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Bidet toilet seats, integrated bidet toilet combos, non-electric bidet
attachments and much more!

Bidet Toilet Seats & Washlets

Bidet Toilet Combos

Non-Electric Bidets

Hand Held Bidets

Bidet Accessories




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Save $210.00

Bio Bidet Bio Bidet BB-2000 Bliss Bidet Toilet Seat
Sale priceFrom $489.00 Regular price$699.00
1622 reviews
Save $100.00

ALPHA BIDET Alpha JX Bidet Toilet Seat
Sale priceFrom $399.00 Regular price$499.00
652 reviews
Save $160.00

Brondell Brondell Swash 1400 Bidet Toilet Seat
Sale priceFrom $489.00 Regular price$649.00
320 reviews
Save $100.00

ALPHA BIDET Alpha UX Pearl Bidet Toilet Seat
Sale price$499.00 Regular price$599.00
102 reviews
Save $175.00

Brondell Brondell Swash Thinline T44 Bidet Toilet Seat with Remote Control
Sale priceFrom $524.00 Regular price$699.00
8 reviews
TOTO TOTO WASHLET S7A SW4736AT40#01, SW4734AT40#01
Sale priceFrom $1,420.00
3 reviews
Save $100.00

Bio Bidet Bio Bidet BB-1000 Supreme Bidet Seat w/ Remote
Sale priceFrom $399.00 Regular price$499.00
225 reviews
Save $20.00

ALPHA BIDET Alpha iX Pure Bidet Toilet Seat
Sale price$329.00 Regular price$349.00
No reviews
Save $30.00

ALPHA BIDET Alpha iX Hybrid Bidet Toilet Seat w/ Remote
Sale price$299.00 Regular price$329.00
355 reviews

Excellent Product

My BB-2000 works perfectly and does a great job. I waited several weeks before
rating to be sure everything worked as advertised. Installation was fairly easy,
watched the videos before I started so no surprises.

Definitely recommend the BB-2000.

Jerry Allen
Bio Bidet BB-2000 Bliss Bidet Toilet Seat

Now that we have it I don't know that I would ever give it up. It's great to
feel fresh every time you go. ;)

Belinda S
Bio Bidet BB-2000 Bliss Bidet Toilet Seat
Why did I wait?

I wasted so much time thinking I didn’t need this indulgence. When I finally
convinced myself to give it a try, my only regret was not getting it sooner.
Easy to install, easy to use, sooooo soothing and such a perfect clean. Love it.

Deborah S
Bio Bidet BB-2000 Bliss Bidet Toilet Seat

This is Stan’s spouse. Love it! Why did I wait so long? Thank goodness for this
article I read in the Post about its practicality!

Stan Crumley
Bio Bidet BB-2000 Bliss Bidet Toilet Seat
Adore this bidet!

I have used the ix Hybrid before, but this one is so superior in every way that
they are barely comparable. Everything from the way it sits on the toilet and
your backside to the spray and dryer and even ease of cleaning are SO much
better. Couldn't be happier with the Alpha UX Pearl!

Kelly Millard
Alpha UX Pearl Bidet Toilet Seat

This Toto has a more narrow seat than most but I’m 6’1”, 220 and find it comfy.
Heat, spray, and auto flush very efficient. Very pleased overall with my

TOTO WASHLET+ Aquia IV One-Piece Elongated Dual Flush 1.28 and 0.9 GPF Toilet
with S7A Contemporary Electric Bidet Seat, Cotton White - MW6464736CEMFGN#01,

We bought this back in Nov. the remodel got a little behind. (no pun intended).
We have been using this for about a month and we both love it. Why we didn't get
one of these sooner I'll never know. The only improvement I would like to see is
the remote be back lite. Great product!

ken l
Bio Bidet BB-2000 Bliss Bidet Toilet Seat
No more toilet paper

I'm 76 years young and it was easier to install than it was to remove the old
toilet seat.

Jan Shaw
Alpha UX Pearl Bidet Toilet Seat
Wife loves it

She’s wanted one for a long time and she’s a bells & Whistles kinda gal so the
Pearl was perfect. Had it for a month and working well

Mark Hayden
Alpha UX Pearl Bidet Toilet Seat

Quick shipping! Easy order! Exactly what I needed to convert my Toto!

