www.amazon.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://amazon.com/Stand-Up-Comedy-Book-Judy-Carter/dp/0440502438
Effective URL: https://www.amazon.com/Stand-Up-Comedy-Book-Judy-Carter/dp/0440502438
Submission: On December 24 via api from AU — Scanned from AU

Form analysis 5 forms found in the DOM

Name: site-searchGET /s/ref=nb_sb_noss

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POST /gp/product/handle-buy-box/ref=dp_start-bbf_1_glance

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                          data-csa-c-value-proposition="" data-csa-c-delivery-type="Delivery" data-csa-c-delivery-time="Thursday, January 11" data-csa-c-delivery-destination="" data-csa-c-delivery-condition="" data-csa-c-pickup-location=""
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              <div class="a-section a-spacing-base">
                <div class="a-row"> <strong> Used: Good </strong>
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              <div class="a-popover-preload" id="a-popover-usedItemConditionDetailsPopover">
                <div class="a-section a-spacing-micro"> <span class="a-size-mini"> <strong>Condition:</strong> Used: Good </span> </div>
                <div class="a-section a-spacing-micro"> <span class="a-size-mini"> <strong>Comment:</strong> This item shows wear including moderate wear to edges and cover. </span> </div>
              <div class="a-popover-preload" id="a-popover-SSOFpopoverLink_ubb-content">
                <p>Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a service we offer sellers that lets them store their products in Amazon's fulfillment centers, and we directly pack, ship, and provide customer service for these products. Something we hope you'll
                  especially enjoy: <em>FBA items qualify for FREE Shipping and Amazon Prime.</em></p>
                <p>If you're a seller, Fulfillment by Amazon can help you grow your business. <a href="https://services.amazon.com/fulfillment-by-amazon/benefits.htm">Learn more about the program.</a></p>
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       To Add to Your List, choose from options to the left" class="a-button-group a-declarative a-spacing-none" data-action="a-button-group" role="radiogroup" data-csa-c-id="s5stsz-e34mzo-rlget-4kbzgg"> <span id="wishListMainButton"
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       To Add to Your List, choose from options to the left" class="a-button-text a-text-left"> Add to List </a></span></span> </div>
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Stand-Up Comedy: The Book by Carter, Judy

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Judy CarterJudy Carter
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by Judy Carter (Author)
4.6 4.6 out of 5 stars 305 ratings

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All the world loves a clown and whether you want to clown around at parties or
make a living as a standup comic, comedian Judy Carter can show you how to "do"

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    240 pages
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    August 5, 1989
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    7 x 0.5 x 9 inches
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    To" Guide
    Judy Carter
    4.6 out of 5 stars 606
    93 offers from $1.72
 3. The Comedy Bible Workbook: The Interactive Companion to "The New Comedy
    Judy Carter
    4.7 out of 5 stars 130
    11 offers from $20.00
 4. Mastering Stand-Up: The Complete Guide to Becoming a Successful Comedian
    Stephen Rosenfield
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    Sally Holloway
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 5. The Comedy Bible: From Stand-up to Sitcom--The…
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 7. Comedy Guide To Standup
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Judy Carter is an author, speaking/comedy coach, and speaker. Her message of
using comedy techniques to decrease cubicle stress makes Carter an in-demand
speaker for Fortune 500 companies where her keynotes entertain and
inspire. Judy’s been featured on more than 100 TV shows, nominated for Atlantic
City’s Entertainer of the Year, and has been featured in The Wall Street Journal
and The New York Times and on The Oprah Winfrey Show and CNN. When she’s not
speaking, snowboarding, or scuba diving, Judy coaches people how to improve
their presentational skills by finding their authentic message and making it
funny. Her private clients include TV stars, pro wrestlers, celebs, and even a
United States senator.


