www.katpin.shop Open in urlscan Pro
2606:4700::6811:f677  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://katpin.shop/products/%d8%ae%d8%a7%d8%aa%d9%85-%d9%85%d9%86-%d9%85%d8%ac%d9%85%d9%88%d8%b9%d8%a9-%d8%ac%d9%88...
Effective URL: https://www.katpin.shop/products/%d8%ae%d8%a7%d8%aa%d9%85-%d9%85%d9%86-%d9%85%d8%ac%d9%85%d9%88%d8%b9%d8%a9-%d8%ac%d9%88...
Submission: On November 09 via api from US — Scanned from CA

Form analysis 7 forms found in the DOM

  <input name="variant_id" type="hidden" value="${data.variants[0].id}">
  <button type="button" class="product-snippet__quick-shop-icon" role="addToCart" data-quick-shop="${data.handle}" data-track-product-id="${data.id}" data-track="click" data-track-content="add_to_cart" data-track-source="quick_shop">
    <svg class="" width="16" height="16" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
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GET /search

<form id="header_search_form_pc" class="header__search-form relative flex" action="/search" method="get">
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      placeholder="البحث عن المنتجات">
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  <button type="submit" class="header__search-submit-btn lg:hidden m-0 type-text-font-family">بحث</button>

GET /search

<form id="header_search_form_md" class="header__search-form relative flex" action="/search" method="get">
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      placeholder="البحث عن المنتجات">
    <button type="submit" class="header__search-icon absolute m-0 p-0 text-0 type-text-font-family cursor-pointer" tabindex="-1"><svg class="" width="18" height="18" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
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        class="" width="12" height="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
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  <button type="submit" class="header__search-submit-btn lg:hidden m-0 type-text-font-family">بحث</button>

