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    * Shrink Tubing
    * Shop Wobble Lights
    * Worklights

 * Fasteners Show submenu for Fasteners category
   Fasteners Shop All
    * Anchors & Studs
    * Nut and Bolt Assortments and Kits
    * Bolts
    * Nuts
    * Screws
    * Washers

 * Hand Tools Show submenu for Hand Tools category
   Hand Tools Shop All
    * Axes
    * Benders
    * Bull Pins
    * Caulking Guns
    * Chalk and Chalk Lines
    * Chisels
    * Crimpers
    * Cutters
    * Deburring
    * Duct Tools
    * Extractors
    * Files
    * Flaring Tools
    * Floats
    * Grease Guns
    * Grout Bags
    * Hammers
    * Hex Keys
    * Hole Diggers | Tampers
    * Inspection Tools
    * Knives
    * Knockouts
    * Levels
    * Magnetic Pick Up Tools
    * Marking
    * Mason Lines
    * Measuring
    * Mixers
    * Mud Pans
    * Nail Setters
    * Oilers
    * Picks
    * Pliers
    * Pry Bars
    * Punches
    * Reamers
    * Riveters
    * Rub Bricks
    * Sanders
    * Saws
    * Scrapers
    * Screw Drivers
    * Shears
    * Shingle Removers
    * Siding Tools
    * Snips
    * Sockets
    * Squares
    * Staplers
    * Swaging Tools
    * Tape Measures
    * Tapping Tools
    * Tie-Wire Tools
    * Tile Cutters
    * Torches & Accessories
    * Trowels
    * Voice/Data/Video
    * Wire Brushes
    * Wrenches
    * Wedges
    * Tool Kits

 * Hardware & Rigging Show submenu for Hardware & Rigging category
   Hardware & Rigging Shop All
    * Barrel Bolts
    * Braces/Mending Plates
    * Chain
    * Door
    * Eyebolts
    * Hasps
    * Hinges
    * Hooks
    * Keystock
    * Links
    * Pad Eyes
    * Pins
    * Rings
    * Rope
    * Shackles
    * Snaps
    * Springs
    * Turnbuckles
    * Wire Accessories
    * Wire Rope

 * Ladders, Platforms and Scaffolding Show submenu for Ladders, Platforms and
   Scaffolding category
   Ladders, Platforms and Scaffolding Shop All
    * Accessories
    * Extension Ladders
    * Multiway Ladders
    * Planks
    * Platform Ladders
    * Saw Horses
    * Scaffold
    * Step Ladders
    * Straight Ladders
    * Telescoping Ladders
    * Trestle Ladders

 * Lasers & Measurement Show submenu for Lasers & Measurement category
   Lasers & Measurement Shop All
    * Accessories
    * Detection
    * Drain & Sewer Video Inspection
    * Hand-Held Video Inspection
    * Layout Stations
    * Line
    * Measure
    * Optical
    * Plumbing Locating
    * Point
    * Rotary
    * Temperature
    * Test and Measurement
    * Utility Locating

 * Maintenance Show submenu for Maintenance category
   Maintenance Shop All
    * Brooms
    * Brushes
    * Cleaners
    * Dektites
    * Drain Cleaning
    * Dust Pans
    * Fans and Blowers
    * Flashing
    * Foam
    * Garbage Bags
    * Garbage Cans
    * Heaters
    * Lavatory
    * Lubricants
    * Marking
    * Misc Office Supplies
    * Mops
    * Paint
    * Paint Accessories
    * Poly
    * Rags & Cloths
    * Rakes
    * Shims
    * Shovels
    * Squeegees
    * Surface
    * Towels
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    * Vacuums
    * Vehicle
    * Water Hoses
    * Air Fresheners
    * Calibration Gas

 * Material Handling Show submenu for Material Handling category
   Material Handling Shop All
    * Anvils
    * Beam Trolleys
    * Jacks
    * Cable Chokers
    * Casters
    * Clamps
    * Fuel Containers
    * Funnel/Spouts
    * Hoists
    * Lifts
    * Movers
    * Pails
    * Perforated Strapping
    * Propane
    * Pullers
    * Round Slings
    * Shipping
    * Slings
    * Sprayers
    * Stands
    * Tarps
    * Ties
    * Vises

 * Powder Actuated Tools & Accessories Show submenu for Powder Actuated Tools &
   Accessories category
   Powder Actuated Tools & Accessories Shop All
    * Pins and Studs
    * Shots
    * Stud Gun

 * Power Tools & Accessories Show submenu for Power Tools & Accessories category
   Power Tools & Accessories Shop All
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 * Safety Products Show submenu for Safety Products category
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    * Kneepads
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    * Marking
    * Radios
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 * Tool Storage and Organization Show submenu for Tool Storage and Organization
   Tool Storage and Organization Shop All
    * Bags
    * Bins and Organizers
    * Flammable Storage
    * Job Boxes
    * Locks
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    * Pounches and Holders

 * Strut Products Show submenu for Strut Products category
   Strut Products Shop All
    * Beam Clamps
    * Ceiling Flanges
    * Conduit Clips
    * Cushion Clamps
    * Fittings and Brackets
    * Hammer On Clips
    * Hangers
    * Misc
    * Pipe Stays And Straps
    * Post Bases
    * Q-Deck Hangers For Roofing and Concrete
    * Riser Clamps
    * Split Ring Clamps
    * Spring Nuts
    * Strut Channel
    * Strut Clamps
    * Wire Rope Hangers

 * Threading & Grooving Show submenu for Threading & Grooving category
   Threading & Grooving Shop All
    * Accessories
    * Dies
    * Pipe Bevellers
    * Pipe Threaders
    * Roll Groovers

 * Welding Show submenu for Welding category
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    * Blankets
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    * Helmets
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    * Jackets | Beanies | Shields
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Milwaukee® was founded in 1924 and continues to innovate to this day. The
company is committed to building quality products based on extensive research
and consultation with working construction professionals. Its flagship line of
red power tools includes over 500 models plus many accessories and parts.

