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Submission: On August 31 via manual from IN
Submission: On August 31 via manual from IN
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8 forms found in the DOMName: site-search — GET /s/ref=nb_sb_noss
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<span id="price_block_currency_symbol_ww" class="a-size-medium a-color-price a-price-symbol">₹</span><!--Adding space based
on hasSpace --><!--To remove span
space--><!--To remove
span space--><span class="a-size-medium a-text-bold"><!--To
remove span space--><span id="tp_price_block_total_price_ww" class="a-price" data-a-size="m" data-a-color="price"><span class="a-offscreen">₹549.00</span><span aria-hidden="true"><span class="a-price-symbol"></span><span
class="a-price-whole">549<span class="a-price-decimal">.</span></span><span class="a-price-fraction">00</span></span></span><!--To remove
span space--></span><!--To remove
span space-->
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<span id="tp_options_detail" class="a-size-base aok-hidden"> Includes selected options. </span>
<span id="tp_monthly_options_detail" class="a-size-base aok-hidden"> Includes initial monthly payment and selected options. </span>
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<span id="display-string" class="a-size-base">Price</span>
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<span class="a-offscreen"></span>
<span aria-hidden="true">
<span> (</span><!-- Adding comment to avoid span
space--><!-- Adding comment to avoid span
space--><span class="a-price-symbol">₹</span><!-- Adding space based on
hasSpace--><!-- To remove span
space--><!-- To remove span
space--><span class="a-price-whole">549<span class="a-price-decimal">.</span></span><span class="a-price-fraction">00</span><!-- To remove span
space--><!-- Adding comment to avoid span
space--><span>x<span id="tp-item-quantity"></span>)</span>
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<span class="a-offscreen"></span>
<span aria-hidden="true">
<span id="price-sign-string" class="a-size-base"></span>
<span class="a-price-symbol">₹</span><!-- Adding space based on
hasSpace--><!-- To remove span
space--><!-- To remove span
space--><span class="a-price-whole">549<span class="a-price-decimal">.</span></span><span class="a-price-fraction">00</span><!-- To remove span
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<div class="a-fixed-right-grid-col a-col-left" style="padding-right:4%;float:left;">
<span id="display-string" class="a-size-base">Subtotal</span>
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<span class="a-size-medium twister-plus-subtotal-price-template">
<span id="tp-tool-tip-subtotal-price-currency-symbol" class="a-size-medium a-color-price a-price-symbol">₹</span><!-- Adding space based on
hasSpace--><!--To remove span
space--><!--To remove span
space--><span class="a-size-medium a-text-bold"><!--To
remove span space--><span id="tp-tool-tip-subtotal-price-value" class="a-price" data-a-size="m" data-a-color="price"><span class="a-offscreen">₹549.00</span><span aria-hidden="true"><span class="a-price-symbol"></span><span
class="a-price-whole">549<span class="a-price-decimal">.</span></span><span class="a-price-fraction">00</span></span></span><!--To remove span
space--></span><!--To remove span
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<div class="a-fixed-right-grid-col a-col-left" style="padding-right:4%;float:left;">
<span id="display-string" class="a-size-base">Subtotal</span>
<div id="tp-monthly-payment-subtotal-price" class="a-text-right a-fixed-right-grid-col a-col-right" style="width:110px;margin-right:-110px;float:left;">
<div id="twister-plus-order-level-monthly-payments-section" class="a-section aok-hidden">
