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   Food recalls
   * Food recall alerts
   * How to recall food
   * Food recall templates
   * About food recalls
   * Food recall statistics
   * Food incidents
   * Food Industry Recall Protocol
   * State and territory food recall action officers
   * FAQs for food businesses
   Business guidance
   * Labelling
     * Allergen labelling
     * Nutrition Panel Calculator
       * NPC downloadable files
       * Specific gravities
       * Weight change factors
       * About the NPC
       * Quick Start Guide
       * User guide
       * Foods in the NPC
       * Nutrients in the NPC
       * Calculations in the NPC
       * Frequently asked questions
       * NPC reference list
     * Nutrition, health and related claims
       * Notified food-health relationships
       * Notifying a self-substantiated food-health relationship
       * Nutrient Profiling Scoring Criterion
     * Pregnancy warning labels on alcoholic beverages
   * Food safety for food businesses
     * 2-hour / 4-hour rule
     * Animals
     * Cleaning and sanitising
     * Controlling pests
     * Cooling and reheating food
     * Displaying food
     * Food packaging
     * Food recalls
     * Food traceability
     * Health and hygiene - advice for food businesses
     * Health and hygiene - advice for food handlers
     * Home-based food businesses
     * Keeping food at the right temperature
     * Mobile food business
     * Processing food safely
     * Receiving food
     * Reducing acrylamide exposure in food
     * Safe food for older people - advice for businesses
     * Skills and knowledge for food handlers
     * Starting or changing a food business
     * Storing food safely
     * Temporary food premises
     * Thermometers
     * Transporting food safely
     * Standard 3.2.2A Food Safety Management Tools
       * Food safety supervisor
       * Food handler training
       * Evidence tool
   * Food safety in horticulture
     * Animals and pests
     * Food safety management statement
     * Food safety requirements for berry growers and primary processors
     * Food safety requirements for horticulture: berries, leafy vegetables and
     * Food safety requirements for leafy vegetable growers and primary
     * Food safety requirements for melon growers and primary processors
     * Growing sites
     * Health and hygiene of personnel and visitors
     * Inputs – Soil, water, fertiliser and composts
     * Notification
     * Pesticides
     * Premises and equipment
     * Skills and knowledge
     * Temperature control
     * Traceability of produce
     * Washing and sanitising produce
     * Weather events
   * Novel foods
     * Advisory Committee Novel Foods
     * Exclusivity of use for novel foods and nutritive substances
     * History of Novel Foods Standard
     * Novel food - Record of views formed in response to inquiries
   * Food safety culture
     * Food safety culture in action
     * Shaping food safety culture
   * Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)
     * The BSE risk assessment process and certification
     * Requirements for the importation of beef and beef products for human
     * Exporting beef or beef products to Australia
       * Frequently asked questions (BSE)
     * Status of country BSE food safety risk assessments
     * Australian questionnaire to assess BSE risk
     * Annual BSE update
   * Information for charities and community organisations
     * Checklist for event organisers
     * Food temperature and thermometers
     * Notifying your food enforcement agency
     * Labelling and providing information about food sold at fundraising events
     * Sausage sizzles and barbecues
     * Preparing and cooking food
     * Transporting food
     * Camping
     * Health and hygiene for food handlers
   * COVID-19
     * COVID-19 advice for food business general health and hygiene
     * COVID-19 advice for take-away food, donated food and food delivery
     * COVID-19 and food safety
     * Minimising business impacts caused by COVID-19
     * Staying up to date with COVID-19 requirements
   * Food safety standards
     * Review of food safety management standards
   * Microbiological limits for food
     * Limits for Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat foods
   * Primary production and processing standards
   Consumer information
   * Food allergies
     * Allergen collaboration
     * Food allergies and food intolerances
     * Product exemptions from allergen labelling
     * Food allergen portal
       * Allergy information for the food service industry
       * Food allergens - information for consumers
       * Information for childcare centres and schools
       * Information for government organisations
       * Information for health professionals
       * Allergy information for food manufacturers, retailers and importers
   * Preventing foodborne illness
     * Antimicrobial resistance and food safety
     * Apricot kernels (raw)
     * Bacteria, viruses and toxins that cause foodborne illness
     * Caffeine
     * Caffeine powders and high caffeine content foods
     * Canned foods - purchasing and storage
     * Cassava and bamboo shoots
     * Floods and food safety
     * Food complaints
     * Food safety basics
     * Food safety for vulnerable people
     * Food safety for older people
     * Food safety in an emergency
     * Inorganic arsenic and iodine in seaweed
     * Listeria in food
     * Listeria monocytogenes and imported fresh enoki mushrooms 
     * Microorganisms and foodborne illness
     * Poultry liver dishes
     * Raw drinking milk
     * Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) linked to eggs
   * Labelling information
     * Allergen labelling for consumers
     * Country of origin labelling
     * Energy labelling of alcoholic beverages
     * Fish names
     * Food additive labelling
     * GM food labelling
     * Health Star Rating System
     * Health claims (nutrition, health and related claims)
     * Ingredient lists and percentage labelling
     * Labelling for religious, environmental, animal welfare and other consumer
       value issues
     * Labelling of alcoholic beverages
     * Labelling poster - how to read food labels
     * Labelling review
       * Labelling review recommendation 12
       * Labelling review recommendation 17
       * Labelling review recommendation 26
       * Labelling review recommendation 34 - irradiation labelling
       * Labelling review recommendation 40 - country of origin labelling
       * Labelling review recommendations 6 and 47
       * Technical evaluation for recommendation 13 (trans fatty acids)
     * Nutrition information panels
     * Sugar labelling
     * Truth in labelling, weights and measures and legibility
     * Use by and best before dates
     * Warning and advisory statements
   * Chemicals in food
     * Acrylamide and food
     * Aluminium
     * Arsenic
     * Benzene in flavoured beverages
     * Bisphenol A (BPA)
     * Chemicals in food - maximum residue limits
     * Chemicals in food packaging
     * Dioxins
     * Ethylene oxide
     * Fluoride in bottled water
     * Glyphosate
     * Melamine
     * Mercury in fish
     * Perfluorinated compounds
     * Pyrrolizidine alkaloids in foods
   * Additives and processing aids
     * Additives overview
     * Aspartame
     * Colours and food additives reported as banned
     * Food colours
     * Glazing agents
     * Glutamates and food
     * How FSANZ ensures the safety of food additives
     * Intense sweeteners
     * MSG in food
     * Nitrates and nitrites
     * Steviol glycosides (960) (intense sweetener) (stevia)
     * Sulphites
     * Table of food additive permissions in the US and Europe
     * What do food additives do?
   * Food technologies and novel foods
     * Cloned animals
     * Food irradiation
     * Nanoparticles and infant formula
     * Nanotechnology and food
     * Reports on the use of nanotechnology in food additives and packaging
     * Review of titanium dioxide as a food additive
     * Tagatose
   * Genetically modified foods
     * GM foods: Safety of ingested recombinant DNA
     * General information about GM foods
     * Safety assessments of GM foods
     * Safety assessment sharing for GM foods
       * Herbicides in GM foods
         * FSANZ response to study linking Cry1Ab protein in blood to GM foods
     * Current status of genetically modified foods applications
     * New breeding techniques (NBTs)
       * New plant breeding techniques workshops
       * Food derived using new breeding techniques - review
     * Education materials on GM foods and NBTs
     * Response to studies cited as evidence of adverse effects from GM foods
       * Feeding studies and GM corn MON863
       * Response to a feeding study in rats by Zdziarski et al [1]
   * Nutrition
     * Iodine sensitivities
       * Iodine in food and iodine requirements
       * Iodine requirements and sensitivities
     * Plant sterols
     * Plant-based milk alternatives
     * Pregnancy and healthy eating
       * Iodine and pregnancy
       * Pregnancy and healthy eating
       * Folic acid/folate and pregnancy
     * Regulatory nutrient reference values
     * Sodium and salt
       * How much sodium do Australians eat?
       * Sodium and salt
       * How much sodium is in Australian foods?
     * Sugar
     * Trans fatty acids
     * Wholegrain food
   * Our safe food supply
     * Animal diseases, human health and food safety
     * Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)
     * COVID-19 transmission by food and food packaging
     * Cell based meat
     * Hemp seeds as food
     * Imported ready-to-eat berries
     * Isomaltulose
     * Meat pies
     * Microplastics in food
     * Palm oil
     * Pine nuts
     * Processed foods
     * Quorn (mycoprotein)
   * Food fortification
     * Folic acid fortification
       * Folic acid - mandatory folic acid fortification
       * Monitoring of folic acid fortification
     * Iodine fortification
     * Thiamin fortification
     * Vitamins and minerals added to food
   * Imported foods
     * FSANZ advice on imported human milk and human milk products
   * Special purpose foods
     * Food for special medical purposes
     * Sports foods
   Science and data
   * Dietary exposure and intake assessments
     * FSANZs dietary exposure assessment computer program
     * Food consumption data used in dietary exposure assessments
     * International peer review of our dietary modelling practices
     * Protecting high consumers
     * National surveillance of antimicrobial resistant bacteria in retail food
   * Food and nutrients databases
     * AUSNUT 2011-13
       * AUSNUT 2011-13 dietary supplement nutrient database
       * AUSNUT2011-13 food measures database
       * About AUSNUT 2011-13
       * Assigning foods and dietary supplements nutrients and measures data
       * Frequently asked questions (AUSNUT)
     * Australian Branded Food Database
       * Branded Food Database Terms and Conditions of use
     * Australian Food Composition Database
       * Data provided by food companies and organisations
       * Australian Food Composition Database
       * Foods and nutrients in the Australian Food Composition Database
       * Acknowledgements
       * Frequently asked questions (AFCD)
       * Legal information
   * Monitoring the safety of our food supply
     * Australian Total Diet Study
     * Risk analysis
       * 2014-15 Key foods program
   * Scientific expertise
     * FSANZ Fellows
   * International engagement
     * APEC
     * Codex Alimentarius Commission
   * Monitoring the nutrients of our food
     * Analytical data commissioned by us
       * 2022-23 Key Foods Analytical Program
       * 2021-22 Key Foods Analytical Program
       * 2019-20 Key Foods analytical program
     * Assessing the 2011-13 AHS against the Australian Dietary Guidelines
       * Classification system development
     * Australian Health Survey
   * Social science
   Food Standards Code
   * Food Standards Code legislation
     * About the Code
   * Public consultations
     * How to make a submission
   * Applications
   * Proposals
   * Notification Circulars
   * Changing the code
     * Work plan
     * Pre-application assistance
     * Maximum residue limits - variations
       * APVMA notice of applications
         * 2023 APVMA Notices
         * 2022 APVMA Notices
         * 2021 APVMA notices
         * 2020 APVMA notices
         * 2019 APVMA notices
         * 2018 APVMA notices
         * 2017 APVMA notices
         * 2016 APVMA notices
         * 2015 APVMA notices
         * 2014 APVMA notices
         * 2013 APVMA notices
         * 2012 APVMA notices
         * 2011 APVMA notices
     * Application Handbook
     * Application and proposal process
   * Gazette notices


