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Effective May 23, 2023

Spiceworks, Inc. and its affiliates (“Spiceworks”) delivers trusted content and
tools that help consumers, small businesses and enterprises decide and act on
important technology decisions.  Spiceworks values your privacy and is committed
to protecting the privacy of your information. 

This Privacy Policy (or “policy”) describes how Spiceworks uses the personal
information you provide and the rights you have. We have created this Privacy
Portal to help you exercise your rights.

 1.  Privacy Policy Overview
 2.  Information We Collect, Receive and Create About You
 3.  Data Processing and Retention
 4.  Sensitive Personal Information
 5.  Direct Marketing
 6.  Behavioral Advertising
 7.  Cookies
 8.  Information We Share With Third Parties
 9.  International Transfers of Information
 10. Data Security and Breach Handling
 11. Data Retention
 12. Your Rights With Respect to Your Personal Information
 13. How to Change Your Preferences
 14. Contact Details
 15. Children
 16. How this Privacy Policy May Change


This Policy explains how we may Process your information. This Policy may be
amended or updated from time to time, so please check it regularly for updates.

Spiceworks owns, operates several interactive websites, mobile and connected
applications, and other online interactive features and services, including,
emails, newsletters, chat areas, forums, communities, sweepstakes and contests
(collectively “services”). This Privacy Policy applies to all information
collected about you by Spiceworks, regardless of how it is collected or stored,
and describes, among other things, the types of information collected about you
when you interact with the services, how your information may be used, when your
information may be disclosed, how you can control the use and disclosure of your
information, and how your information is protected.

This policy covers information collected through Spiceworks and its affiliates
listed as follows: 

 * Aberdeen Strategy and Research
 * Spiceworks, Inc. and Spiceworks Cloud Help Desk (Mobile App) (Please see here
   for FAQs)
 * Spiceworks Ziff Davis (SWZD)
 * B2B Ideas
 * ITResearchOnline
 * ReadITQuik
 * TechHubBox
 * Technology-Signals
 * Ziff Davis Performance Marketing (ZDPM) 

Within Spiceworks, our most important asset is our relationship with our user
community. We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and
security of the personal information of our customers, and want you to know how
we protect your information submitted or collected through your use of our

Our Tools and Apps include Cloud Helpdesk, Connectivity Dashboard, Inventory
Online, and Vendor Contracts. For a complete list, please review

In part, the purpose of this policy is to notify users of Spiceworks’ policies
and practices with respect to their data. By using the services provided you
have agreed to the Terms of Use (or ToU); and this policy is a part of the ToU.

2. Information we Collect, Receive and Create about You 

We may collect or obtain information about you when you sign up, when you create
profiles, pages or contributions, when you use and interact with our services
and when you make your personal information public. In some cases, we may also
receive information about you from third parties. 

Data you provide when you sign up: This is, for example, username, password,
subscription information, and basic information about any other accounts you
choose to associate with your registration, like your LinkedIn, Facebook, or
Google account. 

Data you provide when you create profiles, pages or contributions: This is user
generated contributions, such as the contents of profiles, including your
profile name, contact details and any demographic information you choose to
provide; as well as any comments and posts made in forums. We seek to provide
users with an opportunity to be a part of an online community and communicate
and share with others. This can include personal information that users choose
to share. We encourage all of our users to make conscious choices about what
they share online. Spiceworks, including its affiliates, subsidiaries and/or
parent company, is not responsible for the information you disclose to the
public using our services. 

Inferences: We may infer data about you based on your interests, where you live,
what language(s) you speak, and other data we have access to. 

Data we collect through your use of our services: We make and keep records when
we provide you support or assistance on our services. We may also collect
information about how you interact with our various services (or parts of our
services) or third party content you see on our apps and sites. We also collect
data on how you interact with the ads you see. 

Data we receive from third parties: In some cases, we may receive information
about you from third parties, for example, social networking sites. Please note
that this policy does not cover the practices of third parties, including those
that may disclose information to Ziff Davis.


We process your personal information in order to provide you the best experience
of our services. We may also process your Information where the processing is
necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal rights.