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<span class="a-text-bold">Initial payment breakdown</span>
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<div id="tp-tool-tip-footnote-section" class="a-section a-spacing-small">
<span id="tp-footnote-text" class="a-size-small a-color-secondary">Shipping cost, delivery date and order total (including tax) shown at checkout.</span>
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<span id="tp-tool-tip-item-strings" data-item-count-plural-template=" (###itemQuantity items)" data-item-count-singular-template=" (###itemQuantity item)">
<span id="tp-tool-tip-footnote-string" data-monthly-payment-footnote-template="Monthly payments apply to the main item only, not to enhancements.">
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<option value="2">2 </option>
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<option value="6">6 </option>
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<option value="8">8 </option>
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<option value="12">12 </option>
<option value="13">13 </option>
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<option value="15">15 </option>
<option value="16">16 </option>
<option value="17">17 </option>
<option value="18">18 </option>
<option value="19">19 </option>
<option value="20">20 </option>
<option value="21">21 </option>
<option value="22">22 </option>
<option value="23">23 </option>
<option value="24">24 </option>
<option value="25">25 </option>
<option value="26">26 </option>
<option value="27">27 </option>
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<option value="29">29 </option>
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Customer Review: RONCUVITA Omega 3-6-7-9 Flex seeds oil - 60 Capsules See full review SPOT LABS PRIVATE LIMITED Onsite Associates Program Amazon Influencer RONCUVITA™ OMEGA 3-6-7-9 FLAX SEEDS WHOLE SEA BUCKTHORN WILD BERRIES SEA BUCKTHORN OIL - 60 SOFT GELS Visit the RONCUVITA Store 4.2 out of 5 stars 41 ratings -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M.R.P.: ₹899.00 Deal of the Day: ₹549.00 (₹9.15 / count) Ends in 13h 53m 04s Deal has ended You Save: ₹350.00 (39%) Inclusive of all taxes FREE delivery: Thursday, Sep 2 Details Fastest delivery: Tomorrow Order within 13 hrs and 28 mins Details SAVE EXTRA WITH 3 OFFERS Bank Offer (2): Get up to Rs 1250 Amazon Pay Gift Card with Citi Credit EMI transactions See All Bank Offer (2): Get up to Rs 1250 Amazon Pay Gift Card with Citi Credit EMI transactions See All No Cost EMI: Avail No Cost EMI on select cards for orders above ₹3000 Details No Cost EMI: Avail No Cost EMI on select cards for orders above ₹3000 Details Partner Offers: Get GST invoice and save up to 28% on business purchases. Sign up for free Details Partner Offers: Get GST invoice and save up to 28% on business purchases. Sign up for free Details See 1 more Pay on Delivery Not Returnable Amazon Delivered No-Contact Delivery What is Pay on Delivery (Cash/Card)? Pay on Delivery (Cash/Card) payment method includes Cash on Delivery (COD) as well as Debit card / Credit card / Net banking payments at your doorstep. Amazon Delivered Amazon directly manages delivery for this product. Order delivery tracking to your doorstep is available. No-Contact Delivery Delivery Associate will place the order on your doorstep and step back to maintain a 2-meter distance. No customer signatures are required at the time of delivery. For Pay-on-Delivery orders, we recommend paying using Credit card/Debit card/Netbanking via the pay-link sent via SMS at the time of delivery. To pay by cash, place cash on top of the delivery box and step back. Best Before: 31 Dec 2022 In stock. Sold by SPOT LABS PRIVATE LIMITED and Fulfilled by Amazon. