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Submitted URL: http://microsoft.com/webservices/SharePointPortalServer/UserProfileSe=
Effective URL: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/office/developer/sharepoint-2010/ms518393(v=office.14)
Submission: On August 16 via api from CA — Scanned from CA

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         * SharePoint Server 2010 Web Services
         * Search Web Service
         * PublishedLinksService Web Service
         * SocialDataService Web Service
         * UserProfileChangeService Web Service
         * UserProfileService Web Service
           * UserProfileService Web Service
           * ChoiceTypes Enumeration
           * ContactData Class
           * GetUserProfileByIndexResult Class
           * InCommonData Class
           * MemberGroupData Class
           * MembershipData Class
           * MembershipSource Enumeration
           * OrganizationProfileData Class
           * PinnedLinkData Class
           * Privacy Enumeration
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           * PropertyInfo Class
           * QuickLinkData Class
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           * UserProfileService Class
             * UserProfileService Class
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 8. SharePoint Server 2010 Web Services
 9. UserProfileService Web Service

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 9. UserProfileService Web Service

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 * Article
 * 01/20/2015


 1. Inheritance Hierarchy
 2. Syntax
 3. Examples
 4. Thread Safety
 5. See Also

Provides a Web service to manage user profiles.


            [UserProfileService Web service].UserProfileService

Namespace:  [UserProfileService Web service]
Web service reference: http://Site/_vti_bin/UserProfileService.asmx


<WebServiceBindingAttribute(Name := "UserProfileServiceSoap", Namespace := "https://microsoft.com/webservices/SharePointPortalServer/UserProfileService")> _
Public Class UserProfileService _
    Inherits SoapHttpClientProtocol
Dim instance As UserProfileService

C# Copy

[WebServiceBindingAttribute(Name = "UserProfileServiceSoap", Namespace = "https://microsoft.com/webservices/SharePointPortalServer/UserProfileService")]
public class UserProfileService : SoapHttpClientProtocol


The following example shows how to get information about the membership of a
user, colleagues of a user, links, and user profile property data. Make sure you
add a Web reference to a UserProfileService Web service site to which you have
access. Change the using GetProfileDataSample.MyServer002; directive to point to
the Web service site you are referencing. In addition, replace
"domain\\username" with valid values.

C# Copy

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

// TODO 
// Change the using GetProfileDataSample.MyServer002 directive
// to point to the Web service you are referencing.
using GetProfileDataSample.MyServer002;

namespace GetProfileDataSample
    class Program
        //Instantiate the Web service. 
        public static UserProfileService userProfileService = new UserProfileService();

        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Set credentials for requests.
            //Use the current user log-on credentials.
            userProfileService.Credentials =


            static void GetUserProfilePropertyData()
            // TODO 
            // Replace "domain\\username" with valid values.
            PropertyData[] properties = 
            for (int i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++)

         static void GetUserMemberships()

            // TODO 
            // Replace "domain\\username" with valid values.
            MembershipData[] memberships = 
            for (int i = 0; i < memberships.Length; i++)


        static void GetUserColleagues()
            // TODO 
            // Replace "domain\\username" with valid values.
            ContactData[] contacts = 
            for (int i = 0; i < contacts.Length; i++)

        static void GetUserLinks()
            // TODO 
            // Replace "domain\\username" with valid values.
            QuickLinkData[] links = 
                userProfileService.GetUserLinks("domain\\username ");
            for (int i = 0; i < links.Length; i++)



Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe.
Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.



UserProfileService Members

UserProfileService Web Service



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