Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

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Submission: On October 03 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM


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                <h1 class="dark-blue-text" id="homeheading">Deck 7 helps busy marketers succeed<br>with their brand awareness and lead generation campaigns.<br>Deck 7 is Demand Generation. At Scale.</h1>
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                  <p class="text-center" style="text-align: center !important;"><a class="ReadmoreTitlecss c-pointer" href="">Brands</a>, <a class="ReadmoreTitlecss c-pointer" href="">agencies</a>,
                    <a class="ReadmoreTitlecss c-pointer" href="">platforms</a> and <a class="ReadmoreTitlecss c-pointer" href=""> publishers</a> rely on Deck 7 for lead acquisition at scale. Our
                    clients and partners consider us one of the <a class="ReadmoreTitlecss c-pointer" href="">top lead generation companies in the world</a> and the best lead generation company in the US for
                    business-to-business marketing.</p>
                  <p class="text-center" style="text-align: center !important; font-size:24px;line-height: 31px;">Clients leverage our team of over 400 professionals for 3,700+ campaigns each year across 16
                    <a class="ReadmoreTitlecss c-pointer" href="">industries and verticals</a>. Our reach includes 274+ million decision makers worldwide through direct email and phone, besides other channels like social,
                    search, display and connected devices.</p>
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                <p class="text-center" style="text-align: center !important;">By customizing well-tested go-to-market strategies and frameworks, like the
                  <a target="_blank" class="ReadmoreTitlecss c-pointer" href="">Forrester B2B Revenue Waterfall</a> and the
                  <a class="ReadmoreTitlecss c-pointer" href="">Deck 7 Framework for Digital™</a> we use an optimized mix of inbound marketing and outbound marketing approaches powered by data and intelligence
                  to target, detect, engage, prioritize, and close the desired opportunity mix with the buying groups at your new and existing accounts.</p>
                <p class="text-center" style="text-align: center !important; font-size:24px;line-height: 31px;">We help you reach your audience where they are, at the right time, and with the right message by orchestrating campaigns with the right
                  mix of channels across email, web, mobile, social, search, display, and then retargeting the engaged audience across their buying journey.</p>
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                <p class="text-center mb-0" style="text-align: center !important;font-size:24px;line-height: 31px;">Clients leverage us as an extension of their marketing teams enjoying the support of our resources and experience with demand
                  generation, data, intelligence, technology, media, events, and managed services.</p>
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                <h2 class="PrimaryColor">CLIENTS COME TO US FOR...</h2>
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                  <h2 class="PrimaryColor m-mb-0-ta-l">Demand Generation</h2>
                  <p class="m-mb-0 HighlightedtPara">Deck 7 assists you in quickly scaling your sales faster with ROI-driven B2B lead generation campaigns. We maximize lead acquisition through our multichannel lead generation strategies. We make
                    marketers’ tasks easier at every stage of the lead generation process.</p>
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                  <h2 class="PrimaryColor m-mb-0-ta-l">Account-Based Marketing &amp; Sales</h2>
                  <p class="m-mb-0 HighlightedtPara">Elevate account-based marketing for your company by leveraging Deck 7's expertise. We help you align and bring clarity and transparency to your marketing and sales teams through our laser-focused
                    account-based marketing strategies. We hit the right audience for you!</p>
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                  <h2 class="PrimaryColor m-mb-0-ta-l">Performance Marketing</h2>
                  <p class="m-mb-0 HighlightedtPara">Our performance marketing strategies are composed of multi-channel campaigns such as emails, display, social, search marketing and technology for our clients. Our tech approach and best practices
                    keep our team ahead of the pack in this competitive bench.</p>
