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BLUEBEARD Once upon a time... in the fair land of France, there lived a very
powerful lord, the owner of estates, farms and a great splendid castle, and his
name was Bluebeard. This wasn't his real name, it was a nickname, due to the
fact he had a long shaggy black beard with glints of blue in it. He was very
handsome and charming, but, if the truth be told, there was something about him
that made you feel respect, and a little uneasy... Bluebeard often went away to
war, and when he did, he left his wife in charge of the castle... He had had
lots of wives, all young, pretty and noble. As bad luck would have it, one after
the other, they had all died, and so the noble lord was forever getting married
again. "Sire," someone would ask now and again, "what did your wives die of?"
"Hah, my friend," Bluebeard would reply, "one died of smallpox, one of a hidden
sickness, another of a high fever, another of a terrible infection... Ah, I'm
very unlucky, and they're unlucky too! They're all buried in the castle chapel,"
he added. Nobody found anything strange about that. Nor did the sweet and
beautiful young girl that Bluebeard took as a wife think it strange either. She
went to the castle accompanied by her sister Anna, who said: "Oh, aren't you
lucky marrying a lord like Bluebeard?" "He really is very nice... and when
you're close, his beard doesn't look as blue as folk say!" said the bride, and
the two sisters giggled delightedly. Poor souls! They had no idea what lay in
store for them!... A month or so later, Bluebeard had the carriage brought round
and said to his wife, "Darling, I must leave you for a few weeks. But keep
cheerful during that time, invite whoever you like and look after the castle.
Here," he added, handing his bride a bunch of keys, "you'll need these, the keys
of the safe, the armoury and the library keys, and this one, which opens all the
room doors. Now, this little key here," and he pointed to a key that was much
smalle than the others, "opens the little room at the end of the great ground
floor corridor. Take your friends were you want, open any door you like, but not
this one! Is that quite clear?" repeated Bluebeard. "Not this one! Nobody at all
is allowed to enter that little room. And if you ever did go into it, I would go
into such a terrible rage that it's better that you don't!" "Don't worry,
husband," said Bluebeard's wife as she took the keys, "I'll do as you say."
After giving her a hug, Bluebeard got into his carriage, whipped up the horses
and off he went. The days went by. The young girl invited her friends to the
castle and showed them round all the rooms except the one at the end of the
corridor. "Why shouldn't I see inside the little room? Why? Why is it
forbidden?" Well, she thought about it so much that she ended up bursting with
curiosity, until one day she opened the door and walked into the little room...
Of all ghastly horrors! Inside, hanging on the walls were the bodies of
Bluebeard's wivws: he had strangled them all with his own hands! Terror
stricken, the girl ran out of the room, but the bunch of keys slipped from her
grasp. She picked them up without a glance and hurried to her own room, her
heart thumping wildly in her chest. Horrors! She was living ina castle of the
dead! So that is what had ahppened to Bluebeard's other wives! The girl summoned
up her courage and she noticed that one of the keys - the very key to the little
room - was stained with blood. "I must wipe it clean, before my husband comes
back!" she said to herself. But try as she would, the blood stain wouldn't wash
away. She washed, she scrubbed and she rinsed it; all in vain, for the key was
still red. That very evening, Bluebeard came home. Just imagine the state his
poor wife was in! Bluebeard did not ask his wife for the keys that same evening,
but he remarked: "You look a little upset, darling. Has anything nasty
happened?" "Oh, no! No!" "Are you sorry I came back so soon?" "Oh, no! I'm
delighted!" But that night, the bride didn't sleep a wink. Next day, Bluebeard
said: "Darling, give me back the keys," and his wife hurriedly did so. Bluebeard
remarked: "There's one missing, the key to the little room!" "Is there?" said
the young girl shaking, "I must have left it in my room!" "All right, go and get
it." But when Bluebeard's wife put the key into his hand, Bluebeard turned white
and in a deep hoarse voice demanded: "Why is this key stained with blood?" "I
don't know..." stammered his wife. "You know very well!" he retorted. "You went
into the little room, didn't you? Well, you'll go back again, this time for
good, along with the other ladies in there. You must die!" "Oh no! I pray you!"
"You must die!" he repeated. Just then, there was a knock at the door and Anna,
Bluebeard's wife's sister, entered the castle. "Good morning," she said, "you
seem rather pale." "Not at all, we're quite well," replied Bluebeard. His wife
whispered in his ear: "Please, please give me ten minutes to live!" Bluebeard
replied: "Not more than ten!" The girl ran to her sister Anna whohad gone up to
one of the towers and asked her, "Anna, do you see ou brothers coming? They
promised they would come and see me today!" But Anna replied" "No, I don't see
anyone. What's wrong? You look agitated." "Anna, please," said the shaken girl,
"look again! Are you sure you can't see someone?" "No," said her sister, "only
one or two peasants." Just then the voice of Bluebeard boomed up to them: "Wife,
your time is up! Come here!" "I'm coming!" she called, but then said to her
sister: "Oh Anna, aren't our brothers coming?..." "No," replied Anna. Again
Bluebeard shouted up. "Come down at once! Or I'll come up!" Trembling like a
leaf, his wife went downstairs. Bluebeard was clutching a big knife and he
grabbed his bride by the hair... "Sister, I can see two horsemen coming!" called
out Anna from the tower that very moment. Bluebeard made a horrible face: "They
too will die!" His wife knelt to implore: "Please, please don't kill me. I'll
never tell anyone what I saw! I'll never say a word!" "Yes, you'll never say a
word for eternity!" snarled Bluebeard, raising his knife. The poor girl
screamed: "Have pity on me!" But he fiercely replied: "No! You must die!" He was
about to bring the knife down on the girl's delicate neck, when two young men
burst into the room: a dragoon and a musketeer. They were his wife's brothers.
Drawing their swords, they leapt towards Bluebeard, who tried to flee up some
stairs, but was caught and killed. And that was the end of the sad story.
Bluebeard's poor wives were given a Christian burial, the castle was completely
renovated and the young widow, some time later, married a good and honest young
man, who helped her to forget the terrible adventure. And that young lady
completely lost all her sense of curiosity...

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