Milwaukee® was the first tool manufacturer to achieve ISO 9001 certification for
quality management in all its manufacturing facilities. It has also been a
leader in cordless tools and was among the earliest companies to embrace
lithium-ion batteries.

Milwaukee®’s most popular products today include its cordless grease guns,
impact wrenches and cordless drills. Additionally, Milwaukee outdoor tools —
including hedge trimmers and blowers — are highly regarded by landscaping


Construction Fasteners and Tools’ current selection of Milwaukee® tools include:

 * Power tools: Milwaukee® power tools can be found hard at work in job sites
   all across the country. Specific products we carry can be grouped into three
   broad categories:
    * Cordless power tools: The Milwaukee® M12 and Milwaukee® M18 product lines
      include 12- and 18-volt power tools, respectively. Both deliver long
      battery life in lightweight packages. Several of our popular products are
      available in the Milwaukee® M18 brushless four tool combo kit, which
      includes a Milwaukee® M18 SAWZALL reciprocating saw, a hammer drill, a ¼
      hex impact driver and an LED work light, plus a Milwaukee® battery pack
      and a range of other accessories. The Milwaukee® M18 Knockout System is a
      unique and lightweight solution for punching holes in up to 14-gauge mild
    * Electric power tools: Electric power tools are a vital part of the
      Milwaukee® legacy. The company’s corded products deliver performance you
      can count on without having to worry about keeping a battery charged. Our
      inventory includes a range of Milwaukee® reciprocating saws, rotary
      hammers, tube cutters and more.
    * Outdoor power tools:The same expertise evident in Milwaukee®'s cordless
      and electric power tools is present in the company's lineup of outdoor
      products. The Milwaukee® M18 FUEL™ product family includes blower hedge
      trimmers and other outdoor tools suitable for use in both residential and
      commercial applications. All products offer fast charging, quiet operation
      and industry-leading performance.

 * Power tool accessories: Quality tools require an equally well-designed set of
   accessories. An extensive selection of drill bits, bit extensions, mag
   chucks, battery chargers and other accessories complements our cordless and
   corded Milwaukee® tools. One of our representatives can help you select the
   right items for your needs — just contact the Construction Fasteners and
   Tools office directly for assistance.
 * Cutting tools: Available cutting tools include multi-packs of Milwaukee®
   SAWZALL blades, aluminum, metal and wood saw blades and a varied selection of
   SDS bits in different sizes and shapes. Milwaukee® engineers its cutting
   tools for precision and speed. The SAWZALL line, in particular, includes
   several exclusive features, such as an aggressive 5 TPI pattern that delivers
   faster cutting while also protecting against tooth fractures.
 * Hand tools: Go anywhere with Milwaukee® hand tools. The company's products
   are proof that engineering expertise can improve even the simplest piece of
   equipment. Try out a Milwaukee® wrench set, Milwaukee® drain snake or other
   indoor or outdoor tool and you will see the difference that careful attention
   to design and details can make.
 * Storage products: Staying organized is the best way to improve your
   productivity and prevent on-the-job accidents. Milwaukee® storage products
   are designed to work with the company’s tools and accessories, fitting into
   your workflow seamlessly while keeping your important items accessible and
   protected. Browse our selection of Milwaukee® hardtop bags and tool totes as
   well as the IP65-rated, impact-resistant PACKOUT organizer — the ideal
   solution for storing fasteners, bits and other small items.
 * Other products: Milwaukee®’s diverse product line also includes material
   handling solutions, measuring tools and safety products. Milwaukee®
   flashlights are excellent for heavy-duty applications, while Milwaukee® laser
   distance measurers are known for their accuracy, speed and built-in
   auto-leveling feature. Service and maintenance professionals rely on
   Milwaukee® cordless grease guns to deliver up to 10,000 PSI of pressure while
   being easy to maneuver into hard-to-reach places.

Milwaukee®'s extensive catalog of tools and equipment offers solutions for
professionals in many different fields and trades. Explore all available
products using the links on this page.


These is no better place online to buy Milwaukee® products than Construction
Fasteners and Tools. We offer the low prices and extensive selection of a
big-box hardware store combined with the convenience of online shopping. Our
staff of experts is available to make recommendations that help you work more
efficiently. As a contractor-approved supplier of Milwaukee® products, we take
care to treat all of our customers with respect.

Shipping is free on any Milwaukee® tools purchase of $100 or more. With our
30-day return policy, there is no risk in shopping online. Get started by
placing your order today.

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 * 3563 Faithfull Ave.
   Saskatoon, SK, Canada
   S79 0G1
 * Phone: (306) 668-8885 Fax: (306) 668-8885 Toll Free: 1-866-238-8880
 * Monday - Friday: 6:30 AM - 5:00 PM
   Saturday: 7:30 AM - 12:00 PM * *Expect for long weekends

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