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                  <h2 class="PrimaryColor m-mb-0-ta-l">Content Marketing</h2>
                  <p class="m-mb-0 HighlightedtPara">Content marketing is our game! From building content strategy to content creation, publishing to promotion, our industry-specific content marketing services’ groundwork is plotted for a website,
                    email campaigns, ad banners and more that are result-proof, engaging and intriguing.</p>
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                  <h2 class="PrimaryColor m-mb-0-ta-l">Data Intelligence</h2>
                  <p class="m-mb-0 HighlightedtPara">Our cohesive data management services are structured to provide visibility into strategies that result in accurate collection, storage, organization, and usage. We help you break down data silos
                    and unify data to enable real-time predictive insights.</p>
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                  <h2 class="PrimaryColor m-mb-0-ta-l">Technology Services</h2>
                  <p class="m-mb-0 HighlightedtPara">Deck 7 helps you create the most sorted, custom responsive website design that functions across all browsers and operating systems. Our high-end mobile app development services deliver consistent
                    designs keeping an impactful appearance, smooth operation, and easy navigation.</p>
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                  <h2 class="PrimaryColor m-mb-0-ta-l">Revenue Operations</h2>
                  <p class="m-mb-0 HighlightedtPara">Explore the streams of marketing solutions and the best processes in support for optimum sales outcomes by Deck 7 for your business. Deck 7 promotes productivity and quality when it comes to its
                    marketing services and solutions dedicated to business leaders to help them scale leads and revenues.</p>
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                                  <p class="dark-blue-text dark-blue-text-mb" style="line-height: 28px;">Our collaboration with Media7 as our exclusive media partner worked very well. They promoted our event within their extensive network. We also
                                    leveraged LinkedIn and the eWOW podcast which has audience in over 35 countries to promote the event. The excitement around the event was huge and we had 50% of the tickets sold within the first week of announcing
                                    the summit. </p>
                                  <cite class="cite_align" style="font-style: normal; font-weight: bolder;">Rashim Mogha, Founder</cite>
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                                  <p class="dark-blue-text dark-blue-text-mb" style="line-height: 28px;">You made a real difference. There was very little time before the webinar but thanks for getting this going so quickly. Your team makes my job
                                    easier. </p>
                                  <cite class="cite_align" style="font-style: normal; font-weight: bolder;">Kathryn McDonagh, Head of EMEA Marketing</cite>
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                                  <p class="dark-blue-text dark-blue-text-mb" style="line-height: 28px;">We really appreciate the improvements your team have made. We have seen an uptick in live viewerships. I do appreciate this – you guys are the
                                    best! </p>
                                  <cite class="cite_align" style="font-style: normal; font-weight: bolder;">Kristen Huber, Senior Manager</cite>
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                                  <p class="dark-blue-text dark-blue-text-mb" style="line-height: 28px;">We appreciate our partnership and look forward to an exciting year. </p>
                                  <cite class="cite_align" style="font-style: normal; font-weight: bolder;">Kiran Shah, Global Head, Professional Services</cite>
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                                  <p class="dark-blue-text dark-blue-text-mb" style="line-height: 28px;">Thank you for setting up the appointments. Really pleased with how the team exceeded our expectations. </p>
                                  <cite class="cite_align" style="font-style: normal; font-weight: bolder;">Abhyuday Chauhan, Head of Marketing</cite>
                                  <img src="App_Themes/deck7V2/images/Trunexa.png" alt="eWOW" class="logo_width" height="44" style="height: 27px; margin-top: -12px;">