TOTO THP3141 Washlet Hose 1/2" Adapter
My bidet

One of the best personal purchases I have made. Easy to install, the remote
control is great, no down sides.

Douglas Biegel
Bio Bidet BB-1000 Supreme Bidet Seat w/ Remote
Great Product!

We are extremely pleased with this product. We bought two of them and they are
worth every penny. I highly recommend this product.

Carol Dieter
Bio Bidet BB-2000 Bliss Bidet Toilet Seat
BIO Bidet 2000 - Great service

The Bio-Bidet 2000 I received was not working as expected. I contacted Bio-Bidet
for troubleshooting ideas which indicated a problem with the unit. Bio-Bidet
immediately shipped me a new unit which worked perfectly including return
shipping of the malfunctioning unit. The Bio Bidet folks were very easy to work
with and resolved the problem quickly and to my satisfaction. Thank You.

Happy customer
Bio Bidet BB-2000 Bliss Bidet Toilet Seat

It’s everything I expected it to be. I love the personal mode and the nite lite.
It arrive fast and the packaging was great . It took less than ten minutes to
hook up

Lou Benigno
Alpha UX Pearl Bidet Toilet Seat

Big upgrade from my original Bidet. Warm water, warm contour seat, newer
designed comfortable seat, slowly closes without sound. 👍💯

Alpha JX Bidet Toilet Seat


Best Bidet Seats of 2024

Our expert rankings of the best bidet seats.

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Bidet Seat Fitment Guide

Is my toilet compatible with a bidet seat?

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Bidet Seat Installation Guide

Installing a bidet seat is easier than you think!

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Advancing Modern Hygiene ®

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Save $100.00

ALPHA BIDET Alpha JX Bidet Toilet Seat
Sale priceFrom $399.00 Regular price$499.00
652 reviews
Save $100.00

ALPHA BIDET Alpha UXT Pearl Bidet Toilet Combination | ADA Chair Height 1.28 GPF
Sale price$1,899.00 Regular price$1,999.00
23 reviews
Save $100.00

ALPHA BIDET Alpha UX Pearl Bidet Toilet Seat
Sale price$499.00 Regular price$599.00
102 reviews
Save $30.00

ALPHA BIDET Alpha iX Hybrid Bidet Toilet Seat w/ Remote
Sale price$299.00 Regular price$329.00
355 reviews
Save $40.00

ALPHA BIDET Alpha GX Wave Bidet Toilet Seat
Sale price$259.00 Regular price$299.00
120 reviews
Save $10.00

ALPHA BIDET Alpha GXR Wave Bidet Toilet Seat
Sale price$289.00 Regular price$299.00
25 reviews
Save $10.00

ALPHA BIDET Alpha ONE V2 Elongated Bidet Seat
Sale price$89.00 Regular price$99.00
161 reviews
ALPHA BIDET Alpha JX Replacement Remote
Sale price$46.95
2 reviews
ALPHA BIDET Alpha ONE Replacement Nozzle Assembly
Sale price$9.95
3 reviews
ALPHA BIDET Alpha ONE Replacement Chrome Lever
Sale price$6.50
1 review
ALPHA BIDET Alpha iX Hybrid Replacement Remote
Sale price$39.95
No reviews
Save $20.00

ALPHA BIDET Alpha iX Pure Bidet Toilet Seat
Sale price$329.00 Regular price$349.00
No reviews




Save $100.00
102 reviews


Color: White
Size: Elongated
Round (ETA Late April)
White / Elongated - $499.00White / Round (ETA Late April) - $499.00
Sale price$499.00 Regular price$599.00
Found a lower price? Request a match
HSA/FSA-eligible with .
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Water Does it Better

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Save $210.00

Bio Bidet Bio Bidet BB-2000 Bliss Bidet Toilet Seat
Sale priceFrom $489.00 Regular price$699.00
1622 reviews
Save $100.00

Bio Bidet Bio Bidet BB-1000 Supreme Bidet Seat w/ Remote
Sale priceFrom $399.00 Regular price$499.00
225 reviews
Save $30.00

Bio Bidet Bio Bidet BB-600 Ultimate Bidet Seat
Sale priceFrom $339.00 Regular price$369.00
53 reviews
Bio Bidet Bio Bidet Elite 3 Natural Water Dual Nozzle
Sale price$59.00
53 reviews
Save $300.00

