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Electric Tug Solutions

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 * Products
   * * Products by load weight
       * * Compact (up to 6,000kg)
           * SM100 TOW500 kg
           * LM1001,000 kg
           * SM100+1,200 kg
           * SM100+ SS1,200 kg
           * SM200+2,000 kg
           * TOW2002,000 kg
           * TOW200 SS2,000 kg
           * MT2002,000 kg
           * TOW3003,000 kg
           * TOW300 SS3,000 kg
           * MT300+3,000 kg
           * MT400+4,000 kg
           * MT5/400+ SS4,000 kg
           * MH400+4,000 kg
           * MH400+ SS4,000 kg
           * ATT400+5,000 kg
           * TOW6006,000 kg
           * MT600+6,000 kg
           * MP400
           * ATP400
           * View Compact Group
           * Close
         * Performance (up to 30,000kg)
           * ATT400+5,000 kg
           * TOW800 ES8,000 kg
           * MT800+8,000 kg
           * MT20/800+ SS8,000 kg
           * PS800+8,000kg
           * TOW1000 ES10,000 kg
           * MT1000+10,000 kg
           * TOW1200 ES12,000 kg
           * MT1200+12,000 kg
           * MT20/1200+ SS12,000 kg
           * TOW1500 ES15,000 kg
           * MT1500+15,000 kg
           * MT20/1500+ SS15,000 kg
           * TOW2000 ES20,000 kg
           * MT2000+20,000 kg
           * ATEX MasterTug Stainless Steel15,000 kg
           * ATEX MasterTug Range20,000 kg
           * TMS1100+11,000 kg
           * TMS2000+20,000 kg
           * PS3000+30,000 kg
           * MP400
           * ATP400
           * View Performance Group
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         * Performance Plus (up to 360,000kg)
           * ATT400+5,000 kg
           * MultiLink PS3000+360,000 kg
           * MP400
           * ATP400
           * View Performance Plus Group
           * Close
         * View all
       * Close
     * Products by Range
       * * SmartMover
           * SM100 TOW500 kg
           * LM1001,000 kg
           * SM100+1,200 kg
           * SM100+ SS1,200 kg
           * SM200+2,000 kg
           * View SmartMover Range
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         * MasterTow
           * TOW2002,000 kg
           * TOW200 SS2,000 kg
           * TOW3003,000 kg
           * TOW300 SS3,000 kg
           * TOW6006,000 kg
           * TOW800 ES8,000 kg
           * TOW1000 ES10,000 kg
           * TOW1200 ES12,000 kg
           * TOW1500 ES15,000 kg
           * TOW2000 ES20,000 kg
           * View MasterTow Range
           * Close
         * MasterTug
           * MT2002,000 kg
           * MT300+3,000 kg
           * MT400+4,000 kg
           * MT5/400+ SS4,000 kg
           * MT600+6,000 kg
           * MT800+8,000 kg
           * MT20/800+ SS8,000 kg
           * MT1000+10,000 kg
           * MT1200+12,000 kg
           * MT20/1200+ SS12,000 kg
           * MT1500+15,000 kg
           * MT20/1500+ SS15,000 kg
           * MT2000+20,000 kg
           * ATEX MasterTug Stainless Steel15,000 kg
           * ATEX MasterTug Range20,000 kg
           * View MasterTug Range
           * Close
         * All Terrain Pusher
           * ATT400+5,000 kg
           * MP400
           * ATP400
           * View All Terrain Pusher Range
           * Close
         * MasterHandler
           * MH400+4,000 kg
           * MH400+ SS4,000 kg
           * View MasterHandler Range
           * Close
         * Power Steered
           * PS800+8,000kg
           * PS3000+30,000 kg
           * MultiLink PS3000+360,000 kg
           * View Power Steered Range
           * Close
         * Trailer Moving System
           * TMS1100+11,000 kg
           * TMS2000+20,000 kg
           * View Trailer Moving System Range
           * Close
         * ATEX
           * ATEX AllTerrain Range5,000 kg
           * ATEX MasterTug Stainless Steel15,000 kg
           * ATEX MasterTug Range20,000 kg
           * View ATEX Range
           * Close
         * Stainless Steel
           * SM100+ SS1,200 kg
           * TOW200 SS2,000 kg
           * TOW300 SS3,000 kg
           * MT5/400+ SS4,000 kg
           * MH400+ SS4,000 kg
           * MT20/800+ SS8,000 kg
           * MT20/1200+ SS12,000 kg
           * MT20/1500+ SS15,000 kg
           * ATEX MasterTug Stainless Steel15,000 kg
           * View Stainless Steel Range
           * Close
         * Bin Mover
         * Roll Cage Mover
         * Modular Building Mover
         * View all
       * Close
     * AGV System
     * Special Projects
     * About Electric Tugs
       * * What is an Electric Tug?
         * 5 Benefits of using an Electric Tug
         * Why do businesses use Electric Tugs?
         * Electric Tugs – An alternative to forklifts
         * Pedestrian Operated vs Remote Control
         * Automation & Remote Control Options
         * Electric Tug FAQs
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Call: (+44) 01335 301 030 | Email:

 1. MasterMover
 2. News
 3. Top 10 Benefits of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV)


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Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) electric tugs are becoming increasingly popular
in Industrial Manufacturing sectors. And it’s not difficult to see why, as
they’re designed to autonomously move through your environment without the need
for an operator.

