated "good faith" effort.
Completed audits which reported audit findings or modifications of opinion based
solely on Part 3L, steps 10 and 11 do not need to be amended.

The auditor is not required to consider audit findings or modifications of audit
opinions based solely on Part 3L, steps 10 and 11 when performing the risk based
approach under OMB Circular A-133 if the auditor can determine that the
recipient previously demonstrated a "good faith" effort to comply. For example,
a material non-compliance, material weakness in internal control over
compliance, or a modified opinion based solely on Part 3L, steps 10 and 11 in a
previously issued audit report would not preclude a program from being low risk
or an entity from qualifying as a low risk auditee in the two subsequent year
audits if the auditor determines the recipient demonstrated a "good faith"

This modified audit guidance is being provided due to the newness of the FFATA
reporting requirements and implementation challenges that recipients have had
with the new FFATA reporting process. However, it is important for recipients to
note that they are still required to comply with FFATA requirements and the
requirements will continue to be subject to audit in FY 2012. Auditors
performing 2011 single audits are strongly encouraged to remind those charged
with governance of the recipient of the entity's responsibilities under FFATA.

Q. How do I de-obligate an Award Amount in FSRS?

A: USAspending.gov will track changes as a cumulative amount however you cannot
enter negative amounts in order to de-obligate amounts from subawards, and
submitting a new report the next month with the amount minus the de-obligated
amount is the incorrect reporting process. Any corrections should always be made
in the existing submitted report.

The correct process is to reopen the submitted report with the incorrect data
and process an Overwrite (batch upload or web services process) of the report
with all of the correct data for that reporting period or manually correct the
reopened report.

Each report that is created in the system is assigned an ID which tracks the
report through the system, upon submission that ID is transferred with all of
the report data to USAspending.gov. By submitting a overwrite of the original
report you effectively can correct any data changes that need to be made for
that specific report.

The Overwrite process should only be used in the instance of needing to correct
already submitted data. This is why the Reopen to Edit function is provided so
that changes can be made to the report either manually or via batch upload/web
services so that anything that has been submitted under the report can be
properly resubmitted and it will correct the data displayed on the
USAspending.gov website for that specific Grant or Contract.


Q. What is the correct reporting process?

A: The reporting process is supposed to be one report per reporting period
(month/year) per grant or contract.'Reporting should be completed on a monthly
basis utilizing a single report per reporting period (month/year). Reopening and
resubmitting the same report to update for monthly changes over the life of the
contract or grant is incorrect and can create issues with your amounts being
reported and it will make it more difficult to keep track of the reported

So, for example you have Contract A, and Subawardess A, B, C, D, and E. In your
report for January 2014 for Contract A you submitted each of the Subawardee
records for your 5 subawards. In March 2014, you need to correct Subawardee B's
amount in FSRS and USAspending.gov for the amount awarded in January 2014. The
correct process would be to Reopen the report and correct data manually, or in
the case of where you have say 500 subawards in a single reporting period
(month/year) and have multiple corrections to make for that reporting period,
then you can do so manually or via batch upload or web services and resubmit the
reopened report to correct the data for January 2014.


The Amount of the Subaward for each month should be reported correctly, you
should not modify the amount in March 2014 just because there was a decrease in
January 2014 that needs to be offset. The January 2014 report should be
corrected appropriately and the correct amount for the subaward in March 2014 is
reported as it is awarded.


So if you repeatedly de-obligate the award made in January 2014 for a specific
subawardee then you need to continually modify the January 2014 report to
correct the subaward amounts.


FSRS is setup for monthly reporting, there should be one report per month/year
for the life of the contract or grant. So, you effectively should have 12
reports a year. This may change based on reporting requirements in your
contract/grant however the end result would be the same, the amounts per
subawardee are cumulative of all submitted reports but the data should be
submitted to FSRS appropriately based on the subawards made each month to each

Password Requirements

Q. What are the password requirements?

A. The following rules apply to FSRS passwords:

The password must be 10-14 characters in length.
The password must contain two each of the following:
Upper/lower case letters, numbers, and special characters.

An example of an acceptable password is: AAbb1234!@

Unique Entity ID (SAM)

Q. What is a Unique Entity ID (SAM)?

A. A Unique Entity ID (SAM) number is a unique, alpha-numeric 12-character
identifier issued and maintained by Sam.gov that verifies the existence of a
business entity globally.