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIMILAR ITEM TO CONSIDER Amazon Brand - Solimo Natural Flaxseed Oil Omega-3 500mg - 90 Softgels 424.00 (100) Special Ingredients Black Seed Oil Brand RONCUVITA Item Form Softgel Ingredients Omega 3, flex seeds Material Feature Plant Based Net Quantity 60.00 count -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT THIS ITEM * Perfect Ratio Of Omega 3-6-7-9: Roncuvita Omega 3-6-7-9 softgels have a perfect ratio of the fatty acids. This supplement carries some EFA i.e essential fatty acids that can't be prepared by the body and only diet can fulfill its requirements. These Roncuvita softgels are prepared in a perfect balance that aim to uplift the health conditions. * Combination Of Black Seeds, Flax Seeds, and Seabuckthorn: Roncuvita Omega 3-6-7-9 softgels possess an effective combination of 700 mg flaxseed oil, 200 mg of black seed oil, and 100 mg of seabuckthorn oil. The Omega 7 fatty acids derived from seabuckthorn oil, Omega 9 fatty acids from black seeds, along with Omega 3 and Omega 6 contribute towards cardiovascular and cognitive health. * Health Advantages: Roncuvita Omega fatty acids formula is a complete Omega health supplement. Apart from essential fatty acids of Omega 3 and 6, the body also requires Omega 7 and 9. * Potent, Effective, And Safe Formula: Roncuvita Omega 3-6-7-9 may help in building metabolism, enhancing immunity, reducing inflammation, and bolstering heart and cognitive strength. It is fit for men and women and possesses no heavy metals, no flavours, or toxic substances. It is a plant based omega formula that is safe and healthy for all. * Dosage: 1000 MCG Roncuvita Omega 3-6-7-9 softgels’ packaging includes 60 capsules. It is advised to take one softgel per day. Roncuvita Omega 3 fatty acids capsules for men and women, with Omega 6, Omega 7, and Omega 9 are blended carefully. These can be gulped in easily, and are made with healthy and high-quality ingredients. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FREQUENTLY BOUGHT TOGETHER * * + * Total price:₹1,098.00 To see our price, add these items to your cart. Add both to Cart Choose items to buy together. * This item: RONCUVITA™ Omega 3-6-7-9 Flax seeds Whole Sea Buckthorn Wild Berries Sea Buckthorn Oil - 60 Soft Gels ₹549.00 (₹9.15/count) In stock. Sold by SPOT LABS PRIVATE LIMITED and ships from Amazon Fulfillment. FREE Shipping * RONCUVITA™ Grade A Ginkgo Biloba Pure Extract 500 mg Capsule for Healthy Brain Function, Memory Focus & Mental Clarity | Stress Buster & Improves Circulation, 60 Vegetarian Capsules ₹549.00 (₹9.15/count) In stock. Sold by SPOT LABS PRIVATE LIMITED and ships from Amazon Fulfillment. FREE Shipping -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUSTOMERS WHO VIEWED THIS ITEM ALSO VIEWED Page 1 of 1 Start overPage 1 of 1 Previous page 1. Carbamide Forte Cold Pressed Organic Flaxseed Oil 1000mg Omega 3 6 9 –120 Capsules 4.2 out of 5 stars 1,337 #1 Best Sellerin Flax Seed Oil ₹499.00₹499.00 Get it by Thursday, September 2 FREE Delivery over ₹499. Fulfilled by Amazon. 2. RONCUVITA Omega 3 Triple Strength Fish Oil, 1250 mg Serves, EPA- 550 / DHA 350 mg- 60 Softgels 4.6 out of 5 stars 92 ₹570.00₹570.00 Get it by Thursday, September 2 FREE Delivery over ₹499. Fulfilled by Amazon. 3. Carbamide Forte Cold Pressed Flaxseed Oil Capsules 1250mg Omega 3 6 9-60 Capsules 4.1 out of 5 stars 559 ₹349.00₹349.00 Get it by Thursday, September 2 FREE Delivery over ₹499. Fulfilled by Amazon. 4. Vitawin Sea Buckthorn Capsules (Pack Of 60 Capsules); 500 mg For Healthy Heart, Immunity Power & Body Detox (1) 4.3 out of 5 stars 97 ₹548.00₹548.00 Get it by Thursday, September 2 FREE Delivery over ₹499. Fulfilled by Amazon. 