Bio Bidet Bio Bidet Discovery DLS Bidet Toilet Seat
Sale price$599.00 Regular price$899.00
45 reviews
Bio Bidet Bio Bidet BB-70 Simplet Bidet Attachment
Sale price$46.50
67 reviews
Save $450.00

Bio Bidet Bio Bidet Discovery DLX Bidet Toilet Combination
Sale price$2,249.00 Regular price$2,699.00
10 reviews
Bio Bidet Bio Bidet BB-1000 Replacement Remote
Sale price$49.95
23 reviews
Bio Bidet Bio Bidet A8 Serenity Bidet Toilet Seat
Sale price$599.00
8 reviews
Save $162.25

Bio Bidet Bio Bidet BB-1700 Bliss Bidet Seat w/ Side Panel
Sale price$486.75 Regular price$649.00
15 reviews
Bio Bidet Bio Bidet BB-800 Prestige Bidet Seat
Sale price$449.00
19 reviews
Bio Bidet Bio Bidet BB-1000 Deodorizer
Sale price$14.95
1 review


A exclusive innovation - build your own bidet toilet combo!

Pair one of our stylish skirted toilets with the bidet seat of your choice and
get a bidet toilet combination that's just for you.

We've taken the guesswork of fitment out of the equation so all you have to do
is pick your dream bidet combination.

Shop Now


Let's Wash with TOTO Washlet

Shop Now
TOTO TOTO S550e Washlet SW3056, SW3054
Sale priceFrom $1,295.70
98 reviews
TOTO TOTO WASHLET S7A SW4736AT40#01, SW4734AT40#01
Sale priceFrom $1,420.00
3 reviews
Save $288.00

TOTO TOTO WASHLET C5 SW3084#01, SW3083#01, SW3084#12
Sale priceFrom $492.00 Regular price$780.00
56 reviews
Save $239.00

TOTO TOTO WASHLET C2 SW3074#01, SW3073#01, SW3074#12
Sale priceFrom $436.00 Regular price$675.00
16 reviews
TOTO TOTO WASHLET S7 SW4726AT40#01, SW4724AT40#01
Sale priceFrom $1,293.00
3 reviews
TOTO TOTO WASHLET K300 w/ EWATER+ SW3036R#01, SW3036R#12
Sale priceFrom $725.00
18 reviews
TOTO TOTO S500e Washlet SW3046, SW3044
Sale priceFrom $1,180.20
26 reviews
TOTO TOTO S550e Washlet+ SW3056AT40#01, SW3054AT40#01, Classic, Contemporary
Sale price$1,409.00
3 reviews
TOTO TOTO S500e Washlet+ SW3046AT40#01, SW3044AT40#01, Classic, Contemporary
Sale price$1,283.00
1 review
TOTO TOTO C200 Washlet, SW2044, SW2043R, SW2044#01
Sale priceFrom $395.00
28 reviews
TOTO TOTO C100 Washlet, SW2034, SW2033R, SW2034#01
Sale priceFrom $366.00
18 reviews
Save $124.00

TOTO TOTO s350e Washlet w/ Remote
Sale price$865.00 Regular price$989.00
21 reviews


At, we take pride in bringing you the best bidet toilet seats and
attachments on the market at the lowest prices allowed. The bidet seats and
bidet toilet combinations we carry are hand picked for their quality and value
including Alpha Bidet, Bio Bidet, Brondell, TOTO, Blooming, Clean Sense, Kohler
Novita, and more.

With the best bidets on the market combined with expert bidet reviews and
industry leading customer service, it's easy to see why so many have chosen as their #1 source for bidet seats. We work hard to keep your butt
clean and happy.


View all


Vince MartinezApr 10, 2024


Vince MartinezFeb 09, 2024


Vince MartinezJan 26, 2024


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one of our award winning bidet seats and we're confident you'll be a bidet user
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Items on may display a List Price or other strike-through pricing
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The List Price is the suggested retail price of a new product as provided by a
manufacturer, supplier, or seller. will only display a List
Price if the product was purchased by customers on or offered by
other retailers at or above the List Price in the past 90 days. List prices may
not necessarily reflect the prevailing market price of a product.