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                                  <p class="dark-blue-text dark-blue-text-mb" style="line-height: 28px;">We looked at you as our extended team as collaboration is the key for success and you delivered on all fronts. </p>
                                  <cite class="cite_align" style="font-style: normal; font-weight: bolder;">Charudatta Daithankar, Account Manager</cite>
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                                  <p class="dark-blue-text dark-blue-text-mb" style="line-height: 28px;">We had a good start and please continue with the efforts. Appreciate the team. </p>
                                  <cite class="cite_align" style="font-style: normal; font-weight: bolder;">Swapnil Bhagwat, Vice President of Marketing</cite>
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                    <li>Data from 5,619 live and on-demand webinars</li>
                    <li>Worldwide webinar audiences across 16 industries</li>
                    <li>IT, HR, marketing, sales, and finance webinars</li>
                    <li>Webinars from large enterprises to small and mid-market companies</li>
                    <li>Benchmark results for registrations, attendee rate, viewing time, and more </li>
                    <li>Top 12 webinar software companies</li>
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 * Why Deck 7
 * Solutions
   * Demand
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   * Performance
     * SEO, PPC and Social
       * Organic Search
         * SEO
         * Enterprise SEO
         * Local SEO
         * Google Local Services Ads
         * SEO Audits
         * Core Web Vitals Optimization
       * PPC Advertising
         * PPC Management
         * Enterprise PPC Management
         * Programmatic Advertising
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         * Social Media Advertising
         * Enterprise Social Media Advertising
         * Social Media Management
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   IT and Technology Banking, Accounting and Financial Services Insurance
   Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals Transportation and Logistics Entertainment,
   Travel and Hospitality Retail and Wholesale Trade Human Resources,
   Compensation and Benefits
   Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations Education, Training and
   Development NonProfits and Non-Governmental Organizations Real Estate and
   Construction Renewable Energy Chemicals and Plastics Engineering and
   Manufacturing Central, State and Local Government
 * Clients
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   * Publishers
 * Marketers
   * Event Marketers
     * In-Person, Virtual & Hybrid Events
     * Webinars: Live & On-Demand
     * Media Partnerships
   * Product Marketers
   * Channel Marketers
 * About Deck 7
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   * How We're Different
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 * Why Deck 7
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     * Organic Search
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       * Enterprise SEO
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       * Google Local Services Ads
       * SEO Audits
       * Core Web Vitals Optimization
     * PPC Advertising
       * PPC Management
       * Enterprise PPC Management
       * Programmatic Advertising
     * Social Media
       * Social Media Advertising
       * Enterprise Social Media Advertising
       * Social Media Management
   * Content
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   * Technology
   * Operations
 * Industries
   * IT and Technology
   * Banking, Accounting and Financial Services
   * Insurance
   * Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals
   * Transportation and Logistics
   * Entertainment, Travel and Hospitality
   * Retail and Wholesale Trade
   * Human Resources, Compensation and Benefits
   * Central, State and Local Government
   * Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations
   * Education, Training and Development
   * NonProfits and Non-Governmental Organizations
   * Real Estate and Construction
   * Renewable Energy
   * Chemicals and Plastics
   * Engineering and Manufacturing
 * Clients
   * Brands
   * Agencies
   * Platforms
   * Publishers
 * Marketers
   * Event Marketers
     * In-Person, Virtual & Hybrid Events
     * Webinars: Live & On-Demand
     * Media Partnerships
   * Product Marketers
   * Channel Marketers
 * About Deck 7
   * Who We Are
   * How We Work With Clients
   * How We're Organized
   * How We're Different