5. RONCUVITA™ Grade A Ginkgo Biloba Pure Extract 500 mg Capsule for Healthy Brain Function, Memory Focus & Mental Clarity |… 3.9 out of 5 stars 34 ₹549.00₹549.00 Get it by Sunday, September 5 FREE Delivery over ₹499. Fulfilled by Amazon. 6. RONCUVITA Vegan Omega 3 6 9, ALA, 500mg, 60 Vegan Capsules 5.0 out of 5 stars 13 ₹499.00₹499.00 Get it by Sunday, September 5 FREE Delivery over ₹499. Fulfilled by Amazon. Next page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRODUCTS RELATED TO THIS ITEM SPONSORED HIDE FEEDBACK Page 1 of 1Start overPage 1 of 1 Previous page of related Sponsored Products 1. Feedback RONCUVITA™ Salmon Omega 3 Fish Oil 1000mg Fatty Acids Supplement For Brain,… 21 ₹499.00 2. Feedback RONCUVITA™ Omega 3 Fish Oil Ultra Pure EPA-180 DHA Fatty Acids Supplement For Brain... 11 ₹380.00 3. Feedback RONCUVITA Omega 3 Triple Strength Fish Oil, 1250 mg Serves, EPA- 550 / DHA 350 mg- ... 92 ₹570.00 4. Feedback RONCUVITA Vegan Omega 3 6 9, ALA, 500mg, 60 Vegan Capsules 13 ₹499.00 5. Feedback Nordic Naturals, Ultimate Omega, Lemon, 1000 mg, 60 Soft Gels 2,574 ₹4,300.00 6. Feedback Swisse Ultiboost Odourless High Strength Wild Fish Oil with (1500 mg) Omega 3 for I... 863 ₹649.00 7. Feedback Roncuvita Fish Oil Omega-3 Advance, Strength 1100mg EPA 360mg/ DHA 240mg… 7 ₹370.00 8. Feedback WOW Omega-3 Fish Oil Triple Strength 1000mg (550mg EPA; 350mg DHA; 100mg Other… 18,344 Best Seller Limited time deal ₹799.00 List: ₹899.00 (11% off) 9. Feedback Nveda Omega 3 Supplements (1000 mg Omega 3, with 180 mg EPA & 120 mg DHA)… 3,856 ₹630.00 10. Feedback Wuze Sea buckthorn Seed Extract (Anti oxidant and Immunity Booster) 500 MG- 60… 60 ₹449.00 Next page of related Sponsored Products -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRODUCT DESCRIPTION CONTAINS ESSENTIAL OMEGA 3 FATTY ACIDS Roncuvita Omega 3-6-7-9 capsules contain Omega 3 fatty acids that are the essential fatty acids required to the body. These polyunsaturated fats can’t be produced by the body and hence, potent Omega 3 fatty acids capsules can work wonders on the body. Roncuvita Omega softgels include a wise proportion of Omega 3 that is known to reduce sadness, and reducing the chances of fatty liver. INFUSED WITH THE POWER OF OMEGA 6 Omega 6 fatty acids are also the essential fats that are polyunsaturated fatty acids. Roncuvita Omega 3-6-7-9 softgels rich in Omega 6 aim to restore the lost energies. It is because Omega 6 is known to provide energy. This effective supplement may help in reducing inflammation and fat mass. INCOMPLETE WITHOUT OMEGA 9 FATTY ACIDS Roncuvita Omega softgels are incomplete with Omega 9 fatty acids. These include Omega 9 that might not be an essential fatty acid as the body can produce it. But, it is equally required by the body. It is monounsaturated and may help in the regulation of the insulin levels in the body. It can also help in reducing the inflammation. Omega 9 fats are common in seeds and seed oils. That is why Roncuvita's wise composition of other seed oils along with black seeds oil (from where Omega 9 is derived) may prove to be beneficial. Read more USER'S GUIDE: * Consume Roncuvita Omega 3-6-7-9 softgel everyday. * The recommended dosage is one softgel in a day. * The supplement includes plant based omega but isn't a vegan product. So, it is perfect for those who aren't following a vegan life. * It is advised to keep the packaging tightly closed after opening. RONCUVITA OMEGA 3-6-7-9 SOFTGELS 1000 MCG Roncuvita 1000 MCG Omega 3-6-7-9 softgels are derived from plant sources and possess health benefits of the EFA i.e essential fatty acids. Fatty acids being necessary for the body