GET /search

<form class="flex items-center" action="/search" method="get">
  <button type="submit" class="clear text-0 text-inherit cursor-pointer">
    <svg class="" width="26" height="26" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
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  <input @input-debounced="header_search_predictive_render-sidebar.rerender(data=event.value, redo=true);" class="header__search_sidebar-input flex-1 text-base leading-none type-text-font-family clear" type="text" autocomplete="off" name="q"
    placeholder="البحث عن المنتجات">
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<form role="spz-product-formf44af7d4-0d3a-491b-95c2-0162136429a9">
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    <h1 class="product-info-title m-0 leading-1.25 type-heading-font-family break-words product-title-color "> خاتم من مجموعة "ترينيتي"، موديل الحجم الكبير جدًّا </h1>
    <p class="m-0 mt-1 leading-1.2 color-text-default md:body-minus-2 lg:mt-2"> ذهب أبيض، ذهب أصفر، ذهب وردي </p>
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      <template> ${function() { const variantData = data.variant ||
        const saveType = "amount"; const productLabelDiscountOn = false; return ` <div class="flex items-center justify-between">
          <div spz-if="${!variantData.price}" class="mr-2 text-2xl leading-1.2 font-semibold color-price flex items-center">
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          <div spz-else="" class="flex items-center flex-wrap">
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              spz-if="${+variantData.price < +variantData.compare_at_price}"></spz-currency>
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              `<span>-${variantData.off_ratio}%</span>` : `<span>-</span><spz-currency class="inline-block" value="${variantData.compare_at_price - variantData.price}" layout="container"></spz-currency>` } </div>
        </div> `; }()} </template>
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            <div class="money product-info__header_compare-at-price">﷼1,099</div>
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      slide="product-detail-images" manual="" interference="" select-soldout-suffix=" - نفذ" interact="hover" inherit-url-variant="" @mouseout="product-info-selected-variant-option1.rerender(data=event);"
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              `<span>${optionValueText}</span>`; }()} </template>
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            <label class="product-info-variant-option relative flex items-center break-words flex-shrink-0 overflow-hidden 
  " data-type="text">
              <span class="break-words text-center">7</span>
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  " data-type="text">
              <span class="break-words text-center">8</span>
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            <label class="product-info-variant-option relative flex items-center break-words flex-shrink-0 overflow-hidden 
  " data-type="text">
              <span class="break-words text-center">9</span>
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        <template> ${function(){ const tipText = "\u064a\u0631\u062c\u0649 \u062a\u062d\u062f\u064a\u062f {{ name }}".replace(/\{\{\s+name\s+\}\}/g, data); return `<div class="product-info__variants-tips font-bold">${tipText}</div>` }()} </template>
    <div class=" mt-4  lg:mt-5">
      <div class="leading-1.25 font-semibold lg:body-plus-2">كمية</div>
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    <div class="product-info__btn mt-4 lg:mt-5">
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        data-track-content="add_to_cart" data-track-source="add_to_cart">
        <span role="content">أضف إلى السلة</span>
        <spz-render id="product-info-btn-price" layout="container" template="product-info-btn-price-template" manual="" class="i-spzhtml-layout-container i-spzhtml-element i-spzhtml-built i-spzhtml-layout" i-spzhtml-layout="container"
          style="height: auto;">
          <div class="flex"><span class="product_price_before"></span><spz-currency value="239" layout="container" class="i-spzhtml-element i-spzhtml-layout-container i-spzhtml-built i-spzhtml-layout" i-spzhtml-layout="container">
              <div class="money">﷼239</div>
          .product_price_before::before {
            content: ' - ';
            display: block;
            width: 20px;
        <template id="product-info-btn-price-template"> ${function(){ const wholesale_enabled = false; const qty = data.quantity || 1; const currentSelectVariant = data.variant; const defaultVariant = (data.product &amp;&amp; data.product.variants
          &amp;&amp; data.product.variants[0]); const productVariant =
          const variantData = currentSelectVariant || defaultVariant || productVariant; const wholesale_price = variantData.wholesale_price || []; if(wholesale_enabled &amp;&amp; wholesale_price.length &gt; 0) { let wholesaleIndex =
          wholesale_price.findIndex(item =&gt; { return item.min_quantity &gt; qty; }); if(wholesaleIndex &lt; 0){ wholesaleIndex = wholesale_price.length - 1; }else if(wholesaleIndex &gt; 0){ wholesaleIndex = wholesaleIndex - 1; } const
          wholesalePrice = wholesale_price[wholesaleIndex] || ''; return ` <div class="flex">
            <span class="product_price_before"></span><spz-currency value="${wholesalePrice.price}" layout="container"></spz-currency>
          </div> ` }else { const price = variantData &amp;&amp; variantData.price; return price != undefined ? `<div class="flex"><span class="product_price_before"></span><spz-currency value="${price}" layout="container"></spz-currency></div>` :
          '<span></span>'; } }()} </template>
        <div class="loading items-center justify-center absolute inset-0 flex" role="loading" show="">
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        <span role="content">اشتري الآن</span>
        <div class="loading items-center justify-center absolute inset-0 flex" role="loading" show="">
          <div class="loading-bounce"></div>
      <div class="product-info__out_stock mt-2 text-center text-sm leading-1.3 opacity-70 lg:mt-3 hidden"> كان المنتج غير متوفر. </div>
      <div class="product-info__unavailable mt-2 text-center text-sm leading-1.3 opacity-70 lg:mt-3 hidden"> المنتج غير متاح. </div>
    <!-- Error Extension File blocks/apps_reviews.liquid not found -->
  <div class="plugin__buy_on_others empty-hidden"></div>
  <input name="product_id" type="hidden" value="f44af7d4-0d3a-491b-95c2-0162136429a9"><input name="variant_id" type="hidden" value="7d00e180-38a5-4e87-b23d-89e163a0c2ce"><input name="note" type="hidden">


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  <div class="footer__newsletter__error-tip" validation-for="footer__newsletter__input" visible-when-invalid="patternMismatch" hidden=""> لو سمحت أدخل بريد إليكتروني صالح. </div>
  <div class="footer__newsletter__error-tip" validation-for="footer__newsletter__input" visible-when-invalid="valueMissing" hidden=""> الرجاء إدخال عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بك. </div>
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  <div class="quick-shop-content rounded-global-small">
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        @mouseout="${mouse_out_event}" interact="hover" interference="" ${mouse_over_event}=""></spz-variants>
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        <span role="content">${statusLan}</span>
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Text Content

