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</svg></span></button><input type="text" id="traveler_selector_adult_step_input-0" min="1" max="14" tabindex="-1" aria-label="Adults" class="uitk-layout-flex-item uitk-step-input-value" value="2" readonly=""><button
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<title id="traveler_selector_adult_step_input-0-increase-title">Increase the number of adults in room 1</title>
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<title id="traveler_selector_children_step_input-0-decrease-title">Decrease the number of children in room 1</title>
<path d="M19 13H5v-2h14v2z"></path>
</svg></span></button><input type="text" id="traveler_selector_children_step_input-0" min="0" max="6" tabindex="-1" aria-label="Children,Ages 0 to 17" class="uitk-layout-flex-item uitk-step-input-value" value="0"
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<title id="traveler_selector_children_step_input-0-increase-title">Increase the number of children in room 1</title>
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Dates13 June - 14 June Travellers2 travellers, 1 room ROOM 1 Adults Decrease the number of adults in room 1Increase the number of adults in room 1 ChildrenAges 0 to 17 Decrease the number of children in room 1Increase the number of children in room 1 Add another room Done Add a flight Add a car Search GO BEYOND YOUR TYPICAL STAY Pool search for properties with pool Apartment search for apartments Cabin search for cabins Family friendly search for family-friendly Properties Villa search for villas Apart hotel search for apart-hotels Hot tub search for properties with hot tubs Pet friendly search for Pet-friendly Properties Cottage search for cottages Campsite search for campsites Spa search for properties with a spa on site Ocean view search for properties with an ocean view view next property themes PROCRASTINATORS, REJOICE DID YOU WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO PLAN YOUR TRIP? THESE DEALS ARE FOR YOU. See what's ahead EXPLORE STAYS IN TRENDING DESTINATIONS Legian Bali, Indonesia LEGIAN Bali, Indonesia Legian Kuta Bali, Indonesia KUTA Bali, Indonesia Kuta Tokyo Tokyo Prefecture, Japan TOKYO Tokyo Prefecture, Japan Tokyo Queenstown Otago, New Zealand QUEENSTOWN Otago, New Zealand Queenstown Whangarei Northland, New Zealand WHANGAREI Northland, New Zealand Whangarei Gold Coast Queensland, Australia GOLD COAST Queensland, Australia Gold Coast Wellington Greater Wellington, New Zealand WELLINGTON Greater Wellington, New Zealand Wellington Rarotonga Cook Islands RAROTONGA Cook Islands Rarotonga Show next card LAST-MINUTE WEEKEND DEALS Showing deals for:14 Jun - 16 Jun See all deals Click for more information on TRYP by Wyndham Wellington, Tory Street and other properties IMAGE GALLERY FOR TRYP BY WYNDHAM WELLINGTON, TORY STREET Room Wellington TRYP BY WYNDHAM WELLINGTON, TORY STREET 9.2/10Wonderful (307 reviews) Member Price available Price is NZ$470 NZ$470 Price was NZ$588 NZ$588 for 2 nights NZ$235 per night includes taxes & fees Sign in for Member Price Click for more information on Wigram Hotel and other properties IMAGE GALLERY FOR WIGRAM HOTEL Exterior Christchurch WIGRAM HOTEL 9.4/10Exceptional (77 reviews) 21% off Price is NZ$298 NZ$298 Price was NZ$377 NZ$377 for 2 nights NZ$149 per night includes taxes & fees Click for more information on Azur Luxury Lodge and other properties IMAGE GALLERY FOR AZUR LUXURY LODGE Balcony Queenstown AZUR LUXURY LODGE 10.0/10Exceptional (76 reviews) 30% off Price is NZ$2,302 NZ$2,302 Price was NZ$3,288 NZ$3,288 for 2 nights NZ$1,151 per night includes taxes & fees Click for