What Makes People Laugh?
Words with ‘K’ in it are funny. ‘Cupcake’ is funny … ‘Tomato’ is not funny.
‘Cleveland’ is funny. ‘Maryland’ is not funny …
—Neil Simon, The Sunshine Boys
What is funny?
I’m constantly amazed at what people think is funny and not funny. Some people
will laugh at a guy slipping on a banana peel. Some people will only laugh at
Hitler slipping on a banana peel. So, what is funny? If someone laughs, that’s
An audience will laugh at anything, everything, and nothing at all. Trying to
figure out an audience is like trying to figure out what to cook your family for
dinner. No matter what you make, someone will hate it.
I’ve seen so many comics come offstage after a killer set depressed because all
they saw was the one guy in the third row who didn’t laugh at the fourth joke.
All the laughter in the room was drowned out by one man’s silence. And it
doesn’t matter that this guy wasn’t in the mood to laugh because he just lost
his entire family in a fire and stopped in for a drink before killing himself.
We still blame ourselves for not pleasing everyone, every time.
Believe in Yourself
Manager Buddy Morra, who discovered David Letterman and also handles Robin
Williams and Billy Crystal, among others, says that: “you shouldn’t give an
audience what they want. Give them what you want. Most comics will go down to
the audience level to make it work, when in fact what you should be doing is
bringing the audience to your level.”
The first time Morra saw David Letterman, he instantly knew that David would go
on to doing his own show, because he had his own identity. Morra feels that’s
what sets apart comics who are special from those who just try to please. You’ve
got to believe in yourself.
It’s hard to swallow the idea that you can’t make everyone love you. This one’s
worth repeating: You can’t and won’t be able to make everyone love you. You must
go onstage with a passionate desire and the intent to communicate your thoughts
and feelings, not just to make people laugh.
Five Big Secrets to Making People Laugh
Secret #1: Don’t Tell Jokes
People confuse stand-up with telling jokes. When I go to a party and tell people
that I am a stand-up, they inevitably say, “Really … tell me a joke.” When I
tell them that I don’t know any jokes, they don’t get it. “But you’re a stand-up
comic, right?” Now when I go to parties I tell people that I’m a Kelly Girl.
Joke-telling is the old Catskill school of comedy.
“Two Jews walked into a bar …”
The new school of comedy is personal comedy. Your act is about you: your gut
issues, your body, your marriage, your divorce, your drug habit …
Try to find the jokes in Sam Kinison’s act. There aren’t any.
“If you ever think about getting married, sir, just remember this
Sam goes nose to nose with the customer and screams.
Kinison’s humor comes from having an extreme attitude about women, Vietnam, and
starving kids. His consistent, angry attitude is the driving force of his
My students who pick topics that are truthful and even painful for them are much
more successful than those who pick topics they think are jokey or weird. As a
matter of fact, the more candid the material, the better it is. People love to
laugh at another person’s heartache. I’m not sure why. Maybe because they’re so
happy that it’s not happening to them.
Paula Poundstone, the Sylvia Plath of comedy, does a chunk of her fumbled
suicide attempt.
“I tried using carbon monoxide, but my building has a big underground parking
garage so it was taking a really long time. I had to bring along a stack of
books and some snacks. People would go by and tap at the window and say, “How’s
that suicide coming?’ And I’d say, ‘Pretty good, thank you, I felt drowsy
earlier today.’”
Garry Shandling’s grief over his rejections by women have made him a comedy
“I broke up with my girlfriend. She moved in with another guy, and I draw the
line at that.”
One of the main misconceptions about being funny is that you have to be a real
together “up” kind of person. Not true. It is far more interesting to watch
someone struggling with his or her problems than some spiritual, flawless
know-it-all. Have you noticed that there are not too many monks who are stand-up
comics? Remember … the more miserable your life, the better your act. The trick
is to be willing to expose yourself as much as you can without getting arrested.
Secret #2: Don’t Tell Stories
Funny stories usually don’t work. The most common mistake my students make when
starting out with ideas for their act is telling stories about something “funny”
that “really” happened to them:
“No, no, listen … this is really true.”
Stories might be true, but they are rarely funny and inevitably end with
“Well … I guess you had to be there.”
