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Submission: On November 14 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

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          <div class="inline-flex">Get quote for buying</div><span> BTC</span>
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        <div class="mb-1">Important note</div>
      <div><span>By using the RFQ system, in addition to the Terms of Service, you accept these terms:</span>
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          <li class="ml-4">You are responsible for client-side malfunctions or user input errors. Accepting an RFQ quote places an order for execution.</li>
          <li class="ml-4">Accepted quotes are final, binding, and cannot be modified.</li>
          <li class="ml-4">In all trades, Payward OTC Ltd. is not your agent or your broker. Payward OTC Ltd. is your counterparty. Both its interests and the interests of others trading with it may diverge from yours.</li>
          <li class="ml-4">Flexible settlement trades are typically settled within 2 hours and we can be flexible up to 24h.</li>
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Important note
By using the RFQ system, in addition to the Terms of Service, you accept these
 * You are responsible for client-side malfunctions or user input errors.
   Accepting an RFQ quote places an order for execution.
 * Accepted quotes are final, binding, and cannot be modified.
 * In all trades, Payward OTC Ltd. is not your agent or your broker. Payward OTC
   Ltd. is your counterparty. Both its interests and the interests of others
   trading with it may diverge from yours.
 * Flexible settlement trades are typically settled within 2 hours and we can be
   flexible up to 24h.

What is Kraken OTC?

How can I trade with Kraken OTC?

What is the minimum trade amount?

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How many times can I request a quote?

What cryptocurrencies can I trade with Kraken OTC?

Large trades with private and personalized services
Kraken’s over-the-counter (OTC) desk offers a premium service that allows
traders to execute orders off the open Kraken exchange. We offer deeper
liquidity for tighter spreads as well as a more private, personalized service
for institutional clients and high net-worth individuals needing to fill large
orders. Kraken’s OTC desk provides execution and settlement services that are
discreet, secure and ultra-competitive.
Become an OTC client
Learn more
OTC is visible in Kraken Pro for clients that are logged in and either:
Are existing OTC clients, or have had a portfolio value of at least $50K USD.

What is Kraken OTC?

How can I trade with Kraken OTC?

What is the minimum trade amount?

Is there a fee?

How many times can I request a quote?

What cryptocurrencies can I trade with Kraken OTC?

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