URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/login
Submission Tags: @phishunt_io
Submission: On November 16 via api from ES


This website contacted 1 IPs in 1 countries across 1 domains to perform 31 HTTP transactions. The main IP is, located in Groningen, Netherlands and belongs to TNF-AS, NL. The main domain is nextcloud.propbox.nl.
TLS certificate: Issued by Let's Encrypt Authority X3 on November 13th 2020. Valid for: 3 months.
This is the only time nextcloud.propbox.nl was scanned on urlscan.io!

urlscan.io Verdict: No classification

Domain & IP information

IP Address AS Autonomous System
31 33915 (TNF-AS)
31 1
Apex Domain
31 propbox.nl
950 KB
31 1
Domain Requested by
31 nextcloud.propbox.nl nextcloud.propbox.nl
31 1

This site contains links to these domains. Also see Links.

Subject Issuer Validity Valid
Let's Encrypt Authority X3
2020-11-13 -
3 months crt.sh

This page contains 1 frames:

Primary Page: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/login
Frame ID: 09BC487B7F21D56182856940F214930D
Requests: 31 HTTP requests in this frame


Detected technologies

Overall confidence: 100%
Detected patterns
  • headers server /(?:Apache(?:$|\/([\d.]+)|[^/-])|(?:^|\b)HTTPD)/i

Page Statistics


100 %

0 %





950 kB

2586 kB


Redirected requests

There were HTTP redirect chains for the following requests:

31 HTTP transactions

Primary Request login
19 KB
7 KB
Full URL
TLS 1.3, , AES_256_GCM
Server Groningen, Netherlands, ASN33915 (TNF-AS, NL),
Reverse DNS
Apache /
Resource Hash
Security Headers
Name Value
Content-Security-Policy default-src 'none';base-uri 'none';manifest-src 'self';script-src 'nonce-NXlwZWtaU1lZK1lBaEFmTCtoVVM4ZUpUcldXaENNbkoyS3VOUTBrQkMwZz06dldjYzM5bjNWSXg2MVhTZXZVOWloYlVFd0FmdFc2dWI3ZSs4TkNCSFB3ND0=';style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline';img-src 'self' data: blob:;font-src 'self' data:;connect-src 'self' nextcloud.propbox.nl:3478;media-src 'self';frame-src 'self' https://office.propbox.nl;frame-ancestors 'self';worker-src 'self' blob:;form-action 'self' https://office.propbox.nl
Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
X-Xss-Protection 1; mode=block

Request headers

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36
gzip, deflate, br
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36

Response headers

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:13:57 GMT
Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
default-src 'none';base-uri 'none';manifest-src 'self';script-src 'nonce-NXlwZWtaU1lZK1lBaEFmTCtoVVM4ZUpUcldXaENNbkoyS3VOUTBrQkMwZz06dldjYzM5bjNWSXg2MVhTZXZVOWloYlVFd0FmdFc2dWI3ZSs4TkNCSFB3ND0=';style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline';img-src 'self' data: blob:;font-src 'self' data:;connect-src 'self' nextcloud.propbox.nl:3478;media-src 'self';frame-src 'self' https://office.propbox.nl;frame-ancestors 'self';worker-src 'self' blob:;form-action 'self' https://office.propbox.nl
autoplay 'self';camera 'self';fullscreen 'self';geolocation 'self';microphone 'self';payment 'none'
ockhnd03zkvv=v5f8o43ci5opk9mve8sg0ljmsk; path=/; secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax oc_sessionPassphrase=k65kcXW1Q9fR205GFHgV7N9b19B18QxKFDuzLyIa5K2YU17smAghDmkyvD83Kn8mSzD1wvaPYnTn4Bsidbi0JGEIwrh5%2Bnkms40BjwXbYTy71gcWtVYnbYdr6H%2BM2%2FNg; path=/; secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax __Host-nc_sameSiteCookielax=true; path=/; httponly;secure; expires=Fri, 31-Dec-2100 23:59:59 GMT; SameSite=lax __Host-nc_sameSiteCookiestrict=true; path=/; httponly;secure; expires=Fri, 31-Dec-2100 23:59:59 GMT; SameSite=strict
max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
1; mode=block
text/html; charset=UTF-8
346 B
374 B
Full URL
Requested by
Host: nextcloud.propbox.nl
URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/login
TLS 1.3, , AES_256_GCM
Server Groningen, Netherlands, ASN33915 (TNF-AS, NL),
Reverse DNS
Apache /
Resource Hash
Security Headers
Name Value
Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
X-Xss-Protection 1; mode=block

