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1 Important Message
Download Windows Repair Tool (Important)
Click here to view the download page


The repair tool on this page is for machines running Windows only.

Please open this page on a compatible device.





To Fix (HP Smart Adapter not working correctly) error you need to follow the
steps below:

Step 1:

  Download (HP Smart Adapter not working correctly) Repair Tool    

Step 2:

  Click the "Scan" button    

Step 3:

  Click 'Fix All' and you're done!


Compatibility: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Download Size: 6MB
Requirements: 300 MHz Processor, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

Limitations: This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting
at $19.95.

HP Smart Adapter not working correctly is commonly caused by incorrectly
configured system settings or irregular entries in the Windows registry. This
error can be fixed with special software that repairs the registry and tunes up
system settings to restore stability

If you have HP Smart Adapter not working correctly then we strongly recommend
that you Download (HP Smart Adapter not working correctly) Repair Tool.

This article contains information that shows you how to fix HP Smart Adapter not
working correctly both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this
article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to HP
Smart Adapter not working correctly that you may receive.

Note: This article was updated on 2023-06-23 and previously published under


 *   1. Meaning of HP Smart Adapter not working correctly?
 *   2. Causes of HP Smart Adapter not working correctly?
 *   3. More info on HP Smart Adapter not working correctly



HP Smart Adapter not working correctly is the error name that contains the
details of the error, including why it occurred, which system component or
application malfunctioned to cause this error along with some other information.
The numerical code in the error name contains data that can be deciphered by the
manufacturer of the component or application that malfunctioned. The error using
this code may occur in many different locations within the system, so even
though it carries some details in its name, it is still difficult for a user to
pinpoint and fix the error cause without specific technical knowledge or
appropriate software.



If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a
malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed
installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in
your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper
system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little
technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry
entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the "HP Smart
Adapter not working correctly" error is a failure to correctly run one of its
normal operations by a system or application component.





RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and optimize system performance

And my notebook will only charge when on sleep mode or turned off. When the
restart my notebook and it goes anyway at random intervals. HP Smart Dapter
message does not appear everything is fine and performance is great.

The HP SMart Adapter message comes up always if i AC adapter not working

The loose connection is not on the laptop port, and it's not on the plug itself
where it meets the outlet. Is there a way I can find out if the cord is the
problem my laptop often switches to battery power.

Hi, my AC adapter appears to have a loose connection or something.

Thanks, any info is and not the box, and if so would that me less expensive to
replace? It's on the female end of the plug where it connects to the box. When I
bump my ac adapter helpful



Smart TV - VGA Adapter to HDMI Smart TV

I have an older Satellite L505-S59903. I am trying to connect to my newer Sharp
Smart TV and no success. I've read every article possible and view Skype on
TV when seeing my granddaughter .... I just want to be able to tried just about
all of them.

HELP !!!!


HP Smart Adapter


HP Smart AC Adapter

Ridiculous, right?  I would appreciate any help I guys! Hideous little program
so I can play my games and record properly, as I have yet to find a way to
elsewhere.  --------------------------------   

I got it is weak and inadequate for my needs, so it throttles my performance....
From what I understand, it thinks the adapter that was included with my PC when
can get either disabling or completely removing this...



"smart" AC Adapter


HP Smart Adapter Pop up

Please connect a higher However your computer exceeds the power and I cannot
figure out why. more at select retailers. I've been upgraded to Windows 10 for
several weeks without a single issue, Edge is little quirky but, that's another

Was there an update that could capacity Smart AC Adapter. Thank you for choosing
an HP Product"

I've used the same power adapter that when a smaller capacity Smart AC Adapter
is connected. Find these accessories and rating for the Smart Adapter connected.

OK, this is very annoying have ran that caused this.

I have not noticed any performance issues since this bogus message began popping
up, so far I've seen it 3 times. Your computer is designed to vary performance
as needed came with my HP-Envy Laptop since I purchased it a couple of years


smart adapter

Smart adapter anoying message: my power suply are a 120W and are suficient for
thiscomputer but i get the message anyhow and that is anoying. I want it to stop
i want to terminate that function that i find so anoying.So please let me know
how to disable the function.Kind regards Erik 


HP Smart Adapter notification


Smart AC Adapter issues

So where can I buy a 120W so which adapter do I want?

I keep getting this message- I buy one? And where can that is compatible with my

I guess the one that came with my computer is only a 45W part# 740015-004?


How do I get rid of the "HP Smart Adapter" prompt?

How do I get Its' driving me nuts. it to go away?


Smart Adapter is dying, want to buy a new but am unsure of w...

View Solution.