complete the diet and should be consumed in an appropriate quantity. Roncuvita's Omega softgels come with appropriate ratio and blend of Omega 3, 6, 7, and 9. * Product Name: Potent Roncuvita Omega 3-6-7-9 softgels. * Quantity: 1000 MCG packaging of the Roncuvita Omega 3-6-7-9 has 60 softgels. * Recommended Dosage: One softgel per day is the recommended dosage. * Unique Feature: This powerful supplement is a plant based Omega formula that has seabuckthorn oil, black seeds oil, and flax seeds oil. * It contains no additives, heavy metals or toxic substances. Therefore, it is safe for the usage. Read more POWER OF OMEGA 7 IN THE SOFTGELS Roncuvita Omega softgels include Omega 7 fatty acids that are derived from Seabuckthorn oil. It is responsible for providing a healthy skin, perfect vision, and maintained mucous membranes. Considered good with moisturizing properties, these may help to increase HDL cholesterol and decrease LDL cholesterol. WITH THE POWER OF ESSENTIAL INGREDIENTS Roncuvita Omega 3 fatty acid capsules or softgels include Omega 6, Omega 7, and Omega 9 too. The combination in a good proportion makes it different from other products. 700 mg flax seeds oil , 200 mg black seeds oil, and 100 mg seabuckthorn oil is the composition for this potent formula. EASY AND SAFE TO CONSUME Roncuvita Omega 3 fatty acids with Omega 6, 7, and 9 are easy to consume. The softgels are FSSAI approved and ISO certified. With no added preservatives, additives, heavy metals, toxins, or flavours, it is a safe product for the usage. Read more SPECIAL OFFERS AND PRODUCT PROMOTIONS * Get up to Rs 1250 Amazon Pay Gift Card with Citi Credit EMI transactions. Here's how * 5% Instant Discount on HSBC Cashback Card Transactions. Here's how * No cost EMI available on select cards. Please check 'EMI options' above for more details. Here's how * Get GST invoice and save up to 28% on business purchases. Sign up for free Here's how * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRODUCT INFORMATION TECHNICAL DETAILS Manufacturer RONCUVITA Country of Origin India Item part number Omega3679 Package Dimensions 12.2 x 6.3 x 6.2 cm; 120 Grams ASIN B08V5B4MMG ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Manufacturer RONCUVITA Item Weight 120 g Net Quantity 60.00 count FEEDBACK Would you like to tell us about a lower price? IMPORTANT INFORMATION INGREDIENTS: Omega 3, flex seeds -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRODUCTS RELATED TO THIS ITEM SPONSORED HIDE FEEDBACK Page 1 of 1Start overPage 1 of 1 Previous page of related Sponsored Products 1. Feedback RONCUVITA™ Salmon Omega 3 Fish Oil 1000mg Fatty Acids Supplement For Brain,… 21 ₹499.00 2. Feedback Roncuvita Focus Brain & Memory, 800mg 60-Veg Capsule 11 ₹610.00 3. Feedback RONCUVITA Omega 3 Triple Strength Fish Oil, 1250 mg Serves, EPA- 550 / DHA 350 mg- ... 92 ₹570.00 4. Feedback RONCUVITA Vegan Omega 3 6 9, ALA, 500mg, 60 Vegan Capsules 13 ₹499.00 5. Feedback RONCUVITA™ Omega 3 Fish Oil Ultra Pure EPA-180 DHA Fatty Acids Supplement For Brain... 11 ₹380.00 6. Feedback Roncuvita Fish Oil Omega-3 Advance, Strength 1100mg EPA 360mg/ DHA 240mg… 7 ₹370.00 7. Feedback Roncuvita Hydrolized Marine Collagen Powder, with Biotin Vitamins E & C, supplement... 12 ₹749.00 8. Feedback RONCUVITA Immunity Booster Capsules for Adults with Ashwagandha, Giloy,… 28 ₹370.00 9. Feedback RONCUVITA™ Grade A Korean Ginseng 500mg, 100 Vegetarian Capsule for Energy Vitality... 42 ₹630.00 10. Feedback Roncuvita Protein Plant and Herbs, with 23g Cold Pressed Whey Protein Concentrate, ... 