Request headers

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36

Response headers

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:13:58 GMT
max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
1; mode=block
Thu, 08 Oct 2020 07:47:44 GMT
6 KB
2 KB
Full URL
Requested by
Host: nextcloud.propbox.nl
URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/login
TLS 1.3, , AES_256_GCM
Server Groningen, Netherlands, ASN33915 (TNF-AS, NL),
Reverse DNS
Apache /
Resource Hash
Security Headers
Name Value
Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
X-Xss-Protection 1; mode=block

Request headers

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36

Response headers

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:13:58 GMT
max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
1; mode=block
Wed, 04 Nov 2020 05:25:18 GMT
20 KB
6 KB
Full URL
Requested by
Host: nextcloud.propbox.nl
URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/login
TLS 1.3, , AES_256_GCM
Server Groningen, Netherlands, ASN33915 (TNF-AS, NL),
Reverse DNS
Apache /
Resource Hash
Security Headers
Name Value
Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
X-Xss-Protection 1; mode=block

Request headers

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36

Response headers

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:13:58 GMT
max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
1; mode=block
Thu, 08 Oct 2020 07:47:37 GMT
1 MB
418 KB
Full URL
Requested by
Host: nextcloud.propbox.nl
URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/login
TLS 1.3, , AES_256_GCM
Server Groningen, Netherlands, ASN33915 (TNF-AS, NL),
Reverse DNS
Apache /
Resource Hash
Security Headers
Name Value
Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
X-Xss-Protection 1; mode=block

Request headers

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36

Response headers

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:13:58 GMT
max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
1; mode=block
Thu, 08 Oct 2020 07:47:37 GMT
11 KB
3 KB
Full URL
Requested by
Host: nextcloud.propbox.nl
URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/login
TLS 1.3, , AES_256_GCM
Server Groningen, Netherlands, ASN33915 (TNF-AS, NL),
Reverse DNS
Apache /
Resource Hash
Security Headers
Name Value
Content-Security-Policy default-src 'none';base-uri 'none';manifest-src 'self'
Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
X-Xss-Protection 1; mode=block

Request headers

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36

Response headers

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:13:58 GMT
inline; filename="merged-template-prepend.js.gzip"
1; mode=block
Wed, 04 Nov 2020 11:19:28 GMT
max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
max-age=31536000, immutable
autoplay 'none';camera 'none';fullscreen 'none';geolocation 'none';microphone 'none';payment 'none'
default-src 'none';base-uri 'none';manifest-src 'self'
Tue, 16 Nov 2021 01:13:58 +0000
5 KB
2 KB
Full URL
Requested by
Host: nextcloud.propbox.nl
URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/login
TLS 1.3, , AES_256_GCM
Server Groningen, Netherlands, ASN33915 (TNF-AS, NL),
Reverse DNS
Apache /
Resource Hash
Security Headers
Name Value
Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
X-Xss-Protection 1; mode=block

Request headers

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36

Response headers

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:13:58 GMT
max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
1; mode=block
Thu, 08 Oct 2020 07:47:37 GMT
1 KB
652 B
Full URL
Requested by
Host: nextcloud.propbox.nl
URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/login
TLS 1.3, , AES_256_GCM
Server Groningen, Netherlands, ASN33915 (TNF-AS, NL),
Reverse DNS
Apache /
Resource Hash
Security Headers
Name Value
Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
X-Xss-Protection 1; mode=block

Request headers

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36

Response headers

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:13:58 GMT
max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
1; mode=block
Thu, 08 Oct 2020 07:47:37 GMT
6 KB
2 KB
Full URL
Requested by
Host: nextcloud.propbox.nl
URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/login
TLS 1.3, , AES_256_GCM
Server Groningen, Netherlands, ASN33915 (TNF-AS, NL),
Reverse DNS
Apache /
Resource Hash
Security Headers
Name Value
Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
X-Xss-Protection 1; mode=block

