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Draw signatureSign document onlineLog inTry PandaDoc Free eSign
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Draw a digital signature on any computer, tablet, or mobile device. Then add it
to any document requiring an electronic signature.
Draw here
Signature color
Draw by handType in

Draw by handType in

Sign your document onlineDownload signature
Easy to use, reliable, and completely secure
Your signature is safe with us
Every connection and file transfer is secured with 256-bit SSL encryption. We
guarantee that the privacy of your files and eSignatures are entirely safe and
No device resources necessary
The entire signing process is cloud-based meaning that the app doesn’t require
any technical resources. There is absolutely no need to install the app or
software on your computer to create your signature.
Get your signature in minutes
Draw and create your electronic signature to upload and sign documents in less
than a minute. There is a reason why users have voted us the #1 free app to help
them create PDF signatures.
Choose your device for signature
Our app allows you to draw signatures on any device you’d like – desktop, mobile
phones, or even iPads. The tool works with any operating system or browser too.
Zero installation required
Not a technical expert? No worries! You won’t have to install any software to
use our signatures. The service is entirely cloud-based and doesn’t require
special tech or servers to operate.
Lightning fast signatures
Our free online signature software eliminates the need for a printer, scanner,
or fax so you can sign PDFs electronically in mere minutes compared to days.
Click for sound


Still have questions? We've got answers!
What's the difference between an online signature, electronic signature and
digital signature?
While they sound the same, there is a slight difference between these types of
signatures. The free downloadable electronic signature created by our app is
considered to be the same as an online signature.They are legally binding in
most countries, including the United States. Digital signatures are encrypted
signatures and include info that verifies their authenticity. You can learn more
about differences here
How can I sign a PDF online?
Choose a PDF file and upload it. At the bottom of the document, choose “sign.”
You can then draw your electronic signature inside the box with your finger
stylus, trackpad, or mouse. Click “save.” You can resize your electronic
signature and insert the image of your signature into your PDF file. Lastly,
'save' a copy to preserve your signed PDF. It's that simple.
Should my drawn signature match the one on my passport?
The image of your signature can match your passport, but it doesn’t have to.
Online signatures are valid not because they look exactly like your handwritten
signature, but because they represent your intent to sign the document. However,
if you plan to use CreateMySignature for more sensitive documents, you may
choose to create an online signature that matches the one on your passport for
an extra level of credibility.
How do I use the signature image that I downloaded from the app?
Signature images are meant to be added to documents or PDFs that allow you to
embed an image. Once you download your signature, consider saving it to your
computer. If you need any legal document completed or signed, we encourage you
to check out electronic signature software, PandaDoc.
Do you keep a record of my signature on your system?
No. Due to privacy concerns, we don't store your eSignature image or data on our
server. Any eSignature executed within our browser or app is not accessible to
anyone. You can feel confident that your eSignature is completely secure.
Can I edit my signature in a signed PDF?
No. Signature edits are not allowed, since we seal and encrypt the document once
you send it. The only way to change your signature is to create a new version of
the document.
Do I need to sign with my full name?
No. Legally, a signature doesn’t have to be your full name to be valid, and
that’s true for electronic signatures as well as digital signatures.
What image format will my signature be?
Once you’ve drawn your signature electronically, you can download it and upload
it to your PDF document. The format or file type of your signature will be .PNG
so it can be used universally on any document type.
Learn more about PandaDoc
PandaDoc is deal acceleration software that allows you to build, track, and
eSign your docs all in one place. Automate your document workflow, discover what
deals close faster with built-in analytics, and execute legally-binding
eSignatures in minutes.
Try PandaDoc Free eSign
About us
CreateMySignature is built by PandaDoc. PandaDoc set out in 2013 to streamline
document workflow processes. Over the years our app has evolved and added a lot
of cool features and functionality to make electronic and digital eSignatures
easier. This development provides the basic service for drawing signatures and
signing PDFs to ease the pain of daily routine tasks. If you have more robust
goals and use cases, check out the full version at
© 2022 PandaDoc Inc. All rights reserved.
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