Based on savings from the "List" price, items may also have a dollar value
or percentage-off display.

To report a strike-through price issue, please contact us at


Items on may display a List Price or other strike-through pricing
or saving information on the product detail or category page.

The List Price is the suggested retail price of a new product as provided by a
manufacturer, supplier, or seller. will only display a List
Price if the product was purchased by customers on or offered by
other retailers at or above the List Price in the past 90 days. List prices may
not necessarily reflect the prevailing market price of a product.

Based on savings from the "List" price, items may also have a dollar value
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To report a strike-through price issue, please contact us at


Items on may display a List Price or other strike-through pricing
or saving information on the product detail or category page.

The List Price is the suggested retail price of a new product as provided by a
manufacturer, supplier, or seller. will only display a List
Price if the product was purchased by customers on or offered by
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Based on savings from the "List" price, items may also have a dollar value
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To report a strike-through price issue, please contact us at




- The custom bidet toilet combinations ship for free via Fedex/UPS Ground to the
continential US only.  They cannot be shipped to HI, AK, or internationally at
this time. Expedited shipping is not currently available. 

- The toilet will be shipped separately from the bidet seat itself and require
an extra 1-2 days of processing due to its size and weight. The shipping weight
of the toilet is about 110lbs, please plan accordingly during delivery.

- Transit time for the toilet will be roughly 2-9 business days depending on

- Transit time for the bidet seat will be roughly 2-5 business days depending on

- Please check the toilet for damages upon receipt and notify us within 5 days
of delivery of any issues so we can expedite the damage claim and send a
replacement.  We cannot guarantee damage claims will be honored if we are not
notified within this window.





- The custom bidet toilet combinations ship for free via Fedex/UPS Ground to the
continential US only.  They cannot be shipped to HI, AK, or internationally at
this time. Expedited shipping is not currently available. 

- The toilet will be shipped separately from the bidet seat itself and require
an extra 1-2 days of processing due to its size and weight. The shipping weight
of the toilet is about 110lbs, please plan accordingly during delivery.

- Transit time for the toilet will be roughly 2-9 business days depending on

- Transit time for the bidet seat will be roughly 2-5 business days depending on

- Please check the toilet for damages upon receipt and notify us within 5 days
of delivery of any issues so we can expedite the damage claim and send a
replacement.  We cannot guarantee damage claims will be honored if we are not
notified within this window.





- The custom bidet toilet combinations ship for free via Fedex/UPS Ground to the
continential US only.  They cannot be shipped to HI, AK, or internationally at
this time. Expedited shipping is not currently available. 

- The toilet will be shipped separately from the bidet seat itself and require
an extra 1-2 days of processing due to its size and weight. The shipping weight
of the toilet is about 110lbs, please plan accordingly during delivery.

- Transit time for the toilet will be roughly 2-9 business days depending on

- Transit time for the bidet seat will be roughly 2-5 business days depending on

- Please check the toilet for damages upon receipt and notify us within 5 days
of delivery of any issues so we can expedite the damage claim and send a
replacement.  We cannot guarantee damage claims will be honored if we are not
notified within this window.




WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including Lead which is known
to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other
reproductive harm. For more information go to



WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including Lead which is known
to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other
reproductive harm. For more information go to





WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including Lead which is known
to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other
reproductive harm. For more information go to



Rest easy and shop with confidence - is now offering
an exclusive 30 Day Risk Free In-Home Trial! A program so fantastic it could
only be brought to you by the internet's premier electronic bidet toilet seat
retailer - Why are we doing this? Because we are so confident in
the quality, functionality, and style of our best bidet seats that we are
willing to let you try them, in your home, for a whole month.  If you aren't
completely satisfied with your purchase, simply send it back to us and we'll
give you a full refund. If you would like a pre-paid return label, the cost is
$35 which would be deducted from the refund.    

Program Details: Simply purchase a qualifying washlet bidet seat where the 30
Day Trial program is listed.  From the date of purchase, you will have 30 days
to receive, install, and use the toilet seat bidet in your home.   If you find
that you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, call us for a RMA (return
authorization) number, and then ship the seat back to us for a full refund minus
shipping costs.