 * Subscriptions
 * Publications
 * Careers
   * Working at FSANZ
 * Media
 * About us
   * Who we are
   * What we do
     * The safe food system
   * Corporate information
     * Organisation chart
     * Regulatory Science Strategy
     * Senate Order on entity contracts
     * Food regulatory agencies
     * Food law, treaties and agreements
     * Information Publication Scheme
       * FOI Disclosure Log
     * FSANZ Governance Framework
     * Public Interest Disclosures
   * FSANZ Board
     * Board meeting dates
     * Board meeting outcomes
     * FSANZ Board Risk Appetite Statement
   * Stakeholder engagement
     * Committees and groups
       * Binational Food Industry Dialogue
       * Consumer and Public Health Dialogue
       * Expert groups providing advice to FSANZ
     * Stakeholder forum
 * Contact us


   Food recalls
   * Food recall alerts
   * How to recall food
   * Food recall templates
   * About food recalls
   * Food recall statistics
   * Food incidents
   * Food Industry Recall Protocol
   * State and territory food recall action officers
   * FAQs for food businesses
   Business guidance
   * Labelling
     * Allergen labelling
     * Nutrition Panel Calculator
       * NPC downloadable files
       * Specific gravities
       * Weight change factors
       * About the NPC
       * Quick Start Guide
       * User guide
       * Foods in the NPC
       * Nutrients in the NPC
       * Calculations in the NPC
       * Frequently asked questions
       * NPC reference list
     * Nutrition, health and related claims
       * Notified food-health relationships
       * Notifying a self-substantiated food-health relationship
       * Nutrient Profiling Scoring Criterion
     * Pregnancy warning labels on alcoholic beverages
   * Food safety for food businesses
     * 2-hour / 4-hour rule
     * Animals
     * Cleaning and sanitising
     * Controlling pests
     * Cooling and reheating food
     * Displaying food
     * Food packaging
     * Food recalls
     * Food traceability
     * Health and hygiene - advice for food businesses
     * Health and hygiene - advice for food handlers
     * Home-based food businesses
     * Keeping food at the right temperature
     * Mobile food business
     * Processing food safely
     * Receiving food
     * Reducing acrylamide exposure in food
     * Safe food for older people - advice for businesses
     * Skills and knowledge for food handlers
     * Starting or changing a food business
     * Storing food safely
     * Temporary food premises
     * Thermometers
     * Transporting food safely
     * Standard 3.2.2A Food Safety Management Tools
       * Food safety supervisor
       * Food handler training
       * Evidence tool
   * Food safety in horticulture
     * Animals and pests
     * Food safety management statement
     * Food safety requirements for berry growers and primary processors
     * Food safety requirements for horticulture: berries, leafy vegetables and
     * Food safety requirements for leafy vegetable growers and primary
     * Food safety requirements for melon growers and primary processors
     * Growing sites
     * Health and hygiene of personnel and visitors
     * Inputs – Soil, water, fertiliser and composts
     * Notification
     * Pesticides
     * Premises and equipment
     * Skills and knowledge
     * Temperature control
     * Traceability of produce
     * Washing and sanitising produce
     * Weather events
   * Novel foods
     * Advisory Committee Novel Foods
     * Exclusivity of use for novel foods and nutritive substances
     * History of Novel Foods Standard
     * Novel food - Record of views formed in response to inquiries
   * Food safety culture
     * Food safety culture in action
     * Shaping food safety culture
   * Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)
     * The BSE risk assessment process and certification
     * Requirements for the importation of beef and beef products for human
     * Exporting beef or beef products to Australia
       * Frequently asked questions (BSE)
     * Status of country BSE food safety risk assessments
     * Australian questionnaire to assess BSE risk
     * Annual BSE update
   * Information for charities and community organisations
     * Checklist for event organisers
     * Food temperature and thermometers
     * Notifying your food enforcement agency
     * Labelling and providing information about food sold at fundraising events
     * Sausage sizzles and barbecues
     * Preparing and cooking food
     * Transporting food
     * Camping
     * Health and hygiene for food handlers
   * COVID-19
     * COVID-19 advice for food business general health and hygiene
     * COVID-19 advice for take-away food, donated food and food delivery
     * COVID-19 and food safety
     * Minimising business impacts caused by COVID-19
     * Staying up to date with COVID-19 requirements
   * Food safety standards
     * Review of food safety management standards
   * Microbiological limits for food
     * Limits for Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat foods
   * Primary production and processing standards
   Consumer information
   * Food allergies
     * Allergen collaboration
     * Food allergies and food intolerances
     * Product exemptions from allergen labelling
     * Food allergen portal
       * Allergy information for the food service industry
       * Food allergens - information for consumers
       * Information for childcare centres and schools
       * Information for government organisations
       * Information for health professionals
       * Allergy information for food manufacturers, retailers and importers
   * Preventing foodborne illness
     * Antimicrobial resistance and food safety
     * Apricot kernels (raw)
     * Bacteria, viruses and toxins that cause foodborne illness
     * Caffeine
     * Caffeine powders and high caffeine content foods
     * Canned foods - purchasing and storage
     * Cassava and bamboo shoots
     * Floods and food safety
     * Food complaints
     * Food safety basics
     * Food safety for vulnerable people
     * Food safety for older people
     * Food safety in an emergency
     * Inorganic arsenic and iodine in seaweed
     * Listeria in food
     * Listeria monocytogenes and imported fresh enoki mushrooms 
     * Microorganisms and foodborne illness
     * Poultry liver dishes
     * Raw drinking milk
     * Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) linked to eggs
   * Labelling information
     * Allergen labelling for consumers
     * Country of origin labelling
     * Energy labelling of alcoholic beverages
     * Fish names
     * Food additive labelling
     * GM food labelling
     * Health Star Rating System
     * Health claims (nutrition, health and related claims)