Starting Monday, April 4, 2022, the new Unique Entity ID from SAM.gov will be
the official governmentwide identifier used for federal awards. Sub-awardees
(i.e., subcontractors and grant subrecipients) MUST get a Unique Entity ID (SAM)
at SAM.gov. Without a Unique Entity ID (SAM), primes will not be able to find
their sub-awardees in FSRS.gov to report a subaward after April 4, 2022.

Click here to read more detailed information.

Q. Are all sub-awardees required to have a Unique Entity ID (SAM)?

A. Yes, the Transparency Act requires information disclosure concerning entities
receiving Federal financial assistance through Federal awards such as Federal
contracts, sub-contracts, grants, and subgrants. See 31 U.S.C. 6101 note. One of
the data elements required is the unique identifier of the entity receiving the
award and the parent entity of the recipient, should the entity be owned by
another entity. The Unique identifier used is the entity's Unique Entity ID
(SAM). See OMB M-09-19 at 11. For prime and sub-grant recipients, OMB has issued
interim final guidance requiring such recipients to obtain a valid Unique Entity
ID (SAM). See 2 CFR Part 25.

Agency Coordinator (AC)

Q. What is an Agency Coordinator?

A. An Agency Coordinator (AC) is a Federal government user who has full access
to FSRS for their agency hierarchy level and below. ACs can manage the agency
contacts, approve new agency contact registrations, review FFATA reports
submitted by prime awardees against awards given by their agency, and run
certain reports on data from their registered level and below.

Point of Contact (POC)

Q. What is a Point of Contact?

A. Points of Contact (POCs) are Federal government users who have full access to
FSRS for their assigned agency hierarchy level and below. POCs can manage the
agency contacts, approve new agency contact registrations, review FFATA reports
submitted by prime awardees against awards given by their agency, and run
certain reports on data from their registered level and below.



Q. I am a contractor/grantee, how do I register on FSRS?

A. Step 1: Go to www.FSRS.gov.
Step 2: Click on the 'Awardees' link.
Step 3: Click the 'Register' button on the right-hand side of the page under new
awardees: register.
Step 4: Follow the on-screen directions to register for a new account. You will
receive an email message in which you will need to validate to activate your

Q. How do I get help registering for an awardee user account?

A. Step 1: Access the FSRS online home page (www.FSRS.gov.).
Step 2: Click on 'Awardees' in the 'Log-In or Register Now' box on the home
Step 3: Click 'Registration Instructions for Awardees' under the returning
awardees: login fields.

Q. I am registered in eSRS (for contractors only, not applicable to grantees).
Do I have to register again to access FSRS?

A. No, you do not need to re-register if you have an existing account in eSRS.
You can use the same login credentials to log in to FSRS. Once you are logged
into either system, you can switch to the other system by clicking on the
'Log-in to'' link at the top right of the screen on any page.

Q. I do not have a Unique Entity ID (SAM), why won't FSRS allow me to register
without one?

A. You must provide a Unique Entity ID (SAM) in order to be able to register in
FSRS as a awardee user. If your company or organization does not have a Unique
Entity ID (SAM), you will need to obtain one from SAM.gov. Click here to read
more detailed information. After you have completed your SAM registration, you
will now be able to register in FSRS as an awardee user.

Q. Can I register under more than one Unique Entity ID (SAM), with only one
email address?

A. No. FSRS uses your e-mail address as your account identification. Each user
account (i.e. e-mail address) can only be associated with one Unique Entity ID
(SAM). Therefore, if you need user accounts associated with multiple Unique
Entity ID (SAM)s, you will need to register using multiple (different) e-mail

Q. Can my company register under one (1) email to be used by the entire

A. Yes. Although we do not recommend it, if an organization has a centralized
reporting structure where multiple people need access to the same account to
coordinate and submit FFATA sub-award reports, a company/organization may
register in FSRS under one (1) e-mail address associated to their prime awardee
Unique Entity ID (SAM) to be used by their entire organization, if they so

Q. My company/organization name, Unique Entity ID (SAM), contract/grant value,
or agency is not correct

Contract A. Contract A. This data is transferred from FPDS-NG and is not
editable in FSRS. You will need to update your Unique Entity ID (SAM) and
company name at SAM.gov. Once you correct the data in SAM, you must then contact
your Contracting Officer. The Contracting Officer will be able to correct this
in FPDS-NG, and the data will be automatically corrected in FSRS.