28 ₹949.00 Next page of related Sponsored Products -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Customer Questions & Answers See questions and answers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUSTOMER REVIEWS 4.2 out of 5 stars 4.2 out of 5 41 global ratings 5 star 51% 4 star 28% 3 star 15% 2 star 7% 1 star 0% (0%) 0% How are ratings calculated? To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don’t use a simple average. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. It also analyses reviews to verify trustworthiness. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVIEWS WITH IMAGES See all customer images Top reviews Most recent Top reviews TOP REVIEWS FROM INDIA THERE WAS A PROBLEM FILTERING REVIEWS RIGHT NOW. PLEASE TRY AGAIN LATER. Aditi Sharma 5.0 out of 5 stars Good quality product Reviewed in India on 16 March 2021 Verified Purchase I am really impressed by the product and product quality. It's been a week I am using this and it's a value for money product as health is wealth.. So go for it Read more 2 people found this helpful Helpful Report abuse Taruna Puri 5.0 out of 5 stars Great Product Reviewed in India on 7 March 2021 Verified Purchase Liked the packaging, it has a flip opening. Containing all the natural ingredients. Full of health. Read more 2 people found this helpful Helpful Report abuse Anushka yadav 5.0 out of 5 stars Definitely the right choice for my health. Reviewed in India on 8 March 2021 Verified Purchase Omega 3 is the necessary supplement that we should take everyday. Specially this one is the best I've had till now, as it does not smell and I don't get burps that we generally get after having this supplement and it taste very bad so this one is the best to avoid it. Read more 5.0 out of 5 stars Definitely the right choice for my health. By Anushka yadav on 8 March 2021 Omega 3 is the necessary supplement that we should take everyday. Specially this one is the best I've had till now, as it does not smell and I don't get burps that we generally get after having this supplement and it taste very bad so this one is the best to avoid it. Images in this review Helpful Report abuse Mohini Panday 5.0 out of 5 stars Thanks roncuvita Reviewed in India on 25 July 2021 Verified Purchase I am giving it to my grand mother and seeing a good result on her.. as she is vegetarian so dr. recommend to give her omega 3 fatty acid and I have used this one bottle again ordering it from Amazon Read more Helpful Report abuse Jashanpreet 5.0 out of 5 stars Good, VFM product Reviewed in India on 9 March 2021 Verified Purchase Tried it and its almost 7-8 days, can see the impact on my body, value for money, made in india. No additives, taste good too. So you can gp with it. Read more 5.0 out of 5 stars Good, VFM product By Jashanpreet on 9 March 2021 Tried it and its almost 7-8 days, can see the impact on my body, value for money, made in india. No additives, taste good too. So you can gp with it. Images in this review One person found this helpful Helpful Report abuse tanveer 3.0 out of 5 stars Very low quantity of omega s Reviewed in India on 16 April 2021 Verified Purchase Omega 3 700 mg Omega 6and 9 200 mg Omega 7 100 mg Read more Helpful Report abuse pankaj 5.0 out of 5 stars Fine product Reviewed in India on 2 June 2021 Verified Purchase It is good for brain n heart nd helpful to reduce cholesterol... Read more Helpful Report abuse jagmeet bugga 4.0 out of 5 stars Genuine Reviewed in India on 2 April 2021 Verified Purchase A great product and genuine Read more Helpful Report abuse -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See all reviews Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations › View or edit your browsing history After viewing product detail pages, look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in. 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