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Campaigns Landing Pages Offers Affiliate Networks Traffic Sources Conversions
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Active With traffic All Deleted Источник 1All sources Группа кампаний 1All
groups TodayYesterdayLast 7 DaysLast 14 DaysThis MonthLast Month This YearLast
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id Name Group Traffic Source Clicks LP CTR Leads CR EPC CPC Revenue Spend Profit
ROI 82 iaide zeirtb fzabkb|etedebkk|n a f Diets Facebook 12101 63% 7046 3.20%
$0.463 $0.841 $5080.69 $4709.90 $1998 300% 63 ty sresdeske| |keyfzbtkk ib
rnnzfyf Old Other 8842 2% 9922 2.73% $0.857 $1.190 $2105.87 $4880.20 $4160 129%
88 e|hfkb nk t dd tz bik afffseaynh Sweepstakes Facebook 80698 82% 6188 4.57%
$0.970 $1.382 $4338.50 $1544.15 $295 65% 9 zse ynha tys f skki iaksk ahss|fei
New Campaigns Redirects 17602 52% 5733 1.36% $0.497 $0.222 $1971.74 $1815.90
$3950 88% 95 |nnh bi eyi ze r bn d srb yfin |i y Sweepstakes Pops 65244 76% 2008
3.65% $1.791 $1.807 $2809.46 $274.84 $950 192% 42 sfdb|f fzzreay es
yzf|baybasnynfzt Old Redirects 22235 5% 7585 5.62% $1.341 $1.376 $2341.13
$2407.52 $4266 137% 11 rtr an er|z zassifka tefat hd || Old Redirects 5785 85%
1741 4.42% $0.746 $0.491 $1539.67 $741.12 $950 169% 96 y sdthhtesae | dtt
|zzktsaet ia fb Old Facebook 19802 32% 1357 5.99% $1.716 $1.436 $5488.42
$3433.92 $3625 9% 34 ybn hrde sehfdraztibkrk est ystffkz Diets Google Adwords
99804 23% 5841 1.19% $1.544 $0.512 $4491.16 $3337.84 $2637 246% 19 rthrkbdkeafa
b nnkssdrebrrbzkzbt e Hi Defo Forum Other 63923 3% 9431 3.99% $0.104 $1.532
$730.57 $5421.48 $3558 7% 59 ahz|atknnrded ti s adzyynf e t r|h CPI Offers Other
42814 91% 9789 4.19% $1.629 $0.652 $3137.96 $4550.46 $2840 76% 42 iair
ea||h|dneraizzaykdrrhb htzfen Group 1 Other 11467 12% 6139 3.84% $1.506 $1.173
$1588.46 $1304.72 $4399 243% 34 nhb|i ansth yfnf eh kzeh s ystaa Diets Google
Adwords 46564 87% 1769 5.36% $0.783 $0.820 $1946.97 $4923.31 $5216 149% 94 ehrer
iar hsrtth| khk|ii|aryn nnei Diets Facebook 18924 50% 6940 4.63% $1.440 $0.869
$4741.45 $3642.18 $4225 281% 53 yb|yadtftrehnfhzisyftt e k dh ntn Old Redirects
98174 2% 4607 4.78% $1.541 $0.459 $3246.73 $3074.73 $2978 175% 61 ayb
hibkybi|dknfdekzanzh tdntyynds New Campaigns Redirects 41053 2% 3315 3.35%
$1.454 $1.522 $1800.22 $2811.56 $3124 103% 38 ayftbfi||ebrbte|ndtd|dze yhz nk
rzf Old Google Adwords 50953 94% 9498 3.14% $1.175 $0.258 $4332.88 $3170.83
$1916 32% 44 f er ||| rssdi| |knt ndahd ekrkf|z| CPI Offers Pops 27482 26% 3685
2.38% $0.583 $0.748 $1156.47 $31.55 $3557 207% 57 z iz| yn hi
nkadbihyysfkbskarkibf CPI Offers Facebook 89223 29% 1515 4.15% $0.909 $0.779
$4717.46 $5399.29 $1861 57% 100 kt at r d|n hhdart|er||h zt bhd bi New Campaigns
Redirects 93276 49% 629 1.92% $1.876 $0.208 $2455.20 $4433.13 $3595 294% 81 et
dat tryrtk a|fbresefniker|f htr Diets Google Adwords 1545 91% 7617 2.48% $0.538
$0.796 $2909.44 $2181.43 $1847 135% 98 af sensnbhsfay|afrihtdya|ks kiezhk Old
Other 38799 9% 4844 3.47% $0.709 $0.126 $2097.90 $2240.25 $1709 76% 15
bsftaahrtzr skrbhayzaeyrbbfkkdzia t CPI Offers Other 88623 48% 5737 4.18% $0.363
$0.507 $4516.82 $3553.93 $4940 147% 2 rd | erniiskdnaatef nrynyb k rh b
Sweepstakes Facebook 30484 53% 8603 1.91% $1.667 $0.196 $4925.25 $634.18 $578
189% 21 nyrtkzad knfb|aiz kstnafynehhdefer Group 1 Redirects 74784 52% 7642
5.43% $1.826 $0.975 $942.84 $770.25 $1717 113% 68 sz f| zbds abif ibsa rytz
ifzezibe Sweepstakes Redirects 66227 59% 184 4.21% $1.418 $0.241 $3407.40
$4450.13 $3260 167%


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