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Targeted gene delivery of BMPR2 attenuates pulmonary hypertension / European
Respiratory Journal. Reynolds 2011
03:40:27 Targeted gene delivery of BMPR2 attenuates pulmonary hypertension /
European Respiratory Journal Reynolds, 2011
03:40:27 Exercise for preventing falls in older people living in the community /
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Sherrington, 2019
03:40:27 Differential effects of sodium chloride and monosodium glutamate on
kidney of adult and aging mice / Sci Rep Celestino, 2021
03:40:27 Acute kidney injury and aging / Pediatr Nephrol Chang-panesso, 2021
03:40:27 Ionization electron signal processing in single phase LArTPCs. Part I.
Algorithm Description and quantitative evaluation with MicroBooNE simulation /
J. Inst. Adams, 2018
03:40:27 ARIA‐EAACI care pathways for allergen immunotherapy in respiratory
allergy / Clinical and Translational Allergy Bousquet, 2021
03:40:27 How Do Storms Affect Asthma? / Curr Allergy Asthma Rep D’amato, 2018
03:40:27 Impacts of impervious surface on watershed hydrology: A review / Urban
Water Journal Shuster, 2005
03:40:26 Pulmonary Hypertension: A Brief Guide for Clinicians / Mayo Clinic
Proceedings Mandras, 2020
03:40:26 Efficacy and Safety of Parathyroid Hormone Replacement with TransCon
PTH in Hypoparathyroidism: 26‐Week Results From the Phase 3 PaTHway Trial / J of
Bone & Mineral Res Khan, 2022
03:40:26 Metabolic availability of medium-chain triglycerides coingested with
carbohydrates during prolonged exercise / Journal of Applied Physiology
Jeukendrup, 1995
03:40:26 Selling Feminism: How Female Empowerment Campaigns Employ Postfeminist
Discourses / Journal of Advertising Windels, 2019
03:40:26 Development of high temperature material for cellular ceramic
regenerative storage heater / Ceramics International S., 2018
03:40:26 Artificial intelligence in healthcare: Implications for nurse managers
/ J Nursing Management Peltonen, 2022
03:40:26 Found Objects: (Jem Cohen, Ben Katchor, Walter Benjamin) / MFS Modern
Fiction Studies Beeck, 2006
03:40:26 The Immunology of Melanoma / Clinics in Laboratory Medicine Ko, 2017
03:40:26 Identification of immune-related genes with prognostic significance in
the microenvironment of cutaneous melanoma / Virchows Arch Qu, 2020
03:40:26 Development of an IFNγ response‐related signature for predicting the
survival of cutaneous melanoma / Cancer Med Hu, 2020
03:40:26 MD Codes™: A Methodological Approach to Facial Aesthetic Treatment with
Injectable Hyaluronic Acid Fillers / Aesth Plast Surg De maio, 2020
03:40:26 Ribosome Structure and the Mechanism of Translation / Cell
Ramakrishnan, 2002
03:40:26 [33] Structural analysis of RNA using chemical and enzymatic probing
monitored by primer extension / Methods in Enzymology Stern, 1988
03:40:26 Contribution of resident and circulating precursors to
tumor-infiltrating CD8+ T cell populations in lung cancer / Sci. Immunol.
Gueguen, 2021
03:40:26 Intratumoral plasma cells predict outcomes to PD-L1 blockade in
non-small cell lung cancer / Cancer Cell Patil, 2022
03:40:26 Adipose Tissue Distribution, Inflammation and Its Metabolic
Consequences, Including Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease / Front. Cardiovasc.
Med. Chait, 2020
03:40:26 Effects of combined statin and ACE inhibitor therapy on endothelial
function and blood pressure in essential hypertension - a randomised
double-blind, placebo controlled crossover study / J Renin Angiotensin
Aldosterone Syst Ruszkowski, 2019
03:40:26 Single-cell Wnt signaling niches maintain stemness of alveolar type 2
cells / Science Nabhan, 2018
03:40:25 Immunity to live: an immunopathoscore using the consensus Immunoscore
to best define the risk of recurrence and death in stage IV metastatic patients
/ OncoImmunology Baldin, 2020
03:40:25 Usefulness and robustness of Immunoscore for personalized management of
cancer patients / OncoImmunology Marliot, 2020
03:40:25 The consensus Immunoscore in phase 3 clinical trials; potential impact
on patient management decisions / OncoImmunology Pagès, 2020
03:40:25 The consensus Immunoscore in phase 3 clinical trial (N0147) and impact
on patient management decisions / OncoImmunology Lanzi, 2020
03:40:25 Parametrized topological complexity of poset-stratified spaces / J
Appl. and Comput. Topology Tanaka, 2021
03:40:25 Body-Mass Index and Mortality among Adults with Incident Type 2
Diabetes / New England Journal of Medicine Tobias, 2014
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Targeted gene delivery of BMPR2 attenuates pulmonary hypertension / European
Respiratory Journal. Reynolds 2011

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