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A Poem has many meanings, so does Life !!

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> To all the failed endeavours,
> All the dares that were & weren’t taken,
> At the brink of self-hostility,
> Counting stars, useless stars…
> Daydreaming since ages of what could have been,
> Would have been, will it, will it not?
> See myself in different shoes all the time,
> Oh, the ifs & the buts…
> Creeping anxiety of scenarios that wouldn’t even happen,
> Trying to figure out multiple outcomes for one argument,
> A single confrontation even before it has happened.
> Depressed with failures,
> Repressed feelings arising from the success of others,
> Intoxicated with gloom,
> Overdosed with anxiety, filled with lethargy.
> One failure followed by another, then another.
> Train seemed longer than its trail left behind.
> On the rails lies the burden flickering like old street lights.
> Another defeat between the crossings.
> Another toast raised for not making it through…
> The stars stare at me
> As I comfortably lie down in this sulking puddle.
> Blinded by faith with unfruitful practices
> & misguided misleading traditions.
> False morals, lost hopes,
> No mechanism to cope.
> Had to self-sustain,
> Now in hibernation mode.
> The winds blow swiftly,
> Passing through & through.
> The cosmos are maybe a fragment of our imagination,
> Or we’re of theirs…
> The more we try to unveil the reality,
> The more complex it gets.
> Might there be no such thing that exists, or if it does,
> It surely has to be unfathomable.
> Philosophy of life is time-defined, biased…
> It is perceptive, it is presumptuous.
> Concept of time is yet unknown,
> Distance unprecedented.
> Life unriveted back & forth,
> With stories, mythologies, & folklore.
> For the heart knows not what it desires,
> & the brain knows not what it seeks.
> Manifestations are hyper-realities,
> Truth is but circumstantial.
> Thirst of bloated egos is hard to quench,
> Installments of alternate lifestyles are overdue.
> Talk of the town & the showoffs are shallow,
> & sulk when the lights are gone.
> Gems that dazzle with lights borrowed,
> Go dark when the curtains are down.
> A blind person is happy
> With meaningless gestures.
> The toys once played with
> Have started playing back.
> Houses once lived in
> Have become haunted by self-made memories.
> False sense of security will bring pride with it,
> For tomorrow is uncertain, for sure they say…
> What about the next moment?
> Is the past that is gone certain?
> Unknown mistakes in the past
> Rise up to make facts fiction & fiction facts.
> Gods were all wrong about us,
> & never the other way around.
> We’re bound in the shackles of our own faiths.
> The only freedom lies within,
> & so if it does lie,
> How do we break free?

Presa The Abstract Poet !! Uncategorized Leave a comment 24th September 2023 2


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Presa The Abstract Poet !! Uncategorized Leave a comment 23rd September 202324th
September 2023 1 Minute


Lost in translation, 

Words start a bargain with reality, 

Trying to devour them. 

Fiction now seems familiar.

Dream and reality, Two sides, 

Getting flipped with every twist 

With every turn of this mind.

There lies an echo 

Of the silent ego, 

Disappearing with losses and failures. 

Sometimes boosted by the opposite, 

Other times suppressed by the same.

A wandering mind silently claims 

What it seeks, what it lets go. 

Sometimes what isn’t there. 

It wanders throughout the ages, 

Most of the time, far, far beyond.

Nomad thoughts 

on an unfamiliar terrain, 

Abstaining oneself 

from similarities and acceptance, 

Changing places with alternate faces, 

Looking gloomy in blissfulness, 

Projecting happiness in grief.

Why do we complicate things? 

Why do we simplify them? 

Why do we disturb them? 

Why do we just let them be?

Why don’t we ….?

There are not more questions 

than there are answers, 

Rather, there are more answers… 

Right ones, the wrong ones, neutral ones. Most of the answers sit there, 

waiting for questions. 

Ask them….!!

Presa The Abstract Poet !! Uncategorized Leave a comment 11th September 2023 1


It’s time to say your final goodbyes,
to your fears, nightmares and every dare you didn’t take;
When you get time to think, time to heal, would you finally think about? What do
you really feel ?
Out in this broken world trying to fix just yourself !
Yet we all wonder, how far have we come,
look what have we done !

There’s chaos all around,
We’re scared to even pray;
Mankind has kneeled ! 

Yet again the devil takes his turn…
Thinks we might all get scared and run.

You got to set rules , you got to break them, sometimes you get scared by your
demons, other times you have to haunt them !

Not all is bad and ugly,
not all is lost, without a cause !

Embrace the anxiety which creeps in,
befriend the chills that run deep down your spine.

You owe this to yourself,
like a payment overdue,
a case without a clue,
meanwhile the drowning man did rescue the lifeguard !

Night thought it was the mightiest, surrounding everything with darkness as soon
as it came;
Not after long a match stick was lit, crushing  it’s glory within a blink !

The night does forget the day when it sees the moon;
Moon gracefully hides it’s dark side.
The night has an unspoken secret,
it did hide the day,   

didn’t it !!

Presa The Abstract Poet !! Uncategorized Leave a comment 23rd July 202023rd July
2020 1 Minute


They say he’s scared,
they say he’s a coward.
Deep inside he feels overpowered.
He introspects tries to dig in,
realizes he’s just an Ugly Duckling !

Time passes by,
the world dares him to survive.
He couldn’t hear his own damn cry !
Within, its so very silent and awry.
Tells himself Ugly Duckling
you gotta at least try !!

They say he’s scared,
Say what they may…
He’s the one who cared !
Scared, no he ain’t, 
just in dismay !!

Duckling; you’re as ugly as you could get,
time to give life a reset !
How long have you been in this debt?
Go on contemplate,
wait, it’s too late !
You took the bait;
With your own soulmate.

You hate these things,
there’stoo much on your plate…
You just ate, gulped it down,
didn’t even hesitate !
This has been your trait,
just not in a state,
to give up !

You’ve been trying to be up to date,
your whole entire life,
you Ugly Duckling…!!

This world did dictate,
terms on you…
Go ahead, if you understand
then please translate …

Ugly duckling’s friends
with all the other pretty ducks.
Wherever he goes there’s no luck,
this just not the matter,
or a question…
he finally comprehends…

Presa The Abstract Poet !! Uncategorized Leave a comment 22nd July 202022nd July
2020 1 Minute
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