${(function(){ const get_random_six_digits = () => { return
Math.random().toString().slice(-6) }; const wholesale_enabled = false; const
setting_product_image_display = "natural"; const product_image = data.image;
const secondary_image = data.secondImage; const image_width =
product_image.width; let image_height = product_image.height;
if(setting_product_image_display == '100%'){ image_height = image_width }else
if(setting_product_image_display == '133.33%'){ image_height = image_width *
1.3333; }; const product_image_hover_on = true && !!secondary_image.src; const
has_save_label = false && ((+data.compare_at_price) > (+data.price)); const
is_single_variant = data.variants.length == 1; const min_price_variant_href =
(data.min_price_variant && data.min_price_variant.available) ?
data.min_price_variant.withinUrl : data.withinUrl; const retail_price_max =
data.retail_price_max || data.compare_at_price_max; const THUMBNAILS_MAX_SIZE =
3; const thumbnails = data.thumbVariants.slice(0, THUMBNAILS_MAX_SIZE); const
image_wrap_id = 'image_wrap_' + get_random_six_digits(); const image_carousel_id
= 'image_carousel_' + get_random_six_digits(); const thumbnails_selector_id =
'thumbnails_selector_' + get_random_six_digits(); const form_id = 'form_' +
get_random_six_digits(); const mixed_wholesale = data.mixed_wholesale; return `

${ data.available ? `` : "\u0646\u0641\u0630" }
الكثير مختلط


${ data.price_min != data.price_max ? `من ` : ` ` }
+${data.remainInvisibleThumbCount} ` })()}

شحن مجاني والدفع عند الاستلام

شحن مجاني والدفع عند الاستلام

 * يسجل دخول
 * إنشاء حساب

${data.data && data.data.count}

 * Home
 * Cartier
 * Van Cleef & Arpels
 * Messika
 * ساعات العلامة التجارية
 * Chaumet
 * Swarovski
 * Bvlgari
 * المزيد من الروابط
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 * Home
 * Cartier
 * Van Cleef & Arpels
 * Messika
 * ساعات العلامة التجارية
 * Chaumet
 * Swarovski
 * Bvlgari
 * المزيد من الروابط
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 * يسجل دخول
 * إنشاء حساب

${data.data && data.data.count}

 * Home
 * Cartier
 * Van Cleef & Arpels
 * Messika
 * ساعات العلامة التجارية
 * Chaumet
 * Swarovski
 * Bvlgari

${(function(){ if (data === undefined || typeof data !== 'string' || data == '')
return ''; const keyword = encodeURIComponent(data); return `
عرض المزيد
بحثك عن '${data}' لم تسفر عن أي نتائج.

` })()}
${(function(){ if (data === undefined || typeof data !== 'string' || data == '')
return ''; const keyword = encodeURIComponent(data); return `
عرض المزيد
بحثك عن '${data}' لم تسفر عن أي نتائج.

` })()}

 * Home
 * Cartier
 * Van Cleef & Arpels
 * Messika
 * ساعات العلامة التجارية
 * Chaumet
 * Swarovski
 * Bvlgari

يسجل دخول
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${data.index + 1}/${data.total}

   ${Array(data.total).fill(0).map((num, index) => `

خاتم من مجموعة "ترينيتي"، موديل الحجم الكبير جدًّا

ذهب أبيض، ذهب أصفر، ذهب وردي

${function() { const variantData = data.variant ||
const saveType = "amount"; const productLabelDiscountOn = false; return `
${saveType == 'percentage' ? `-${variantData.off_ratio}%` : `-` }
`; }()}

مقاس:  ${function(){ const optName = "مقاس"; const optionValue =
data.originData.selectData ? data.originData.selectData[optName].value :
data.originData.value; const optionValueText = optionValue ? (optionValue) : '';
return `${optionValueText}`; }()} 6
${function(){ const tipText = "\u064a\u0631\u062c\u0649
\u062a\u062d\u062f\u064a\u062f {{ name }}".replace(/\{\{\s+name\s+\}\}/g, data);
return `
` }()}