more information on Black Swan Lakeside Boutique Hotel and other properties IMAGE GALLERY FOR BLACK SWAN LAKESIDE BOUTIQUE HOTEL Property grounds Rotorua BLACK SWAN LAKESIDE BOUTIQUE HOTEL 9.6/10Exceptional (82 reviews) 25% off Price is NZ$900 NZ$900 Price was NZ$1,200 NZ$1,200 for 2 nights NZ$450 per night includes taxes & fees Click for more information on The Village Resort and other properties IMAGE GALLERY FOR THE VILLAGE RESORT Pool Taupo THE VILLAGE RESORT 9.2/10Wonderful (258 reviews) 36% off Price is NZ$403 NZ$403 Price was NZ$633 NZ$633 for 2 nights NZ$201 per night includes taxes & fees Click for more information on QT Melbourne and other properties IMAGE GALLERY FOR QT MELBOURNE Hallway Melbourne QT MELBOURNE 9.4/10Exceptional (1001 reviews) 20% off Price is NZ$688 NZ$688 Price was NZ$860 NZ$860 for 2 nights NZ$344 per night includes taxes & fees Click for more information on Adina Apartment Hotel Bondi Beach Sydney and other properties IMAGE GALLERY FOR ADINA APARTMENT HOTEL BONDI BEACH SYDNEY Lobby VIP Access Sydney ADINA APARTMENT HOTEL BONDI BEACH SYDNEY 9.2/10Wonderful (1000 reviews) Member Price available Price is NZ$618 NZ$618 Price was NZ$772 NZ$772 for 2 nights NZ$309 per night includes taxes & fees Sign in for Member Price Click for more information on Oceanside Resort & Twin Towers and other properties IMAGE GALLERY FOR OCEANSIDE RESORT & TWIN TOWERS Beach Tauranga OCEANSIDE RESORT & TWIN TOWERS 7.8/10Good (1064 reviews) Member Price available Price is NZ$533 NZ$533 Price was NZ$678 NZ$678 for 2 nights NZ$266 per night includes taxes & fees Sign in for Member Price Click for more information on Kirra Surf Apartments and other properties IMAGE GALLERY FOR KIRRA SURF APARTMENTS Pool Gold Coast KIRRA SURF APARTMENTS 9.4/10Exceptional (312 reviews) Member Price available Price is NZ$863 NZ$863 Price was NZ$1,090 NZ$1,090 for 2 nights NZ$432 per night includes taxes & fees Sign in for Member Price Click for more information on Rydges Fortitude Valley and other properties IMAGE GALLERY FOR RYDGES FORTITUDE VALLEY Exterior VIP Access Brisbane RYDGES FORTITUDE VALLEY 9.2/10Wonderful (1000 reviews) 20% off Price is NZ$481 NZ$481 Price was NZ$601 NZ$601 for 2 nights NZ$240 per night includes taxes & fees Click for more information on King and Queen Hotel Suites and other properties IMAGE GALLERY FOR KING AND QUEEN HOTEL SUITES City view VIP Access New Plymouth KING AND QUEEN HOTEL SUITES 9.8/10Exceptional (520 reviews) Member Price available Price is NZ$518 NZ$518 Price was NZ$647 NZ$647 for 2 nights NZ$259 per night includes taxes & fees Sign in for Member Price Click for more information on The Pearl South Pacific Resort and other properties IMAGE GALLERY FOR THE PEARL SOUTH PACIFIC RESORT Outdoor pool VIP Access Pacific Harbour THE PEARL SOUTH PACIFIC RESORT 7.8/10Good (1000 reviews) Member Price available Price is NZ$691 NZ$691 Price was NZ$864 NZ$864 for 2 nights NZ$346 per night includes taxes & fees Sign in for Member Price Next EXPLORE THESE UNIQUE STAYS Showing deals for:5 Jul - 7 Jul IMAGE GALLERY FOR TE ANAU LAKEVIEW HOLIDAY PARK & MOTELS View from room 8.6/10Excellent (969 reviews) TE ANAU LAKEVIEW HOLIDAY PARK & MOTELS TE ANAU Member Price available Price is NZ$198 NZ$198 Price was NZ$211 NZ$211 for 2 nights NZ$99 per night includes taxes & fees Click for more information on Te Anau Lakeview Holiday Park & Motels and other properties Sign in for Member Price IMAGE GALLERY FOR RAINFOREST DELUXE Living area 9.6/10Exceptional (50 reviews) RAINFOREST DELUXE FRANZ JOSEF GLACIER Member Price available Price is NZ$812 NZ$812 for 2 nights NZ$406 per night includes taxes & fees Click for more information on Rainforest Deluxe and other properties Sign in for Member Price IMAGE GALLERY FOR TASMAN HOLIDAY PARKS - TE ANAU Pool 9.0/10Wonderful (670 reviews) TASMAN HOLIDAY PARKS - TE ANAU TE ANAU Member Price available Price is NZ$336 NZ$336 Price was NZ$342 NZ$342 for 2 nights NZ$168 per night includes taxes & fees Click for more information on Tasman Holiday Parks - Te Anau and other properties Sign in for Member Price IMAGE GALLERY FOR THE HEADWATERS ECO LODGE Lobby sitting area 9.8/10Exceptional (20 reviews) THE HEADWATERS ECO LODGE GLENORCHY Price is NZ$1,628 NZ$1,628 Price was NZ$1,630 NZ$1,630 for 2 nights NZ$814 per night includes taxes & fees Click for more information on The Headwaters Eco Lodge and other properties IMAGE GALLERY FOR RAINFOREST RETREAT Room 8.8/10Excellent (874 reviews) RAINFOREST RETREAT FRANZ JOSEF GLACIER Member Price available Price is NZ$396 NZ$396 for 2 nights NZ$198 per night includes taxes & fees Click for more information on Rainforest Retreat and other properties Sign in for Member Price IMAGE GALLERY FOR COMMONAGE VILLAS BY STAYSOUTH Private kitchen 9.8/10Exceptional (29 reviews) COMMONAGE VILLAS BY STAYSOUTH QUEENSTOWN 8% off Price is NZ$3,711 NZ$3,711 Price was NZ$4,055 NZ$4,055 for 2 nights NZ$1,856 per night includes taxes & fees Click for more information on Commonage Villas by Staysouth and other properties IMAGE GALLERY FOR TASMAN HOLIDAY PARKS- ROTORUA Room 9.2/10Wonderful (142 reviews) TASMAN HOLIDAY PARKS- ROTORUA ROTORUA Member Price available Price is NZ$295 NZ$295 Price was NZ$301 NZ$301 for 2 nights NZ$148 per night includes taxes & fees Click for more information on Tasman Holiday Parks- Rotorua and other properties Sign in for Member Price IMAGE GALLERY FOR HARURU COTTAGES Living area 10.0/10Exceptional (1 review) HARURU COTTAGES HARURU Member Price available Price is NZ$579 NZ$579 for 2 nights NZ$290 per night includes taxes & fees Click for more information on Haruru Cottages and other properties Sign in for Member Price IMAGE GALLERY FOR ROCKY MOUNTAIN CHALETS Private spa tub 10.0/10Exceptional (37 reviews) ROCKY MOUNTAIN CHALETS OHAKUNE Price is NZ$682 NZ$682 for 2 nights NZ$341 per night includes taxes & fees Click for more information on Rocky Mountain Chalets and other properties IMAGE GALLERY FOR LAKE RUATANIWHA HOLIDAY PARK Aerial view 8.8/10Excellent (49 reviews) LAKE RUATANIWHA HOLIDAY PARK TWIZEL Member Price available Price is NZ$525 NZ$525 for 2 nights NZ$263 per night includes taxes & fees Click for more information on Lake Ruataniwha Holiday Park and other properties Sign in for Member Price IMAGE GALLERY FOR GREYMOUTH SEASIDE TOP 10 HOLIDAY PARK Exterior 8.2/10Very good (338 reviews) GREYMOUTH SEASIDE TOP 10 HOLIDAY PARK GREYMOUTH Price is NZ$190 NZ$190 for 2 nights NZ$95 per night includes taxes & fees Click for more information on Greymouth Seaside TOP 10 Holiday Park and other properties IMAGE GALLERY FOR VILLAS WAIHEKE Outdoor pool 9.8/10Exceptional (42 reviews) VILLAS WAIHEKE WAIHEKE ISLAND 8% off Price is NZ$1,400 NZ$1,400 Price was NZ$1,530 NZ$1,530 for 2 nights NZ$700 per night includes taxes & fees Click for more information on Villas Waiheke and other properties IMAGE GALLERY FOR ROTORUA THERMAL HOLIDAY PARK Exterior 8.4/10Very good (335 reviews) ROTORUA THERMAL HOLIDAY PARK ROTORUA 2% off Price is NZ$205 NZ$205 Price was NZ$209 NZ$209 for 2 nights NZ$103 per night includes taxes & fees Click for more information on Rotorua Thermal Holiday Park and other properties IMAGE GALLERY FOR GLENBURN COASTAL RETREAT Private kitchen 10.0/10Exceptional (44 reviews) GLENBURN COASTAL RETREAT HAPUKU