Request headers

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36

Response headers

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:13:58 GMT
max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
1; mode=block
Thu, 08 Oct 2020 07:47:44 GMT
6 KB
3 KB
Full URL
Requested by
Host: nextcloud.propbox.nl
URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/login
TLS 1.3, , AES_256_GCM
Server Groningen, Netherlands, ASN33915 (TNF-AS, NL),
Reverse DNS
Apache /
Resource Hash
Security Headers
Name Value
Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
X-Xss-Protection 1; mode=block

Request headers

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36

Response headers

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:13:58 GMT
max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
1; mode=block
Thu, 08 Oct 2020 07:47:46 GMT
11 KB
4 KB
Full URL
Requested by
Host: nextcloud.propbox.nl
URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/login
TLS 1.3, , AES_256_GCM
Server Groningen, Netherlands, ASN33915 (TNF-AS, NL),
Reverse DNS
Apache /
Resource Hash
Security Headers
Name Value
Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
X-Xss-Protection 1; mode=block

Request headers

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36

Response headers

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:13:58 GMT
max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
1; mode=block
Wed, 21 Oct 2020 04:37:50 GMT
90 KB
31 KB
Full URL
Requested by
Host: nextcloud.propbox.nl
URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/login
TLS 1.3, , AES_256_GCM
Server Groningen, Netherlands, ASN33915 (TNF-AS, NL),
Reverse DNS
Apache /
Resource Hash
Security Headers
Name Value
Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
X-Xss-Protection 1; mode=block

Request headers

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36

Response headers

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:13:58 GMT
max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
1; mode=block
Wed, 04 Nov 2020 05:25:18 GMT
12 KB
4 KB
Full URL
Requested by
Host: nextcloud.propbox.nl
URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/login
TLS 1.3, , AES_256_GCM
Server Groningen, Netherlands, ASN33915 (TNF-AS, NL),
Reverse DNS
Apache /
Resource Hash
Security Headers
Name Value
Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
X-Xss-Protection 1; mode=block

Request headers

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36

Response headers

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:13:58 GMT
max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
1; mode=block
Thu, 08 Oct 2020 07:47:37 GMT
2 KB
946 B
Full URL
Requested by
Host: nextcloud.propbox.nl
URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/login
TLS 1.3, , AES_256_GCM
Server Groningen, Netherlands, ASN33915 (TNF-AS, NL),
Reverse DNS
Apache /
Resource Hash
Security Headers
Name Value
Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
X-Xss-Protection 1; mode=block

Request headers

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36

Response headers

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:13:58 GMT
max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
1; mode=block
Thu, 08 Oct 2020 07:47:37 GMT
23 KB
6 KB
Full URL
Requested by
Host: nextcloud.propbox.nl
URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/login
TLS 1.3, , AES_256_GCM
Server Groningen, Netherlands, ASN33915 (TNF-AS, NL),
Reverse DNS
Apache /
Resource Hash
Security Headers
Name Value
Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
X-Xss-Protection 1; mode=block

Request headers

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36

Response headers

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:13:58 GMT
max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
1; mode=block
Thu, 08 Oct 2020 07:47:37 GMT
782 KB
234 KB
Full URL
Requested by
Host: nextcloud.propbox.nl
URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/login
TLS 1.3, , AES_256_GCM
Server Groningen, Netherlands, ASN33915 (TNF-AS, NL),
Reverse DNS
Apache /
Resource Hash
Security Headers
Name Value
Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
X-Xss-Protection 1; mode=block

Request headers

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36

Response headers

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:13:58 GMT
max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
1; mode=block
Thu, 08 Oct 2020 07:47:37 GMT
1 KB
693 B
Full URL
Requested by
Host: nextcloud.propbox.nl
URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/login
TLS 1.3, , AES_256_GCM
Server Groningen, Netherlands, ASN33915 (TNF-AS, NL),
Reverse DNS
Apache /
Resource Hash
Security Headers
Name Value
Content-Security-Policy default-src 'none';base-uri 'none';manifest-src 'self'
Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
X-Xss-Protection 1; mode=block

Request headers

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36

Response headers

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:13:58 GMT
inline; filename="e8ed-c841-theming.css"
1; mode=block
Sun, 15 Nov 2020 13:18:02 GMT
max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
private, max-age=86400, must-revalidate
autoplay 'none';camera 'none';fullscreen 'none';geolocation 'none';microphone 'none';payment 'none'
default-src 'none';base-uri 'none';manifest-src 'self'
Tue, 17 Nov 2020 01:13:58 +0000
246 B
499 B
Full URL
Requested by
Host: nextcloud.propbox.nl
URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/login
TLS 1.3, , AES_256_GCM
Server Groningen, Netherlands, ASN33915 (TNF-AS, NL),
Reverse DNS
Apache /
Resource Hash
Security Headers
Name Value
Content-Security-Policy default-src 'none';base-uri 'none';manifest-src 'self'
Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
X-Xss-Protection 1; mode=block