Another reason stories don’t work is because nightclub audiences most often are
drunk and have short attention spans. Any piece that goes longer than five lines
without a punch is going to be in trouble.
Bob Fisher, owner of L.A.’s Ice House and booker of seven comedy clubs, will not
book storytellers who go three to five minutes without a punchline. “I look for
the setup/punch kind of comic as opposed to a storyteller, because I need a
comic who will give the audience a certain number of laughs per minute.”
Stories also don’t work because they are frequently told in the past tense:
“So there I was in a department store. And this lady walked up to me and asked
me if I worked there. So I told her ‘Yes,’ and ‘All the televisions are free
Here is the same material delivered by comic Bob Dubac, in present tense, not in
story form:
“To have some grins and loosen up, I recommend going to a department store and
pretending you’re an employee. When someone comes up and asks you, ‘Do you work
here?’ tell them ‘yes’ and that all the televisions are free today. Sit back and
watch the fun.”
Keep away from telling stories. What’s funny is simply the way you look at even
the most mundane events, such as Larry Miller’s observations about phone cords:
“How does that phone cord always get so tangled? How? All I ever do is pick it
up, talk, and hang it up. I don’t pick it up, do a cartwheel and then a
somersault, and then hang it up.”
Secret #3: Don’t Try to Be Funny
“You don’t have to act like an asshole to get laughs.
If I told you right now “Be funny,” what would you do? A lot of people might
start making stupid faces, jump up and down, and do something that would get
them committed to a mental hospital.
Being funny has nothing to do with acting weird or outrageous. The weirder you
are, the less people will understand you, and no one laughs when confused. As
eccentric as comics like Howie Mandel and Sam Kinison are, they make enormous
efforts to communicate their ideas clearly. Acting stupid might be funny if
you’re performing for five-year-olds, but kindergarten gigs don’t come along too
often and the pay is lousy.
Novice comics tend to “try to be funny.” Go to an amateur night and watch
comics. A guy comes onstage pretending to be cool. He does his first line and no
one laughs. So he tries harder to be funny. He’s talking louder, he’s waving his
hands around, he’s become a desperate man. Suddenly you feel that if you don’t
laugh, this guy will go home and kill himself and it will be your fault. It’s no
surprise that from this point on nothing he does is funny. The harder he tries
to be funny the more you pray, “Please God, make him stop!”
If you go onstage desperately wanting a guffaw, a chortle, or a tee hee, you’re
liable not to get it. Nothing turns people off more than when they think someone
wants something from them. Whether it’s love or laughs, it needs to be given
freely. Just as people who are the most desperate for love end up living alone
in Winnebagos, comics who are the most desperate for laughs end up keeping their
day jobs.
Secret #4: Be Serious
Comedy is a serious business.
The perfect act is funny to the audience and serious to you. Imagine you are a
paid whore … a comedy prostitute. In other words, the only one who’s got to like
it is the one paying. If it’s funny for you and not for the customers, then you
didn’t do your job.
A comic who has made a dedicated commitment to his or her act can make an
audience laugh just on the strength of confidence alone. It doesn’t really
matter what’s being talked about. Whether discussing the pope or polyps, or even
the pope’s polyps, it is the commitment of the comic to his or her material that
carries the act. The commitment to communicate, to get ideas across, will
provide all the fuel you need. The desire to communicate is the only sane reason
to ever get on any stage—ever.
Why? If you don’t believe in what you’re talking about, neither will the
audience. The topic you pick doesn’t have to be serious, but your attitude about
it does. Whether talking about love or lint, talk to your audience as if your
words are going to change their lives. Don Rickles cracks up an audience just by
talking intensely in gibberish. It is his ultra-serious attitude about nonsense
that makes the audience laugh.
Comic Steven Wright has taken seriousness to new dimensions with his
just-out-of-the-grave, deadpan delivery:
“I’m living on a one-way, dead-end street. I don’t know how I got there.”
Secret #5: Relax
Remember … it’s stand-up comedy you’re doing, not brain surgery. Relax and have
The way to make people laugh is to:
 Relax and be yourself
 Find importance in your material
 Have fun
If you really understand these principles, you are ready to begin.