Qualifying models: Bio Bidet BB-2000, Alpha JX, Alpha UX Pearl, Brondell Swash
1400, Blooming NB-R1063, Bio Bidet Discovery DLS, Eco Nova

Fine Print:  30 Day Risk Free Trial applies only to products listed in this
category.  All returns must have a RMA number.  Returns received
without RMA numbers will be refused. Customer is responsible for return shipping
costs. Alternatively, customer can request a prepaid return shipping label from
us and a $35 fee will be deducted from the refund.  Returns must be in good
condition with ALL original parts and accessories included.  Returns received
with missing parts or substantial damage beyond normal usage wear and tear will
be subject to additional fees (will be deducted from refund). Orders involving
multiple bidet seats may only have (1) unit be considered under the 30 Day Risk
Free trial program (other units must be in brand new condition to be returned).
 (1) 30 Day Risk Free trial per household - regardless of model.  



Rest easy and shop with confidence - is now offering
an exclusive 30 Day Risk Free In-Home Trial! A program so fantastic it could
only be brought to you by the internet's premier electronic bidet toilet seat
retailer - Why are we doing this? Because we are so confident in
the quality, functionality, and style of our best bidet seats that we are
willing to let you try them, in your home, for a whole month.  If you aren't
completely satisfied with your purchase, simply send it back to us and we'll
give you a full refund minus the original shipping cost (roughly $25).   

Program Details: Simply purchase a qualifying washlet bidet seat where the 30
Day Trial program is listed.  From the date of purchase, you will have 30 days
to receive, install, and use the toilet seat bidet in your home.   If you find
that you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, call us for a RMA (return
authorization) number, and then ship the seat back to us via UPS for a full
refund minus original shipping costs.

Qualifying models: Bio Bidet BB-2000, Alpha JX, Brondell Swash 1400, Blooming

Fine Print:  30 Day Risk Free Trial applies only to products listed in this
category.  All returns must be shipped via UPS with insurance and have a RMA number.  Returns received without RMA numbers or shipped via
ineligible carriers will be subject to a 15% restocking fee.  In case of return,
customer is responsible for return shipping costs as well as original shipping
costs (will be deducted from refund).  Returns must be in good condition with
ALL original parts and accessories included.  Returns received with missing
parts or substantial damage beyond normal usage wear and tear will be subject to
additional fees (will be deducted from refund). Orders involving multiple bidet
seats may only have (1) unit be considered under the 30 Day Risk Free trial
program (other units must be in brand new condition to be returned).  (1) 30 Day
Risk Free trial per household - regardless of model.  


Rest easy and shop with confidence - is now offering
an exclusive 30 Day Risk Free In-Home Trial! A program so fantastic it could
only be brought to you by the internet's premier electronic bidet toilet seat
retailer - Why are we doing this? Because we are so confident in
the quality, functionality, and style of our best bidet seats that we are
willing to let you try them, in your home, for a whole month.  If you aren't
completely satisfied with your purchase, simply send it back to us and we'll
give you a full refund. If you would like a pre-paid return label, the cost is
$35 which would be deducted from the refund.    

Program Details: Simply purchase a qualifying washlet bidet seat where the 30
Day Trial program is listed.  From the date of purchase, you will have 30 days
to receive, install, and use the toilet seat bidet in your home.   If you find
that you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, call us for a RMA (return
authorization) number, and then ship the seat back to us for a full refund minus
shipping costs.

Qualifying models: Bio Bidet BB-2000, Alpha JX, Alpha UX Pearl, Brondell Swash
1400, Blooming NB-R1063, Bio Bidet Discovery DLS, Eco Nova

Fine Print:  30 Day Risk Free Trial applies only to products listed in this
category.  All returns must have a RMA number.  Returns received
without RMA numbers will be refused. Customer is responsible for return shipping
costs. Alternatively, customer can request a prepaid return shipping label from
us and a $35 fee will be deducted from the refund.  Returns must be in good
condition with ALL original parts and accessories included.  Returns received
with missing parts or substantial damage beyond normal usage wear and tear will
be subject to additional fees (will be deducted from refund). Orders involving
multiple bidet seats may only have (1) unit be considered under the 30 Day Risk
Free trial program (other units must be in brand new condition to be returned).
 (1) 30 Day Risk Free trial per household - regardless of model.  