     * Ingredient lists and percentage labelling
     * Labelling for religious, environmental, animal welfare and other consumer
       value issues
     * Labelling of alcoholic beverages
     * Labelling poster - how to read food labels
     * Labelling review
       * Labelling review recommendation 12
       * Labelling review recommendation 17
       * Labelling review recommendation 26
       * Labelling review recommendation 34 - irradiation labelling
       * Labelling review recommendation 40 - country of origin labelling
       * Labelling review recommendations 6 and 47
       * Technical evaluation for recommendation 13 (trans fatty acids)
     * Nutrition information panels
     * Sugar labelling
     * Truth in labelling, weights and measures and legibility
     * Use by and best before dates
     * Warning and advisory statements
   * Chemicals in food
     * Acrylamide and food
     * Aluminium
     * Arsenic
     * Benzene in flavoured beverages
     * Bisphenol A (BPA)
     * Chemicals in food - maximum residue limits
     * Chemicals in food packaging
     * Dioxins
     * Ethylene oxide
     * Fluoride in bottled water
     * Glyphosate
     * Melamine
     * Mercury in fish
     * Perfluorinated compounds
     * Pyrrolizidine alkaloids in foods
   * Additives and processing aids
     * Additives overview
     * Aspartame
     * Colours and food additives reported as banned
     * Food colours
     * Glazing agents
     * Glutamates and food
     * How FSANZ ensures the safety of food additives
     * Intense sweeteners
     * MSG in food
     * Nitrates and nitrites
     * Steviol glycosides (960) (intense sweetener) (stevia)
     * Sulphites
     * Table of food additive permissions in the US and Europe
     * What do food additives do?
   * Food technologies and novel foods
     * Cloned animals
     * Food irradiation
     * Nanoparticles and infant formula
     * Nanotechnology and food
     * Reports on the use of nanotechnology in food additives and packaging
     * Review of titanium dioxide as a food additive
     * Tagatose
   * Genetically modified foods
     * GM foods: Safety of ingested recombinant DNA
     * General information about GM foods
     * Safety assessments of GM foods
     * Safety assessment sharing for GM foods
       * Herbicides in GM foods
         * FSANZ response to study linking Cry1Ab protein in blood to GM foods
     * Current status of genetically modified foods applications
     * New breeding techniques (NBTs)
       * New plant breeding techniques workshops
       * Food derived using new breeding techniques - review
     * Education materials on GM foods and NBTs
     * Response to studies cited as evidence of adverse effects from GM foods
       * Feeding studies and GM corn MON863
       * Response to a feeding study in rats by Zdziarski et al [1]
   * Nutrition
     * Iodine sensitivities
       * Iodine in food and iodine requirements
       * Iodine requirements and sensitivities
     * Plant sterols
     * Plant-based milk alternatives
     * Pregnancy and healthy eating
       * Iodine and pregnancy
       * Pregnancy and healthy eating
       * Folic acid/folate and pregnancy
     * Regulatory nutrient reference values
     * Sodium and salt
       * How much sodium do Australians eat?
       * Sodium and salt
       * How much sodium is in Australian foods?
     * Sugar
     * Trans fatty acids
     * Wholegrain food
   * Our safe food supply
     * Animal diseases, human health and food safety
     * Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)
     * COVID-19 transmission by food and food packaging
     * Cell based meat
     * Hemp seeds as food
     * Imported ready-to-eat berries
     * Isomaltulose
     * Meat pies
     * Microplastics in food
     * Palm oil
     * Pine nuts
     * Processed foods
     * Quorn (mycoprotein)
   * Food fortification
     * Folic acid fortification
       * Folic acid - mandatory folic acid fortification
       * Monitoring of folic acid fortification
     * Iodine fortification
     * Thiamin fortification
     * Vitamins and minerals added to food
   * Imported foods
     * FSANZ advice on imported human milk and human milk products
   * Special purpose foods
     * Food for special medical purposes
     * Sports foods
   Science and data
   * Dietary exposure and intake assessments
     * FSANZs dietary exposure assessment computer program
     * Food consumption data used in dietary exposure assessments
     * International peer review of our dietary modelling practices
     * Protecting high consumers
     * National surveillance of antimicrobial resistant bacteria in retail food
   * Food and nutrients databases
     * AUSNUT 2011-13
       * AUSNUT 2011-13 dietary supplement nutrient database
       * AUSNUT2011-13 food measures database
       * About AUSNUT 2011-13
       * Assigning foods and dietary supplements nutrients and measures data
       * Frequently asked questions (AUSNUT)
     * Australian Branded Food Database
       * Branded Food Database Terms and Conditions of use
     * Australian Food Composition Database
       * Data provided by food companies and organisations
       * Australian Food Composition Database
       * Foods and nutrients in the Australian Food Composition Database
       * Acknowledgements
       * Frequently asked questions (AFCD)
       * Legal information
   * Monitoring the safety of our food supply
     * Australian Total Diet Study
     * Risk analysis
       * 2014-15 Key foods program
   * Scientific expertise
     * FSANZ Fellows
   * International engagement
     * APEC
     * Codex Alimentarius Commission
   * Monitoring the nutrients of our food
     * Analytical data commissioned by us
       * 2022-23 Key Foods Analytical Program
       * 2021-22 Key Foods Analytical Program
       * 2019-20 Key Foods analytical program
     * Assessing the 2011-13 AHS against the Australian Dietary Guidelines
       * Classification system development
     * Australian Health Survey
   * Social science
   Food Standards Code
   * Food Standards Code legislation
     * About the Code
   * Public consultations
     * How to make a submission
   * Applications
   * Proposals
   * Notification Circulars
   * Changing the code
     * Work plan
     * Pre-application assistance
     * Maximum residue limits - variations
       * APVMA notice of applications
         * 2023 APVMA Notices
         * 2022 APVMA Notices
         * 2021 APVMA notices
         * 2020 APVMA notices
         * 2019 APVMA notices
         * 2018 APVMA notices
         * 2017 APVMA notices
         * 2016 APVMA notices
         * 2015 APVMA notices
         * 2014 APVMA notices
         * 2013 APVMA notices
         * 2012 APVMA notices
         * 2011 APVMA notices
     * Application Handbook
     * Application and proposal process
   * Gazette notices