Grant A. The company/organization name and Unique Entity ID (SAM) data is
transferred from and is not editable in FSRS. You will need to update your
Unique Entity ID (SAM) and company name at SAM.gov. Once you correct the data in
SAM, you must then contact your Grants Management Officer. The grant award value
and agency data is pre-populated from the awarding agency's FAADS+ file
submission. Your Grants Management Officer will be able to correct this in
FAADS+, and the data will be automatically corrected in FSRS.

Q. If my Unique Entity ID (SAM) information is incorrect, how can I fix it?

A. Review the materials posted at the Federal Service Desk. Search for Knowledge
Articles such as:

 1. How do I change my Legal Business Name, Physical Address, or Ownership
 2. How long does it take to get my information corrected?

Q. What Happens if I enter the incorrect Unique Entity ID (SAM) in FSRS?

A. If you mistakenly register under the incorrect Unique Entity ID (SAM):

 1. Click 'Awardees' on the left navigation bar under Awardees
 2. Click the 'Search Filters' link to expand the search fields. Enter the
    awardees email address in the keywords field and click 'apply search'.
 3. Click the 'Edit' icon to the left of the awardees entry.
 4. Type in the new Unique Entity ID (SAM) in the [keyword] field
 5. Click 'go' to locate the new company
 6. Select the correct Unique Entity ID (SAM) from the dropdown box and save the


Q. How do I recover my lost password?

A. You can select 'forgot password' from the log in screen, and a new log in
will be emailed to you. Here are a few hints for using the temporary password:
The system will allow you to request multiple passwords. If you attempt to
log-in using the first password sent instead of the last/most recent password
sent, the system will not recognize the password. If you copy and paste the
password, be careful not to include spaces. Also, verify that you have entered
the correct email address in the log in field.


Q. How can I delete an account for someone who no longer works for my

A. Awardees are not able to delete accounts. Contact the Federal Service Desk at
www.fsd.gov to have the account disabled.

Q. Can I register under more than one Unique Entity ID (SAM), with only one
email address?

A. No. FSRS uses your e-mail address as your account identification. Each user
account (i.e. e-mail address) can only be associated with one Unique Entity ID
(SAM). Therefore, if you need user accounts associated with multiple Unique
Entity ID (SAM)s, you will need to register using multiple (different) e-mail

Q. Can my company register under one (1) email to be used by the entire

A. Yes. Although we do not recommend it, if an organization has a centralized
reporting structure where multiple people need access to the same account to
coordinate and submit FFATA sub-award reports, a company/organization may
register in FSRS under one (1) e-mail address associated to their prime awardee
Unique Entity ID (SAM) to be used by their entire organization, if they so

Q. I have changed my email address, how do I change that on my account?

A. The email cannot be changed on your existing account, because it will impact
all of your reports. Please create a new account using the new email address.
Once you have completed this, contact the Federal Service Desk at www.fsd.gov
and use the 'Ask A Question' or 'Live Chat' feature to request that all of the
reports associated with the old email address be migrated to your new email

Q. The person who used to do our reports is no longer with our company. What
will happen to all of our data and will we be able to access any previous data?

A. If the person is no longer with your company, the data can be migrated to
another user's account. Contact the Federal Service Desk at www.fsd.gov and use
the 'Ask A Question' or 'Live Chat' feature to request that they migrate the


Q. I am unable to log into the FSRS system and have not clicked on the link in
the registration notification email that I received.

A. After submitting your FSRS registration information, open your email to look
for the FSRS registration notice. In the email, click on the provided FSRS link
to confirm your information and to continue the registration process. You may
now log in to your account.

Note: If you are unable to locate the registration notice in your inbox, please
check your trash and/or spam folders in your email account.

