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German Bishop Reveals That Young People’s Real Questions Have Nothing to Do with
Celibacy or Women’s Ordination
French police detain bus in Paris that made persecution of Christians visible
and mocked the opening of the Olympics
Israeli Company Installs Water Generation Machine at Office of Papal Charities
in Vatican City
Cardinal O Malley’s era at the head of the important diocese of Boston in the
USA comes to an end: here is the successor
Bishop: Church’s true influence is sharing God’s mercy, not chasing ‘likes’
Pope Francis explains the miracle of the snowfall that gave birth to the first
Marian church in the world
Traditionalist Catholic congregation to sue bishop for expelling them from
Secular funerals gaining ground over religious funerals in UK, study shows
What is the lesson of Jesus’ multiplication of the loaves and fishes? Pope
Francis explains the meaning
One week after Paris 2024 opening ceremony, Vatican issues communiqué

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German Bishop Reveals That Young People’s Real Questions Have Nothing to Do with
Celibacy or Women’s Ordination

ZENIT Staff • agosto 6, 2024

French police detain bus in Paris that made persecution of Christians visible
and mocked the opening of the Olympics

ZENIT Staff • agosto 6, 2024

Israeli Company Installs Water Generation Machine at Office of Papal Charities
in Vatican City

ZENIT Staff • agosto 6, 2024

Cardinal O Malley’s era at the head of the important diocese of Boston in the
USA comes to an end: here is the successor

ZENIT Staff • agosto 6, 2024

Bishop: Church’s true influence is sharing God’s mercy, not chasing ‘likes’

ZENIT Staff • agosto 6, 2024

Pope Francis explains the miracle of the snowfall that gave birth to the first
Marian church in the world

ZENIT Staff • agosto 6, 2024

Traditionalist Catholic congregation to sue bishop for expelling them from

Elizabeth Owens • agosto 6, 2024

Secular funerals gaining ground over religious funerals in UK, study shows

Elizabeth Owens • agosto 6, 2024

What is the lesson of Jesus’ multiplication of the loaves and fishes? Pope
Francis explains the meaning

ZENIT Staff • agosto 4, 2024

One week after Paris 2024 opening ceremony, Vatican issues communiqué

ZENIT Staff • agosto 3, 2024

I’m «culturally Christian,» Elon Musk says in interview with Jordan Peterson

ZENIT Staff • agosto 3, 2024

The 4 vicinity of the priest: Pope receives fifth Spanish seminary in Vatican

ZENIT Staff • agosto 3, 2024

Vatican’s Official 2022 Report Shows That the Traditional Mass Was Allowed Only
to 57 Churches Worldwide

Valentina di Giorgio • agosto 3, 2024

According to An Official Survey of the Synod, 88% of People Reject Synodality

Valentina di Giorgio • agosto 3, 2024

Will “Holy Doors” Be Opened Outside of Rome for the Jubilee 2025? The Vatican

ZENIT Staff • agosto 1, 2024

Archbishop Broglio Appoints James Bogner as Chair of U.S. Bishops’ National
Review Board

ZENIT Staff • agosto 1, 2024

Attacks on Christians increasing in Israel

John Newton • agosto 1, 2024

Kamala Harris: The Most Progressive and Left-Wing Candidate for the US

Rafael Manuel Tovar • agosto 1, 2024

50,000 European altar servers meet with Pope at Vatican

ZENIT Staff • julio 31, 2024

Caring for poor and forgotten communities: these are Guatemalan nuns

Amy Balog • julio 31, 2024

Holy See Intervenes in French Religious Community Flourishing in Vocations

Rafael Llanes • julio 31, 2024

Pope Francis Goes to the Circus: Photos of a Parish-Pope Among Clowns and
Trapeze Artists