أضف إلى السلة
${function(){ const wholesale_enabled = false; const qty = data.quantity || 1;
const currentSelectVariant = data.variant; const defaultVariant = (data.product
&& data.product.variants && data.product.variants[0]); const productVariant =
const variantData = currentSelectVariant || defaultVariant || productVariant;
const wholesale_price = variantData.wholesale_price || []; if(wholesale_enabled
&& wholesale_price.length > 0) { let wholesaleIndex =
wholesale_price.findIndex(item => { return item.min_quantity > qty; });
if(wholesaleIndex < 0){ wholesaleIndex = wholesale_price.length - 1; }else
if(wholesaleIndex > 0){ wholesaleIndex = wholesaleIndex - 1; } const
wholesalePrice = wholesale_price[wholesaleIndex] || ''; return `

` }else { const price = variantData && variantData.price; return price !=
undefined ? `

` : ''; } }()}

اشتري الآن

كان المنتج غير متوفر.
المنتج غير متاح.


خاتم من مجموعة "ترينيتي"، موديل الحجم الكبير جدًّا، مصنوع من الذهب الأبيض
750/1000 والذهب الوردي 750/1000 والذهب الأصفر 750/1000. عرض الحلقة 6 مم

تغليف كارتييه نشحنه لك

نحن في Shine Jewelry نحرص على تقديم تجربة فاخرة لعملائنا الكرام، حيث تأتي جميع
منتجاتنا في علب هدايا أصلية وأنيقة. يتم اختيار كل علبة بعناية لتضفي لمسة من
التميز والرقي، مما يجعلها مثالية لتقديمها كهدايا مميزة تعكس جمال وقيمة منتجاتنا.
الصور التالية تُظهر نماذج من التغليف الذي نستخدمه

ربما يعجبك أيضا

ربما يعجبك أيضا

اشترك الآن للحصول على المحتوى الحصري والعروض الخاصة

لو سمحت أدخل بريد إليكتروني صالح.
الرجاء إدخال عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بك.
${data.errors && data.errors[0]}
شكرا على الإشتراك
© 2024 Shine Jewelry اتصل بنا مادة المجوهرات سياسة الخصوصية قصة العلامة التجارية

عربة التسوق

حقيبة التسوق الخاصة بك فارغة
مواصلة التسوق
 * ${item.product_title}
    * ${item.options.map(option => option.value).join('/')}
    * ${propertie.name}/${propertie.isImage ? `عرض الصورة` : propertie.value}
   هدية مجانية
   الكثير مختلط


${function() { const textArray = ("\u062d\u0641\u0638
{{save_amount}}").split(/\{\{\s*save_amount\}\}/); if (textArray.length > 0 &&
textArray.length < 2) { textArray.push(''); } return textArray.map((text, index)
=> { if (index == 0) { return `${text}`; } return ` ${text} `; }).join(''); }()}
${function() { const textArray = ("\u062d\u0641\u0638
{{save_amount}}").split(/\{\{\s*save_amount\}\}/); if (textArray.length > 0 &&
textArray.length < 2) { textArray.push(''); } return textArray.map((text, index)
=> { if (index == 0) { return `${text}`; } return ` ${text} `; }).join(''); }()}
 * ${discount_application.title}: -


الشحن والضرائب ورموز الخصم المحسوبة عند الخروج.


${function() { const textArray = ("\u062d\u0641\u0638
{{save_amount}}").split(/\{\{\s*save_amount\}\}/); if (textArray.length > 0 &&
textArray.length < 2) { textArray.push(''); } return textArray.map((text, index)
=> { if (index == 0) { return `${text}`; } return ` ${text} `; }).join(''); }()}
${function() { const textArray = ("\u062d\u0641\u0638
{{save_amount}}").split(/\{\{\s*save_amount\}\}/); if (textArray.length > 0 &&
textArray.length < 2) { textArray.push(''); } return textArray.map((text, index)
=> { if (index == 0) { return `${text}`; } return ` ${text} `; }).join(''); }()}
${function() { const textArray = ("\u062d\u0641\u0638
{{save_amount}}").split(/\{\{\s*save_amount\}\}/); if (textArray.length > 0 &&
textArray.length < 2) { textArray.push(''); } return textArray.map((text, index)
=> { if (index == 0) { return `${text}`; } return ` ${text} `; }).join(''); }()}
 * ${discount_application.title}: -