Q. I am unable to log into the FSRS system, because I have changed my email

A. The email cannot be changed on your existing account, because it will impact
all of your reports. Please create a new account using the new email address.
Once you have completed this, contact the Federal Service Desk at www.fsd.gov
and use the 'Ask A Question' or 'Live Chat' feature to request that all of the
reports associated with the old email address be migrated to your new email


Q. I'm a sub-contractor/sub-awardee; do I need to file a FFATA report in FSRS?

A. Sub-contractors/Sub-awardees cannot file a FFATA sub-award report in FSRS.
Only the prime awardee is required (and able) to report sub-award actions in the
FSRS reporting module.


Q. Can Awardees who are registered under the same Unique Entity ID (SAM) see
each others' reports?

A. NO, they will have the ability to see that the report has been submitted
within the 'FFATA Reports' list (there will be a dash in the left column), but
they will not be able to review or edit the reports submitted by other
individuals within their company.

Q. I am a Prime Awardee and I am unable to change the Unique Entity ID (SAM)
that appears on my prime award (i.e. contract or grant award) when entering data
within the FFATA report.

A. You cannot make changes to your Unique Entity ID (SAM) information in FSRS.

For Contractors: his information must be corrected/entered in FPDS-NG. Contact
your contracting officer for assistance.

For Grantees: This information must be corrected/entered by the awarding agency
in their FAADS+ file. You may flag the Unique Entity ID (SAM) for investigation
by your awarding agency. Contact your Grants Management Officer for further

Q. I made a mistake on a submitted report and I need to make a correction. How
can I make the corrections?

A. Once a report is submitted, you must "Reopen" the report to make changes.

Step 1: Go to www.FSRS.gov
Step 2: Click on "Awardee".
Step 3: Login to FSRS using your user ID and Password.
Step 4: Click "Create/Review Reports" and select "FFATA Reports".
Step 5: Locate the desired report using the 'Search Filters' option.
Step 6: Click the 'Edit' icon beside the report you wish to edit.
Step 7: If the report is Submitted, you will need to 'Reopen' the report to be
able to make any changes. To do so, select the 'Reopen to Edit Report' button
from the 'Report History' box in the right sidebar. Make your desired changes
and resubmit.
Step 8: Please note, the system only maintains the most recent version of a
sub-award report. This new report will be transmitted to USAspending for display
as the sub-award report for that award number and month.

Q. I am trying to submit a report, but I keep receiving an error message that
says the report already exists.

A. You can only have one FSRS FFATA sub-award report per prime contract or grant
award number, including drafts, per Report Month (month/year).

For instance, if you have two drafts, you will have to delete the extra draft in
order to submit the report.

Use the following steps to delete the extra draft once you have logged into the
Step 1: Click on 'Create/Review Reports' on the top navigation bar
Step 2: Select the report type.
Step 3: Click on either the 'Drafts' or the 'All' sub-tab to view the Draft
Step 4: Click on the 'Delete' button to the right of the report you need to

Q. How do I report an address outside of the US?

A. FSRS is able to accept foreign recipient locations and/or project place of
performance. When completing an editable location field, the prime awardee
selects 'Non-US' from the State drop down menu. When Non-US is selected for
State, then a non-United States country must be selected and the zip code field
and the Congressional District become optional.

Q. Why can't I enter negative values in a report?

A. You cannot enter negative numbers in FSRS. You are required to enter their
actual sub-award amount. If a negative transaction is filed in FSRS it will be
rejected. You can only enter the actual sub-award amount in positive numbers. If
you need additional information, please contact your contracting officer/grants
management officer.

Q. What do the colors of the checks mean in the Progress section?

A. Green means completed
Red X means an error or not finished
Gray means an optional field not completed

Q. How do I edit an existing report?

A. Step 1: Go to www.FSRS.gov
Step 2: Click on "Awardee".
Step 3: Login to FSRS using your user ID and Password.
Step 4: Click 'Create/Review Reports' and select 'FFATA Reports'.
Step 5: Locate the desired report using the 'Search Filters' option.
Step 6: Click the 'Edit' icon beside the report you wish to edit.
Step 7: If the report is Submitted, you will need to 'Reopen' the report to be
able to make any changes. To do so, select 'Reopen to Edit Report' button from
the 'Report History' box in the right sidebar. Make your desired changes and

Q. Why am I unable to view or edit a report in the list?

A. If you see a ''' where the 'view' or 'edit' icon should be, then this means
you do not have ownership rights to view or edit the report. Another user within
your company/organization has created those reports and only that user can edit
the report. If the user is no longer with your company/organization, you can
contact the helpdesk and request that the reports filed by them be migrated to
the new user with the responsibilities of filing the reports.

