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feithiclí sin ag dul trí bhealaí lár cathracha ag meánluasanna malla, rud a
chomhchruinniú i molbhaile Bhaile Thuama, Tairseach na Gaillimhe agus an.


Roghchlár nascleanúna Cogadh na Saoirse (Éire) - Vicipéid Cartlann Nuachta: 3
Deireadh Fómhair 2018 Cogadh na Saoirse (Éire)

In the introduction Ó Coigligh gives an account of his experience of the
Catholic church in Ireland since the late s to the present day, with particular
reference to the expression or absence of expression of the Catholic Faith in
contemporary literature in the Irish language. Zein na Gaeilge is available from
An Sagart publications. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the
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store any personal information. Any cookies that may not be particularly
necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user
personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as
non-necessary cookies.

It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your
website. Fuair An Spidéal marc i mbliana i comparáid le anuraidh. Tá an dá
fhoireann sóisir iománaíochta tríd go dtí na babhtaí leathcheannais sa gComórtas
Sóisir a hAon. Ar an Domhnach seo chugainn 7 Deireadh Fómhair a bheas an dá
chluiche leathcheannais peile ar bun sa gCraobhchomórtas Idirmheánach Peile. Má
éiríonn leis an dá fhoireann ó Chois Fharraige ar an Domhnach beidh siad in
aghaidh a chéile sa gcuiche cheannais.

Baineann an scéal le aighneas idir comharsana faoi chrann atá ag coinneáil na
gréine ó scaladh ar ghrianán na gcomharsan. Aighneas idir comharsana béal dorais
i Reykjavik faoi chrann is ábhar don scannán. Tá crann ag coinneáil an ghrian ón
ngrianán atá ag na comharsana, an áit is breá leis an mbean óg aclaí a bheith ag
sú na gréine.

Imíonn an t-aighneas, atá nimhneach idir na mná, as smacht ar fad agus ní
ródheas a chríocnaíonn sé do na fir chéile. Tá eolas faoin scannán maraon le
blaiseadh beag dhóibh le fáil ar an suíomh idirlíon www. I Mí Eanáir den bhliain
, chaith fórsaí na Corónach uathu an cur i gcéill, agus thosaigh an "díoltas
oifigiúil" nuair a dódh seacht dteach i Mainistir na Corann , Co. Lá amháin, i
Mí na Samhna , mharaigh gníomhairí de chuid an Choileánaigh naonúr fear déag de
chuid rúnseirbhísí na Breataine Móire - "drong Chaireo", mar a thugtaí orthu.


D'imir na Póilíní Cúnta díoltas uafásach ar na sibhialtaigh. Tháinig díorma acu
isteach ar Pháirc an Chrócaigh le linn báire agus loisc siad meaisínghunnaí ar
an lucht féachana, ionas gur maraíodh ceathrar déag. Fágadh 65 duine gonta i
ndiaidh an ionsaí, leis. Ar an lá céanna, maraíodh beirt Óglach agus a gcara i
gCaisleán Bhaile Átha Cliath "agus iad ag iarraidh éalú". Baisteadh Domhnach na
Fola ar lá na n-imeachtaí seo. Inniu, tugtar Seastán Uí Ógáin ar cheann de na
seastáin i bPáirc an Chrócaigh, i ndilchuimhne ar an imreoir ó Thiobraid Árann a
fuair bás san ionsaí.

Ansin a baineadh an chéad triail as cuid mhaith de na drochnósanna cogaíochta a
chuir fórsaí na Corónach i bhfeidhm ina dhiaidh sin, cosúil leis an
loitiméireacht mar dhíoltas as ionsaithe de chuid na nÓglach, nó le feallmharú
na bPoblachtánach mór le rá. Ina dhiaidh sin, chonacthas na fir chéanna ag
filleadh ar bheairic na bpéas. An giúiré a d'fhiosraigh imthoscaí a bháis, chuir
sé dúnmharú toilghnústa i leith David Lloyd George agus an Chigire Ceantair
Swanzy; agus ina dhiaidh sin, mharaigh na hÓglaigh Swanzy i Lios na gCearbhach,
Co. I Mí Lúnasa den bhliain , chuir an rialtas na cúirteanna cróinéara ar fad ar
ceal, ó bhí siad ag seirbheáil an iomarca barántas in aghaidh saighdiúirí de
chuid fhórsaí na Corónach.