Request headers

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36

Response headers

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:13:58 GMT
attachment; filename="javascript"
1; mode=block
max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
private, max-age=3600, must-revalidate
autoplay 'none';camera 'none';fullscreen 'none';geolocation 'none';microphone 'none';payment 'none'
default-src 'none';base-uri 'none';manifest-src 'self'
Mon, 16 Nov 2020 02:13:58 +0000
85 B
150 B
Full URL
Requested by
Host: nextcloud.propbox.nl
URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/login
TLS 1.3, , AES_256_GCM
Server Groningen, Netherlands, ASN33915 (TNF-AS, NL),
Reverse DNS
Apache /
Resource Hash
Security Headers
Name Value
Content-Security-Policy default-src 'none';base-uri 'none';manifest-src 'self'
Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
X-Xss-Protection 1; mode=block

Request headers

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36

Response headers

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:13:58 GMT
attachment; filename="javascript"
1; mode=block
max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
private, max-age=3600, must-revalidate
autoplay 'none';camera 'none';fullscreen 'none';geolocation 'none';microphone 'none';payment 'none'
default-src 'none';base-uri 'none';manifest-src 'self'
Mon, 16 Nov 2020 02:13:59 +0000
1 KB
780 B
Full URL
Requested by
Host: nextcloud.propbox.nl
URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/login
TLS 1.3, , AES_256_GCM
Server Groningen, Netherlands, ASN33915 (TNF-AS, NL),
Reverse DNS
Apache /
Resource Hash
Security Headers
Name Value
Content-Security-Policy default-src 'none';base-uri 'none';manifest-src 'self';script-src 'nonce-Y21wOTZiQlkzYXBnL2NlWWtZU0paUE5FcHhiNzVyb1pPUXRlTnRQeXZhQT06S0NjL3AvMDM2c0FhckxUTjF0NzVFS1FUeW5TM3RkaExERTl2UWJxMGllWT0=';style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline';img-src 'self' data: blob:;font-src 'self' data:;connect-src 'self' nextcloud.propbox.nl:3478;media-src 'self';frame-src 'self' https://office.propbox.nl;frame-ancestors 'self';worker-src 'self' blob:;form-action 'self' https://office.propbox.nl
Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
X-Xss-Protection 1; mode=block

Request headers

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36

Response headers

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:13:58 GMT
1; mode=block
max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
autoplay 'self';camera 'self';fullscreen 'self';geolocation 'self';microphone 'self';payment 'none'
default-src 'none';base-uri 'none';manifest-src 'self';script-src 'nonce-Y21wOTZiQlkzYXBnL2NlWWtZU0paUE5FcHhiNzVyb1pPUXRlTnRQeXZhQT06S0NjL3AvMDM2c0FhckxUTjF0NzVFS1FUeW5TM3RkaExERTl2UWJxMGllWT0=';style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline';img-src 'self' data: blob:;font-src 'self' data:;connect-src 'self' nextcloud.propbox.nl:3478;media-src 'self';frame-src 'self' https://office.propbox.nl;frame-ancestors 'self';worker-src 'self' blob:;form-action 'self' https://office.propbox.nl
Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
8 KB
9 KB
Full URL
Requested by
Host: nextcloud.propbox.nl
URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/login
TLS 1.3, , AES_256_GCM
Server Groningen, Netherlands, ASN33915 (TNF-AS, NL),
Reverse DNS
Apache /
Resource Hash
Security Headers
Name Value
Content-Security-Policy default-src 'none';base-uri 'none';manifest-src 'self';script-src 'nonce-ekZJb2xoK2hudEhnWTNaZWpreEpJcWpLRkdOZXlaYmpZSVpMQVJ4alE3az06bGg5cTJGTE9xYnVhTWdVTHlSWTVWditkZVFFU212U3hWY0o2ZG5VbGQvOD0=';style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline';img-src 'self' data: blob:;font-src 'self' data:;connect-src 'self' nextcloud.propbox.nl:3478;media-src 'self';frame-src 'self' https://office.propbox.nl;frame-ancestors 'self';worker-src 'self' blob:;form-action 'self' https://office.propbox.nl
Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
X-Xss-Protection 1; mode=block

