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 why it is that women wear earrings the Mythic ins the spiritual sense and also
really in the sense of reality the spiritual world is borne out by the physical
world and at the end I'll also touch on why men at times wear earrings from what
that means whether that is good or bad for men but for the time being let's talk
about the subject at hand is to why women wear earrings and to answer that
question. We'll look at the creation of man in Genesis chapter 1 Genesis 1:27
says and God created man in his own image in the image of God. He created him
male and female he created them. So if you look at this. Mankind on through
Poland in Greek the word here in the Hebrew is Adam is comprised of both male
and female. The word here for mail and Greek is audison, which means to be
robust or course the word here for female is FEI Liu with a loose which means
delicate or Tender and also has a deeper meaning from the Greek word, which
means basically to suckle children. It's a reference to woman's breasts and her
ability to nourish. But what I am interested in here is the Hebrew words because
these are very telling now typically when reading the Old Testament it's better
to read it in the Greek because the text is more reliable accurate and the
master reads had a tendency of cutting things out of the text as far as content
is concerned but where the content is the same as the Greek. In my opinion it is
safe to glean meaning from the words in the Hebrew text. So long as the content
is equal to that of the Greek and here it's basically the same. So let's look at
the Hebrew words for male and female. The Hebrew word for male here is a car
which means to remember to commemorate but the essential meaning in that is to
impress or to pierce in the active. The word here for female in Hebrew is not
cough basically means to to be pierced to be bored through now the meaning here
with these two words male and female is a card from male to pierce and the cough
or female to be pierced. I think the implications are fairly obvious, so I'm not
going to go into detail with that. But that really sets up what relationship is
between man and woman mailing. Email we have the active male in the passive
female. So, of course the piercing here is a reference to the sexual
relationship between a man and a woman and if you're interested in a deeper
explanation of that, I have a good talk on my other video on the culture of
virgins women and rape and I go into great detail there on what actually
transpires during the sexual act so I won't go into detail here with that. So
male means the peers female means to be pierced now before going on further
along to talk about the basic structure of the human body for either male or
female and to point out the obvious our bodies come in pairs. So we have two
eyes two nostrils who have two ears all our teeth come in pairs. We have two
hands two feet two arms two legs and the corresponding male and female
reproductive organs. Also come in pairs. If you consider the ovaries of woman
the testicles of a man those also go in pairs. So in that sense men and women
are the same they are you could say human assembly to translate they are on
through upon man is how the word appears in Greek. It is masculine, but the main
difference between man and woman in regards to this guess I could how quality
duality of the body and I don't mean that in any Gnostic sense. I mean thats
that everything comes in pairs. Is that the mail is active everything in his
body culminates to a single point? Whereas in the woman everything begins at a
single point and then spreads out to the two sides of her body. So you have the
outward Motion in the male body culminating in a single point. You have the
inward motion the female body beginning from a single point. And of course at
that point is where the male and female unite where the Two Become One flesh. So
in a very literal sense, you could call the male essentially extroverted. That
is to say turned outward or and you can call the female introverted that is to
say inward turning and the to complement each other and just for fun. We can
look at nature and see where this manifest subconsciously in men and women who
have probably never read this passage of scripture never thought about it never
considered it, but look at the way a woman Styles her hair in pigtails, right?
You have the hair pulled apart in two different directions.