Cuireadh "cúirteanna míleata fiosraithe" in áit na gcúirteanna cróinéara.

B'i gCorcaigh a tháinig na chéad Cholúin Reatha ar an bhfód, leis. Is é an rud a
bhí i gceist le Colún Reatha ná díorma armtha agus thart ar chéad fear ann, agus
iad in ann fórsaí na Corónach a ionsaí ón eadarnaí agus a n-éalú a dhéanamh sula
raibh d'uain ag an namhaid teacht ar a lorg, nó fir de mhuintir na háite a
bhíodh iontu agus aithne acu ar an tír-raon agus ar an timpeallacht.


Bhí an dá thaobh ag milleánú a chéile faoi mharú príosúnach neamharmtha.
Chorcaí, agus maraíodh an t-iomlán de na Briotanaigh - ochtar fear déag ar fad -
sa teagmháil.

Society & Culture Website. Conradh na Gaeilge. Charity Organization. Irish
Language Forum. Society & Culture Website. Stair na hÉireann / History of
Ireland. Tugtar Cogadh na Saoirse (nó an Cogadh Angla-Éireannach), 21 Eanáir Sna
chéad ocht mí eile, go dtí an sos cogaidh, bhí na maruithe ag dul i
líonmhaireacht . Sráid an Teampaill, Sráid an Rí Thuaidh agus na Céanna i lár na
cathrach. Bhí an port céanna ag Ard Easpag Thuama, an Dochtúir Mac Giolla

Is é an chiall a bhain fórsaí na Corónach as an scéal ná gur maraíodh cuid de na
péas i ndiaidh dóibh géilleadh. Deir na hÓglaigh, áfach, gur géilleadh bréagach
a bhí ann, agus nach gnách ceathrú anama a thabhairt d'aon duine i ndiaidh a
leithéide, sa chogadh.

 * Clár ábhair.
 * líonra dhátú gar Bandon Éire.
 * .
 * limistéar ag dul i Lusca Éire.
 * .

Sórt cloch mhíle a bhí i gceist le luíochán Chill Mhíchil , nó ina dhiaidh sin,
chuaigh an cogadh an oiread sin chun géire agus gur chuir na Sasanaigh dlí airm
i bhfeidhm ar Chúige Mumhan go léir. Sna chéad ocht mí eile, go dtí an sos
cogaidh, bhí na maruithe ag dul i líonmhaireacht. Básaíodh míle de dhaoine ó Mhí
Eanáir go Mhí Iúil den bhliain Saighdiúirí dubha nó dearga iad trí chéad acu,
agus an chuid eile ba sibhialtaigh nó Óglaigh iad. Thar an tréimhse chéanna,
caitheadh ceithre mhíle go leith de dhaoine i dtóin phríosúin, de dheasca an
drochamhrais go raibh siad ag cabhrú leis na hÓglaigh nó ina mbaill den IRA.

Cuireadh imdhúnadh iomlán ar an limistéar seo gan aon duine a ligean thar na
pointí seiceála.

Ansin, cuardaíodh gach aon teach ó úrlár go síleáil, ach níor thángthas trasna
ar mhórán arm ná lón cogaidh. Is dócha gur chuir an turas in aistear seo le
frustrachas na saighdiúirí, agus iad ag éirí níos brúidiúla in aghaidh an lae: i
ndeireadh Mhí Eanáir, thosaigh siad ag tabhairt príosúnaigh Phoblachtacha mar
ghialla ar a gcuid trucailí, agus gach trucail ag taispeáint an téacs Bomb us

Ó thug na hiriseoirí coimhthíocha tuairisc air seo do na nuachtáin, éiríodh as
an gcleachtadh go sciobtha. Ina dhiaidh sin, thosaigh na Sasanaigh líon a chur
timpeall gach trucail leis na pléascáiníní láimhe a choinneáil amuigh. Ansin,
ghreamaíodh an tIRA bacán de gach pléascáinín, i gcruth is go rachadh sé i
bhfostú sa líon.

Ar an dara lá de Mhí Feabhra, , cuireadh an chéad Óglach chun báis go hoifigiúil
agus go poiblí. Básaíodh seisear eile ar an dóigh seo i gCorcaigh ar an 28ú lá
den mhí chéanna. An lá arna mhárach, mharaigh an tIRA dháréag duine de
shaighdiúirí neamharmtha Briotanacha mar éiric.

