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Amazon and Google are vying for dominance in transactions.

Though they’ve scaled back on launching their own financial services products,
they’re doubling down on their partnerships and investments in the space.

In this webinar, our expert dives into their fintech strategies, revealing how
big tech is expanding its reach across geographies and offerings.

From ramping up their AI initiatives to honing in on loyalty tech, discover
where these giants are focusing their efforts, and how they’re set to transform
the way we buy.

This webinar will be available on September 19th, register now and be the first
to receive the recording.



 * Principal Analyst

Laura Kennedy leads CB Insights' payments technology and digital engagement

Prior to joining CB Insights, Laura was a Vice President of Retail Insights at
Kantar, where she led research on retail and shopper trends in the US market,
with a specialty in big-box retail.

Before Kantar, Laura was a reporter and editor for the Kiplinger Letter, a
weekly business forecasting publication in Washington, DC, where she covered
retail and business law.

Laura Kennedy leads CB Insights' payments technology and digital engagement

Prior to joining CB Insights, Laura was a Vice President of Retail Insights at
Kantar, where she led research on retail and shopper trends in the US market,
with a specialty in big-box retail.

Before Kantar, Laura was a reporter and editor for the Kiplinger Letter, a
weekly business forecasting publication in Washington, DC, where she covered
retail and business law.

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