Food safety is our business. FSANZ has set the standards for safe food in
Australia and New Zealand for more than 25 years. Our work is at the heart of
the world class bi-national food regulation system, ensuring consumers in both
countries can be confident the food they buy is safe to eat. 


FSANZ conducts public consultations on proposed food standards. We welcome
feedback from stakeholders and the broader community on applications and
proposals to change the Food Standards Code.



Calbee - Harvest Snaps Baked Pea Crisps in Original Salted (120g, 200g, 230g, 5
x 18g, 50 x 18g) and Salt & Vinegar (120g, 230g) Published date: 6 Aug 2024

The recall is due to the presence of an undeclared Soy allergen | NSW, QLD, VIC,

Gippsland Jersey Pty Ltd - Unhomogenised Jersey Milk 750ml and 2L Published
date: 1 Aug 2024

This recall is due to microbial (Listeria monocytogenes) contamination | NSW,

Paradise Beach Purveyors - Smoked Trout and Chive Dip 150g Published date: 30
Jul 2024

This recall is due to microbial (Listeria monocytogenes) contamination | NSW,
ACT, and QLD

Parsram Pty Ltd - McCain Imported Frozen Products Published date: 25 Jul 2024

The recall is due to potential chemical (ethylene oxide) contamination

BESTA Pty Ltd - PREMIUM CHINESE SAUSAGE(CANTON) 300G Published date: 24 Jul 2024

The recall is due to the presence of an undeclared allergen(s) (soy, gluten,
dairy). | VIC

Auxico (Perth) Pty Ltd - Baixiang Bowl Noodle Pork Bone Flavour and Chicken
Flavour Published date: 19 Jul 2024

The recall is due to Labelling (Incorrect Allergen Warning statement)

ALDI Stores- Farmwood Chicken Breast T-Rex Bites- 1kg Published date: 19 Jul

The recall is due to the presence of an undeclared allergen (peanut) | NSW, ACT,

Brand New Vintage-Journeyman Shiraz 2021 Published date: 15 Jul 2024

The recall is due to the presence of an undeclared allergen (sulphites) | NSW,

Bellarine Rocky Road Company- Rocky Road Almond Brittle and Coffee Bean 200g
Published date: 12 Jul 2024

The recall is due to the presence of an undeclared allergen (Pistachio) | VIC,

ALDI Stores - Stonemill Sesame Seeds 60g Published date: 10 Jul 2024

The recall is due to contamination of the food product with Salmonella │ VIC,

Nippon Food Supplies Company Pty Ltd - Morinaga Manna Bolo 34g Published date:
10 Jul 2024

The recall is due to the potential presence of foreign biological matter | NSW,

Jun Pacific Corporation Pty Ltd -Morinaga Manna Bolo 34g Published date: 8 Jul

The recall is due to the potential presence of foreign biological matter | NSW,

AB World Foods - Al’Fez Natural Tahini Paste 160g Published date: 6 Jul 2024

This recall is due to microbial (Salmonella) contamination | National

Josh Isaki Pty Ltd- Leslie's Clover Chips Products Published date: 2 Jul 2024

The recall is due to presence of undeclared allergen (gluten) | WA

Oz Brands Pty Ltd - Uncle Frog's Mushroom Gummies Cordyceps 36 grams and Uncle
Frog's Mushroom Gummies Lions Mane 36 grams Published date: 26 Jun 2024

The recall is due to the presence of unapproved novel food ingredients (lions
mane, cordyceps) | Nationally

Elixinol Wellness (Byron Bay) Pty Ltd - Mt Elephant Banana Oat Wholefood Cookie
Mix 375g and Mt Elephant Choc Chunk Wholefood Brownie Mix 350g Published date:
26 Jun 2024

The recall is due to the presence of an undeclared allergens (milk, almond,
peanut) | Nationally

Three Mills Bakery - Various Frozen Products Published date: 21 Jun 2024

The recall is due to the presence of an undeclared allergens (Gluten, Wheat,
Dairy, Eggs, Fish, Sulphites, and/or Sesame) | ACT

McCain Foods (Aust) Pty Ltd - Ham & Pineapple and BBQ Chicken & Pineapple Family
Pizzas 500g Published date: 20 Jun 2024

The recall is due to the presence of foreign matter (metal) | NATIONAL

Castleglen Filipino Foods - Leslie's Brand Clover Chips Barbeque Corn Snacks
145g Published date: 18 Jun 2024

The recall is due to the presence of an undeclared allergen (gluten) | QLD, SA,

SBC FOODS PTY LTD- Leslie's Clover Chips Barbecue Corn Snacks Products Published
date: 18 Jun 2024

The recall is due to the presence of an undeclared allergen (gluten) | NATIONAL

Kapamilya Imports Pty Ltd- Leslie's Brand Clover Chips Barbeque Corn Snacks 145g
Published date: 18 Jun 2024

The recall is due to the presence of an undeclared allergen (gluten) | NSW, QLD,

WTT Global Trading - Leslie Brand Clover Chips Barbeque Corn Snacks 145g
Published date: 15 Jun 2024

The recall is due to the presence of an undeclared allergen (gluten) | VIC

Indya Foods Pty Ltd- Ashoka Palak Paneer 280g Published date: 14 Jun 2024

The recall is due to the presence of an undeclared allergen (cashew) | NATIONAL

Primo Foods Pty Ltd - Primo - Mild Salami 25% Less Salt 80g Published date: 6
Jun 2024