That feels right. It looks right on a woman because it corresponds to her
nature. And if you consider in men what we call the hairstyle Mohawk or Mohican
pattered off of a hairstyle of a group of Native Americans called The Mohicans
who shave their heads to produce a mohawk or a single strand of hair going over
through the center of the head and also more widely known is the crest the
horsehair Crest on top of the Greek and Roman helmets that correspond to this
male temperament or this male instinct. Of culminating in a single point and let
me read a passage from Homer out of The Iliad showing this. So this is Robert
fagles translation, which is a decent translation. And this is The Iliad book 16
beginning in line 164 quote and over his powerful head. He set the well forged
helmet the horsehair Crest to top it tossing bristling Terror. So these are just
two simple examples of where you see this awareness of the the male and female
body. Demonstrated being expressed by individuals and cultures who have no idea
that this verse written by Moses in Genesis chapter one existing yet. They still
play it out if you will. So when talking about piercing the ears, I have to make
mention of a microcosm and the macrocosm and basically what that means is that
the reality that is born out on the large scale. Is mimicked or mirrored on the
little scale? So for example? During sexual Union between a man and woman. There
is the active piercer and the passive pierced the male and the female you could
say, that is the map. cosm this argument But when you have the woman piercing
her ears that is a microcosm. You have the same idea you have an active agent.
You have the needle piercing the lobe of the ear, right? You have the active in
you have the passive but it's a reality that's actually happening to the person
on a smaller scale which mimics and correspond and it's meant to correspond and
to signify the greater truth the greater reality. So there is continuity in the
person pain. Pressing in their physical body what happens to them on the
essential level? Which also includes your body? Of course. So it's significant
that women Pierce both ears almost without fail. I don't think I've ever seen a
woman with only one ear pierced. Now there are many men who Pierce both ears and
I'll explain what that means in my view at the end. But let me go forward from
that with women piercing both their ears. So when Adam knew Eve she can see a
divorce son in the likeness and image of Adam. So when Adam knew Eve it's not
that he accumulated facts about her. He knew her on the ontological level which
is to say he knew her and her Essence the two became one flesh. That is to say
Yves physical body became an extension of Adam. So the two were one flesh the
two bodies became one body. And so just as Adam has knowledge of his hand and a
very essential way the blood courses through his hand and you can say Adam knows
his hand he feels that he's aware of it the same way. He knows his wife Eve
because they are now one flesh through sexual Union and through that Union
through that impressing Adam upon Eve the piercing of Adam Vaughan Eve. Get the
idea of remembrance, which I stated earlier which is tied up in the meaning for
as a car and you get that through his son. So memory is not just a recollection
of the past. It's a it is a commemoration, right? So you have atoms face and you
have the face of a son which looks just like Adam. It's in His image and
likeness right? So through the piercing process. Adam now is now commemorated
himself has made a name for himself. So to speak and he does this through his
wife through Eve who was a willing participant. Because she has the capacity to
be impressed upon right to bear that image for Adam to be pierced if you will.
And it's at this time that Adam names or calls his wife Heath prior to this. She
was just being given the generic name woman. And so of course when Eve here's
this name-calling if you will she hears it with her ears obviously and so it is
appropriate the symbol of her Union with Adam also happens in her ears the place
where she hears her name her identity which she shares without him and when she
is born in having a child with Adam and remembering his likeness through her own
body. So she Pierce's her ears to signify that right? So Adam is her husband her
head and he speaks to respond.


They have a son they bear a child together. So she Pierce's her ears the place
where the words of Adam the logos of Adam comes in and resonates with her and
reproduces or commemorates his own image and likeness through the birthing of
his son another child another human being if you will. The song is born of Eve's
body and a very similar way that Eve was born of Adams body at the beginning.
Eve was taken from you could say a hole and out of side God cut a hole on the
side of Adam took his rib out and formed Eve out Body and their own out men are
born of the female body from mothers right and not from the father like Eve had
been. However, the fact that Eve was taken out of the cut or whole from Adams
body helps us to understand exactly What union means between a husband and wife?
And that brings up the word covenant. So if we look at Genesis chapter 15 verses
17 through 18, we have a ideal example of the word covenant being used again in
the Hebrew language, which is very telling so the story basically is is that
Abram God commands him to take these animals and cut them in half and a set the
left side the animal on the left side the right side on the right side. And of
course if you remember the human body is also comes in a left side and a right
side. And of course in Union between a husband and wife are split down the
middle. And so Abram does this with these animals and then Abram falls asleep
and he sees a smoking oven passed between the pieces and then he sees the
flaming torch passed between the pieces. And it says that God makes a covenant
with Abram. So in English, we say God made a covenant with Abraham wrote with
Abram. So we use the preposition with the expression in Hebrew is God cut Abram
the Covenant there is no proposition. There is God who is the subject? And then
there is Abram who is the object? So God is cutting Abraham. And then Cuts
Abraham the Covenant the Covenant is also the object. So you have a double
object there. You have Abraham and you have the Covenant and you have the cutter
Covenant maker choose God the subject and then you have the cutting so God Cuts
Abraham. So Abraham and spread these animals out like this. as proxies for
himself to make this Covenant with God And God passes through them and of course
the flame passing through the pieces is a prophecy concerning Christ the
Incarnation. So my point is that God is becoming becoming one flesh with
Abraham. So just says Adam Pierce's Eve. And splits the left from the right. So
God with mankind becomes incarnate and to show this to Abraham. He Compares in
likened it to a marriage of God piercing Abraham and much the same way as Adam
Pierce's Eve. And it's metaphor. Yes, but metaphors are real and actual. So we
see this actually fulfilled and played out when Christ becomes flesh becomes a
man like us that is God becomes one flesh with Mankind and he does that through
the virgin woman through Mary and literally as God passed through the pieces of
the animals the left and right when Christ is born of Mary. He passes through
Mary. And become one flesh with the human race. So not only do we see this in
the Incarnation in the birthing of Christ as God passing through the left and
the right sides of Mary the pieces of humanity if you will and making a covenant
with us cutting us if you will a covenant when he's been crucified. He's also
pierced in the side with a lance. Which corresponds to the creation of Eve?
Adams body when God pierced the side of Adam and took a rib out and fashioned a
bride for Adam. So in the same way Christ is pierced and what happens blood and
water flow out so we know that the church is the body of Christ and there again,
we have a picture of the macrocosm and the microcosm. So we have the essential
person of Christ to Nature's fully God fully man. His body is pierced, but it is
also the foundation Ian Stone of the body of the church, who is the bride of
Christ The Bride of God and so God Pierce's his own body.