Request headers

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36

Response headers

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:13:58 GMT
1; mode=block
max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
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Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
48 KB
49 KB
Full URL
Requested by
Host: nextcloud.propbox.nl
URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/login
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Request headers

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Response headers

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:13:58 GMT
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Mon, 16 Sep 2019 15:40:26 GMT
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Mon, 16 Nov 2020 02:13:58 +0000
35 KB
35 KB
Full URL
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Host: nextcloud.propbox.nl
URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/css/guest.css?v=8d801dfe-390
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Reverse DNS
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Response headers

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:13:59 GMT
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Thu, 08 Oct 2020 07:47:37 GMT
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TLS 1.3, , AES_256_GCM
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Response headers

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:13:59 GMT
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Thu, 08 Oct 2020 07:47:37 GMT
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TLS 1.3, , AES_256_GCM
Server Groningen, Netherlands, ASN33915 (TNF-AS, NL),
Reverse DNS
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Response headers

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:13:59 GMT
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Thu, 08 Oct 2020 07:47:37 GMT
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5 KB
5 KB
Full URL
Requested by
Host: nextcloud.propbox.nl
URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/login
TLS 1.3, , AES_256_GCM
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Reverse DNS
Apache /
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Response headers

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:13:59 GMT
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Thu, 08 Oct 2020 07:47:37 GMT
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Host: nextcloud.propbox.nl
URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/login
TLS 1.3, , AES_256_GCM
Server Groningen, Netherlands, ASN33915 (TNF-AS, NL),
Reverse DNS
Apache /
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Response headers

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:13:59 GMT
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Thu, 08 Oct 2020 07:47:37 GMT
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78 KB
Full URL
Requested by
Host: nextcloud.propbox.nl
URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/apps/theming/styles?v=390
TLS 1.3, , AES_256_GCM
Server Groningen, Netherlands, ASN33915 (TNF-AS, NL),
Reverse DNS
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Request headers

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36

Response headers

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:13:59 GMT
attachment; filename="background"
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Mon, 26 Oct 2020 09:11:45 GMT
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Mon, 16 Nov 2020 02:13:59 +0000
48 KB
49 KB
Full URL
Requested by
Host: nextcloud.propbox.nl
URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/apps/theming/styles?v=390
TLS 1.3, , AES_256_GCM
Server Groningen, Netherlands, ASN33915 (TNF-AS, NL),
Reverse DNS
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Content-Security-Policy default-src 'none';base-uri 'none';manifest-src 'self';script-src 'nonce-a0hwUjJibTBUc2pVM3NWcUNJM29xZ2E2c3kzSmoyQWx6UGZLTFQvQ1lzZz06eWpjVGwvVGJlYUt1ajdZL1Q5ZVkzbEh0M2srRjNBSjMrYlA3V2xhRVZvND0=';style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline';img-src 'self' data: blob:;font-src 'self' data:;connect-src 'self' nextcloud.propbox.nl:3478;media-src 'self';frame-src 'self' https://office.propbox.nl;frame-ancestors 'self';worker-src 'self' blob:;form-action 'self' https://office.propbox.nl
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Request headers

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36

Response headers

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:13:59 GMT
attachment; filename="logo"
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Mon, 16 Sep 2019 15:40:26 GMT
max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
private, max-age=3600, must-revalidate
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Mon, 16 Nov 2020 02:13:59 +0000
394 B
515 B
Full URL
Requested by
Host: nextcloud.propbox.nl
URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/apps/side_menu/js/sideMenu.js?v=8d801dfe-390
TLS 1.3, , AES_256_GCM
Server Groningen, Netherlands, ASN33915 (TNF-AS, NL),
Reverse DNS
Apache /
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Content-Security-Policy default-src 'none';base-uri 'none';manifest-src 'self'
Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
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Request headers

application/json, text/plain, */*
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36