The recall is due to the presence of an undeclared allergen (milk). |NSW, QLD,

White Lies Brewing Company - Hazy Craze Sessions, 500mL Published date: 31 May

The recall is due to secondary fermentation | QLD

Indya Foods Pty Ltd- Everest Fish Curry Masala 50g Published date: 28 May 2024

The recall is due to chemical (ethylene oxide) contamination | QLD, VIC, SA, NT

ByAsia Food-O'Food Marinade Products 280ml Published date: 24 May 2024

The recall is due to Labelling (Incorrect Gluten Free Claim) | NATIONAL

Westmont Pickles - Beer Pickle 500g Published date: 24 May 2024

The recall is due to the presence of foreign matter (glass) | NSW, VIC, SA

Australian Crocodile Traders - Crocodile Feet products Published date: 18 May

The recall is due to the presence of foreign matter (metal) | NSW, QLD, VIC

Flinders Mussels - Live Flinders Mussels Published date: 17 May 2024

The recall is due to biotoxin contamination | VIC

Bathurst Meals on Wheels Service Inc-Steamed Barramundi with Lemon Sauce Mini
Meal and Main Meal Published date: 16 May 2024

The recall is due to the presence of an undeclared allergen (Milk) | NSW

Salted Grapefruit 540ml by StrangeLove Published date: 10 May 2024

The recall was due to secondary fermentation | NATIONAL

HenKing Foods - Mr Lees Noodles Henking Coconut Chicken Laksa, 65g Published
date: 30 Apr 2024

The recall is due to undeclared allergen (milk) | NATIONAL

Arrotex Pharmaceuticals-28GO Go Bar - Triple Choc Protein 55g Published date: 30
Apr 2024

The recall is due to the presence of foreign matter (plastic) | NATIONAL

Patties Food Group - Little Meals Beef Cottage Pie 200g Published date: 29 Apr

The recall is due to the presence of foreign matter (rubber) | NATIONAL

Elixinol Wellness (Byron Bay) Pty Ltd- Mt Elephant Buttermylk Wholefood Pancake
Mix 230g Published date: 19 Apr 2024

The recall is due to the presence of an undeclared allergen (milk) | NATIONAL

Pinnacle Drinks - Oxford Arms London Dry Gin 37% 700ml Published date: 12 Apr

The recall is due to potential chemical contamination (styrene) | NATIONAL

Bellarine Brownie Company- Brownie Belgian Chocolate Vegan 86g Published date:
10 Apr 2024

The recall is due to undeclared allergens (cashew and egg) | VIC

Globe Consultancy Services Pty Ltd - Frisp Oats Products Published date: 8 Apr

The recall is due to the presence of an undeclared allergen (milk) NSW, Qld,
Tas, SA, WA, Vic, NT, ACT

Patties Food Group - On The Menu Entree products Published date: 4 Apr 2024

The recall is due to an error on the packaging | NATIONAL

Monta Group Holdings - Big Cup Noodle Curry Published date: 4 Apr 2024

Presence of an undeclared allergen (peanut) | NSW

CJ Nutracon P/L - Dumplings and Springrolls Published date: 24 Mar 2024

Potential presence of undeclared allergen (egg). Product distributed in Qld, NSW
and ACT

Bibigo Mini Mandu Prawn Dumplings (270g) Published date: 19 Mar 2024

Presence of an undeclared allergen (Egg) | NATIONAL

Moringafi Green Juice 270g Published date: 9 Mar 2024

Product is contaminated with Salmonella. It is available online.

Bio Living International- Gluten Freedom products Published date: 21 Feb 2024

The presence of foreign matter (plastic) | NATIONAL

Yummy Snack Foods- Pearl Barley 1kg and 500g Published date: 6 Feb 2024

The recall is due to mislabelling of an undeclared allergen (Gluten)| NSW, ACT,

Chef Q-Pork Slices 1kg Published date: 2 Feb 2024

The recall is due to the presence of an undeclared allergen (milk) | VIC

Peters Ice Cream-Connoisseur Plant Based Hazelnut Chocolate 1L Published date: 2
Feb 2024

The recall is due to presence of an undeclared allergen (Milk) | NATIONAL

Voyager Estate- 2023 Tempranillo Rosé Published date: 2 Feb 2024

The recall is due to the presence of foreign matter (Glass) | NATIONAL

Koko Black Premium Pty Ltd- A Jar of Stars 54% Dark 140g and A Bon Bon of Stars
54% Dark 200g Published date: 22 Jan 2024

The recall is due to the presence of an under declared allergen (milk) | NSW,

Sabrands Australia Management Pty Ltd Sunraysia Prune Juice 1L Published date:
16 Jan 2024

Unintended fermentation resulting in the presence of alcohol |NSW, QLD, VIC, SA,

Exotic Bazaar- Persian Love Cake Baking Kit- Original and Gluten Free 420g
Published date: 11 Jan 2024

The recall is due to Mould growth found in the 15ml rosewater bottle. | NATIONAL

North Aussie Ice - Jumbo Ice 5Kg Published date: 3 Jan 2024

The recall is due to presence of foreign matter (glass/metal) | WA

Woolworths Shortcrust Summer Berry Mince Pies - 6 pack Published date: 22 Dec

The recall is due to the potential presence of foreign matter (metal) | NSW

Stuart Alexander & Co Pty Ltd - Hershey's Caramel Syrup 623g Published date: 13
Dec 2023

This recall is due to an undeclared allergen (milk) | NATIONAL

Capital 555 Bean Sprouts Published date: 2 Dec 2023

The recall is due to microbial (Salmonella) contamination | WA

Fifya Greek Tzatziki Published date: 1 Dec 2023

Product states dairy free, however milk is included | NSW, QLD, TAS, SA, WA, VIC

General Mills Pty Ltd- Old El Paso Hard n Soft Taco Kit 350g  Published date: 30
Nov 2023

Some taco kits contain an incorrect sachet, which contains an undeclared
allergen (milk) | NATIONAL RECALL

Paris Creek Farms - Bio-dynamic fresh butter unsalted Published date: 20 Nov

Microbial (Yersinia enterocolitica) contamination | SA

Tassal - Salmon with coconut kaffir & lime marinade Published date: 10 Nov 2023

Presence of undeclared allergens (milk, soy) | TAS

Vegan Delight - CIGKOFTE Published date: 10 Nov 2023

The product has been available for sale at FoodWorks and independent food
retailers in VIC.

Coles Supermarkets Australia Pty Ltd - Sydney City Oysters Pacific Oysters 12
oysters Published date: 9 Nov 2023

This product has been available for sale from 4 November to 8 November in Coles
Supermarkets and from Coles Online in the ACT and NSW.

Tempo Foods - Fresh Milk Published date: 27 Oct 2023

The products have been available for sale at Coles, Woolworths and independent
retailers in VIC and NSW .