Below is a chart stating which categories of your personal information we
process for which purposes specifically, and how long we retain that data. Our
processing of your data is subject to your use of our service, your privacy
preferences, and your account settings choices.

Personal Information
We may Process the following categories of Personal Information about you.

Categories of personal information collected (see below for more details)Purpose
of Processing
Legal BasisRetention PeriodAccount Information (Personal Details): your name;
postal address; telephone and/or mobile number; email address; employer;
username or log in details; password; your public social media handles or
profile(s); This information is focused on your professional informtion.To
provide use of our services as agreed in the ToU. 
Legitimate InterestFor the life of the account and a reasonable and legally
compliant time thereafter. App Data. For more information about a particular App
or Tool and the data it collects, please visit here. Please note,we may collect
information from third-party apps such as the SpiceWorld app hosted on the cVent
platform. Maintain and improve service standards
Legitimate InterestFor the life of the account and a reasonable and legally
compliant time thereafter. Audio, Video, and Other Electronic Data: audio,
electronic, visual, or similar information such as photographs, video
submissions and call recordings.Promote user expression through our services and
to conduct contests and rewards. 
Legitimate InterestFor the life of the account and a reasonable and legally
compliant time thereafter. Consent Records: records of any consents you may have
given, together with the date and time, means of consent and any related
information (e.g., the subject matter of the consent).Comply with applicable
laws and regulations and users’ choices.
Legal Requirement For the life of the account and a reasonable and legally
compliant time thereafter. Customer Records: electronic customer records
containing personal information, such as name, signature, address, telephone
number, or any financial information.To maintain service standards and provide
users with the ability to communicate efficiently and effectively with our
Legitimate InterestCustomer records will be kept in accordance with applicable
laws.Customer Support:We may collect Personal Data through your communications
with our customer support team. Please ensure that no sensitive personal data is
submitted in connection with your requests for support (for example, health
information, political or religious beliefs, information about minors, etc.).
NOTE: Please ensure that no sensitive personal data is submitted in connection
with your requests for support (for example, health information, political or
religious beliefs, information about minors, etc.).YesFor the life of the
account and a reasonable and legally compliant time thereafter. Demographic
Information: gender; age/date of birth; nationality; salutation; job title,
company information, education, work experience and other professional
information; language preferences.Enable customer expression, maintain and
improve service standards, and marketing.  
Legitimate Interest For the life of the account and a reasonable and legally
compliant time thereafter. Location Information: location data that describes
the precise geographic location of your device (“Precise Location Data”). This
may include your physical location and movements that allows us to periodically
determine your geolocation, such as your location in  your state/province, city,
or neighborhood.Maintain service standards, provide relevant content and
Legitimate InterestFor the life of the account and a reasonable and legally
compliant time thereafter. Profile Information and User Contributions: For
certain Services, you may choose to create a public profile, a project page or a
profile page, and to share Personal Data or make user contributions as part of
the same. You may provide topics of interest and a photograph (if you or another
user posts a photo on the Service). Please be aware, any Personal Data or
contribution you choose to share in this way, will be published, and made
generally available to other users and third parties via the websites. This user
generated content is publicly available and we are not responsible for the
privacy practices of the other users or third parties who may view and use that
information. If you do not want your Personal Data or user contributions to be
accessible in this way, please do not post it. If you would like to contribute
to our IT community via a profile, a project page or a profile page, but do not
want to be identifiable to other users, you may use an alias or other pseudonym
to protect your identity, provided that the information you provide as part of
your Account Information must always be correct, accurate, and up-to-date.Enable
customer expression, and provide  use of our services as agreed in the ToU.  
Legitimate Interest For the life of the account and a reasonable and legally
compliant time thereafter. Inferences: such as inferences drawn from personal
information to create a profile reflecting preferences, characteristics,
predispositions, behavior, and attitudes.Marketing and to maintain and improve
service standards. 
Legitimate Interest For the life of the account and a reasonable and legally
compliant time thereafter. Transaction Information: information on how you
interact with the Services, including records of products or services purchased,
obtained or considered ; other information about how you use our Services,
email, and other communications, and applications; and other purchasing or use
histories or tendencies, or searches for and interactions with e-commerce
opportunities, such as how you interact with our merchants, business partners,
and service providers, including, in some cases, the items you purchase from
those merchants.Performance of a contract, marketing, providing full use of our
services as agreed in the ToU.  
Legitimate InterestFor the life of the account and a reasonable and legally
compliant time thereafter. Views and Opinions: any views and opinions that you
or other users choose to send to us, or publicly post about us on social media
platforms or in the Services, including on forums.Enable customer expression,
maintain and improve service standards, and marketing.  
Legitimate Interest For the life of the account and a reasonable and legally
compliant time thereafter. Device Information and Device ID: Device ID, which is
a distinctive number associated with a smartphone or similar handheld device. 
As well as, device information, including Device type, operating system and
software information, and settings.   Maintain and improve the quality of
Legitimate InterestFor the life of the account and a reasonable and legally
compliant time thereafter.Advertising Identifiers: A user-resettable
identification number for advertising associated with a device (e.g., iOS uses
the Identifier for Advertising (IDFA) and Android uses Google Advertising
ID).Maintain and improve the quality of services
Legitimate InterestFor the life of the account and a reasonable and legally
compliant time thereafter.Connectivity Data: WiFi connection, service set
identifier (“SSID”), International Mobile Subscriber Identity (“IMSI”) and
International Mobile Equipment Identity (“IMEI”).Marketing
Legitimate InterestFor the life of the account and a reasonable and legally
compliant time thereafter.Cookies: Information collected through the use of
cookies, eTags, Javascript, pixel tags, device ID tracking, anonymous
identifiers and other technologies, including information collected using such
methods and technologies about (i) your visits to, and interaction and
engagement with, the Services, Subject to your privacy choices and settings,
content and ads on third party websites, applications, platforms and other media
channels (“Channels”), and (ii) your interaction with emails including the
content and ads therein (collectively, “Online Data”).Maintain and improve the
quality of services
Legitimate InterestIn compliance with our cookie policyEngagement Data:
Information about (i) your visits to, and interaction and engagement with the
services, content and ads on third party websites, applications, platforms and
other media channels (“Channels”), and (ii) your interaction with emails
including the content and ads therein (collectively, “Online Data”), which are
collected through the use of cookies and cookie like technologies.Marketing
Legitimate InterestIn compliance with our cookie policy


