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 * Walsh, Norman, Unit Testing in XSLT 2.0. Proceedings of the XML 2005
   Conference and Exhibition, November 2005.

 * Walsh, Norman, Comparing CSS and XSL: A Reply from Norm Walsh . XML.com,
   February 9, 2005.


 * Walsh, Norman, Extreme DocBook . Proceedings of Extreme Markup Languages
   2004, August 2004.

 * Burnard, Lou; Rahtz, Sebastian; and Walsh, Norman, A unified model for text
   markup: TEI, Docbook, and beyond (sic), Proceedings of XML Europe 2004, April


 * Walsh, Norman, Caching in with Resolvers . Proceedings of XML 2003, December

 * Walsh, Norman, RDF Twig: Accessing RDF Graphs in XSLT . Proceedings of
   Extreme Markup Languages 2003, August 2003.


 * Walsh, Norman, Literate Programming in XML . Proceedings of XML 2002,
   December 2002.

 * Walsh, Norman, XML: One Input—Many Outputs: a response to Hillesund . Journal
   of Digital Information. September, 2002.

 * Walsh, Norman, Generalized Metadata in your Palm , Proceedings of Extreme
   Markup Languages 2002, August 2002.

 * Walsh, Norman, From XML To...Anything , Linux Magazine, June 2002, InfoStrada
   LLC, pgs 28-35.

 * Walsh, Norman, XML Schema Languages: Why and How to Validate Your Documents ,
   Linux Magazine, February 2002, InfoStrada LLC, pgs 26-33.


 * Walsh, Norman, DOM-inating with XML , Linux Magazine, October 2001,
   InfoStrada LLC, pgs 40-45,62.
   (I swear I do not make up the article titles :-)

 * Walsh, N., Cowan J., and Grosso P., A URN Namespace for Public Identifiers,
   IETF RFC 3151, The Internet Society, Aug 2001.

 * XML Entity and URI Resolvers , XML at Sun Developer Connection , Sun
   Microsystems, Inc., Aug, 2001.

 * Walsh, Norman, XML Basics: An Introduction to the Universal Format for
   Structured Documents and Data on the Web , Linux Magazine, Volume 3, Number
   7, July 2001, InfoStrada LLC, pgs 42-48.

 * The Design of the DocBook XSL Stylesheets , proceedings of the XSLT-UK 01
   Conference, Apr, 2001.

 * Walsh, Norman, ed., XML Linking and Style , World Wide Web Consortium, 2001.


 * Making All the Difference , XML at Sun Developer Connection , Sun
   Microsystems, Inc., Nov, 2000.

 * XML From Your Palm , XML at Sun Developer Connection , Sun Microsystems,
   Inc., Aug, 2000.

 * Online Publishing with XML , XML at Sun Developer Connection , Sun
   Microsystems, Inc., Jun, 2000.

 * If You Can Name It, You Can Claim It! , Standard Deviations from Norm ,
   Arbortext, Inc., Apr 04, 2000.

 * How to Namespace Your Place , Standard Deviations from Norm , Arbortext,
   Inc., Feb 21, 2000.


 * XPath: XML Path Language , Standard Deviations from Norm, Arbortext, Inc.,
   Aug 09, 1999.

 * Understanding XML Schemas , XML.com, Jul 01, 1999.

 * The XSL Debate: One Expert's View , XML.com, Jun 08, 1999.

 * Getting Started with XML Programming, Part II , XML.com, May 05, 1999.

 * Getting Started with XML Programming , XML.com, Apr 21, 1999.

 * Walsh, Norman, "The Extensible Style Language", Web Techniques , Volume 4,
   Issue 1, January 1999, Miller Freeman, pgs 49-55.


 * Entities: What are They Good For? , XML Q&A, XML.com, Aug 28, 1998.

 * Converting an SGML DTD to XML , XML Q&A, XML.com, Jul 8, 1998.


 * Walsh, Norman, "A Guide to XML", The World Wide Web Journal , 2(4), O'Reilly
   & Associates, Inc. and the W3C, Winter 1997.


 * Walsh, Norman, "An Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets", The World Wide
   Web Journal , 2(1), O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. and the W3C, Winter 1996.


 * Walsh, Norman, "A World Wide Web Interface to CTAN", TUGboat 15(3), pages
   339-343, 1994.

Modified: Fri, 23 Dec 2022 Copyright © 1997-2023 Norman Walsh