we help marketers
in the happiness of pursuit

we help marketers in the happiness of pursuit

we help marketers in the happiness of pursuit

Every one of these happy people is a Deck 7 client
See what they say

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Brands, agencies, platforms and publishers rely on Deck 7 for lead acquisition
at scale. Our clients and partners consider us one of the top lead generation
companies in the world and the best lead generation company in the US for
business-to-business marketing.

Clients leverage our team of over 400 professionals for 3,700+ campaigns each
year across 16 industries and verticals. Our reach includes 274+ million
decision makers worldwide through direct email and phone, besides other channels
like social, search, display and connected devices.





By customizing well-tested go-to-market strategies and frameworks, like the
Forrester B2B Revenue Waterfall and the Deck 7 Framework for Digital™ we use an
optimized mix of inbound marketing and outbound marketing approaches powered by
data and intelligence to target, detect, engage, prioritize, and close the
desired opportunity mix with the buying groups at your new and existing

We help you reach your audience where they are, at the right time, and with the
right message by orchestrating campaigns with the right mix of channels across
email, web, mobile, social, search, display, and then retargeting the engaged
audience across their buying journey.

 * Email
 * Web
 * Mobile
 * Social
 * Search
 * Display
 * Voice

Clients leverage us as an extension of their marketing teams enjoying the
support of our resources and experience with demand generation, data,
intelligence, technology, media, events, and managed services.

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Deck 7 assists you in quickly scaling your sales faster with ROI-driven B2B lead
generation campaigns. We maximize lead acquisition through our multichannel lead
generation strategies. We make marketers’ tasks easier at every stage of the
lead generation process.

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Elevate account-based marketing for your company by leveraging Deck 7's
expertise. We help you align and bring clarity and transparency to your
marketing and sales teams through our laser-focused account-based marketing
strategies. We hit the right audience for you!

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Our performance marketing strategies are composed of multi-channel campaigns
such as emails, display, social, search marketing and technology for our
clients. Our tech approach and best practices keep our team ahead of the pack in
this competitive bench.

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Content marketing is our game! From building content strategy to content
creation, publishing to promotion, our industry-specific content marketing
services’ groundwork is plotted for a website, email campaigns, ad banners and
more that are result-proof, engaging and intriguing.

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Our cohesive data management services are structured to provide visibility into
strategies that result in accurate collection, storage, organization, and usage.
We help you break down data silos and unify data to enable real-time predictive

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Deck 7 helps you create the most sorted, custom responsive website design that
functions across all browsers and operating systems. Our high-end mobile app
development services deliver consistent designs keeping an impactful appearance,
smooth operation, and easy navigation.

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Explore the streams of marketing solutions and the best processes in support for
optimum sales outcomes by Deck 7 for your business. Deck 7 promotes productivity
and quality when it comes to its marketing services and solutions dedicated to
business leaders to help them scale leads and revenues.

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> Our collaboration with Media7 as our exclusive media partner worked very well.
> They promoted our event within their extensive network. We also leveraged
> LinkedIn and the eWOW podcast which has audience in over 35 countries to
> promote the event. The excitement around the event was huge and we had 50% of
> the tickets sold within the first week of announcing the summit.
> Rashim Mogha, Founder

> You made a real difference. There was very little time before the webinar but
> thanks for getting this going so quickly. Your team makes my job easier.
> Kathryn McDonagh, Head of EMEA Marketing

> We really appreciate the improvements your team have made. We have seen an
> uptick in live viewerships. I do appreciate this – you guys are the best!
> Kristen Huber, Senior Manager

> We appreciate our partnership and look forward to an exciting year.
> Kiran Shah, Global Head, Professional Services

> Thank you for setting up the appointments. Really pleased with how the team
> exceeded our expectations.
> Abhyuday Chauhan, Head of Marketing

> We looked at you as our extended team as collaboration is the key for success
> and you delivered on all fronts.
> Charudatta Daithankar, Account Manager

> We had a good start and please continue with the efforts. Appreciate the team.
> Swapnil Bhagwat, Vice President of Marketing

Set In Motion Your Brand Reach and Revenue Growth to Newer Heights.

Through data and intel driven marketing strategies and proven multi-industry
results, our experts will help exceed your marketing goals and maximizing ROI.


Join our community of 1,85,000+ really smart and fun people from across the
world who generously share their ideas, learnings, and resources with each
other. We’ll also send a short summary directly to your inbox never more than
once a week.


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The 2019 Webinar Benchmarks Report is here!

Get your copy now and check out the very latest trends in webinar benchmarks.

 * Data from 5,619 live and on-demand webinars
 * Worldwide webinar audiences across 16 industries
 * IT, HR, marketing, sales, and finance webinars
 * Webinars from large enterprises to small and mid-market companies
 * Benchmark results for registrations, attendee rate, viewing time, and more
 * Top 12 webinar software companies

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