We may process your precise location data where we have, in accordance with
applicable law, obtained your consent prior to processing your sensitive
personal information.

We do not seek to collect or process other sensitive personal information, such
as, race or ethnicity, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs,
trade union membership, physical or mental health, or sex life. Where users
choose to disclose sensitive personal information within profiles, contributions
or other free-text fields available through Spiceworks, we do not use the
sensitive information for any additional purpose without consent, unless
required to comply with laws, or prevent crimes.  


We may use the contact details you provided us to reach out to you with
information regarding services that may be of interest to you, for example,
upcoming promotions. You may unsubscribe from the Spiceworks newsletter and
email lists at any time by following the unsubscribe instructions included in
every email we send or you can manage your email subscriptions at any time by
editing your personal profile here. We will not send you any emails from a list
you unsubscribed from, but we may continue to contact you to the extent
necessary for the purposes of other Services you have requested or for
additional emails you have signed up for. 


Spiceworks and third parties, subject to your privacy choices and settings, may
collect data about your behavior while using our services in order to provide
you with more relevant interest-based advertising on other websites and
applications, as well as our partners’ platforms and media channels. If you do
not wish to receive this advertising, you can change your preferences by
clicking here.


We may collect information about you through the use of cookies and similar
technologies on our sites and apps, or your devices. We also may permit our
third-party service providers to perform various analytics functions and to
provide you with more relevant or interest-based advertisements using cookies. 

Some third parties may choose to use their own cookies for the purposes of
collecting information relating to the viewing of their advertising. To learn
more about how we use cookies, and to manage your preferences, please see our
Cookie Policy. This policy, and our Cookie Policy, are only intended to cover
the use of cookies as they relate to Spiceworks businesses.