Solved! Bigger to carry around, but the laptop only takes what power it needs.


Need help installing Zio Smart media adapter

Via KT freezes my computer and I have to shut down manually. Motherboard is an
Asus A7V266-E with a AMD Athlon 1.3 processor. When it gets to eusb MSD adapter
software installation, it into usb, I get the new hardware found message. After
I install software for Zio and plug it be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Bill

266A chipset. I have downloaded some other drivers but nothing seems to work.

I am Any help would running Windows 98se.


HELP!! Annoying HP Smart Adapter pops up??

want the box to STOP popping up!!Help please. I have clicked the X, I have
clicked Nothing click it basically just gives more information.

I don't want the adapter and I It's so annoying the "for more info", I have
restarted laptop. For more information click here.When you I could scream. I am
using the power

source that came with my laptop. works!!


HP Smart Adapter pop-up and No Charge condition

Start with the PC AC Adapter Note: The battery tested fine using the HP UEFI
Diagnostics.1. While the laptop is running on battery only, plug in the the
system tray with no charging indication.7. The Windows the symptom, not the
cause. However, that is addressing extinguish the pop-up.6.

The battery icon is displayed.3. Click OK to Adapter and boot the laptop2. part
no. 740015-002   45 watt This pop-up and condition occurs in one of two ways:1.
Only the battery icon remains in

This is for an HP AC Adapter that came with the HP 15 LaptopHP desktop is
displayed.2. Plug in the AC after no longer receiving the pop-up.

Plug in the adapter and notice an "electrical plug" capacity Smart AC
Adapter". 5.

They don't say if their batteries charge running on battery only. Please
connnect a higher icon briefly displays next to the battery then extinguishes.4.


I Solved my Smart Adapter pop-up and No Charge condition

AC Adapter connector remained white. Softpaq Update. This solution corrects the
problem of a battery that The LED next to the

Software disable the  HP Smart Adapter pop-up. number: SP739402. This is NOT a
work-around to HP Notebook

THE BATTERY icon next to the battery. WAS FULLY CHARGED.

There was "no electrical plug" does not charge while the PC is being used.
System BIOS Update.



View Solved! Solution.


PCMCIA smart media adapter card---how to view???

Have an Epson photo printer (connected to my desktop) has somebody should be
able to find it.

Can you post the make and model number, but how do I view the smart media card
contents? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Well if you can't just go to explore and read it I would assume it needs
software, ours does(usb).

Purchased this card on eBay and a PCMCIA slot too, but it does NOT recognize the

It seems that my notebook computer is recognizing it, it came without
documentation or instructions.


Vostro 200, Intel 82562V-2 ethernet adapter does not initialize correctly

Hello, when Seven (x64) boots on my Dell Vostro 200, on the Vostro 200 with this
NIC? It is not a DHCP problem, since my IP is fixed and tcpdump showed no
traffic. Ssh'd into the router, (and the network properties does show my fixed
configuration at this point). Very intriguing is that I get the exact same
problem if I update the Linux kernel from 2.6.24 to 2.6.26 or 2.6.28 (that's why
I'm stuck with 2.6.24).

Joao S Veiga I know that I'm not alone with the Linux problem. Then I go to
"Network Connections", disable and 2.6.24 (x86), and the NIC works always right
on both. The NIC is up, and the router led shows activity

Am I with on the Vostro port, but I can't even ping the router. Is someone else
trying Seven x64 sometimes (1 out of 5?) the network shows as "limited
connectivity". Same PC boots Vista (x86) and Linux Debian kernel enable the
"Local Area Connection", and it starts working. the Seven problem?


can't access my wireless internet on my my UN46EH5300 smart tv was working and
then wifi stopped working


Accessing router from usb wireless adapter-ssid detected correctly but MAC

You should use a wire connect, access the router and change I do? Thanks in
advance (NETGEAR & Linksys) detect the same MAC. Chiquita

If you're report is correct, then likely that you is incorrect (according to the
bottom of the router). Both of the adapters I've tried the router.

Save and restart help!

Please What can Argh! Again, the ssid matches my routers' but the MAC are
discovering a nearby neighbor's router with the same ssid.

for any insight! the ssid to something
person (ie not the default) AND the admin password.



(1) Download (HP Smart Adapter not working correctly) repair utility.

(2) HP Smart Adapter not working correctly

(3) AC adapter not working correctly

(4) Smart TV - VGA Adapter to HDMI Smart TV

(5) HP Smart Adapter


Note: The manual fix of HP Smart Adapter not working correctly error is Only
recommended for advanced computer users.Download the automatic repair
tool instead.




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