Q. What is a Task Order?

A. 'Task order', for FSRS reporting, means a task, delivery, or call order for
supplies and/or services placed against an established contract, blanket
purchase agreement (BPA), or basic ordering agreement.

Q. What is a Treasury Account Symbol (TAS)?

A. A Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) is the receipt, appropriation, expenditure
and other fund account symbols and titles as assigned by the Department of the
Treasury used for Governmentwide Accounting purposes. If you do not know the TAS
for your contract, contact your Contracting Officer.

Q. On my FFATA report, the physical address is incorrect but the mailing address
is correct; how do I update it?

A. Address data is pulled from the contract information in SAM & your Unique
Entity ID (SAM), therefore, any corrections will need to be made as follows:

Prime Contractor: Address data is pulled from FPDS-NG and can only be corrected
by the contracting officer who entered the information. No address information
can be changed in FSRS for Prime contractors. If a report has been previously
submitted prior to the change, the updated information will not be reflected in
that report. The customer will need to 'Copy' the report which will refresh the
data populated from FPDS-NG and SAM. The user will then need to 'Reopen' the
original report and delete it in order to submit the new report for the same
Subcontract Award Date (month/year).

Prime Grant Recipient: Address data is pulled from SAM and can only be corrected
by the Grants Management Officer who entered the information. No address
information can be changed in FSRS for Prime Awardee. If a report has been
previously submitted prior to the change, the updated information will not be
reflected in that report. The customer will need to 'Copy' the report which will
refresh the data populated from FAADS+ and SAM. The user will then need to
'Reopen' the original report and delete it in order to submit the new report for
the same Subcontract Award Date (month/year).

Sub-contractors Data:The address is pulled from your Unique Entity ID (SAM) and
therefore any corrections will need to be made with SAM prior to submitting your
report. If a report has been previously submitted prior to the change, the
updated information will not be reflected in that report. To update the
information in a previously submitted report, the Prime Contractor/Recipient
will need to 'Reopen' the report and edit the Sub-awardee Information step.
Click the edit icon for the desired report, navigate to Step 5 'Sub-contractor
Data' and click 'Delete This Sub-awardee' button for the Unique Entity ID (SAM)
with the incorrect information. Then, click 'Add Another Sub-contractor' and
enter the desired Unique Entity ID (SAM) and click 'Fetch Info from UEI (SAM)'
which will pull data in real-time from SAM.

Q. How can I fix an incorrect award amount?

A. For Contractor: We do not enter contract value information in FSRS. It is
sent downstream from FPDS-NG. If there was a correction in FPDS-NG after a
report was filed, the user needs to copy the report which will refresh the
contract data from in real-time from FPDS-NG. Then, the user must 'Reopen' the
original report and delete it to be able to submit the updated report for the
same Subcontract Award Date (month/year).

For Recipients: We do not enter the grant dollar value information in FSRS. It
is sent downstream from FAADS+. If there was a correction in FAADS+ after a
report was filed, the user needs to copy the report which will refresh the grant
data from in real-time from FAADS+. Then, the user must 'Reopen' the original
report and delete it to be able to submit the updated report for the same
Subcontract Award Date (month/year).

Q. How do I de-obligate an Award Amount in FSRS?

A: USAspending.gov will track changes as a cumulative amount however you cannot
enter negative amounts in order to de-obligate amounts from subawards, and
submitting a new report the next month with the amount minus the de-obligated
amount is the incorrect reporting process. Any corrections should always be made
in the existing submitted report.

The correct process is to reopen the submitted report with the incorrect data
and process an Overwrite (batch upload or web services process) of the report
with all of the correct data for that reporting period or manually correct the
reopened report.

Each report that is created in the system is assigned an ID which tracks the
report through the system, upon submission that ID is transferred with all of
the report data to USAspending.gov. By submitting a overwrite of the original
report you effectively can correct any data changes that need to be made for
that specific report.

The Overwrite process should only be used in the instance of needing to correct
already submitted data. This is why the Reopen to Edit function is provided so
that changes can be made to the report either manually or via batch upload/web
services so that anything that has been submitted under the report can be
properly resubmitted and it will correct the data displayed on the
USAspending.gov website for that specific Grant or Contract.