Ziff Davis Companies: Spiceworks is owned by Ziff Davis Inc, a holding company
which owns many brands in the areas of technology, shopping, entertainment,
health, parenting, and connectivity. We share your information with other
businesses owned by Ziff Davis, Inc. ( “Ziff Davis Companies”) to assist us in
the operation of our services, improve them, and further develop them.

We also share information with other Ziff Davis Companies for the purposes of
targeted advertising. If you would like to opt out of the sale or sharing of
your data with other Ziff Davis Companies, you can do so via our Privacy

Other Third Parties: We may also share your personal information with the

 * Relevant third party provider, where our services use third party
   advertising, plugins or content, subject to your privacy choices and
   settings, and our ToU. 

 * Merchants, business partners, or advertisers where you consented and chose to
   participate in offers, contests, or other activities. 
 * third party Processors (such as analytic providers; data centers; etc.),
   located anywhere in the world, subject to the requirements and limitations;
 * legal and regulatory authorities, upon request, or for the purposes of
   reporting any actual or suspected breach of applicable law or regulation; 
 * Any party as directed by a law enforcement agency or court, to the extent
   necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal rights;
 * Law enforcement for the purposes of prevention, detection, or investigation
   of criminal offenses and any legal proceedings associated with them. 
 * In the case of a full or partial acquisition, relevant third parties.
 * Data a customer agrees to share, such as survey data. 

On occasion Spiceworks will make available to potential advertisers, research
firms, and business partners aggregated results from research it has conducted
regarding visitors to the Website. Spiceworks may count, track, and aggregate
visitor activity into our analysis of general traffic flows to the Website and
may merge this information into group data, which may then be shared on an
aggregated basis with potential advertisers, research firms, and business
partners. In a case, Spiceworks will only provide demographic information on an
aggregated basis and does not disclose individual user information.

Please click HERE for a list of our subprocessors that are authorized to process
personal data for Spiceworks.


We may transfer your information to recipients in other countries. Spiceworks,
by way of its parent company Ziff Davis, Inc., participates in the E.U.-U.S.
Data Privacy Framework, the UK extension to the EU-U.S. DPF, the Swiss-U.S.
Privacy Framework and the APEC Cross Border Privacy Rules System. Where we
transfer information from the European Economic Area (“EEA”) to a recipient
outside the EEA that is not in an adequate jurisdiction, we do so on the basis
of standard contractual clauses.

Because of the international nature of our business, we may need to transfer
your information within the Ziff Davis, Inc. group of companies, and to third
parties as noted above, in connection with the purposes set out in this Policy.
For this reason, we may transfer your information to other countries that may
have different laws and data protection compliance requirements to those that
apply in the country in which you are located.

Spiceworks and its associated affiliates and subsidiaries complies with the
EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (EU-U.S. DPF) and the UK Extension to the EU-U.S.
DPF, and the Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (Swiss-U.S. DPF) as set forth by
the U.S. Department of Commerce. Spiceworks has certified to the U.S. Department
of Commerce that it adheres to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework Principles
(EU-U.S. DPF Principles) with regard to the processing of personal data received
from the European Union and the United Kingdom in reliance on the EU-U.S. DPF
and the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF. Spiceworks has certified to the U.S.
Department of Commerce that it adheres to the Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework
Principles (Swiss-U.S. DPF Principles) with regard to the processing of personal
data received from Switzerland in reliance on the Swiss-U.S. DPF. If there is
any conflict between the terms in this privacy policy and the EU-U.S. DPF
Principles and/or the Swiss-U.S. DPF Principles, the Principles shall govern. To
learn more about the Data Privacy Framework (DPF) program, and to view our
certification, please visit

We are committed to staying current with developments related to the Data
Privacy Framework and may update our transfer mechanisms and safeguards as
necessary to remain compliant. Any updates will be reflected in this Privacy

If you are a European individual with a privacy related complaint, concern or
question about Spiceworks’ privacy practices, please contact us through our DSAR
Portal. Under certain conditions, more fully described on the Data Privacy
Framework website, European individuals may invoke binding arbitration when
other dispute resolution procedures have been exhausted.