ZENIT Staff • julio 31, 2024

Transparency: Holy See releases its 2023 economic-assets report

ZENIT Staff • julio 29, 2024

¿Trump and Kamala? Pope Francis asks all Catholics to pray for politicians in

ZENIT Staff • julio 29, 2024

According to The New York Times, Progressive Priests Have No Generational
Replacement in the American Clergy

Rafael Manuel Tovar • julio 29, 2024

Victory Against Gender Ideology in Italy: Constitutional Court Denies
Recognition of “Non-Binary” Gender

Rafael Llanes • julio 29, 2024

Musk’s Pain Over His Trans Son: “Killed by the Woke Virus”

ZENIT Staff • julio 28, 2024

Research Shows That the Church Is the Sixth Institution That Inspires Most Trust
Among Americans

Tim Daniels • julio 28, 2024

Europe pledges aid to Nigeria in exchange for ideological colonization: Church
and Islam speak out

ZENIT Staff • julio 28, 2024

Pope Francis explains miracle of multiplication of loaves and fishes

ZENIT Staff • julio 28, 2024


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 * German Bishop Reveals That Young People’s Real Questions Have Nothing to Do
   with Celibacy or Women’s Ordination agosto 6, 2024
 * French police detain bus in Paris that made persecution of Christians visible
   and mocked the opening of the Olympics agosto 6, 2024
 * Israeli Company Installs Water Generation Machine at Office of Papal
   Charities in Vatican City agosto 6, 2024
 * Cardinal O Malley’s era at the head of the important diocese of Boston in the
   USA comes to an end: here is the successor agosto 6, 2024
 * Bishop: Church’s true influence is sharing God’s mercy, not chasing ‘likes’
   agosto 6, 2024


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 * French police detain bus in Paris that made persecution of Christian...
 * Traditionalist Catholic congregation to sue bishop for expelling the...
 * German Bishop Reveals That Young People’s Real Questions Have Nothin...
 * Vatican’s Official 2022 Report Shows That the Traditional Mass Was A...


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Pope’s Homily on the occasion of the Feast of the Dedication of the Pontifical
Basilica of St. Mary Major and the Solemnity of Our Lady of the Snows


Allocution on the occasion of the recitation of the Angelus on Sunday, August 4,


General Audience of 7 August 2024 - Cycle of Catechesis. The Spirit and the
Bride. The Holy Spirit guides the people of God towards Jesus our hope. 5.
Incarnate by the work of the Holy Spirit, from the Virgin Mary. How to conceive
and bear Jesus
To the Afghan Community Association in Italy (7 August 2024)
Celebration of Vespers on the occasion of the anniversary of the Dedication of
the Papal Basilica of Saint Mary Major and the Solemnity of Mary of the Snows (5
August 2024)
Angelus, 4 August 2024
To the Seminarians of the Major Seminary of Getafe, Spain (3 August 2024)
To Participants in the XIII International Pilgrimage of Altar Servers to Rome
(30 July 2024)
Angelus, 28 July 2024
Angelus, 21 July 2024
Letter of the Holy Father on the Role of Literature in Formation (17 July 2024)
To the Participants in the Chapters of: Clerics of Saint Viator, Clerics Regular
Minor, Minims, Augustinian Sisters of Divine Love, Reparatrix Sisters of the
Sacred Heart and in the Provincial Chapter of the Province of Christ the King of
the Missionary Sisters of Saint Anthony Mary Claret (15 July 2024)

Chadian priest, Father Madou, released after arrest by security agents
Church's true influence is sharing God's mercy, not chasing 'likes'
Pope to Afghan delegation: 'No one can invoke God's name to foment hate'
Papal almoner oversees new shipment of food and medicine to Ukraine
Afghanistan: Over 38 thousand people flee extreme weather conditions
Preparations underway for Pope Francis' visit to Singapore
From Swiss Guard to priest: 'Service with humility'
Pope prays for peace to extinguish strife in Middle East
Pope at Audience: With God, nothing is impossible
South Africa: Bishop Sipuka opens SACBC Plenary and voices concern over shortage
of priests

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