There is often a hesitancy to adopt AGV solutions despite the many benefits.
Concerns centre around perceived cost, risk in terms of safety, and fear of
change. Yet when deployed correctly, AGV electric tugs and other material
handling equipment offer better ROI, increased safety, and a more efficient

MasterMover works with best-in-class safety and navigation technology providers
and this, coupled with 25 years of engineering experience, delivers a
world-leading AGV solution that maximises safety and operational efficiency.


AGV stands for Automated Guided Vehicle. It is a mobile unit that utilises floor
markings or on-board navigation and sensors to travel between locations.
Typically, they are used in industrial manufacturing and logistics settings.

A wide range of AGV solutions exist focused at carrying out high-volume tasks
whilst moving products, equipment and materials of lower weights. MasterMover,
however, offers AGV solutions capable of moving loads up to 20,000kg and beyond.

For example, our TOW300 is used in automotive manufacturing by a well-known car
maker. The AGV is used to move parts to the production line and empty units away
from it, offering the capability to move up to 3,000kg, using navigation and
sensor technology.

The AGV TOW300 gives 10 hours of operation between charges and carries out tasks
more efficiently than could be achieved through a more human-involved process.


AGV’s move using a combination of software, scanners and sensors. Most are set
to follow a defined path that can be specified by the operator. Others use
sensors and scanning systems that allow them to detect the environment around
them to navigate around obstacles.

Beyond pedestrian-operated electric tugs, there are 6 “levels” of technology
available from MasterMover, building up to a full AGV solution:

 1. Remote Control – Forwards & Backwards. For simple applications or loads on
    rails, this AGV option involves wireless control to move between two points.
 2. Remote Control – Multi-Directional. Full remote-control capacity enables
    machines to be driven with the use of a wireless transmitter.
 3. Remote Control – MultiLink. MasterMover MultiLink technology means two or
    more machines can be wirelessly synced together for fleets that can be
    managed by a single operator.
 4. Remote Control – Line Follow. Machines use sensors with line reading
    technology to read painted or taped lines on the ground. This ensures a set
    path is followed. Operators can control the speed of the machine. A great
    solution for moving through a tight space where repetition of movement is
 5. AGV – Line Follow. As above, but no operator is required. Barcodes can be
    placed on the ground and can be scanned by the machines for additional
    controls to be programmed, such as slowing down through a specific area.
 6. AGV – Natural Navigation. Natural Navigation allows machines to navigate
    autonomously by identifying and mapping the surrounding area.



Eliminate or reduce the need for your staff to spend time moving materials. AGV
solutions make movement of equipment and materials more efficient and allow your
people to spend more time doing tasks of greater value-add.


AGV solutions are ideal when working in tight spaces, or when moving a load
through areas with minimal clearance.

Autonomous vehicles utilise line following capabilities or high-accuracy
navigation systems to ensure the exact same route is followed time after time,
making the environment safer and reducing the risk of damage to high-value loads
and the surrounding premises and people.


AGV’s deliver a repeated movement and repeated precision, which matters in a
busy manufacturing environment.

Having an AGV carry out repeated movement – following the same route, taking the
same steps as it interacts with the surround environment – helps the Health &
Safety team to manage risk, and ensures there are no variables being created
that could cause problems.


Ultimately, many incidents in industrial manufacturing or logistics environments
are due to human error due to factors such as fatigue, misinterpretation, or

AGV material handling equipment eliminates this risk by taking control away from
a human operator. Safety sensors ensure a programmed response to any detected
risk, stopping movement until a hazard has been cleared or moved away.


AGV electric tugs and other equipment should feature a range of safety features,
all designed to manage risk. As previously mentioned, safety systems such as
laser scanners will detect hazards and dangers and act accordingly.

Likewise, AGV electric tugs can be programmed to take action such as reducing
speed in certain locations when visibility is reduced, or when the surface
becomes wet and traction is impacted.

AGV navigation technology will also ensure the same, or most appropriate, route
is taken (depending on your solution and the environment) each and every time.


In addition to driving more ROI from your people resource, AGV material handling
equipment helps to drive operational efficiency by carrying out tasks on time,
at the optimal speed.

