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Effective URL: https://www.getblend.com/blend-voice/voice-catalog/
Submission: On April 18 via manual from IN — Scanned from DE

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 * Homepage
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   * Multilingual SEO High ranking and discoverability
   * Multilingual Helpdesk Support your clients in their language
   BLEND Voice
   * Voice-Over Recording Service Any sound, any app, any language
   * Dubbing & Subtitling Expand your production’s reach
   * IVR & Contact Center Better voice self-service and CX
   * eLearning & Talent Development Engaging tools for diverse teams
   * Influencers Reach new audiences
   * Podcasts Speak to all the people
   * AI/Synthetic Voice Production Custom-branded, lifelike personas
   Data for AI
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   * Digital Media Go global with your multimedia
   * eCommerce Open your Web store to the world
   * Mobile Apps Increase downloads all over the world 
   * eLearning Localization Learn like a local
   By Role
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   Translators, voice actors, linguistic experts, content writers -apply here


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   * Film, TV & Animation
   * IVR & Contact Center Apps
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 * Services
   * Voice-Over Recording Service
   * AI Voice
   * Post-Production
   * Persona Design
   * VUI Design
 * Use Cases
   * Film, TV & Animation
   * IVR & Contact Center Apps
   * eLearning
   * Content Creators & Influencers
   * AI, Text-to-Speech & Virtual Assistants
   * Web Explainer Videos
   * Video Games
   * Audiobooks
   * Radio Ads & Imaging
   * Messaging On Hold
   * Podcasts
   * GPS & Telematics
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   * Overhead Messaging
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    * eLearning Localization
    * Voice Localization
    * Gaming Localization
    * App Localization
    * Multilingual SEO
    * Multilingual Helpdesk

 * Voice Services
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    * eLearning & Talent Development
    * AI & Synthetic Voice
    * Our Studios
    * Voice Actor Resources

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 * Our Offices
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    * USA Office (East Coast)Atlanta, USA
    * USA Office (West Coast)Los Angeles, USA
    * China OfficeShanghai, China
    * Romania OfficeBucharest, Romania
    * Ukraine OfficeKyiv, Ukraine

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BLEND, formerly One Hour Translation, is an end-to-end localization services
provider, empowering brands to establish a native presence in fundamentally
different markets, worldwide.


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