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Public Scan
Submitted URL: https://updateheavilyrefinedinfo-program.info/
Effective URL: https://www.yahoo.com/
Submission: On January 03 via api from US — Scanned from US
Effective URL: https://www.yahoo.com/
Submission: On January 03 via api from US — Scanned from US
Form analysis
4 forms found in the DOMName: ybar_mod_searchbox_s — GET https://search.yahoo.com/search
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Keep it up, and you can hit your fitness goals today!’ 624·12 min read Thanks for your feedback! * Politics·The Wrap BEN SHAPIRO SLAMS TUCKER CARLSON’S ‘ABSURD ACCUSATION’ THAT HIS POLITICS ‘COULD DESTROY THE COUNTRY FOR REAL’: ‘SIMPLY NOT TRUE’ | VIDEO The former Fox News host said of Shapiro last week that he "can't imagine how someone like that could get an audience" The post Ben Shapiro Slams Tucker Carlson’s ‘Absurd Accusation’ That His Politics ‘Could Destroy the Country for Real’: ‘Simply Not True’ | Video appeared first on TheWrap. 254·4 min read Thanks for your feedback! * News·TheBlast VIDEOBILLY JOEL HAS JOKED THAT "NOBODY" WILL BUY HIS RECENTLY LISTED LONG ISLAND HOME, DUE TO ITS PRICE TAG. Billy Joel has joked that he will struggle to offload his Long Island estate, due to its steep asking price. 102 Thanks for your feedback! * * US·KLAS articles LAS VEGAS POLICE OFFICER DIES BY SUICIDE HOURS AFTER ARREST LAS VEGAS (KLAS) -- A Las Vegas Metro police officer died by suicide hours after his arrest on stalking and home invasion charges, the coroner's office confirmed Tuesday. 619·1 min read Thanks for your feedback! * US·The Wrap SEAN HANNITY SAYS HE’S DITCHING NYC FOR FLORIDA FULL-TIME THANKS TO DESANTIS, RUBIO, SCOTT: ‘I AM DONE’ "I actually have representatives in the state that I'm living in that share my values," the conservative host says The post Sean Hannity Says He’s Ditching NYC for Florida Full-Time Thanks to DeSantis, Rubio, Scott: ‘I Am Done’ appeared first on TheWrap. 366·2 min read Thanks for your feedback! * TRENDING NOW 1.Jeffrey Epstein List 2.Sugar Bowl Flash 3.Green Bay Packers 4.Japan Earthquake 5.Natalia Grace 6.Claudine Gay 7.Russia-Ukraine War 8.Ian Ziering 9.SpaceX Launch 10.General Hospital Spoilers WEATHER MIAMI View your Locations Remove from favorite locations Detect my locationPlease enable location service for your browser * Enter City or Zipcode * Manage Locations TodayMostly clear. Winds N at 5 to 6 mph (8 to 9.7 kph). The overnight low will be 50 °F (10 °C). 72°50° WedPartly cloudy today with a high of 74 °F (23.3 °C) and a low of 50 °F (10 °C). 74°50° ThuScattered showers today with a high of 77 °F (25 °C) and a low of 58 °F (14.4 °C). There is a 65% chance of precipitation. 77°58° FriPartly cloudy today with a high of 77 °F (25 °C) and a low of 68 °F (20 °C). 77°68° See more SCOREBOARD Change Sports to display different scoresTrending MLB NBA NCAAB NCAAF NFL NHL YesterdayTodayTomorrow * BKN 83 :38.7 4th NO 112 * BOS 104 4:12 4th OKC 114 * SA 77 7:51 4th MEM 93 See more DAILY HOROSCOPE Change your horoscope signAquariusAriesCancerCapricornGeminiLeoLibraPiscesSagittariusScorpioTaurusVirgo January 2 -Any project you begin today has a much higher chance of succeeding, so get going even if you don't feel quite ready. You should find that the groundwork has already been partially laid. 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