الشحن والضرائب ورموز الخصم المحسوبة عند الخروج.
 * فرعي:
 * ${discount_application.title}: -



الشحن والضرائب ورموز الخصم المحسوبة عند الخروج.
const summaryStickyRender =
document.querySelector('#cart-drawer-summary-sticky-render'); if
(summaryStickyRender) {
summaryStickyRender.clientHeight + 'px'); }

عرض العربة
${function(){ const productData = data.product; let product_change_event = '',
mouse_over_event = ' '; mouse_out_event = ''; const product_options =
productData.options.filter(Boolean) || []; for (let opt of product_options) {
const nameEscape = opt.name.replace(/\/|\\|\s|\'|\"|`|\<|\>/g, '')
product_change_event = product_change_event +
mouse_out_event = mouse_out_event +
mouse_over_event = mouse_over_event +
} const selectedVariant = productData.variants.find(v => v.available) ||
productData.variants[0]; const statusLan = ((selectedVariant &&
!selectedVariant.available) || (!selectedVariant && !productData.available)) ?
"\u0646\u0641\u0630" : "\u0623\u0636\u0641 \u0625\u0644\u0649
\u0627\u0644\u0633\u0644\u0629"; return `

` }()}

${function(){ const currentSelectVariant = data.variant; const defaultVariant =
(data.product && data.product.variants && data.product.variants[0]); const
variantData = currentSelectVariant || defaultVariant || data; const retail_price
= variantData.retail_price || 0; return `
بيع بالتجزئة
` }()} ${function(){ const wholesale_enabled = false; const qty = data.quantity
|| 1; const currentSelectVariant = data.variant; const defaultVariant =
(data.product && data.product.variants && data.product.variants[0]); const
productVariant =
const variantData = currentSelectVariant || defaultVariant || productVariant;
const wholesale_price = variantData.wholesale_price || []; if(wholesale_enabled
&& wholesale_price.length > 0) { let wholesaleIndex =
wholesale_price.findIndex(item => { return item.min_quantity > qty; });
if(wholesaleIndex < 0){ wholesaleIndex = wholesale_price.length - 1; }else
if(wholesaleIndex > 0){ wholesaleIndex = wholesaleIndex - 1; } const
wholesalePrice = wholesale_price[wholesaleIndex] || ''; return `

` }else { const price = variantData && variantData.price; return price !=
undefined ? `

` : ''; } }()}
${function() { let variantImageShowed = false; const currentProduct =
data.product; return (currentProduct.options || []).map((option, index) => {
const optionName = option.name || ''; const optionId = option.id || ''; const
position = `option${index + 1}`; let isThumbImage = false; if
(currentProduct.need_variant_image && !variantImageShowed) { const variantNames
= ["color"] || []; for (let i = 0, len = variantNames.length; i < len; i++) {
const name = variantNames[i].toLowerCase(); if (name ===
optionName.toLowerCase()) { isThumbImage = true; variantImageShowed = true; } }
} const variantType = "button"; const thumbStyle = "image_with_text"; return `
${option.values.map((value, idx) => { const selected =
data.selectedValues[optionName] == value ? 'checked' : ''; let thumbImage =
null; if (isThumbImage) { const variants = currentProduct.variants; for (let i =
0, len = variants.length; i < len; i++) { const variant = variants[i]; if
(variant[position] == value && thumbImage == null) { thumbImage = variant.image;
break; } } } return `
` }).join('')}
${option.values.map(value => { const selected = data.selectedValues[optionName]
== value ? 'selected' : ''; return `${value}` }).join('')}
` }).join(''); }()}
${data.originData && data.originData.value || data.value}