Where we transfer your personal information from the EEA to recipients located
outside the EEA who are not in a jurisdiction that has been formally designated
by the European Commission as providing an adequate level of protection for
information, we do so on the basis of standard contractual clauses. You may
request a copy of the relevant standard contractual clauses using our DSAR
Portal. Please note that when you transfer any personal information directly to
an entity established outside the EEA, we are not responsible for that transfer
of your information. We will nevertheless process your information, from the
point at which we receive the data, in accordance with the provisions of this

Enforcement Authority

The Federal Trade Commission has jurisdiction over our compliance with the
EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (EU-U.S. DPF) and the UK Extension to the EU-U.S.
DPF, and the Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (Swiss-U.S. DPF).

Complaints Mechanism

In compliance with the EU-U.S. DPF and the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF and
the Swiss-U.S. DPF, Spiceworks commits to resolve DPF Principles-related
complaints about our collection and use of your personal information. EU and UK
individuals and Swiss individuals with inquiries or complaints regarding our
handling of personal data received in reliance on the EU-U.S. DPF and the UK
Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF, and the Swiss-U.S. DPF should first contact
Spiceworks at

In compliance with the EU-U.S. DPF and the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF and
the Swiss-U.S. DPF, Spiceworks commits to refer unresolved complaints concerning
our handling of personal data received in reliance on the EU-U.S. DPF and the UK
Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF and the Swiss-U.S. DPF to TrustArc, an alternative
dispute resolution provider. The services of Trustarc are provided at no cost to
you. For further information please visit

Under certain conditions, a binding arbitration option may be available to you
in order to address complaints not resolved by any other means. For further
information, please see Annex I of the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework Principles

In compliance with the EU-U.S. DPF and the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF and
the Swiss-U.S. DPF, Spiceworks commits to cooperate and comply respectively with
the advice of the panel established by the EU data protection authorities (DPAs)
and the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and the Swiss Federal Data
Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC) with regard to unresolved
complaints concerning our handling of human resources data received in reliance
on the EU-U.S. DPF and the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF and the Swiss-U.S.
DPF in the context of the employment relationship.

For a list of our subsidiaries and affiliates who also adhere to the DPF
Principles, please click here.

Our privacy practices described in this Policy comply with the Asia-Pacific
Economic Cooperation (“APEC”) Cross Border Privacy Rules System. To learn more
about this program, please click here.


We implement appropriate technical and organizational security measures to
protect your personal information against unlawful destruction, loss alteration,
misuse, or unauthorized access while in our possession. All parties we contract
with must agree to provide reasonable data security measures for the customer
information we share with them, in compliance with applicable laws and

If we learn of a security breach that affects our users, we may send an email or
other direct communication to you, or post a blog to notify the public on our
Help and Support Security Center. If you have any reason to believe that your
data with us has been compromised (for example, there has been unauthorized
access to your account), please contact us at


We will retain your personal information for as long as is necessary in
connection with the purposes set out in this policy, and in accordance with
applicable laws. For more details on how long data is retained see the table in
Section 3.   


Many privacy regulations afford consumers a number of specific rights. The EEA,
Brazil, California, Colorado, Virginia, and several other U.S. states grant
specific rights to people living under their jurisdiction. ZMG aims to treat all
our customers fairly affording users in all other regions similar privileges.

Your rights: 