 * Publisher ‏ : ‎ Dell; 1st ptg. edition (August 5, 1989)
 * Language ‏ : ‎ English
 * Paperback ‏ : ‎ 240 pages
 * ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0440502438
 * ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0440502432
 * Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 10.8 ounces
 * Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 7 x 0.5 x 9 inches

 * Best Sellers Rank: #106,211 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
    * #162 in Comedy (Books)
    * #204 in Business & Professional Humor
    * #211 in Self-Help & Psychology Humor

 * Customer Reviews:
   4.6 4.6 out of 5 stars 305 ratings



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Judy Carter is an author, speaking/comedy coach, and speaker. Her message of
using comedy techniques to decrease cubicle stress makes Carter an in-demand
speaker for Fortune 500 companies where her keynotes entertain and inspire.

Judy’s been featured on over 100 TV shows, nominated for Atlantic City’s
Entertainer of the Year, and has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, New
York Times, The Oprah Winfrey Show and on CNN.

When she’s not speaking, snowboarding, or scuba diving, Judy coaches people how
to improve their presentational skills by finding their authentic message and
making it funny. Her private clients include TV stars, pro wrestlers, celebs and
even a United States senator.

As an author, Judy doesn’t like to brag, but she did write the Bible. No joke,
she’s the author of The Comedy Bible (Simon & Schuster) as well as, Standup
Comedy: The Book (Dell Books) which was featured on Good Morning America, CNN
and The Oprah Winfrey Show, where Oprah recommended the book to anyone who wants
to lighten up.

Judy’s new book, The Message of You: Turn Your Life Story into a Money-Making
Speaking Career (St. Martin’s Press, Feb 2013), teaches readers how to use life
stories to inspire others and launch a speaking career.

Her animals and partner reside in Venice Beach, California, where they provide
periodic accommodations to her.

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Karen Chung
5.0 out of 5 stars Comedy skills that don't stop at stand-up
Reviewed in the United States on April 16, 2004
Verified Purchase
This book was a fun read that I finished the day after my order arrived.
Humor is something we could all use more of in our lives. I'm guessing most
people who get this book aren't really going to quit their day job and try to
make it in stand-up; this book is worth it anyway. Anybody who deals with other
people, in your work or otherwise, will find humor a useful skill to develop. I
teach and do radio work, both of which require trying to keep my audience awake,
and humor, even if it isn't quite ready for "Seinfeld", is one of the best ways
to achieve that.
In this book you'll learn about the structure of humor, and how to use any
experience from your own life, good or bad, to be funny - or to develop other
kinds of material, like short stories or radio drama, though you will have to
make these kinds of connections yourself.
I find Carter's approach much more useful than just trying to memorize and
retell jokes from a book - which very likely don't apply to yourself and your
potential audience anyway. If you live in another country and culture, for
example, jokes assuming you grew up in the United States are likely to be
puzzling to your listeners at best - in any case not funny. Shared experience is
an essential for any kind of writing and humor, and identifying and drawing on
that shared experience requires the kind of specific skills you can learn about
in this book.
To be honest, I didn't laugh at all the jokes in the book, but my admiration for
Carter as an effective *teacher* grew as I read on. Her approach is strictly
hands-on - she includes practical exercises in each section - and she makes each
step perfectly clear along the way. Not everybody who can do something can teach
it (and the reverse applies as well!), but Carter's pedagogy is solid.
I especially liked the parts on comparisons, similes and mimicking - all of
which my students respond to warmly in class. Learning the importance of
"attitude" in joke telling was a useful insight; also why one should avoid
"telling stories", regardless of how funny *you* think they are. Though Carter
says it can't be taught, she does offer some good hints regarding timing, which
is at the core of every successful joke. Other useful topics include how to
develop a persona, the importance of feedback, and how to deal with failure.
I enjoyed the comments, with photos, by big names in the field, some of whom I
didn't know before, like Margaret Smith, Dale Gonyea, Paula Poundstone, and
Richard Lewis, along with more familiar ones, like Ellen DeGeneres, Roseanne
Barr, Jerry Seinfeld, and Steven Wright.
One thing I would have appreciated in this book is an *index*. I found myself
thumbing through the whole book to find bits I wanted to reread. The table of
contents helps, but isn't quite enough.
If you want more specific and detailed information on how to really do comedy
professionally, I'd suggest Carter's _The Comedy Bible_, which took me a bit
longer to read, but is correspondingly richer in solid information. For a sample
of what to expect in both books and to hear what Carter sounds like in person,
there's a recorded interview with her at talktotara.com.