Seanfhear ochtó bliain d'aois a bhí ann agus é maraithe ag na hÓglaigh mar
bhrathadóir. Nuair a tháinig na saighdiúirí dubha ag fiosrú, fuair ochtar fear
acu bás sa teagmháil, agus níor tháinig ach aon duine amháin de na péas slán.
Ansin, chuir na Sasanaigh cúig theach agus uachtarlann amháin trí thine mar
éiric. Ceithre lá ina dhiaidh sin, rinne na hÓglaigh iarracht beirt saighdiúirí
dubha a mharú in Oileán Chiarraí. Bhí na constáblaí seo ag filleadh abhaile i
ndiaidh an Aifrinn, agus d'éirigh leis an IRA fear acu a mharú.

An fear eile, áfach, fágadh ina bheo é, ó chuaigh a bhean chéile idir é agus
urchar a mharaithe. Ar an deichiú lá de Mhí Bhealtaine, chuaigh ceal i mbeirt
chonstáblaí eile de chuid an RIC agus iad ag spaisteoireacht leo cois farraige i
g Cluain Maine i g Co. Dhún na nGall. Tháinig corpán duine acu i dtír ar an lá
arna mhárach. In picture 3, two teachers, Mr. O Brien and Mrs. Twomey catch the
students who broke the school rules. Cuireann an tUasal Ó Briain i gcuimhne do
na buachaillí a bhí ag troid gurb iad rialacha na scoile meas a bheith ar a
chéile agus suíomh sona a chruthú.

Fiafraíonn sé díobh an bhfuil aon rud le rá acu. They are very cross with them.
O Brien reminds the boys who were fighting that the school rules are to show
respect for each other and to create a happy place. He asks them have they
anything to say. Deir sí go ndéanann tobac dochar dá sláinte agus gur cur amú
airgid é.

Twomey is giving out as well. When the students go home, their parents
interrogate them. They say they received a call from the school in the afternoon
saying that their child was in trouble; they ask them what they did. According
to them, there will be a meeting with the principal in the morning about this.
The students are shocked and scared. In picture 5, we see Seán, one of the
troublesome boys, with his parents in front of the principal. Níl tuismitheoirí
Sheáin sásta agus tá náire ar Sheán. The principal tells them what happened.

The other troublesome students are in the waiting room with their parents,
waiting on the principal. In the final picture, we see the students who broke
the school rules in detention after school. The punishment for smoking is one
hour in detention and the punishment for fighting is 2 hours. An Bhéaltriail 1.
Cad iad na rialacha scoile sa scoil seo? An raibh tú riamh i dtrioblóid ar
scoil? Cad é do mheas ar chaitheamh tobac?

An bhfuil córas i bhfeidhm in aghaidh bulaíochta i do scoil? Their parents tell
them to be careful, to enjoy the course and they wish them well. The boys then
wave goodbye to their parents. They have classes in the morning from 9.


In the fourth picture, we see all the activities the girls are undertaking. Tá
clú agus cáil bainte amach ag a bhunscoil chónaitheach, Scoil na Leanaí, do
dhaltaí 10 go 13, ag a chúrsaí samhraidh do dhaltaí 10 go 18 agus ag a ionad
oideachais 25 acra a chuireann áiseanna ar fáil do ghrúpaí agus eagraíochtaí atá
ag cothú agus ag forbairt na Gaeilge. Bhí an dá thaobh ag milleánú a chéile faoi
mharú príosúnach neamharmtha. He is wearing sunglasses. In places like Cork and
Dublin, bad floods were. Áislann Rann na Feirste Rann na Feirste. Seán and the
examiner are back in the test centre. Tá sé mar phlean acu uisce beatha a chur
ar fáil amach anseo. In picture 1, we see a notice hanging on the ag dul i lár
na cathrach i Thuama Éire in the hall in Coláiste Phádraig. Bíonn muid ag
forbairt, ag léiriú agus ag maoiniú cláir chruthaitheacha don teilifís don
mhargadh anseo ag baile agus go hidirnáisiúnta. Tá rannóg beag leabhar Gaeilge
aige ann. Cuireann an Oifig seirbhísí agus eolas ar fáil d'údaráis agus do
phobal na hollscoile mar gheall ar an Acht Teanga, agus soláthraíonn an Oifig
seirbhís aistriúcháin Gaeilge do bhaill foirne.