 * Right to Withdraw Consent: Where you are requested to consent to the
   processing of your personal information, you have the right to withdraw your
   consent at any time.
 * Right to Know: You have a right to know what personal information we collect,
   process, and share or sell. This policy is meant to provide transparency with
   regard to your data. If you have additional questions, you can email us at  
 * Right of Access: You can request a copy of the personal information we have
   collected about you from us. 
 * Right to Delete/Erase: You can request us to delete all the information we
   have collected about you. It is important to note that by exercising your
   right to deletion you may lose access to your account and any purchases,
   points or features associated with it. If you wish to cancel your account you
   may reach us as or to request that we no longer use
   some or all of your information to provide you services, contact us at 
 * Right to Request Rectification: If you find that any of your information that
   we are processing is inaccurate, you can contact us to have your information
   corrected. In response, we will cancel or remove your information but may
   retain and use copies of your information as necessary to comply with our
   legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements. For certain
   requests, we may require additional information.
 * Right to Opt-out of the Sale or Sharing for Targeted Ads: Under some
   circumstances we may sell or share the personal data you provide to us to
   provide ads to you that align with your interests. If you would prefer not to
   have your data sold or shared, you can opt-out of selling or sharing by
   submitting a request via Privacy Portal or by emailing We may ask for additional information to verify your
 * Right to Object to the Processing: You can object to our processing of your
   personal information via our Privacy Portal, under certain circumstances. By
   objecting to processing, you may not be able to access some or all of our
   services. This right is limited to personal data processed for commercial
 * Right to Object to the Use of Sensitive Personal Information: You have the
   right to object to our use of your sensitive personal information. Sensitive
   personal information is information about your health, race, religion, sexual
   orientation, gender identity, political opinions or philosophical beliefs.
   You should always be mindful about the personal information you share online,
   especially when it is sensitive in nature. 
 * Right to Object to Automated Processing: You have a right to object to the
   processing of your data for the purposes of automated decision making about
 * Right to Complain (EU,UK, Switzerland): Should you wish to raise a complaint
   about the collection or use of your information, you have the right to do so
   without prejudice to any other rights you may have. You may lodge a complaint
   with your local data protection authority.
 * Right to not be Discriminated Against: You have a right to not be
   discriminated against by ZMG for exercising your rights.
 * Right to an Authorized Agent (CA): If you would like to make a request on
   behalf of a California consumer who is a current or former customer, please
   provide an email from the email address we have on file for the customer
   authorizing the request. You may also make a request under the California
   Consumer Privacy Act on behalf of a California consumer if you provide (1) a
   signed, written permission from the consumer to act on your behalf, and the
   consumer verifies their own identity directly with us; or (2) proof that the
   consumer has provided you with power of attorney pursuant to Probate Code
   sections 4000 to 4465. We may deny a request from an agent that does not
   submit proof that they have been authorized by the consumer to act on their

In order to make privacy requests please visit our Privacy Portal and fill out
the form. You can also email us at Our contact
information can be found in the “Contact Details” section below. 

You may be required to verify your identity before we can give effect to these
rights. If you are making a request on behalf of a user, we require a signed
authorization letter from the consumer. 


Access to Your Personal Information. Upon request Ziff Davis will provide you
with information about whether we hold any of your personal information. You may
access, correct, or request deletion of your personal information by logging
into your account, contacting us through our Privacy Portal, or emailing us at, regardless of your citizenship or location. We will
respond to your request within a reasonable timeframe.

Your Newsletter and Email Subscriptions. You can opt out or unsubscribe to a
newsletter or other email list at any time by following the instructions at the
end of the newsletters or emails you receive. Please allow five to ten business
days for changes to take effect. On some Services, member service-related
communications are an integral part of such Services to which you subscribe and
you may continue to receive emails as part of that particular portion of the
Services unless you cancel your account, even if you opt out of the newsletters
or email list. If you have provided more than one email address to us, you may
continue to be contacted unless you request to unsubscribe each email address
you have provided.

Direct Mailings, Push Notifications, and Unsubscribing.  Where you have
consented to receive marketing communications from us, we will send you emails
and/or push notifications (depending on what you have consented to).  You may
withdraw your consent for email marketing communications (i.e. unsubscribe) at
any time by (i) clicking the “Unsubscribe” link in a marketing communication
email we send you; or (ii) using the “Notifications” or “Settings” page in the
account area.   You may withdraw your consent for web-related notifications
(i.e. unsubscribe) at any time through your browser settings.  You may also
withdraw your consent by emailing our support team(s) at the email addresses
below.  Please allow two working days for this instruction to take effect in all
of our systems.

Opting Out of Tracking. Currently, our Services do not recognize browser
do-not-track signals. However, you may manage how your browser handles cookies
and related technologies by adjusting its privacy and security settings.
Browsers are different, so refer to instructions related to your browser to
learn about cookie-related and other privacy and security settings that may be
available. The Help portion of the toolbar on most browsers will tell you how to
prevent your computer from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify
you when you receive a new cookie, or how to disable cookies altogether. You can
opt-out of being targeted by certain third party advertising companies by
visiting the following links: IAB opt-out platform, Network Advertising
Initiative,  Omniture, Digital Advertising Alliance, PrivacyChoice, BlueKai, and
European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance.

