web-hosting-rsa.co.za Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://www.cyberface.co.za//
Effective URL: https://web-hosting-rsa.co.za/
Submission: On July 05 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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Text Content

Mobirise Mobirise v4.5.2
 * Home
 * The Needs
   Email Administration Website Maintenance for Owners Developer Services Search
   This Website
 * Services
   Website Hosting Specialised WordPress Hosting Email Hosting Email Marketing &
   Newsletters On-going SEO Education Website Reviews Website SEO Audits
   Newsletter Sign-Up
 * Website Development
   Concepting, Wireframing and Visualising Finding and Briefing a Website
   Designer / Developer Developer Handover to Owner on Completion
 * S.E.O. (inProg)
 * Resources (inProg)
   Solving Missing Email Problems Email Phishing & Compromised Mailboxes POPI
   Act Compliance and Your Website Email Scams : Invoice Interception Managing
   Server Diskspace Storage using IMAP Protocol   -   Archiving Old Mail in MS
   Outlook to Save Server Space
 * Costs
 * Contact


Protect and Grow Your Website Investment

Increase Your Traffic, Enquiries and R.O.I.

Deal with Security, Hacking, Malware and Abuse

Avoid eMail Deliverability and Lost Mail Issues

Evolve Dynamically as Trends Emerge

... and All This at Little or No Extra Cost !


 * Solving Missing Email Problems   -   Improve mail delivery, both ways. Learn
   best practice email management.
 * Email Phishing and Compromised Mailboxes   -   Protect yourself from deadly
   email scams. Understand the dangers
 * POPI Act Compliance and Your Website   -   A practical guide to website
   requirements and implementation.


Let us provide you with an interface with the hosting farm technical support.
Friendly, hand-holding support is offered in that developer/host gap.

• Is your website under-performing ?
• Are updates not being made as requested ?
• Is the site hard to find in Google ?
• Are your backups being made and saved ?
• Feeling abandoned by your developer ?

Read more .....

Learn about :
- Developing a Website Strategy
- Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Developing Content
- Promoting and Driving Traffic
- Reviews and Redevelopment
- Organic Traffic vs. Pay-Per-Click


We can take over the client maintenance load that sometimes swamps you,
especially when you are deep into new projects. We are very focussed on user
education, ongoing SEO issues and providing high level support. We are not in
the developer market and are not competitors.

Read more .....

Learn about :
- Our Skillsets and Policies
- Keeping Clients Aware and Informed
- The eMail Burden
- Monitoring and Metrics
- Pricing and Costs
- Domain Custodianship
- Backups, Failovers and Recoveries
- Scripting and Database Competencies

What is "Boutique Website Hosting" ?

The normal course of website development starts with a brief to a web designer,
a quote is approved, the build and launch follow, there are some changes and
iterations, and then you settle back and wait for the traffic to build and the
orders to start rolling in.

The developer often withdraws to some extent at this stage as there are other
projects for attention.   Now let's fast forward six months or more.....

The anticipated enquiries have not yet happened and a number of issues may now
have arisen which need attention.   The developer may no longer be available (or
has no expertise in these areas or time availability).   Servicing legacy
projects is not a favourite or profitable activity.   The hosting company (where
your website was placed) largely provides technical support and this type of
maintenance and development work is outside their competency and permitted

This leaves the website owner a little high and dry.   What to do.?   And this
is where a boutique hosting service steps in to fill the gap.

Consider another scenario:   Your emails are not all reaching their recipients.
  Some simply vanish and neither you nor the receiver are aware of this.   And
the same can occur with incoming mail.   Who will help? We understand
development (having been in the business for over 20 years) and have run bulk
hosting for multiple platforms and technologies for hundreds of websites.   We
have seen and done most everything during this time.   We are search engine and
web maintenance specialists and provide a high level of support and advice in
these focussed areas.   These are not developer functions or technical hosting
issues   -   but they are in our area of expertise.

We interface with the website owner and can provide services to get done
whatever needs to be done.   We liase with web farm support and advise and guide
the client through whatever needs doing.   And generally this is at no extra
cost to the client.     See [Services] in the Menu for more info.

We believe in keeping the website owner updated with the latest trends, threats,
advice and opportunities. These cover practical issues in email administration
as well as the ongoing security threats. The menu item [Resources] lists current

And we provide specialist technical help for Wordpress Maintenance which is an
ongoing issue for anyone using this popular CMS. This includes broken systems,
backups, PHP upgrades, password recoveries and abandoned plugins.

It's also "boutique" in that we offer a high level of personal care and
expertise at little if no extra cost.   And it's a lot that we offer.!

Our business model works on the low hosting costs we have with bulk hosting and
running our own managed servers.   Our skill and expertise are concentrated in
these areas and are therefore well tested and quick to execute.
And if you want to just stay in touch, then why not request our free Webpro
Newsletter.   It's aimed at helping website owners in building traffic and
avoiding disasters, but is also packed with useful information for any internet
user.  You can join the mailing list here.

P.O.Box 35243
Northway   4065
Durban, KwaZulu-Natal
South Africa

Phone: +27 (31) 563 8344
Fax: +27 (31) 564 4928

Webpro Internet is a division of Prosoft Microsystems cc.

+30 years in Info Technology
In accessing this website you are confirming acceptance of our Cookie Policy.  
            PAIA Manual               Privacy Policy               Suggestions  