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* Skip to primary navigation * Skip to main content * Skip to footer Toggle navigation * Start Here * Podcast * Shop * Meet David * Media * Work with David * The Latte Factor – The Class * Start Late, Finish Rich—The Class * Blog * Books * Resources * Get David’s Newsletter * * * * GET YOUR FIRST CHAPTERS WITH WORKSHEETS FOR FREE SMART WOMEN FINISH RICH 8 STEPS TO ACHIEVING FINANCIAL SECURITY AND FUNDING YOUR DREAMS You'll also receive David's 3 Minute Sunday newsletter. WANT MY FAVORITE TIPS FOR BOTH LIFE AND MONEY? JOIN MY FREE 3 MINUTE SUNDAY NEWSLETTER. Join 7 Million+ Readers MEET DAVID David Bach is one of America’s most trusted financial experts and bestselling financial authors of our time. He has written ten consecutive New York Times bestsellers with more than seven million books in print, translated in over 19 languages. His runaway #1 bestseller The Automatic Millionaire spent 31 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list. He is one of the only business authors in history to have four books simultaneously on the Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek and USA Today bestseller lists. Over the past 20 years David has touched tens of millions through his seminars, speeches and thousands of media appearances. He has been a contributor to NBC’s Today Show appearing more than 100 times, and a regular on The Oprah Winfrey Show, ABC, CBS, Fox, CNBC, CNN, Yahoo, The View, PBS, and many more. READ MORE DAVID BACH HAS BEEN FEATURED ON … View Media Appearances YOU ARE RICHER THAN YOU THINK! LEARN MY THREE SECRETS TO FINANCIAL FREEDOM. The Latte Factor, a fast, easy read reveals how anyone – from millennials to baby boomers – can still make their dreams come true. Order Now Learn More THE LATTE FACTOR CLASS – ALL NEW! PRESENTING: THE LATTE FACTOR® ACHIEVE FINANCIAL FREEDOM AND LIVE YOUR DREAM NOW What if you didn’t need to be rich to live rich? What if there were a way you could achieve financial freedom and live your dreams now. In less than five hours – The Latte Factor Class can help you take control over your money and your life. Whether you’re just starting out in business, an employee, or you’re in debt and you just want to live the life you’ve always dreamed of “The Latte Factor” is a one day program that has inspired millions. It’s never too late to start living your dreams. Whether you are living paycheck to paycheck, or simply want to do better financially this class is for you if you’re ready for a fresh outlook on life and money. Get Access at CreativeLive FROM THE BLOG BACH WISDOM—16 TIMELESS TRUTHS TAKE THESE 16 TRUTHS EVERYWHERE YOU GO! FacebookTwitterEmailPrintTeilen 1. Always spend less than you make – your life will be much easier and less stressful. 1. Always spend less than you make – your life will be much easier and less stressful. 2. Pay yourself first – at least an hour a day of your income – you’re going to work 90,000 hours over your lifetime you should keep at least an hour a day of your income. Category: Blog, Featured Continue Reading » DAVID BACH – THE LATTE FACTOR® – WHY I WROTE THIS BOOK NOW FacebookTwitterEmailPrintTeilen Entering the working world is particularly harsh nowadays, and twenty-somethings trying to juggle their student loan debt, possible credit card debt, and low wages understandably feel discouraged and exhausted. While debt can become isolating, it's important to remember that you're not alone, and The Latte Factor (available May 7), by best-selling author David Bach is the perfect companion for those struggling to make ends meet. We had the honor of chatting with author David Bach about The Latte Factor, and he offered some additional financial wisdom for people young and old trying to manage their money. Wise Bread: David, THE LATTE FACTOR, Why You Don’t Have To Be Rich To Live Rich is your 13th book. Category: Blog, Featured Continue Reading » DAVID BACH’S GUIDE TO FINANCIAL RECOVERY FacebookTwitterEmailPrintTeilen On March 14, David Bach taped a message from the future. The personal finance expert recorded a podcast from his Florence, Italy, home that day telling his mostly U.S.-based audience what their world would soon look like. “You’re not supposed to leave your home,” Bach told listeners who hadn’t yet experienced quarantine against the new coronavirus. “Everything is closed. What’s happening in Italy is probably coming your way.” Category: Blog, Featured Continue Reading » SEE MORE POSTS UPCOMING EVENTS WANT MY FAVORITE TIPS FOR BOTH LIFE AND MONEY? JOIN MY FREE 3 MINUTE SUNDAY NEWSLETTER. Join 7 Million+ Readers GET YOUR FIRST CHAPTERS WITH WORKSHEETS FOR FREE SMART WOMEN FINISH RICH 8 STEPS TO ACHIEVING FINANCIAL SECURITY AND FUNDING YOUR DREAMS You'll also receive David's 3 Minute Sunday newsletter. STAY CONNECTED WITH DAVID * SEE MY PHOTOS * DISCUSS THE LATEST WITH ME * INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES * WATCH MY VIDEOS FEATURED BACH WISDOM—16 TIMELESS TRUTHS DAVID BACH – THE LATTE FACTOR® – WHY I WROTE THIS BOOK NOW DAVID BACH’S GUIDE TO FINANCIAL RECOVERY GET YOUR COPY TODAY! * * * * * Home * Contact * Media Archive * Work with David * Books * Blog * Latte Factor * Success Stories * Resources © 1997-2024 FinishRich Media LLC. All Rights Reserved. Privacy - Terms I am raw html block. Click edit button to change this html ✓ Danke für das Teilen! AddToAny Mehr… Official Site of David Bach. 10X New York Times Bestselling Author GET YOUR FIRST CHAPTERS WITH WORKSHEETS FOR FREE SMART COUPLES FINISH RICH 9 steps to creating a rich future for you and your partner Download Now You’ll also receive David’s 3 Minute Sunday newsletter. × GET YOUR FIRST CHAPTERS WITH WORKSHEETS FOR FREE SMART WOMEN FINISH RICH 8 steps to achieving financial security and funding your dreams Download Now You’ll also receive David’s 3 Minute Sunday newsletter. × * SUBMIT YOUR STORY Thousands of people just like you have shared their success stories with us. Now it's your turn! Share your success by filling out the form, and help motivate others to live and finish rich! Remember to submit a picture. * Name * Email * Video Testimonial URL * Your Success Story * Upload Your Picture Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif. * * Phone This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. × Notifications ShareThis Copy and Paste BDOW!