Social Media.  You can manage the sharing of certain personal data when you
register with us through a social media platform or application, such as through
Facebook Connect or Google.  Please refer to the privacy settings of the social
media platform or application to determine how you may adjust our permissions
and manage the interactivity between us and your social media account. By
registering with us through a social media platform, you grant us permission to
access all of the elements of your social network profile information that you
have chosen to share with us and to use it in accordance with the social media
platform’s terms of use and this privacy notice.

Location Based Services. You may opt-out of having your Precise Location Data
collected by Ziff Davis at any time by editing the appropriate setting on your
mobile device (which is usually located in the Settings area of your device).

California Residents. In accordance with the California Online Privacy
Protection Act, we may collect Personal Information about your online activities
when you use the Services. While we give our users many avenues to opt out of
providing Personal Information, we do not respond to Web browsers’ “do not
track” signals. California’s “Shine the Light” law, Civil Code Section 1798.83,
permits our users who are California residents to periodically request and
obtain certain information about any Personal Information disclosed to third
parties for direct marketing purposes. If you are a California resident and wish
to make such a request or if you wish for us to refrain from gathering your
Personal Information, please submit your request in writing to the contact
details set out in Section 14 below.

EU Residents. GDPR provides certain rights for EU residents. You may decline to
share certain information with us, in which case we may not be able to provide
some of the features and functionality of the Services. These rights include, in
accordance with applicable law, the right to object to or request the
restriction of processing of your information, and to request access to,
rectification, erasure and portability of your own information. Where we process
your information on the basis of your consent, you have the right to withdraw
that consent (noting that such withdrawal does not affect the lawfulness of any
Processing performed prior to the date on which we receive notice of such
withdrawal, and does not prevent the Processing of your Personal Information in
reliance upon any other available legal bases). Requests should be submitted by
contacting us using the Privacy Portal. If you have any further questions upon
receipt of your completed DSAR or if you would like to appeal in case your DSAR
is denied, please resubmit a DSAR request using the DSAR form at  Privacy Portal
and indicate it is an appeal, or email us at  If you are
an EU resident and have any unresolved privacy concern, you have the right to
contact the appropriate EU Supervisory Authority and lodge a complaint.  

Contact and Complaints.  If you are in the UK or EEA, you have the right to make
a complaint to the relevant supervisory authority in your country, the details
of which are available via the links below.  We would, however, appreciate the
chance to deal with your concerns before you approach a supervisory authority,
so please contact us in the first instance.  Questions, comments and requests
regarding this Privacy Policy are welcomed and may be addressed by (i) writing
to us via the contact details set out in Section 14 below; or, (ii) email to with the words “FAO: the Legal Department” at the start
of the message or directly to our DPO, who can be contacted at

 * UK:
 * EEA:


You may contact us at the addresses set out below or by emailing

Ziff Davis

Attention: Legal Department

114 Fifth Avenue, 15th Floor

New York, NY 10011

If you are an EU resident, you may contact our Data Protection Officer at or submit GDPR related inquiries to our Privacy Portal.

If you have any comments, questions or concerns about any of the information in
this Privacy Policy, or any other issues relating to the processing of your
personal information carried out by us, or on our behalf, please contact: 

Ziff Davis

Attention: Legal Department

114 Fifth Avenue, 15th Floor

New York, NY 10011

Our Data Protection Officer may be contacted at To exercise
your privacy rights, please use our Privacy Portal.

15. Children

These services are not intended for use by children, especially those under 16.
We reserve the right to remove a user’s account at any time, when necessary, if
we discover that a user is under the required age limit for the service. If you
have reason to believe we have collected personal information from someone under
16, please report it to us so we can take appropriate steps to rectify this.

16. How this Privacy Policy May Change

This policy may be amended or updated from time to time at our discretion. Any
updates will be effective at the time of publication, unless specified
otherwise. Your continued use of our services after the publication of a policy
update constitutes your consent to the changes. We will notify you prior to
making policy updates that materially change the way we treat your personal
data, and will not use your data in a materially different manner without your

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