Exim Marketing PTY LTD - Naz Pan Masala Published date: 13 Oct 2023

The recall is due to presence of a prohibited botanical (Betel nut). NSW | VIC

Brand Solutions Australia - Performance inspired Water Published date: 11 Oct

The product has been available for sale at in Chemist Warehouse stores

Unicorn and Community Co Camembert Published date: 8 Oct 2023

These products have been available for sale at Woolworths nationally, Natures
Best, V&C Food Distributors and Bills Cheese and Yoghurts in NSW, Our United
Food Co QLD

Voyager Estate Sparkling Red Grape Juice and Voyager Estate Sparkling White
Grape Juice Published date: 29 Sep 2023

The product has been available for sale at Voyager Estate in WA and online

Byron Bay Superfoods - Wallaby Cookie Dough Bites Published date: 22 Sep 2023

The products have been available for sale at Woolworths nationally and
independent health food retailers in SA and NSW.

Natvia IP Pty Ltd M!lk Baking Chocolate  Published date: 8 Sep 2023

The product has been available for sale at Coles stores nationally.

Akai Bohshi Kukkia Cookies 12P Published date: 29 Aug 2023

The produ ct has been available for sale at Asian grocery stores in NSW and VIC.

Honest to Goodness Organic Quick Oats  Published date: 18 Aug 2023

These products have been available for sale Nationally

Gluten Free Food Co. - Gluten Free Pizza Base Mix Published date: 16 Aug 2023

The product has been available for sale at IGA and independent retailers

Raju Master Dry meat Published date: 16 Aug 2023

The products have been available for sale at independent food retailers in NSW.

Apromo Trading Pty Ltd - Love Raw Peanut Buttercups Published date: 15 Aug 2023

The products have been available for sale at independent food retailers in NSW,
ACT, VIC. The products were also available for sale at IGAs and independent food
retailers in WA.

Koko Black Premium Pty Ltd Chocolate products Published date: 12 Aug 2023

The products have been available for sale at Koko Black, independent retail
stores and online in NSW, ACT, VIC, TAS, SA and WA, and online in QLD.

Oriental Merchant Pty Ltd - Hanabi Marinated Pork Bulgogi       Published date:
10 Aug 2023

The product has been available for sale at Coles in NSW, QLD, VIC, TAS, SA and
WA and Woolworths in NSW, QLD and VIC.

The Hills Distillery Pty Ltd Vermouth products Published date: 8 Aug 2023

The products have been available for sale at Dan Murphy's in NSW, SA, Dan
Murphy's Mildura in VIC and nationally in independent liquor stores.
Date published: 8 August 2023
Date Updated: 9 August 2023

Long Paddock Cheese Driftwood Cheese  Published date: 28 Jul 2023

The products have been available for sale at independent food retailers in NSW
and VIC and IGA Macedon in VIC.

Y&J Connect Pty Ltd and Koz Worldwide Pty Ltd LOTTE PEPERO products Published
date: 21 Jul 2023

Y&J Connect Pty Ltd / Koz Worldwide Pty Ltd is conducting a recall of the above
products. This recall only applies to those products that do not declare the
allergens listed below. The products have been available for sale at Hanaro

Shin Mi (Brisbane) Pty Ltd LOTTE PEPERO products Published date: 19 Jul 2023

The recall is due to undeclared allergens . QLD

K S NSW Pty Ltd LOTTE PEPERO products Published date: 17 Jul 2023

K S NSW Pty Ltd is conducting a recall of LOTTE PEPERO almond and LOTTE PEPERO
white cookie. The products have been available for sale at Asian grocery stores
in QLD, VIC & WA.

Port Melbourne Paletas Pty Ltd Rocky Road Paleta Ice-Creme (new batch) Published
date: 14 Jul 2023

The recall is due to the presence of undeclared allergens (milk and tree nut
(cashew)). VIC

Korea Food Pty Ltd LOTTE PEPERO products Published date: 14 Jul 2023

Korea Food Pty Ltd is conducting a recall of the above products.The products
have been available for sale at Asian grocery stores in NSW and VIC. 

Port Melbourne Paletas Pty Ltd Rocky Road Paleta Ice-Creme Published date: 11
Jul 2023

The recall is due to the presence of undeclared allergens (milk and tree nut
(cashew)). VIC

Georgia Food Pty Ltd - LOTTE PEPERO products Published date: 6 Jul 2023

The product has been available for sale at Asian grocery stores in NSW

Royal Fields Poppy Seeds Published date: 5 Jul 2023




Coffee Table Delights Bakery Products Published date: 30 Jun 2023

The recall is due to the presence of an undeclared allergen (Gluten). WA

Mondelez Cote D'Bouchee 200g Published date: 30 Jun 2023




Concordia Traders Enoki Mushrooms  Published date: 28 Jun 2023

The recall is due to an an incorrect use by/best before date resulting in an
increased Listeria monocytogenes risk. VIC

Natural Mushrooms Enoki Mushrooms Published date: 27 Jun 2023




Jalna Dairy Foods Pty Ltd Yoghurt 1Kg Published date: 26 Jun 2023




Efoodz Roast Beef and 3 Veg Published date: 22 Jun 2023




That's Amore Cheese Burrata Published date: 20 Jun 2023





Coffee Table Delights Meringues  Published date: 15 Jun 2023

The recall is due to the presence of an undeclared allergen (gluten). WA

One Rusty Jack Indian Butter Chicken Simmer Sauce - 400g Published date: 9 Jun




KO Food Enoki Mushrooms Published date: 7 Jun 2023




Fruit Perfections Enoki Mushrooms Published date: 5 Jun 2023




2 June 2023


Aldi Recall - Anchovy Fillets Published date: 29 May 2023

The recall is due to elevated histamine levels | National

Patties Foods Pty Ltd Published date: 29 May 2023




Hershey's Syrup Indulgent Caramel Flavor Published date: 25 May 2023




Woolworths cookies and cream ice cream sandwiches Published date: 24 May 2023




The Spice Merchants - Jabsons products Published date: 22 May 2023

Smith's Original and Cheese and Onion Chips Published date: 19 May 2023




Efoodz Thai Chilli Chicken Meatballs Published date: 18 May 2023




Fortitude Brewing Co. Pacer Published date: 18 May 2023




Korea Connections Enoki Mushrooms Published date: 9 May 2023




Jabsons Tandoori Roasted Peanuts Published date: 27 Apr 2023




Gotzinger Wood Smoked Kabana Published date: 18 Apr 2023




Efoodz Red Thai Satay Chicken 340g Published date: 11 Apr 2023




K-mama Enoki Mushrooms 300g Published date: 6 Apr 2023




Woolworths Hot Cross Buns Published date: 5 Apr 2023




OzEmite Yeast Spread Gluten Free (175g) Published date: 4 Apr 2023




Fleurieu Milk Company Pouring Cream Published date: 31 Mar 2023




Doughstory Classic Paratha Published date: 24 Mar 2023




Nakula Plant Based Probiotic Coconut Yoghurt Natural 500g Published date: 18 Mar




Mediterranean Delicacies - Baklava Traditional Assortment Published date: 17 Mar




Y&J Connect Pty Ltd - K-mama Enoki Mushrooms (300g) Published date: 10 Mar 2023




Counter Culture Eirinn Irish Cream Stout Published date: 9 Mar 2023




Your Mates Brewing Co Watermelon Sour Beer Published date: 6 Mar 2023




Farmland Alfalfa Sprouts, 125g Published date: 6 Mar 2023






Woolworths Market Value 24 Thin Beef Sausages Published date: 2 Mar 2023


Sammi Shaanxi Cold Noodle Published date: 25 Feb 2023




JS Health x Inside Out Almond Milk and Oat Milk 1 L Published date: 20 Feb 2023




Updated: 17 February 2023


Smithy's Dry Lager Published date: 17 Feb 2023




Watson Family Produce Pasture Raised Free Range Eggs 350g and 700g Published
date: 21 Jan 2023




