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Submission: On August 26 via api from LU — Scanned from DE

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                            <a href="https://www3.uwsp.edu/acadaff/Pages/accreditation.aspx">Accreditation</a>
                            <a href="https://www3.uwsp.edu/about/Pages/campusMap.aspx">Campus Map</a>
                            <a href="https://www3.uwsp.edu/about/Pages/directions.aspx">Directions</a>
                            <a href="https://www3.uwsp.edu/about/Pages/directory.aspx">Directory</a>
                            <a href="https://www3.uwsp.edu/Parking/Pages/visitors.aspx">Parking</a>
                        <div class="nth"><a href="/resources">Student Resources</a>
                <!-- end main nav -->
              <!-- containers for emergency messages -->
              <div id="raveStevensPoint"></div>
              <div id="raveMarshfield"></div>
              <div id="raveWausau"></div>
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                  height: 50px !important;
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                  width: 50px !important;
                  height: 50px !important;
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              <!-- HOMEPAGE INFO MESSAGE (rave alternative for non-emergency announcements) -->
              <div id="xtraMessage" style="display: none;"></div>
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                  operation: "GetListItems",
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                  webURL: "/",
                  listName: "Homepage Message",
                  completefunc: function(xData, Status) {
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                          xtraMessageIconClass = "attn"
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                          xtraMessageIconClass = "tornado"
                        if (xtraMessageIcon === "Power Outage") {
                          xtraMessageIconClass = "powerout"
                        if (xtraMessageIcon === "Thunderstorm") {
                          xtraMessageIconClass = "thunderstorm"
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                        xtramessageObj = {
                          Text: xtraMessageText,
                          Icon: xtraMessageIconClass,
                          Campus: xtraMessageCampus
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                      if (xtraMessages[i].Icon != "noxicon") {
                        zIconCode = "<div class='xiconcc'><div class='" + xtraMessages[i].Icon + "'>&nbsp;</div></div>"
                      var theXtraMessage = "<div class='xtracont'>" + zIconCode + "<div class='xmessage'>" + xtraMessages[i].Text + "</div></div>";
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                        $("#xtraMessage").addClass("announceOn"); //make div visible
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                          <a id="ctl00_onetidProjectPropertyTitleGraphic" title="University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point" class="ms-siteicon-a" href="/">University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point<span></span></a>
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                      <div class="BreadCrumbWrap"><span sitemapproviders="SPSiteMapProvider,SPXmlContentMapProvider" hideinteriorrootnodes="true"><span class="breadcrumbCurrentNode">University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point</span></span></div>
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                                          <p>Explore more than 100 program options with 80 bachelor’s and 16 graduate degree programs. Your program choice is a click away!</p>
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                                          <a href="https://www.uwsp.edu/admissions-aid/how-to-apply/" class="fbut fbutwrd">Apply</a>
                                          <p>Learn more on how to apply to UW-Stevens Point.</p>
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                                          <p>Ask a question or receive more information from our admissions and recruitment team.</p>
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                                        <span class="landing-title-1">Welcome to</span>
                                        <span class="landing-title-2">University of Wisconsin</span>
                                        <span class="landing-title-3">Stevens Point</span>
                                        <a class="access-target" href="https://stevenspoint.university-tour.com/homepage.php" target="_blank">Discover your Purpose</a>
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                                          <div class="slidetext">
                                            <div class="headline">UW-Stevens Point Family Portal </div>
                                            <div class="text">Family members of Pointers starting in fall 2021 or 2022, stay involved with your student and UWSP through our new family portal.</div>
                                            <a href="https://uwsp.campusesp.com/users/sign_in" class="button">View</a>
                                      <div class="slide" style="width: 20%;">
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                                          <div class="slidetext">
                                            <div class="headline">Get exempt from COVID-19 Requirements</div>
                                            <div class="text">Submit your vaccination record through our secure online portal to skip daily online symptom screening, testing requirements and quarantining if you're a close contact.</div>
                                            <a href="https://www.uwsp.edu/C19TestingExemption" class="button">View</a>
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                                            <div class="headline">UW-Stevens Point Involvement Network</div>
                                            <div class="text">Get involved in campus activities, organizations and more! See what's going on at UWSP this week.</div><a href="https://spin.uwsp.edu" class="button">View</a>
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                                          <div class="slideimage"><a href="https://www.uwsp.edu/busecon/Pages/adult/default.aspx"><img src="/Homepage%20Slider/Vang,%20Sandy-3%20(1)%20copy.jpg" border="0"></a></div>
                                          <div class="slidetext">
                                            <div class="headline">Finish Up Your Degree</div>
                                            <div class="text">Sandy Vang came back to finish her bachelor's degree through our School of Business and Economics! We offer flexible schedules and credit for prior work experience. Sign up for an
                                              information session!</div><a href="https://www.uwsp.edu/busecon/Pages/adult/default.aspx" class="button">View</a>
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                                            <div class="headline">Find Vaccines</div>
                                            <div class="text">Locate clinics, pharmacies, and other locations that offer COVID-19 vaccines in our community.</div><a href="https://www.vaccines.gov/" class="button">View</a>
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//load the news data into an array from two different libraries
//get news releases
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//get UWSP in the News data
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         dataposition = dataposition + 1;

//sort the data
function compare(a,b) {
  if (a.date > b.date)
    return -1;
  if (a.date < b.date)
    return 1;
  return 0;
newzData.sort(compare); //data is now in ascending order

//write it out to the page in descending order
for(i = 1; i >= 0; i-- ){
  var liHtml = "<div class='newzrow'><div class='newzstory textstory'><h3><a href='/" + newzData[i].link + "'>" + newzData[i].title + "</a></h3><p>" + newzData[i].summary + "</p><span class='date'>" + newzData[i].month + "/" + newzData[i].day + "/" + newzData[i].year + "</span><br /></div></div>";
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Phone: 715-346-0123
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2100 Main Street
Stevens Point, WI 54481-3897

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518 South 7th Avenue
Wausau, WI 54401

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The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point occupies lands of the Ho-Chunk and
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