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Coffeehouse chain Aroma Joe’s promotes Dave Tucci to president and eliminates
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Photo courtesy of Informa Connect Foodservice
The Restaurant Leadership Conference in Phoenix.


Labor – both from a cost and culture perspective – dominated discussions on the
show floor and in general sessions.

Alicia Kelso | Apr 17, 2024


And that’s a wrap on Nation’s Restaurant News’ first Restaurant Leadership
Conference experience following parent company Informa’s acquisition of Winsight
last year. Together, with our new-ish colleagues from Restaurant Business, we
followed, participated in, and led several conversations on topics weighing most
heavily on the operators in attendance. Here are five key takeaways.

 * Labor. LOTS of discussion about labor and wages against a backdrop of
   California’s AB1228 that went into effect earlier this month, raising the
   minimum wage to $20 an hour. One operator told me he’ll “never” expand in
   California again, while another felt confident about the combined pricing and
   technology strategies her team has put into place to soften the inflationary
   blow. We’ve seen plenty of stories so far about layoffs and kiosk
   implementations and even menu adjustments to navigate these higher wages, but
   time will tell how it ultimately shakes out. Will this $20 watermark trickle
   beyond QSRs? Likely. Other markets? Maybe. Will California’s restaurant
   growth stagnate a bit? Perhaps among smaller players, but not likely among
   the bigger players who have the advantages of scale to absorb the higher
 * Speaking of labor, I had the privilege of leading a power panel discussion
   about people strategies alongside Kelly Costanza, chief people officer at
   Cava, Laura Rueckel, chief marketing officer at Freddy’s Frozen Custard, and
   Sara Bittorf, chief experience officer at Red Lobster. The industry had a
   major reckoning during the pandemic and ensuing labor shortage that caused
   companies to re-think their employee propositions and these executives noted
   those propositions are now about more than just wages, but also benefits,
   training and development, culture/buy-in. It requires ownership across the
   business (not just HR) and also investment, but there is a return when
   retention rates rise. The executives also noted that the employee proposition
   should lead with their experience – is their job satisfying, purposeful, as
   simple and safe as it can be? Happier employees equal happier customers.
 * And speaking of pandemic-related reckonings, it’s no secret this industry had
   to sprint to catch up on technology but the narrative around technology has
   shifted a bit. We’re less interested in bells and whistles (e.g. robots) and
   more focused on labor-saving features (kiosks, scheduling), back-of-house
   efficiencies (kitchen display systems), and omnichannel strategies. Also, a
   lot of people talked about AI on the show floor, but in the context of what
   to do with it, acknowledging that this question should be answered sooner
   rather than later because AI is coming in hot.
 * A pre-pandemic mindset: Technomic’s Joe Pawlak and Rich Shank presented a
   state of the industry update based on their company’s recently released data
   and dubbed 2024 the “year of a reality reset.” “The last four years we’ve
   been dealing with an abnormal situation. Sales dropped dramatically, then
   spiked, then they were down, then they spiked. Now we’re getting back to
   normal patterns. Same with inflation. This year we’re going back to reality
   and reality is a pre-pandemic mindset,” Pawlak said.
 * Celebrity sightings. There are celebrities, like Martha Stewart, and then
   there are celebrities to us restaurant people, like Jersey Mike’s CEO Peter
   Cancro. Both graced the main stage during RLC, with Cancro receiving the
   “Restaurant Leader of the Year” award and Stewart stepping in as the event’s
   keynote speaker. Cancro was recognized for taking the sandwich chain from the
   original Mike’s Subs shop on the Jersey Shore that he bought 49 years ago, to
   nearly 3,000 locations today.

“Every year and every day, we just show up, and you see the slow incremental
growth,” Cancro said. “Then all of a sudden, we look around and say, ‘huh, I
think we got something here….’ The past three years we hit the 300-store mark
every year and we still think it’s consistent slow growth that does the trick.”

Related: Jersey Mike’s CEO Peter Cancro wins the 2024 Restaurant Leader of the
Year award

Stewart commiserated about her experience as a restaurateur after opening her
first restaurant at 80 years old. The Bedford by Martha Stewart, located in the
Paris Las Vegas, was named after her hometown in Bedford, New

York, and features offerings like Oysters Rockefeller and Golden Ossetra Caviar.

“Why I didn’t do a restaurant sooner, I’ll never know,” Stewart told Restaurant
Leadership Conference attendees Tuesday in Scottsdale, Arizona. “I kept saying,
I like to go out to restaurants. I don’t want to work in a restaurant …
Restaurants are one of the hardest businesses on earth.”

“Here I am at 80 years old, and why I didn’t do a restaurant sooner, I will
never know,” Stewart told attendees. “I kept saying, ‘Well, I really like to
enjoy going out to restaurants, but I’m not sure about owning one.”

Contact Alicia Kelso at Alicia.Kelso@informa.com

TAGS: Technology
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