Nissin Big Cup Noodle Curry 120g Published date: 9 Jan 2023




The Yoghurt Shop Caramel Crumble Yoghurt 190g Published date: 21 Dec 2022




Future Bake Plant Based & Gluten Free White Choc & Berry Cookie 75g Published
date: 21 Dec 2022




Fresca Fish Co. Spicy Sriracha Tempura Prawns 375g Published date: 21 Dec 2022




IKEA Almondy Almond Cake with Daim 400g Published date: 20 Dec 2022




Coles Spinach Products  Published date: 17 Dec 2022

Date published: 17 December 2022

Riviera Farms Baby Spinach Published date: 16 Dec 2022




Woolworths Chicken Cobb Salad and Chickpea Falafel Salad Published date: 16 Dec




Fresh Salad Co Fresh and Fast Stir Fry Published date: 16 Dec 2022




Moon Dog Fizzer Alcoholic Seltzer Published date: 25 Nov 2022




Eumarrah Poppy Seeds Published date: 21 Nov 2022




Uttam KHUS KHUS POPPY (BLUE) Published date: 16 Nov 2022




Gaganis Premium Australian Poppy Seed Published date: 15 Nov 2022




East West Foods Poppy Seeds Published date: 15 Nov 2022


Hoyts Poppy Seeds Published date: 15 Nov 2022




PBCo products Published date: 10 Nov 2022



United Foods Italian Soup Mix Published date: 28 Oct 2022

United Foods (VIC) Pty. Ltd is conducting a recall of Italian Soup Mix. The
product has been available for sale at Boccaccio IGA in Victoria.

Murray River Smokehouse Salami Published date: 28 Oct 2022

Murray River Smokehouse is conducting a recall of their Salami (mild and
peppered). These products have been available for sale at Harris Farm Markets;
Thyme to Taste; Goldfields Grocers and Milawa Cheese in NSW and Victoria. Murray

Dare Iced Coffee 750mL Published date: 28 Oct 2022

Bega Dairy and Drinks Pty. Ltd. is conducting a recall of Dare Iced Coffee
750mL. Affected flavours are Espresso, Double Espresso, Mocha and Double
Espresso No Sugar Added. 

Smith's Crinkle Cut Salt & Vinegar Chips 45g, 90g, 170g Published date: 28 Oct

The Smith's Snackfood Company is conducting a recall of Smith's Crinkle Cut Salt
& Vinegar Chips 45g, 90g and 170g. The products have been available for sale at
Woolworths, Liquorland, First Choice Liquor Market and independent stores in

Murray River Smokehouse Salami Published date: 19 Oct 2022




United Foods Italian Soup Mix Published date: 7 Oct 2022




Smith's Crinkle Cut Salt & Vinegar Chips 45g, 90g, 170g Published date: 5 Oct




Dare Iced Coffee 750mL Published date: 5 Oct 2022


Genobile Saba Australia pizzas Published date: 5 Oct 2022




Happi Free From Oat M!lk Chocolate 80g Published date: 28 Sep 2022




Dineamic Creamy Pesto Pumpkin Gnocchi With Broccoli Published date: 12 Sep 2022




Crispbic Wafer Bics Gluten Free Published date: 10 Sep 2022


CRUDO and Bocadilla ready to eat meals Published date: 10 Sep 2022




Eagle Bay Brewing Company XPA Published date: 29 Aug 2022




Herbie's Spices Published date: 17 Aug 2022




Harris Smokehouse Smoked Fish Published date: 20 Jul 2022




Reese's Dipped Pretzels Published date: 13 Jul 2022




Hagen-Dazs ice cream Published date: 8 Jul 2022




Harris Smokehouse Smoked Salmon Pates Published date: 6 Jul 2022




Lay's Potato Chips Published date: 5 Jul 2022

Updated: 4 July 2022

The Fresh Salad Co Thai Coconut Wild Rice Prepared Salad 500g Published date: 29
Jun 2022





Jenny Craig Melting Moments Published date: 29 Jun 2022




Hanami Prawn Crackers Published date: 30 May 2022




The Little Big Dairy Company Double Cream 300mL and 1L Published date: 27 May




Margaret River Gluten Free Muesli 500G Published date: 25 May 2022




Deep Coriander Chutney Published date: 20 May 2022




INC Shred Max Raspberry Coconut Flavour 60G Published date: 3 May 2022




Elite confectionery products Published date: 29 Apr 2022




Golden Crunch Vegan Honeycomb Coated in Dark Chocolate Published date: 23 Apr




Terra Madre Organic Vegan Chocolate Coated Almonds Published date: 23 Apr 2022




Macro Certified Organic plant-based milks Published date: 20 Apr 2022




Kahlua Espresso Martini Published date: 14 Apr 2022




Kinder chocolate products Published date: 9 Apr 2022

Updated: 9 April 2022

Garden Fortune Cookies Published date: 8 Apr 2022




Revel Brewing Co Pine Lime Sour Ale 375mL Published date: 25 Mar 2022




Southern Sky Cheese Company Tasmanian Halloumi 180g Published date: 22 Mar 2022




Tasmania's Westhaven Haloumi 180g Published date: 22 Mar 2022




Uncles Ham Free Range 150g Published date: 10 Mar 2022

EleCare, Similac and Alimentum infant formula products Published date: 22 Feb




L'Artisan Organic Marcel Published date: 14 Feb 2022




Tohato Caramel Corn Original Flavour 80g Published date: 31 Jan 2022


Saputo Dairy Australia Pty Ltd Butter and Spreadable Butter Blend Products
Published date: 20 Jan 2022




Fresh Food Enterprises IQ Bars Published date: 14 Jan 2022




Tohato Caramel Corn Original Flavour 80g Published date: 13 Jan 2022




Nerada Detox Tea with added Probiotics Published date: 31 Dec 2021




Godiva's Chocolate Domes Milk Chocolate Coconut Crunch Published date: 31 Dec




Manila Bread Bakery Pandesal Published date: 23 Dec 2021




House of Biskota Gluten Free Choc Almond Biscuits Published date: 22 Dec 2021




Health Lab - Health Lab Kids Varieties Published date: 1 Dec 2021




Harris Farm Markets Persian Fetta Published date: 26 Nov 2021




The Cottage Persian Labneh 300g Published date: 26 Nov 2021




Shirreza Tahini Published date: 26 Nov 2021




Fresh Food Enterprises IQ Bars Published date: 23 Nov 2021




Raw Pacific oysters produced in Coffin Bay, SA Published date: 19 Nov 2021




Snackers Market Tasty Cheese and Mini Crackers and Pretzels Published date: 18
Nov 2021