Rest easy and shop with confidence - is now offering
an exclusive 30 Day Risk Free In-Home Trial! A program so fantastic it could
only be brought to you by the internet's premier electronic bidet toilet seat
retailer - Why are we doing this? Because we are so confident in
the quality, functionality, and style of our best bidet seats that we are
willing to let you try them, in your home, for a whole month.  If you aren't
completely satisfied with your purchase, simply send it back to us and we'll
give you a full refund. If you would like a pre-paid return label, the cost is
$35 which would be deducted from the refund.    

Program Details: Simply purchase a qualifying washlet bidet seat where the 30
Day Trial program is listed.  From the date of purchase, you will have 30 days
to receive, install, and use the toilet seat bidet in your home.   If you find
that you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, call us for a RMA (return
authorization) number, and then ship the seat back to us for a full refund minus
shipping costs.

Qualifying models: Bio Bidet BB-2000, Alpha JX, Alpha UX Pearl, Brondell Swash
1400, Blooming NB-R1063, Bio Bidet Discovery DLS, Eco Nova

Fine Print:  30 Day Risk Free Trial applies only to products listed in this
category.  All returns must have a RMA number.  Returns received
without RMA numbers will be refused. Customer is responsible for return shipping
costs. Alternatively, customer can request a prepaid return shipping label from
us and a $35 fee will be deducted from the refund.  Returns must be in good
condition with ALL original parts and accessories included.  Returns received
with missing parts or substantial damage beyond normal usage wear and tear will
be subject to additional fees (will be deducted from refund). Orders involving
multiple bidet seats may only have (1) unit be considered under the 30 Day Risk
Free trial program (other units must be in brand new condition to be returned).
 (1) 30 Day Risk Free trial per household - regardless of model.  

EASY RETURNS AND EXCHANGES accepts returns or exchanges on new and unused products within 45
days of shipment date - with the exception of bidet toilet combination units and
open box items that are on final sale. New and unused means the bidet has not
been installed, used or altered in any way and remains in resaleable condition. 
Due to the hygiene nature of our business, any products that have been hooked up
to water or used in any way are not eligible for return due to Public Health
Regulations and policy.

Open box specials are final sale with no returns or exchanges. 

Bidet toilet combination units and open box items are on final sale and returns
are not accepted (manufacturer warranty applies in the event of damage or


Returns and exchanges must still be in their original packaging with all parts
and accessories included or be subject to a 15% restocking fee. 

Return Shipping

Customers are responsible for return shipping fees unless makes a
mistake on the order.  Returns must be shipped via UPS or Fedex with insurance, is not liable for damages incurred during shipment.  Return
shipping address will be given when RMA number is issued.  

If you ordered the wrong item, wrong size/have fitment issues, or simply changed
your mind
We will refund you for your purchase price minus the original shipping cost,
provided the returned item(s) are received back in their original packaging,
along with all accessories, warranty cards, manuals, parts, etc., where
applicable, provided your purchase is in "as-new" condition, and the purchased
product was not noted as a clearance, close-out or non-returnable item.  Please
note that we will deduct the original cost of shipping from the refund
regardless if your item was originally shipped to you for free.

Click here to read our full Return and Exchange Policy

EASY RETURNS AND EXCHANGES accepts returns or exchanges on new and unused products within 45
days of shipment date - with the exception of bidet toilet combination units and
open box items that are on final sale. New and unused means the bidet has not
been installed, used or altered in any way and remains in resaleable condition. 
Due to the hygiene nature of our business, any products that have been hooked up
to water or used in any way are not eligible for return due to Public Health
Regulations and policy.

Open box specials are final sale with no returns or exchanges. 

Bidet toilet combination units and open box items are on final sale and returns
are not accepted (manufacturer warranty applies in the event of damage or


Returns and exchanges must still be in their original packaging with all parts
and accessories included or be subject to a 15% restocking fee. 

Return Shipping

Customers are responsible for return shipping fees unless makes a
mistake on the order.  Returns must be shipped via UPS or Fedex with insurance, is not liable for damages incurred during shipment.  Return
shipping address will be given when RMA number is issued.  

If you ordered the wrong item, wrong size/have fitment issues, or simply changed
your mind
We will refund you for your purchase price minus the original shipping cost,
provided the returned item(s) are received back in their original packaging,
along with all accessories, warranty cards, manuals, parts, etc., where
applicable, provided your purchase is in "as-new" condition, and the purchased
product was not noted as a clearance, close-out or non-returnable item.  Please
note that we will deduct the original cost of shipping from the refund
regardless if your item was originally shipped to you for free.