Price is NZ$960 NZ$960 for 2 nights NZ$480 per night includes taxes & fees Click for more information on Glenburn Coastal Retreat and other properties IMAGE GALLERY FOR NAPIER BEACH TOP 10 HOLIDAY PARK Room 8.6/10Excellent (228 reviews) NAPIER BEACH TOP 10 HOLIDAY PARK NAPIER Price is NZ$324 NZ$324 for 2 nights NZ$162 per night includes taxes & fees Click for more information on Napier Beach TOP 10 Holiday Park and other properties IMAGE GALLERY FOR SHINING STAR BEACHFRONT ACCOMMODATION Living area 9.0/10Wonderful (713 reviews) SHINING STAR BEACHFRONT ACCOMMODATION HOKITIKA Price is NZ$310 NZ$310 for 2 nights NZ$155 per night includes taxes & fees Click for more information on Shining Star Beachfront Accommodation and other properties IMAGE GALLERY FOR CHURCH ACCOMMODATION Property grounds 9.6/10Exceptional (173 reviews) CHURCH ACCOMMODATION HAHEI Price is NZ$370 NZ$370 for 2 nights NZ$185 per night includes taxes & fees Click for more information on Church Accommodation and other properties IMAGE GALLERY FOR TE ANAU TOP 10 HOLIDAY PARK Lounge 7.8/10Good (211 reviews) TE ANAU TOP 10 HOLIDAY PARK TE ANAU Member Price available Price is NZ$313 NZ$313 Price was NZ$319 NZ$319 for 2 nights NZ$157 per night includes taxes & fees Click for more information on Te Anau Top 10 Holiday Park and other properties Sign in for Member Price IMAGE GALLERY FOR HOT WATER BEACH TOP 10 HOLIDAY PARK Beach 9.2/10Wonderful (447 reviews) HOT WATER BEACH TOP 10 HOLIDAY PARK HOT WATER BEACH 2% off Price is NZ$238 NZ$238 Price was NZ$242 NZ$242 for 2 nights NZ$119 per night includes taxes & fees Click for more information on Hot Water Beach TOP 10 Holiday Park and other properties IMAGE GALLERY FOR MOTUEKA TOP 10 HOLIDAY PARK Outdoor pool 8.8/10Excellent (105 reviews) MOTUEKA TOP 10 HOLIDAY PARK MOTUEKA Price is NZ$275 NZ$275 for 2 nights NZ$138 per night includes taxes & fees Click for more information on Motueka TOP 10 Holiday Park and other properties IMAGE GALLERY FOR HAHEI BEACH RESORT Property grounds 9.2/10Wonderful (319 reviews) HAHEI BEACH RESORT HAHEI Price is NZ$338 NZ$338 for 2 nights NZ$169 per night includes taxes & fees Click for more information on Hahei Beach Resort and other properties IMAGE GALLERY FOR ALL SEASONS HOLIDAY PARK Pool 9.0/10Wonderful (412 reviews) ALL SEASONS HOLIDAY PARK ROTORUA Member Price available Price is NZ$350 NZ$350 for 2 nights NZ$175 per night includes taxes & fees Click for more information on All Seasons Holiday Park and other properties Sign in for Member Price IMAGE GALLERY FOR THE CAMP - LAKE HAWEA Room 8.2/10Very good (223 reviews) THE CAMP - LAKE HAWEA ALBERT TOWN Member Price available Price is NZ$199 NZ$199 Price was NZ$218 NZ$218 for 2 nights NZ$100 per night includes taxes & fees Click for more information on The Camp - Lake Hawea and other properties Sign in for Member Price IMAGE GALLERY FOR TASMAN HOLIDAY PARKS - PAPAMOA BEACH Pool 9.2/10Wonderful (348 reviews) TASMAN HOLIDAY PARKS - PAPAMOA BEACH TAURANGA Member Price available Price is NZ$412 NZ$412 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All rights reserved. Expedia and the Aeroplane Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Expedia, Inc. 38f1a827-de6b-4c88-8888-9c2a96ce2f417c9bb2f6-92f1-46dd-b73a-036ec6a6ab6b Now showing Image gallery for Te Anau Lakeview Holiday Park & Motels, Te Anau Lakeview Holiday Park & Motels, Te Anau, Image gallery for Rainforest Deluxe, Rainforest Deluxe, Franz Josef Glacier, Image gallery for Tasman Holiday Parks - Te Anau, Tasman Holiday Parks - Te Anau, Te Anau, Image gallery for The Headwaters Eco Lodge, The Headwaters Eco Lodge, Glenorchy CHAT WINDOW