Q. What is the correct reporting process?

A: The reporting process is supposed to be one report per reporting period
(month/year) per grant or contract.'Reporting should be completed on a monthly
basis utilizing a single report per reporting period (month/year). Reopening and
resubmitting the same report to update for monthly changes over the life of the
contract or grant is incorrect and can create issues with your amounts being
reported and it will make it more difficult to keep track of the reported

So, for example you have Contract A, and Subawardess A, B, C, D, and E. In your
report for January 2014 for Contract A you submitted each of the Subawardee
records for your 5 subawards. In March 2014, you need to correct Subawardee B's
amount in FSRS and USAspending.gov for the amount awarded in January 2014. The
correct process would be to Reopen the report and correct data manually, or in
the case of where you have say 500 subawards in a single reporting period
(month/year) and have multiple corrections to make for that reporting period,
then you can do so manually or via batch upload or web services and resubmit the
reopened report to correct the data for January 2014.


The Amount of the Subaward for each month should be reported correctly, you
should not modify the amount in March 2014 just because there was a decrease in
January 2014 that needs to be offset. The January 2014 report should be
corrected appropriately and the correct amount for the subaward in March 2014 is
reported as it is awarded.


So if you repeatedly de-obligate the award made in January 2014 for a specific
subawardee then you need to continually modify the January 2014 report to
correct the subaward amounts.


FSRS is setup for monthly reporting, there should be one report per month/year
for the life of the contract or grant. So, you effectively should have 12
reports a year. This may change based on reporting requirements in your
contract/grant however the end result would be the same, the amounts per
subawardee are cumulative of all submitted reports but the data should be
submitted to FSRS appropriately based on the subawards made each month to each

Q. How do I complete the State and Country address information if my
organization is in a U.S. Territory?

All U.S. territories are now available in the State drop down field. Select the
appropriate territory in the State field drop down and then select United States
in the Country field.

Q. How do I complete the State and Country address information if my subawardee
is in a U.S. Territory?

All U.S. territories are now available in the State drop down field. Select the
appropriate territory in the State field drop down and then select United States
in the Country field.

Q. What is the Congressional District for a U.S. Territory?

U.S. Territories are all identified as At-Large congressional districts and the
correct 2-character Congressional District designation is AL. If you are unsure
of your congressional district you can perform a Congressional District look-up
using your 5 or 9 digit zip code on www.house.gov.


Q. How can I migrate reports from another contractor/recipient account within my

A. Awardees can only see reports or contracts/grants that match their Unique
Entity ID (SAM), therefore, you cannot see or migrate any reports that are not
under your Unique Entity ID (SAM) or across Unique Entity ID (SAM)s, and a
request to migrate reports under your Unique Entity ID (SAM) must be in writing.
Contact the Federal Service Desk at www.fsd.gov and use the 'Ask A Question' or
'Live Chat' feature.

Q. My company purchased another company that was registered in FSRS. How do I
migrate these reports to my account?

A. The system doesn't allow the sub-award report data to be migrated across
Unique Entity ID (SAM). We can only migrate sub-award report data amongst FSRS
users within the same Unique Entity ID (SAM). If you have purchased a
company/organization then your contracting officer/grants management officer
needs to do a novation agreement. The data will be updated in the appropriate
system (FPDS-NG/FAADS+) and transmitted to FSRS to allow the new owner to
report. Additional questions should be directed to your contracting
officer/grants management officer. Contact the Federal Service Desk at
www.fsd.gov and use the 'Ask A Question' or 'Live Chat' feature.


Q. I can't add a contract/grant to my work list. I get a message that the
contract/grant is not found in the system. What am I supposed to do?

A. If you see the error message 'Award not in FSRS' and your Contract/Grant does
not appear, contact your contracting officer/grant management officer to ensure
the information has properly been entered into FPDS-NG or FAADS+ (whichever is

Q. How do I add a contract number or FAIN to my worklist?

A. Contract in FSRS: If the contract can be found, add it to the Worklist.

Contract/Grants not in FSRS: If you see the error message 'Award not in FSRS'
and your Contract/Grant does not appear, contact your contracting officer/grant
management officer to ensure the information has properly been entered into
FPDS-NG or FAADS+ (whichever is applicable).