Click here to read our full Return and Exchange Policy

EASY RETURNS AND EXCHANGES accepts returns or exchanges on new and unused products within 45
days of shipment date - with the exception of bidet toilet combination units and
open box items that are on final sale. New and unused means the bidet has not
been installed, used or altered in any way and remains in resaleable condition. 
Due to the hygiene nature of our business, any products that have been hooked up
to water or used in any way are not eligible for return due to Public Health
Regulations and policy.

Open box specials are final sale with no returns or exchanges. 

Bidet toilet combination units and open box items are on final sale and returns
are not accepted (manufacturer warranty applies in the event of damage or


Returns and exchanges must still be in their original packaging with all parts
and accessories included or be subject to a 15% restocking fee. 

Return Shipping

Customers are responsible for return shipping fees unless makes a
mistake on the order.  Returns must be shipped via UPS or Fedex with insurance, is not liable for damages incurred during shipment.  Return
shipping address will be given when RMA number is issued.  

If you ordered the wrong item, wrong size/have fitment issues, or simply changed
your mind
We will refund you for your purchase price minus the original shipping cost,
provided the returned item(s) are received back in their original packaging,
along with all accessories, warranty cards, manuals, parts, etc., where
applicable, provided your purchase is in "as-new" condition, and the purchased
product was not noted as a clearance, close-out or non-returnable item.  Please
note that we will deduct the original cost of shipping from the refund
regardless if your item was originally shipped to you for free.

Click here to read our full Return and Exchange Policy

SHIPPING POLICY warehouses its own inventory so we can ship your order FAST.


Shipping Rates

Continental US (lower 48 states)

FREE ground shipping on orders over $99! $5.95 flat rate shipping for orders
under $99. Ground shipping orders may be shipped via a variety of carriers
including Fedex, USPS, and UPS.

BK Express Quickship Program applies only products marked with the Express
Quickship tag on the product page and is valid in the 48 Continental US. (Click
here for additional details.)

Alaska & Hawaii

$40 Flat rate shipping via USPS Priority or $50 flat rate shipping via Fedex
Ground or UPS.  Shipping is flat rate so buy more and save!

Unfortunately, we are not able to ship integrated bidet toilet combos to Alaska
or Hawaii (48 Continental US only).


FREE shipping on orders over $200 via Fedex Ground or UPS Standard. 

FREE shipping on orders over $499 via USPS Priority Mail. 

$20 Flat rate shipping on orders under $99.

$30 Flat rate shipping via USPS Priority on orders under $499

Important Note:

All shipments from the US to Canada are subject to Canadian duty charges.
Unfortunately we cannot determine this duty and it is completely independent of
any shipping charges from

Fedex and UPS charge Canadian customers a "brokerage fee" in addition to duty
when bringing packages across the border.  The fee usually ranges from
$40-$80USD depending on value. To avoid this fee, we suggest Canadian customers
to select USPS Priority.  Most orders will be charged a duty fee by your local
customs office. We are not responsible for, and we do not provide refunds or
credits for the customs duty fee or Fedex/UPS brokerage fees.

Click here to see our full Return and Exchange Policy

SHIPPING POLICY warehouses its own inventory so we can ship your order FAST.


Shipping Rates

Continental US (lower 48 states)

FREE ground shipping on orders over $99! $5.95 flat rate shipping for orders
under $99. Ground shipping orders may be shipped via a variety of carriers
including Fedex, USPS, and UPS.

BK Express Quickship Program applies only products marked with the Express
Quickship tag on the product page and is valid in the 48 Continental US. (Click
here for additional details.)

Alaska & Hawaii

$40 Flat rate shipping via USPS Priority or $50 flat rate shipping via Fedex
Ground or UPS.  Shipping is flat rate so buy more and save!

Unfortunately, we are not able to ship integrated bidet toilet combos to Alaska
or Hawaii (48 Continental US only).


FREE shipping on orders over $200 via Fedex Ground or UPS Standard. 

FREE shipping on orders over $499 via USPS Priority Mail. 

$20 Flat rate shipping on orders under $99.