After lunch, they have games on the beach and indoors until half 5. Ina dhiaidh
sin, filleann na daltaí ar a dtithe lóistín le haghaidh dinnéir. After that, the
students return to their accommodation for dinner. Finally the roll is called in
the houses at During a football match on the beach, Seán injures his leg badly.

One of the teachers puts Seán in the car. The teachers have great pity for Seán.
At twenty past 10, Seán returns to the college and the céilí is in full swing.

 * luas tí ag dul isteach Carrick-on-Suir Éire?
 * ag dul ar na Carraige Duibhe Éire.
 * suíomhanna nua dátaithe Thamhlachta Éire?
 * .
 * Eolaire Gnó Archives - !

Without a doubt, everyone is relieved that Seán is back safely. His father is
along with him and wishes him good luck. Poor Seán looks nervous, it goes
without saying. Firstly, the examiner asks Seán a couple of questions about the
rules of the road. Then, away with them in the car and we see Seán behind the
steering wheel and the examiner beside him. The driver of the other car gets a
terrible fright as does Seán, the examiner and the people present.


Seán has made a total mess of the exam — the eejit! The other driver calls the
Guards and a Guard turns up without delay. The examiner explains to him that
Seán was doing his test when the accident happened. The other driver still looks
mad but Seán offers to pay for the damage. Seán and the examiner are back in the
test centre. He advises him to practice more and of course, to take more care
from now on. Mo cheol thú!


Cumann Múinteoirí Scortha Chill Chainnigh – Kilkenny Caisleán Chill Chainnigh☺ -
Kilkenny Castle Text records

The castle is a must see for all visitors to the city whether national or
international. The castle is surrounded by fantastic rose gardens to the front
and a large city centre park to the rear. While it is free to enter the castle
park and gardens there is a small charge to tour the castle. Great history tour.
Gives you a real insight into life "then". The grounds are beautiful.


We started by walking through the grounds where there was a fantastic pond with
ducks and lovely fauna and grounds and then toured inside the castle. This is a
great castle to visit full of history in a historic city.

This castle is very well restored and you don't need to go into the castle to
enjoy the historic feel to the place. The grounds are great too.

I would combine a stay in the city with a visit because there is a great vibe to
the city at night as well. Skip to main content. Log in to get trip updates and
message other travelers. Kilkenny Castle. Book In Advance. Day Trips. See More

 * Scanned records.
 * dhátú i An Ros Éire?
 * County Kilkenny.
 * Our apologies?
 * Search stock photos by tags.

Review of Kilkenny Castle. Date of experience: July Ask DeanMurphy about
Kilkenny Castle. The majority of rest of the county is hilly except for the
centre of the county, just south of the city of Kilkenny , which is comparably
lower than the rest of the county. These hills are divided by the valley of the
Dinan river which joins the Nore from the east. The highest point of the
Castlecomer Hills is metres 1, ft , and located North-West of the town of
Castlecomer and near the border with Laois.

The highest point of the Culla Hills is in Laois at metres  ft , but its
undulating slopes spread over a considerable area of Kilkenny in the
north-westerly area. The highest point in the Slieveardagh Hills is Knocknamuck
at metres 1, ft. In the south of the county is Brandon Hill , at metres 1, ft
and is near the Barrow and Graiguenamanagh. The area enclosed between the rivers
Nore and Barrow towards their point of joining is elevated.

Along the west of the Barrow and Nore is mostly covered by hills of nearly equal
elevation except along the left bank of the river Suir. Here there is a rich
area of land between the river and the hills. The county is subdivided into
twelve baronies which are in turn divided into civil parishes and townlands.
There are about townlands in Kilkenny. Each barony was made up of a number of
parishes or parts of parishes.

Both civil parishes and baronies are now largely obsolete except for purposes
such as legal transactions involving land and are no longer used for local
government purposes. For religious administration, the county was divided into
parishes. Every parish had at least one church.


The official bilingual database of placenames in Ireland. Cill Chainnigh.
genitive: Chill Chainnigh. validated Operated by Digital Repository of Ireland».
The official bilingual database of placenames in Ireland. Play Pause. genitive:
Chill Chainnigh. validated name Operated by Digital Repository of Ireland».

The barony boundaries and the parish boundaries were not connected. From the
17th to midth centuries, civil parishes were based on early Christian and
medieval monastic and church settlements. The civil parishes are divided into
townlands See List of townlands in County Kilkenny. As the population grew, new
parishes were created and the civil parish covered the same area as the
established Church of Ireland. The Roman Catholic Church adapted to a new
structure based on towns and villages. There 2, civil parishes in Ireland, which
often break both barony and county boundaries.