Q. How do I contact FPDS-NG?

A. If you are having problems using FPDS or need other application support,
contact the FPDS Help Desk at https://www.fpds.gov/help/index.jsp

Contact Information:
Phone 703-390-5360
Email: fpdssupport@gce2000.com

Hours of Operation:

 1. Level 1 ' Hosting Infrastructure and Severity 1 application issues:
 2. Level 2 ' Application Support: 7:00AM Eastern Time to 7:00PM Pacific Time
    government workdays.
 3. Level 3 ' Application Support: 7:00AM Eastern Time to 7:00PM Pacific Time
    government workdays.


Q. How can I sort within the columns?

A. When viewing FSRS Reports, you can sort these reports by any of the column
headers. To do this, simply click on the black arrow in the header of the column
you wish to sort by. The column will display in ascending order. If you click on
the black arrow in the header of the column a second time, the column will now
display in descending order.



Q. How do I register in FSRS as a Federal Government user?

A. Step 1: Go to www.FSRS.gov.
Step 2: Click on "Federal Government"
Step 3: Click on the "Register" tab
Step 4: Complete the registration

Your user ID and password will be e-mailed to you confirming your registration.
Your registration must be approved by your agency's designated FSRS Agency
Coordinator (AC) or Point of Contact (POC).
Once your registration has been approved, you can access FSRS

Q. What permission levels should I select when registering as a Federal
Government user?

A. Your FSRS Agency Coordinator (AC) or Point of Contacts (POCs), can advise you
which level to select.

Q. What agency office and/or location should I register under, as a Federal
Government user?

A. Your FSRS Agency Coordinator (AC) or Point of Contacts (POCs), can advise you
which office and location to select.

Q. Why can't I see my Federal Government user's pending registration?

A. Because the Federal Government user has either:
- registered under an office/agency that you don't have approval rights for
- registered under an incorrect office/agency, or
- didn't click on the confirmation link sent via email.

Q. I am a government user; how do I recover my lost password?

A. Step 1: Access the FSRS online home page (www.FSRS.gov).
Step 2: Click on "Government" in the "Log-In or Register Now" box on the home
Step 3: Next, click the "Forgot my password" tab.
Step 4: Enter your e-mail address
Step 5: Click 'Go'

NOTE: The password will be reset and a temporary password will be emailed to

Q. Is it possible for agencies to be notified when information on an award is

A. Not in the October 29, 2010 release of the FSRS grants sub-award reporting
functionality. An alert or the ability to extract the flagged data is something
GSA is looking at for the next release. Initially, Federal agency
representatives will need to log-in to FSRS.gov where they can review FFATA
sub-award reports filed against grants awarded by their agency (at their
hierarchy level and below). They will be able to review each report. If there
are 'flagged' data elements in that report, they will see an additional tab
containing the data element and the explanation. This facilitates a structured
dialogue with the prime awardee following the agency's own instigative process.

Q. How does the information flagged by the Prime Awardee get transmitted back to
the associated Agency?

A. Initially, Federal agency representatives will need to log-in to FSRS.gov
where they can review FFATA sub-award reports filed against grants awarded by
their agency (at their hierarchy level and below). They will be able to review
each report. If there are 'flagged' data elements in that report, they will see
an additional tab containing the data element and the explanation. This
facilitates a structured dialogue with the prime awardee following the agency's
own instigative process.


Q. How do I recover my lost password?

A. Step 1: Access the FSRS online home page (www.FSRS.gov).
Step 2: Click on "Government" in the 'Log-In or Register Now' box on the home
Step 3: Next, click the 'Forgot my password' tab.
Step 4: Enter your e-mail address
Step 5: Click 'Go'
NOTE: The password will be reset and a temporary password will be emailed to


Q. How to view a FSRS report submitted to your agency?

A. Log into FSRS

Click on 'Reports' or 'FFATA' under 'Reports' in the left navigation
This will bring you to the 'FFATA Reports' Section

Use the search filters to locate a specific report

You may enter any portion of the Federal Government Awardee's name who submitted
the report in 'Keyword' to narrow your search; and
Click on 'Apply Search.'
This will display a list of existing FFATA Reports
To select and view a report click on the magnifying glass icon

Q. I am a Federal Government user and I need to review a FFATA Report in FSRS.
Can you approve me?

A. Unfortunately, we cannot approve any Government user in FSRS, unless there is
not an Agency Coordinator (AC) or Point of Contact (POC) listed for your agency.
Only the AC or POC can approve a government user for their Agency. Please
contact your AC or POC.