$30 Flat rate shipping via USPS Priority on orders under $499

Important Note:

All shipments from the US to Canada are subject to Canadian duty charges.
Unfortunately we cannot determine this duty and it is completely independent of
any shipping charges from

Fedex and UPS charge Canadian customers a "brokerage fee" in addition to duty
when bringing packages across the border.  The fee usually ranges from
$40-$80USD depending on value. To avoid this fee, we suggest Canadian customers
to select USPS Priority.  Most orders will be charged a duty fee by your local
customs office. We are not responsible for, and we do not provide refunds or
credits for the customs duty fee or Fedex/UPS brokerage fees.

Click here to see our full Return and Exchange Policy

SHIPPING POLICY warehouses its own inventory so we can ship your order FAST.


Shipping Rates

Continental US (lower 48 states)

FREE ground shipping on orders over $99! $5.95 flat rate shipping for orders
under $99. Ground shipping orders may be shipped via a variety of carriers
including Fedex, USPS, and UPS.

BK Express Quickship Program applies only products marked with the Express
Quickship tag on the product page and is valid in the 48 Continental US. (Click
here for additional details.)

Alaska & Hawaii

$40 Flat rate shipping via USPS Priority or $50 flat rate shipping via Fedex
Ground or UPS.  Shipping is flat rate so buy more and save!

Unfortunately, we are not able to ship integrated bidet toilet combos to Alaska
or Hawaii (48 Continental US only).


FREE shipping on orders over $200 via Fedex Ground or UPS Standard. 

FREE shipping on orders over $499 via USPS Priority Mail. 

$20 Flat rate shipping on orders under $99.

$30 Flat rate shipping via USPS Priority on orders under $499

Important Note:

All shipments from the US to Canada are subject to Canadian duty charges.
Unfortunately we cannot determine this duty and it is completely independent of
any shipping charges from

Fedex and UPS charge Canadian customers a "brokerage fee" in addition to duty
when bringing packages across the border.  The fee usually ranges from
$40-$80USD depending on value. To avoid this fee, we suggest Canadian customers
to select USPS Priority.  Most orders will be charged a duty fee by your local
customs office. We are not responsible for, and we do not provide refunds or
credits for the customs duty fee or Fedex/UPS brokerage fees.

Click here to see our full Return and Exchange Policy


BidetKing is committed to providing the best customer experience possible. As
such, we've expanded our operations with additional fulfillment warehouses to
launch our new Express Quickship Program.  Products marked with
the Express Quickship tag will typically be delivered within 2 business days in
the Continental US (same as Amazon Prime) at no additional cost.  Just select
UPS Ground at checkout.

Program Details

⚡ 95% of orders in the Continental US can be delivered within 2 business days
via ground shipping - see         map below

⚡ Orders received by 12PM PST will generally ship same day, but is not

⚡ Delivery times are based on UPS Ground estimates and not guaranteed - choose
an expedited shipping       option if you need a guarantee


BidetKing is committed to providing the best customer experience possible. As
such, we've expanded our operations with additional fulfillment warehouses to
launch our new Express Quickship Program.  Products marked with
the Express Quickship tag will typically be delivered within 2 business days in
the Continental US (same as Amazon Prime) at no additional cost.  Just select
UPS Ground at checkout.

Program Details

⚡ 95% of orders in the Continental US can be delivered within 2 business days
via ground shipping - see         map below

⚡ Orders received by 12PM PST will generally ship same day, but is not

⚡ Delivery times are based on UPS Ground estimates and not guaranteed - choose
an expedited shipping       option if you need a guarantee


BidetKing is committed to providing the best customer experience possible. As
such, we've expanded our operations with additional fulfillment warehouses to
launch our new Express Quickship Program.  Products marked with
the Express Quickship tag will typically be delivered within 2 business days in
the Continental US (same as Amazon Prime) at no additional cost.  Just select
UPS Ground at checkout.

Program Details

⚡ 95% of orders in the Continental US can be delivered within 2 business days
via ground shipping - see         map below

⚡ Orders received by 12PM PST will generally ship same day, but is not

⚡ Delivery times are based on UPS Ground estimates and not guaranteed - choose
an expedited shipping       option if you need a guarantee

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Testing shipping options page yo

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Testing shipping options page yo

click here if you want to live

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