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4 people found this helpful
David E Whitney
5.0 out of 5 stars Just Add Nerve
Reviewed in the United States on December 27, 2019
Verified Purchase
It’s all here. If you’re funny... I mean if other people have validated your
notion of being funny, and you wanted to try to gain some insight... this is the
book for you. There are some dated references to be found, but it doesn’t
detract from some solid advice. If I wasn’t such a slow reader, and had I
retained the first half of the book, I’d be well on my way to hard earned
stardom. Probably time for me to read it again, and maybe take notes. Great

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One person found this helpful
Deke Sowersby
5.0 out of 5 stars The Old Testament
Reviewed in the United States on October 23, 2011
Verified Purchase
I've read reviews that described Judy's newer book The Comedy Bible as a rehash
of this book...No Way. Yes there are similarities but they are in no way nearly
identical. I think Judy should combine the two books into one, this being the
Old Testament and her current Comedy Bible as the New Testament. I would buy the
two combined! She could update the old pics by putting current headshots of the
comedians next to their older ones...that would be fun!

I would reccommend that if you have purchased this book, buy her Comedy Bible,
and vice versa. You need both. I am not a paid hack saying this for cash...just
do it if you're serious about being a standup comedian/comic.

Peace & Laughs,


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2 people found this helpful
Daniel G Keohane
4.0 out of 5 stars Great practical guide for beginners in comedy
Reviewed in the United States on December 5, 2021
Verified Purchase
Great book, practical application exercises, excellent lessons and discussions
on comedy, and the book itself is pretty hilarious in its own right. If you want
a good beginner's guide to comedy this is it.

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Sadie F.
5.0 out of 5 stars This book is for EVERYONE who wants to live life better!!!
Reviewed in the United States on August 16, 2020
Verified Purchase
You'll learn how to face the real you, how to really open up, and how to use the
truths and exaggerations to be fun. Everyday life and any situations will be
more humorous and lovable. You'll also earn your deeper self-love. Everyone
should read this book, it works better than average self-improvement books out

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One person found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars The exercises are broad enough to get you talking and on the
right track toward whatever may be funny in your life
Reviewed in the United States on August 26, 2016
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I give this book 5 stars because Judy pulls no punches with the fact that you,
the reader, have to do all the work. The exercises are broad enough to get you
talking and on the right track toward whatever may be funny in your life. As a
person who is dragging his feet regarding stand up performing, this book was
great, because I am exactly the kind of scared, lazy yet hopefully talented
person that needs this kind of kick in the tuckus. There's a reason this book is
a long-time hit. Buy it.

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One person found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Wonderful practical structure for writing good stand-up
Reviewed in the United States on February 4, 2013
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This is brilliant for budding comedians in their first year - it lays out a
simple process for building your own routine, based on your own life experiences
and perspectives; it also explains what not to do (and debunks some common
pitfalls for beginners). Within two weeks I had 10-15 new minutes of great new
material, which might otherwise have taken me months.

It's an old book (published in 1989) and the comedians she uses as examples are
either dated or dead (Bobcat Goldthwaite, anyone?), but the structure and format
are still totally relevant and it's written in a light, easy conversational

A rare must-read!

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2 people found this helpful
Blake Wallace
5.0 out of 5 stars Something I've wanted to do...
Reviewed in the United States on December 17, 2017
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I've wanted to do stand up comedy for a while now. I x get a rush out of making
people laugh. This book really broke down practical steps on creating material
and putting together an act. It also talks about where to find work. I'll be
following the steps to create a killer set and start making people laugh. I
highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to do stand up.

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One person found this helpful


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katherine c.
5.0 out of 5 stars Finally delivered!
Reviewed in Canada on April 13, 2022
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Book is in perfect condition

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Cliente Kindle
5.0 out of 5 stars Ótimo livro
Reviewed in Brazil on October 26, 2021
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Pra quem quer ser um comediante ou fazer boas piadas.... Recomendo ler todos os
livros dessa autora. Obrigado por nos ensinar tão bem.

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5.0 out of 5 stars Enjoying read
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 7, 2022
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It’s a great book to help you understand comedy at its core. Buy it

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Juan Pablo Morales Anguiano
5.0 out of 5 stars Genial
Reviewed in Mexico on July 22, 2019
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Un básico de la literatura de comedia

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sara rut
5.0 out of 5 stars nice to read
Reviewed in Germany on November 14, 2020
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this book has tasks and it is very fun to do them

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