Q. How can I view the reports submitted by my agency's prime awardees?

A. Step 1. Login to FSRS under the 'Government User' link on the homepage.
Step 2. Click 'Reports' on the left-navigation panel or 'FFATA' under the
'Reports' link.
Step 3. All FFATA Sub-award Reports will appear.
Step 4. If you want to select a different status, click on 'Search Filters' and
select the desired status from the 'Status' drop down.

Q. I don't understand the reporting data fields in the FSRS FFATA reports. Can
you explain?

A. Please reference the data dictionary link in the Tips bar on the right-hand
side of the screen. There is one for the contracts community and one for the
grants community.

Q. How can I sort within the columns?

A. When viewing FSRS FFATA Reports, you can sort these reports by any of the
column headers. To do this, simply click on the black arrow in the header of the
column you wish to sort by. The column will display in ascending order. If you
click on the black arrow in the header of the column a second time, the column
will now display in descending order.

Top    About FFATA

For Help: Federal Service Desk  Privacy Policy


The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) was signed on
September 26, 2006. The intent is to empower every American with the ability to
hold the government accountable for each spending decision. The end result is to
reduce wasteful spending in the government. The FFATA legislation requires
information on federal awards (federal financial assistance and expenditures) be
made available to the public via a single, searchable website, which is

The FFATA Subaward Reporting System (FSRS) is the reporting tool Federal prime
awardees (i.e. prime contractors and prime grants recipients) use to capture and
report subaward and executive compensation data regarding their first-tier
subawards to meet the FFATA reporting requirements. Prime contract awardees will
report against sub-contracts awarded and prime grant awardees will report
against sub-grants awarded. The sub-award information entered in FSRS will then
be displayed on www.USASpending.gov associated with the prime award furthering
Federal spending transparency.


Prime Contractors awarded a Federal contract or order that is subject to Federal
Acquisition Regulation clause 52.204-10 (Reporting Executive Compensation and
First-Tier Subcontract Awards) are required to file a FFATA subaward report by
the end of the month following the month in which the prime contractor awards
any subcontract greater than $30,000. This reporting requirement will be
phased-in (see below):

 * Phase 1: Reporting subcontracts under federally-awarded contracts and orders
   valued greater than or equal to $20,000,000, reporting starts now.
 * Phase 2: Reporting subcontracts under federally-awarded contracts and orders
   valued greater than or equal to $550,000, reporting starts October 1, 2010.
 * Phase 3: Reporting subcontracts under federally-awarded contracts and orders
   valued greater than or equal to $25,000, reporting starts March 1, 2011.
 * Phase 4: Reporting subcontracts under federally-awarded contracts and orders
   valued greater than or equal to $30,000, reporting starts October 1, 2015.

Although the requirement to report subawards is being phased-in at certain
dollar levels, if you would like to start reporting prior to the start date for
your subcontracts, the system is available to you for reporting.


Prime Grant Recipients awarded a new Federal grant greater than or equal to
$30,000 as of October 1, 2010 are subject to FFATA sub-award reporting
requirements as outlined in the Office of Management and Budgets guidance issued
August 27, 2010. The prime awardee is required to file a FFATA sub-award report
by the end of the month following the month in which the prime recipient awards
any sub-grant greater than or equal to $30,000.

» Click here for Public Law 109-282 FFATA Legislation

» Click here for Public Law 110-252 FFATA Legislation

» Click here for Federal Acquisition Regulation

Top    Frequently Asked Questions

For Help: Federal Service Desk   Version 4.0

User Guides
» FSRS Awardee Guide

Training Materials
» FSRS Awardee User Demonstration

Question of the Month:
Who is required to file a FFATA report in FSRS? View the answer

New! As of October 29, 2010, FSRS.gov now supports both contracts and grants
sub-award reporting. Prime awardees, click here to register or log-in.


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» Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer 2007


» Your contracting officer for questions about FSRS applicability to your

» For Help: Federal Service Desk

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