An AGV will travel to its destination at a set speed, faster than if the
movement was conducted manually, or by pedestrian operated equipment by a person
who could be delayed or distracted.


AGV electric tugs are more cost-effective than fixed automation systems, such as
conveyors or crane systems. Such systems are designed to do a single job, but
any breakdown or fault can put the entire operation behind.

Electric tugs, however, are more flexible in terms of being able to carry out a
wider range of tasks. Additionally, they are more redundant as they can easily
be swapped out to minimise any disruption caused through faults.


As covered above, through driving efficiency and safety benefits, AGV solutions
deliver a greater return on investment. This is supported further by more
effective use of people resources, better redundancy in the case of mechanical
failure, and by offering greater flexibility in terms of being able to carry out
a wide range of activities across the operation.

For example, MasterMover AGV electric tugs can be switched to manual operation,
so if the need arises, the machine can be taken off its typical tasks and
utilised to move any wheeled load within its weight capability.

In addition, some AGV’s – such as the MasterMover PowerSteered Range – are
designed to be scalable. This means that one machine can be used for lighter,
less complex loads, but more machines can be used together through our MultiLink


AGV electric tugs and other material handling equipment that is battery-based
offer 24/7 operation. The only consideration is battery charging and replacement
(if using multiple batteries).

MasterMover electric tugs can be supplied with spare batteries, which can be
stored and charged whilst the machine is in operation. This battery can then be
swapped out in between tasks for minimal downtime.


Not only are AGV’s consistent in their function, but they also have relatively
consistent costs compared to manual labour and are affordable to maintain.
MasterMover electric tugs are made to the highest standards, so are reliable
solutions that deliver day after day.


We understand that switching to AGV solutions is an investment, even if it is
one that will inevitably delivery ROI, efficiency and safety.

To ensure the AGV solution selected will deliver for our customers, MasterMover
has a tried and tested approach:

 1. Select the Machine: We will take an in-depth look at the application to help
    decide whether an existing product is the right fit, or whether a custom AGV
    design is the better solution.
 2. Navigation: We’ll explore which navigation system will work best, whether
    that be floor-based navigation (e.g. Line Following) or full Natural
    Navigation utilising technologies to scan and interact with the surrounding
 3. Vehicle Dispatch: Next, our team will look at how the AGV gets its
    instruction to move, or ‘pulse’, to the next location. That can either be an
    individual machine dispatch or multi-machine, with a single command
    instructing multiple machines to move (often driven by fleet management
 4. System Integration: Working in often complex operations, we’ll look at where
    other system integrations are needed, for example with a Warehouse
    Management System or Enterprise Resource Management platform, or with
    infrastructure such as doors and traffic lights.
 5. Safety: Always a key consideration! Depending on the environment and
    application, the AGV will contain scanners (whether low level, high level,
    or full 360 degree) and associated systems to detect hazards and take the
    appropriate action.

With this process complete, there is a clear understanding of the best type of
AGV needed to meet the requirement, covering all these key areas in detail.

The later stages of the wider process then involve manufacturing and a factory
acceptance test, delivery onto site, and then a final site acceptance test and
training, before the solution is treated as ‘fully delivered’.

Ultimately, this entire approach is designed to ensure the AGV solutions we
deliver drive the benefits we have outlined above, helping our customers to
drive operational efficiency and safety.



If you’d like to learn more about MasterMover AGV electric tug solutions and
discuss how they could benefit your operation, we’d love to hear from you.

As we have seen with many customers, AGV electric tugs deliver outstanding
operational performance, helping manufacturing and logistics companies to drive
efficiency and maximise safety.

Get in touch with us today to find an AGV solution that works for you.

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 * AGV System
 * SmartMover
 * MasterTow
 * MasterTug
 * All Terrain Pusher
 * MasterHandler
 * PowerSteered
 * Trailer Moving System
 * Bin Mover
 * Roll Cage Mover
 * Stainless Steel


 * Manufacturing and Assembly
 * Food and Beverage
 * Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
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 * Automotive and Commercial vehicles
 * Retail and Logistics
 * Steel and Fabrication Manufacturing
 * Waste and Facilities Management
 * Heavy Plant Machinery Manufacturing

 * Products
   * Products by Range
   * Products by load weight
   * Bin Mover
   * Roll Cage Mover
   * Modular Building Mover [moved to industries]
 * Industries
   * Manufacturing and Assembly
   * Food and Beverage
   * Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
   * Aerospace Manufacturing
   * Automotive and Commercial vehicles
   * Retail and Logistics
   * Steel and Fabrication Manufacturing
   * Waste and Facilities Management
   * Heavy Plant Manufacturing
 * Autonomous / AGV
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