Response headers

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:13:59 GMT
1; mode=block
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autoplay 'none';camera 'none';fullscreen 'none';geolocation 'none';microphone 'none';payment 'none'
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Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
12 B
96 B
Full URL
Requested by
Host: nextcloud.propbox.nl
URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/apps/side_menu/js/sideMenu.js?v=8d801dfe-390
TLS 1.3, , AES_256_GCM
Server Groningen, Netherlands, ASN33915 (TNF-AS, NL),
Reverse DNS
Apache /
Resource Hash
Security Headers
Name Value
Content-Security-Policy default-src 'none';base-uri 'none';manifest-src 'self'
Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
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Request headers

application/json, text/plain, */*
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36

Response headers

Mon, 16 Nov 2020 01:13:59 GMT
1; mode=block
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default-src 'none';base-uri 'none';manifest-src 'self'
Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT

Verdicts & Comments Add Verdict or Comment

43 JavaScript Global Variables

These are the non-standard "global" variables defined on the window object. These can be helpful in identifying possible client-side frameworks and code.

function| showDirectoryPicker function| showOpenFilePicker function| showSaveFilePicker object| trustedTypes boolean| _oc_debug boolean| _oc_isadmin boolean| backendAllowsPasswordConfirmation boolean| oc_dataURL string| _oc_webroot object| _oc_appswebroots string| datepickerFormatDate number| nc_lastLogin number| nc_pageLoad object| dayNames object| dayNamesShort object| dayNamesMin object| monthNames object| monthNamesShort number| firstDay object| _oc_config object| oc_appconfig object| _theme object| _oc_capabilities function| setImmediate function| clearImmediate object| regeneratorRuntime object| _nc_event_bus object| Backbone object| dav object| _oc_l10n_registry_translations object| _oc_l10n_registry_plural_functions object| Select2 function| Snap function| _ object| OC object| OCP object| OCA function| escapeHTML function| t function| n function| isSecureViewerAvailable object| webpackJsonp function| sideMenuFocus

4 Cookies

Domain/Path Name / Value
nextcloud.propbox.nl/ Name: __Host-nc_sameSiteCookiestrict
Value: true
nextcloud.propbox.nl/ Name: __Host-nc_sameSiteCookielax
Value: true
nextcloud.propbox.nl/ Name: oc_sessionPassphrase
Value: k65kcXW1Q9fR205GFHgV7N9b19B18QxKFDuzLyIa5K2YU17smAghDmkyvD83Kn8mSzD1wvaPYnTn4Bsidbi0JGEIwrh5%2Bnkms40BjwXbYTy71gcWtVYnbYdr6H%2BM2%2FNg
nextcloud.propbox.nl/ Name: ockhnd03zkvv
Value: v5f8o43ci5opk9mve8sg0ljmsk

3303 Console Messages

Source Level URL
console-api log URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
$ is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
$ is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
$ is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
Backbone is deprecated: please ship your own, this will be removed in Nextcloud 20
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
Handlebars is deprecated: please ship your own, this will be removed in Nextcloud 20
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
$ is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api info URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
session heartbeat polling started
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
$ is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
$ is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
$ is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
$ is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
Backbone is deprecated: please ship your own, this will be removed in Nextcloud 20
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.
console-api warning URL: https://nextcloud.propbox.nl/core/js/dist/main.js?v=8d801dfe-390(Line 1)
jQuery is deprecated: The global jQuery is deprecated. It will be updated to v2.4 in Nextcloud 20 and v3.x in Nextcloud 21. In later versions of Nextcloud it might be removed completely. Please ship your own.

Security Headers

This page lists any security headers set by the main page. If you want to understand what these mean and how to use them, head on over to this page

Header Value
Content-Security-Policy default-src 'none';base-uri 'none';manifest-src 'self';script-src 'nonce-NXlwZWtaU1lZK1lBaEFmTCtoVVM4ZUpUcldXaENNbkoyS3VOUTBrQkMwZz06dldjYzM5bjNWSXg2MVhTZXZVOWloYlVFd0FmdFc2dWI3ZSs4TkNCSFB3ND0=';style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline';img-src 'self' data: blob:;font-src 'self' data:;connect-src 'self' nextcloud.propbox.nl:3478;media-src 'self';frame-src 'self' https://office.propbox.nl;frame-ancestors 'self';worker-src 'self' blob:;form-action 'self' https://office.propbox.nl
Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload
X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
X-Xss-Protection 1; mode=block


This is a term in the security industry to describe indicators such as IPs, Domains, Hashes, etc. This does not imply that any of these indicate malicious activity.