United to himself in much the same way that a man pierce his wife and unites her
to him and she signifies this by piercing her ears. Which is the beginning place
of where she first heard his words like the Virgin Mary heard the words of
Christ the logos of Christ in her ear and conceived and bore a son and the exact
likeness of God. So we have there the double meaning of the car to pierce but
also to remember to hear to be impressed and therefore reproduce an icon of God
in the person of Christ. And of course Christ is not merely a likeness. He is
God In the Flesh so he is a perfect icon. He is God. No, I'm saying all this. I
just want to be clear that of course the Virgin Mary. Is ever virgin most holy
ever-virgin Mary Mother of God, so she was not pierced in the same way that a
normal woman is pierced earring marriage. I'm not saying that at all Mary
conceived the logos the word God through her ear. But it is very telling to us
for women who are not the mothers of God normal women. If you will why they
pierce their ears with a signifies a whites good and how it corresponds to their
nature as God created them. So having covered basically the essential meaning of
what it means for a woman to pierce your ears. You can tell. Something about a
particular individual and how she Pierce's her ears and what that might mean and
just one example I will give is what I've noticed is that when girls get
excessive piercings running up the side of the rear. I've noticed that basically
on girls who associate with effeminate men is that they're trying to maintain
their passive position by out womaning these effeminate men. So you have these
effeminate men. Act like women and the women around them want to be more womanly
than these womanly meant and they try to do that by getting excessive piercings
in their ears to outdo the men's so to speak and being women. But now going on
to why men Pierce through years. In the Old Testament, the only reason a man
would pierce his ear you notice I said their singular here is when he was going
to become a slave for life and we have this law written in Exodus 21 and verse 6
where Moses describes if a man if a slave wants to be a slave her life his owner
basically takes him to the door of his home and pierces the love of his ear
through with an awl. And that hole in his ear than signifies that this man his
self agency. He has yielded that to another person in much the same way that a
woman does to her husband, which is natural. But with a man it is going Beyond
his natural proclivity, but it is still possible in some sense to yield his own
will to Man, and he signifies that with his ear and very similar way as a woman
does by piercing both her ears. So I've heard the expression that either Pirates
we earrings or men who are homosexual wear earrings. And essentially this is
true and let me explain why so we have the understanding that a slave what we're
hearing. We have that in Antiquity and it still indicates that today. But
Pirates are men driven by their passions that is they are men without agency of
their own and they answer to the dictates of someone else or rather something
else that is their own passions. They give themselves away to their passion. So
excessively they're driven from with outside and innocence have no control and
therefore you have a stereotype of a pirate with earrings in his ear and again
still singular most of the time. And I have noticed a trend moving on to men
piercing their ears both ears. And I thought about this a lot. And the only
thing that I could think of is that typically the men that I see with excessive
piercings is either they're gay and trying to behave as women, which is
Unbecoming to them. Or they are extremely promiscuous men. That is they have sex
with a lot of women and I would say to the extent that they lose their sense of
initiative as men that they're no longer initiate. They're no longer the
piercers, even though technically they are but on a psychological level they are
driven completely by the Allure of a woman's sexuality because they've been with
so many different women. And so I've noticed that that men were either slaves.
Criminals Pirates men who are driven by passions will wear earrings again is of
course wear earrings trying to be women and then men who though even though they
may be masculine and appearance have yielded there? Point of initiation to their
own passions by being promiscuous and that we're earrings because they have
yielded up their will to their own sins.


So in these instances with men earrings are typically bad. Because it doesn't
correspond to how God made them. However with women earrings are quite
attractive, they're beautiful and quite appropriate and I believe that women
should wear earrings that they like they don't have to but if they like to I
believe they're appropriate to the feminine Instinct and temperament nature. So
we have their Zohar is the Hebrew word for male, which means to Pierce her to
memorialize to remember the main lead appears and then you have the keyboard in
a cough or female which means to be pierced. And so this indicates how a man and
woman become one flesh how they know each other through sexual Union. How a
covenant is made by two people becoming one flesh one blood and we see how God
uses this type of Covenant to join himself to the human race. Through the
Incarnation through his passion on the cross and ultimately through the church.
Who is his bride as he was the bride to Adam? And one more thing to keep in mind
is when we use these metaphors which are real actual metaphors. They're not
empty metaphors, but they actually correspond to reality when we use these
metaphors. We have to understand. That using them to describe God God existed
before the metaphor. So God made man in his own image and likeness made him male
and female. That is to say then that we can use the male and female analogy to
describe God because it was out of God's image that the male and female reality
was given to us. So it's not that we go and find a random metaphor nature and
use it to describe God as closely as we can. We were giving the metaphor of male
and female out of God himself as a likeness and the creation of man and the
image and likeness of God and God making us male and female. So I hope that
helps in understanding why women wear earrings and what it signifies and that
nature is consistent and beautiful as God.











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