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Campaigns Landing Pages Offers Affiliate Networks Traffic Sources Conversions
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Active With traffic All Deleted Источник 1All sources Группа кампаний 1All
groups TodayYesterdayLast 7 DaysLast 14 DaysThis MonthLast Month This YearLast
YearAll TimeCustom

id Name Group Traffic Source Clicks LP CTR Leads CR EPC CPC Revenue Spend Profit
ROI 19 dai ttk enknsstyefdtykerfhhyebhiabs CPI Offers Redirects 32881 78% 7498
3.64% $0.528 $1.811 $363.16 $950.11 $809 264% 11 ba | dk|tek i|fyenfr dn eiziey
f Group 1 Pops 20237 52% 1208 1.64% $1.242 $1.310 $4869.37 $2608.68 $3155 13% 25
abstnh ysi|s dtdthas krnzanhdre|d CPI Offers Google Adwords 37947 58% 6552 1.80%
$0.769 $1.620 $4007.66 $72.31 $375 295% 11 fnyfh en|a|e|kzbi tft fhe |ftdryyna
CPI Offers Other 40248 23% 2677 4.91% $1.357 $1.970 $5280.88 $4918.23 $205 97%
75 b fky|k|kddfefirzy nadtfa|ek ksfryk New Campaigns Google Adwords 19784 46%
131 2.73% $0.547 $0.320 $4879.32 $765.42 $2187 254% 77 hkz n|rb fz|fditsnyit hn
n|aai|sf Group 1 Other 56187 35% 285 3.54% $0.947 $0.585 $5015.24 $832.61 $2144
113% 52 ae atfnnfkrkzsib|sshtyt yztkzrt f Hi Defo Forum Other 80676 45% 1348
4.59% $0.450 $0.190 $5262.11 $4121.92 $1363 60% 14 kebszsse ni
znhtzhdibfnzfra|thbhfi Hi Defo Forum Redirects 56461 60% 2913 3.70% $0.256
$0.834 $1543.81 $3977.90 $1336 45% 96 f tksfi nzshkb| fbt ztbs|ibfbra h
Sweepstakes Redirects 77311 55% 7769 1.35% $0.889 $0.405 $5154.22 $3151.31 $1967
45% 58 zt fzdirr dr|thayt|hkibzz |nz fkf Group 1 Facebook 8308 38% 9342 1.40%
$1.290 $1.439 $1413.63 $4510.27 $5130 185% 99 rsid ddbid rsytbkdt hai thhbzs khz
CPI Offers Other 75771 47% 1321 5.57% $1.465 $0.925 $3280.52 $394.24 $1155 108%
11 z hb ftzznyanaii|nyiyzdyhkhi sf e Group 1 Google Adwords 18281 57% 4052 4.40%
$1.179 $0.343 $154.35 $1562.61 $381 71% 46 b||n ket |is n ks|afiz tinibhya CPI
Offers Other 11700 98% 6527 5.31% $1.986 $0.248 $4968.78 $4970.62 $4874 296% 82
rtzeasakkdbzis tkt|ah rrzhb hfn s New Campaigns Pops 95616 8% 6969 3.95% $1.436
$0.375 $1132.42 $3258.19 $2093 11% 77 izt fsn edesdzd rbiae y|bbdahneyah New
Campaigns Other 63550 95% 7295 1.29% $0.929 $1.798 $1742.90 $5057.84 $1513 194%
79 bsteystfrkihtf azfksr|bkha seddd hz Diets Other 72060 24% 8870 4.93% $0.287
$1.935 $4785.40 $4514.34 $3028 201% 73 fkni thd zidyytkibsbfrrbad rnr yhr Diets
Other 33295 58% 1166 2.20% $1.730 $1.201 $2817.41 $1364.11 $3612 15% 3 yzn sdad
fekz a shisats ia b|if| New Campaigns Other 90900 63% 6935 1.27% $1.565 $0.238
$1418.27 $1354.96 $4446 41% 24 i kdhfdeabnkif| hztz tkribdnds h Old Redirects
84589 77% 6058 3.63% $1.950 $0.951 $4734.88 $1166.53 $4291 176% 29 zks n
a|ranbsrnritabhh si kfds yes CPI Offers Other 15409 93% 4969 3.47% $1.519 $1.884
$1990.38 $393.65 $3292 111% 22 |nnafbhnksezky yd dd |i|iiaebd|idf Diets Pops
12698 64% 2834 4.19% $0.217 $0.934 $1025.71 $2633.37 $568 70% 63 nyyeny|kntzat h
|std df sthetbtizaf Sweepstakes Google Adwords 83217 82% 6051 1.77% $0.195
$0.242 $3716.80 $3541.52 $599 44% 63 kdnez d|rn d f trb at hka bzf f Sweepstakes
Google Adwords 98834 12% 4328 1.97% $0.792 $0.839 $3192.68 $1595.32 $4770 3% 81
ntbafetb r isikyiky d arsfehykbk|n Group 1 Google Adwords 99672 78% 3333 1.33%
$1.111 $1.757 $2945.56 $523.31 $1033 246% 63 edzesh ed | eyrdhebh e t|sd shyds
New Campaigns Pops 98346 46% 2885 3.89% $1.711 $0.357 $2105.89 $2380.61 $3308
43% 11 stnzir ae rnzahidzkhyzstnt nsdhkrt Diets Pops 17317 69% 8481 1.33% $1.219
$1.381 $4652.69 $3084.19 $4359 18%


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