Local government in County Kilkenny is governed by the Local Government Acts ,
the most recent of which Local Government Reform Act established a unitary
structure of local government. This single-tier structure consists of Kilkenny
County Council. Until , the second tier of local government consisted of
Kilkenny Borough Council which was a town council.

The city of Kilkenny was allowed to use the title of "Borough Council" instead
of "Town Council", but Kilkenny Borough Council had no additional
responsibilities. Since the enactment of the aforementioned Act on 1 June ,
which abolished the borough, the county council is solely responsible for local
services. For the purposes of local government, Kilkenny is divided into 4 local
electoral areas - Callan—Thomastown 6 , Castlecomer 6 , Kilkenny city 7 and
Piltown 5 - which return a total of 24 elected members to Kilkenny County

The highest turnout was in Callan—Thomastown In the local elections, Fianna Fáil
and Fine Gael emerged as the two dominant parties, holding 20 of the 24 seats
between them. The Labour Party hold 2 seats, the Green Party hold 1 seat, and
there is 1 independent.


Sinn Féin , which had held 3 seats, failed to gain a seat in the election.
Council elections are held every 5 years, with the next election due to be held
in May The present form of the constituency was created for the general

Kilkenny has been represented through several parliamentary constituencies in
the past. In the Carlow—Kilkenny Dáil constituency was created and has stayed
apart from between and when there was just a Kilkenny constituency. The county
is located within the South constituency for elections to the European
Parliament. As the county is part of the South-East Region , some county
councillors are also representatives on the Southern Regional Assembly. County
Kilkenny takes its name from the city of Kilkenny. This probably relates to the
church and round tower , now St.

Canice's Cathedral, which was built in honour of St. The Kingdom of Osraige was
one of the ancient Kingdoms of Ireland. The Kingdom of Ossory existed from at
least the 2nd century until the 13th century AD. The current ecclesiastical
dioceses of that area is still known as Ossory. The medieval Diocese of Ossory
[40] and was established in AD, [41] and its territory corresponded to the
medieval Kingdom of Ossory.

In historic times, Kilkenny replaced Aghaboe as the chief church in Osraige. The
kingdom was bounded by two of the Three Sisters the rivers Barrow and Suir and
the northern limit was, generally, the Slieve Bloom Mountains. The Osraige
—their name means people of the deer— inhabited much of modern County Kilkenny
and parts of neighbouring County Laois. To the west and south, Osraige was
bounded by the River Suir , to the east the watershed of the River Barrow marked
the boundary with Leinster, and to the north it extended into and beyond the
Slieve Bloom Mountains.

The River Nore ran through the Kingdom. Osraige formed the easternmost part of
the kingdom and province of Munster until the middle of the 9th century, after
which it was attached to Leinster. Osraige was largely a buffer state between
Leinster and Munster.

The name Osraige is said to be from the Usdaie, a Celtic tribe that Ptolemy 's
map of Ireland places in roughly the same area that Osraige would later occupy.
The territory indicated by Ptolemy probably included the major late Iron Age
hill-fort at Freestone Hill which produced some Roman finds. Also the
interesting burial at Stoneyford which is of typical Roman type and probably
dates to the 1st century AD.

MacMurrough secured the services of Richard, promising him the hand of his
daughter Aoife of Leinster and the succession to Leinster. Richard and other
Marcher barons and knights by King Henry assembled an army. The day after the
capture of Waterford, he married MacMorrough's daughter, Aoife.

The Lordship of Ireland was a lordship created in the wake of the Norman
invasion of Ireland in — Kilkenny formed part of the lordship of Leinster.
Strongbow became Lord of Leinster in Following the Norman invasion , the island
of Ireland was divided into thirty-two counties. The Republic of Ireland today
is made up of twenty-six of the traditional thirty-two counties with the other
six forming Northern Ireland.

Two former counties in the Republic have been subdivided, giving a modern total
of twenty-nine counties for administrative purposes rather than twenty-six. The
architecture of County Kilkenny contains features from all eras since the Stone
Age including Norman and Anglo-Irish castles , Georgian urban buildings, towns
and villages with unique architectures, palladian and rococo country houses ,
Gothic and neo-Gothic cathedrals and buildings.

In the late 20th century a new economic climate resulted in a renaissance of
culture and design, with some at the cutting edge of modern architecture. County
Kilkenny contains varied architecture including passage graves , ringforts ,
Irish round towers , castles, churches and cathedrals, abbeys and priories ,
bridges and roads, and townhouses of varying style. Evidence of Neolithic
settlement can be found throughout the county. Loading map Quick zoom Counties
Baronies Civil parishes Townlands. Places county barony electoral district
electoral district electoral district city.

Pauline O'Brien Treasurer. Contact Us rtakilkenny gmail. More information. It is
recommended that you enable Javascript in your browser by following the
instructions here. Please note: Some of the documentation from the archives of
the Placenames Branch is available here. It indicates the range of research
contributions undertaken by the Branch on this placename over the years. Some of
the documentation is selected correspondence from the archives of the Placenames


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Sobering questions June 16, JCFJ tackles housing June 16, JRS and local
elections June 16, Our website uses cookies, which help us to improve our site
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There are currently no fines for breaking quarantine, but a traveler could face
a fine of up to 2, euros or imprisonment for up to 6 months for not completing
the form upon arrival or providing false or misleading information on it.
Speaking to the national broadcaster RTE, he said it was the only viable option.

Cavanagh, who owns E-Whizz bikes in Clare, said in a typical year, around 90
percent of her business would come from the United States. But for now, she has
put the thought of profit aside for the sake of safety, urging international
travelers to self-isolate for the full two weeks. Updated  Feb. Are coronavirus
case counts rising in your region? Our maps  will help you determine how your
state , county  or country  is faring. Vaccines are rolling out and will reach
many of us by spring. Prior to the late s when it was restored and occupied by
the present incumbents, it accommodated a family of pine martens.

They were frequently seen dashing around the rooms or running across the pelmets
covering the curtain rails.

Despite the undoubted inconvenience the owners were quite philosophical about
their uninvited guests doing little or nothing to evict them during breeding
time. Martens are still to be found at Enniscoe but now only in the extensive
woodlands of the estate. When Enniscoe was built in the late 18th century pine
martens would not have presented such an existential problem.


The estate gamekeeper would have been employed to ruthlessly trap and kill any
predators including pine martens that constituted a threat to game on the
estate. Arthur Stringer was the gamekeeper to the Portmore estate adjacent to.
Lough Neagh some three hundred years ago.

In his An Experienced Huntsman we have access to a remarkable manual describing
the methodology of hunting a variety of unfortunate creatures, including
martens. It was by these methods that the pine marten was brought to the brink
of extinction by the early 20th century. Interestingly, Stringer makes no
reference to the mustelids taking over abandoned buildings. Presumably in the
early 18th century when vestiges of the original forests remained the marten was
still essentially a creature of the wildwood.

My most memorable experience with pine martens was in the open Burren with
wildlife photographer John Hayward. A pair of the animals had made their home
half-way up a limestone cliff behind a scrawny holly tree. Here, undisturbed by
humans they reared three kits, one of which was unfortunately killed by a fox.
In the absence of old hollow trees inaccessible rock crevices must have always
been viable denning alternatives. The rocky Burren continues to be a stronghold
for the marten but it appears that the expansion of commercial forestry in the
past half century has facilitated its spread and repopulation to almost every

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It is nevertheless ironic, that this, our most elusive mammal, many Burren
inhabitants have never seen one , has turned the tables on its former
persecutors by often taking on the role of a squatter. Rebellion The time for
action is now. Billy Flynn discusses the demands being made by the Extinction
Rebellion movement, an apolitical network urging immediate action from
governments to mitigate the current climate and ecological emergency. So states
the homepage of Extinction Rebellion, a movement that has burst into prominence
over the last two weeks before this article was written April, Extinction
Rebellion describes itself as an international apolitical network using
nonviolent direct action to persuade governments to act on the climate and
ecological emergency.

The direct action that they describe seems to have taken the world by surprise.
Last week in London, activists brought large parts of the UK capital to a halt
by blocking roads and bridges as they expressed their feelings and demands to
the attention of the UK and world media. What are their demands? They are
three-fold. These are ambitious demands indeed. The other demands include the
enabling of microgeneration of energy e.

Extinction Rebellion Ireland also calls for an end to all oil and gas
exploitation and for no new fossil-fuel based infrastructure e. In the UK, these
have largely been to date the disruption of. These installations have included
items as diverse as a pink boat and a skateboard ramp. The actions have not been
universally welcomed. Some critics have said that the disruption of public
transport systems runs counter to the demands and overall aims of the protesting

However, these dissenting voices have been drowned out by the greater majority
that have welcomed the actions. In the immediate aftermath of the protests, The
Journal www. The results showed that The non-violent nature of the direct
actions has won them support. Footage of London policemen trying out a
skateboard ramp amused many. She stated that she had never seen protests that
required police response of this scale and the dynamic nature of the action made
this exceptionally difficult to police.

For many young people, this has been their first experience of direct action. It
is noteworthy that the young and indeed the very young are to the forefront of
the Extinction Rebellion movement. Greta Thunberg, a year-old student, has been
a rallying point for both young and old as she has so starkly laid out the
choices that we must face up to if we are to avoid climate and ecological

This is only the beginning for the Extinction Rebellion campaign, it seems.
Movement spokesman Eoin Campbell says that further actions are being planned.
These will target government and industry. Asked whether disrupting public
transport is contrary to their aims he says that while you must disrupt to get
attention, every effort was made to keep the Luas lines free during the Good
Friday protests in Dublin.

For the last two years, when the environment has made the news it has been for
all the wrong reasons. Damning reports on the lack of government action have
followed dire predictions for the consequences of doing nothing. It finally
feels like we are doing something. It may be disruptive for some.
Decarbonisation of entire countries in a half decade might seem wildly

However, we know both a radically different government approach and public
attitudes are needed for there to be any hope. We will need to disrupt a lot
more if we are to reach any of the targets that we need to reach. From toGreen
Martina Caplice highlights the importance of rewilding our urban coastlines and
the essential work being carried out by the Ecostructure project.

Those wonderful times with the smell of the sea in the air, sun drying salt
water on our skin, sandy sandwiches and that longed for fizzy drink after hours
of searching rock pools. What made these days so magical was the wildness of the
beach and all of its intriguing creatures, that when the tide is out we get to
glimpse into half their lives. This might just be possible. In I was fortunate
to work as a research assistant with marine and social scientists from the
Ecostructure project, a partnership between.

The desired outcome of this project is the promotion and testing of
ecologically-sensitive designs that will enhance marine constructions. These
enhancements will encourage more recruitment of marine organisms and may help to
mitigate some of the harmful impacts of climate change on the Irish Sea
coastlines in Ireland and Wales. Harbour walls and breakwaters are often poor
habitats for marine wildlife.

Research has shown that artificial structures are lower in numbers of marine
plants and animals than the natural shorelines they have replaced.

This is due to artificial structures not providing enough shelter from the
pressures marine wildlife face in intertidal zones, such as high temperatures,
wave action and refuge from predators. The Ecostructure project is looking for
ways to provide a more dynamic habitat built into or onto manmade structures in
order to increase their overall biodiversity.


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FÁS have taken on a new manager in a drive to promote Irish- language
publications. Fionnuala Mac Aodha (pictured here) will.

It aims to bring a piece of the wild and the life that comes with it, back to
our artificial coastlines. The enhancements that are used to create these new
habitats include exciting designs from UK company Artecology Ltd, which has
created artificial rock pools called VertipoolsŠ. These are bolt-on bowls of
bio receptive concrete that look like holy water fonts, or once they become.

These Vertipools© become safe havens for marine animals such as small fish,
crabs, bivales, and marine snails once the tide is out, as well as providing
anchor points for seaweeds. They hold seawater at low tide reflecting rock pools
on natural shorelines, providing shelter, moisture and even food for the animals
and algae that live in them.

They are added to the blank vertical surface of seawalls where otherwise there
would be no place for wildlife. Other exciting designs have come from Reef
Design Lab in Australia, which developed grooved tiles with varying depths that
help to provide a complex surface for marine life to attach to. They have been
shown to recruit various species of seaweeds, barnacles, limpets, and isopods,
along with many other marine invertebrates.

They are simple alterations that provide valuable habitat for marine life of
varying ages and sizes.


Réigiúnacha Pleanála (RPG), a bhfuil limistéar na Cathrach agus roinnt Tá ag
éirí go maith le Contae na Gaillimhe agus é ag dul i dtreo sprice RPG Tá
deiseanna ann lár an bhaile agus ceantair fiontair/gnó Thuama a leathnú agus a
Is beartas náisiúnta é ó go mbogfaidh Éire i dtreo iompar.