Good To Go Tasty Cheese Salami and Cabanossi Published date: 16 Nov 2021




YBC Picola Strawberry 58.8g Published date: 12 Nov 2021




Nature's Delight Xmas Liquorice Mix 500G Published date: 27 Oct 2021




Weis Dairy Free Dark Chocolate & Coconut Multipack (280mL) Published date: 22
Oct 2021




Fruit X Berries Blueberry Chocs 150g Published date: 19 Oct 2021




Essential Ingredient Corn Tortillas 224g Published date: 19 Oct 2021


HLY Brown Sugar Cake290G/10 Published date: 18 Oct 2021




South Island White Mist Sauvignon Blanc 2021 750ml Published date: 13 Oct 2021

Product information

Devondale Sparkling Apple Juice 750ml Published date: 4 Oct 2021




Dao Xiang Cun Peanut Crisp Cookie 145g Published date: 30 Sep 2021




Whole Kids Smoothie Drops Berry, Banana and Coconut Milk 20g Published date: 27
Sep 2021




Nice Cola Sour Beer Published date: 16 Sep 2021




Noble Fellows Sauvignon Blanc 2021 Vintage 750mL Published date: 11 Sep 2021


Premium Tasmanian Smoked Ham Published date: 10 Sep 2021




Vegie Delights Savoury Vegie Mince 400g Published date: 2 Sep 2021




Original Juice Co. Cloudy Apple Juice 1.5L Published date: 1 Sep 2021


Jordan River Dates 1kg & 5kg Published date: 17 Aug 2021




Leggo's Fresh Napoli Sauce Published date: 10 Aug 2021



Koo canned mixed vegetable varieties Published date: 4 Aug 2021



Meraki Shiraz 2020 Vintage Published date: 22 Jun 2021



Eat Real Corn Puffs - various varieties Published date: 7 Jun 2021



Updated: 7 June 2021


Regent Pandan Cake 20g x 10pc Published date: 2 Jun 2021



Plant Asia Vegan Ribs with Plum Sauce 300g Published date: 12 May 2021



Yummy Snack Foods fruit and nut mixes various sizes Published date: 12 May 2021



Naturally Good Super Paleo Breakfast Biscuits 150g Published date: 23 Apr 2021



Updated: 23 April 2021


Taylor Rd IGA Pork Chipolatas 500g (approximately) Published date: 14 Apr 2021



Xiang Hai Crab Flavour Crisp Chips 50g Published date: 2 Apr 2021



Lychee Rose Kombucha 330ml Published date: 23 Mar 2021



Lauria Specialty Sweets Biscuit Products Published date: 22 Mar 2021



Preserved Chilli Beancurd 350g Published date: 19 Mar 2021



Kenilworth Dairies Full Cream Milk 3L, 2L and 1L Published date: 5 Mar 2021



Shelby's Healthy Hedonism Cookies Published date: 4 Mar 2021



Royal Nut Company Dark Chocolate Freeze Dried Strawberry Vegan 200g Published
date: 26 Feb 2021


Nerada Organics Lemon & Ginger Organic Herbal Infusion Tea 60g Published date:
24 Feb 2021


Diplomat Lemon & Ginger Herbal Infusion Tea 60g Published date: 24 Feb 2021

Updated: 24 February 2021


La Mole Sfornatini al Sesamo 120g Published date: 24 Feb 2021



'Kiss Me Lollipop' Chocolate Lollipop 30g Published date: 22 Feb 2021

Freckleberry Chocolate Factory is conducting a recall of their 'Kiss Me
Lollipop' Chocolate Lollipop 30g.

Dizzy Donkey Cloudy Apple Cider 375ml Published date: 17 Feb 2021



Woolworths Coleslaw 110g, 250g, 400g and 800g Published date: 23 Jan 2021


Wang Korea Sweet Rice Pancake Original and Green Tea Flavours 180g Published
date: 20 Jan 2021



O'Brien's Leg Ham - Various Weights Published date: 20 Jan 2021



Wang Korea Sweet Rice Pancake Original Flavour 180g and 480g Published date: 19
Jan 2021



El Cielo White Corn Tortillas Light Flavour 14cm 260g Published date: 8 Jan 2021



Rosella Red Cocktail Onions 150g Published date: 4 Jan 2021



nudie nothing but 2 apples 200ml Published date: 24 Dec 2020



Woolworths Cooked and Peeled Cocktail Prawns 1kg Published date: 23 Dec 2020


Simply Tasty Chicken Parmigiana with Creamy Mashed Potato Published date: 22 Dec



Woolworths Macro Natural Almond, Brazil & Cashew Spread 250g Published date: 21
Dec 2020



Naderi Traditional Cookie 210g Published date: 15 Dec 2020



Steggles Frozen Turkey Breast Roast 1kg Published date: 2 Dec 2020



Halo Top Plant Based Caramel Chocolate Pretzel Ice Cream 473ml Published date:
25 Nov 2020



Ricci's Bikkies Cinnamon Crunch Biscuits Published date: 13 Nov 2020



PS Blackstrap Ginger Soda 330ml Published date: 13 Nov 2020



Pete Evans Healthy Everyday Jamaican Simmer Sauce 330g Published date: 11 Nov



Fit-Lato Lemon Meringue Gelato 473ml Published date: 11 Nov 2020



Mr Black Coffee Milk Stout 375ml Published date: 6 Nov 2020



Woolworths In-Store Made Bakery Bread Published date: 6 Nov 2020



Oscar Caramel Mylk Chocolate 15g Published date: 4 Nov 2020



Sunny Supreme Frozen Shredded Coconut 200g Published date: 27 Oct 2020



Luxerose Cocktail Blends Published date: 27 Oct 2020



Golden Horse Dried Anchovy Kho Ca Com 450g Published date: 22 Oct 2020



Perth Cider Published date: 20 Oct 2020



Lao Gan Ma Chilli Sauce Chicken Flavour 280g Published date: 16 Oct 2020



Friend-ship Brand Sesame Soft Candy Published date: 17 Sep 2020



Keep it Cleaner Plant Based Protein Powder Chocolate Flavour Published date: 10
Sep 2020



Haigh's Milk MaltiChocs 250g Published date: 3 Sep 2020



MILKLAB and Blue Diamond almond milk Published date: 2 Sep 2020



Godels Chicken Wurst 200g Published date: 28 Aug 2020



Inner Goodness UHT Almond Milk 1L Published date: 28 Aug 2020



Linke's Central Meat Store Leberwurst Published date: 27 Aug 2020



27 August 2020


Miss Chow's Vegetarian Dumplings Published date: 27 Aug 2020



Happy Chef Fresh Sauces 280ml Published date: 26 Aug 2020



David Jones Milk Chocolate Sultanas 160g Published date: 21 Aug 2020



Inner Goodness UHT Soy Milk 1L Published date: 14 Aug 2020



Gerns Smallgoods thin beef sausages Published date: 3 Aug 2020


Updated on 3 August 2020

Shore Mariner Seafood Sticks 1kg Published date: 22 Jul 2020


Updated: 22 July 2020


Tasmanian Cheese Co Chilli Cheddar 150g Published date: 22 Jul 2020


Updated: 22 July 2020


OKF Brand Rice Milk Published date: 22 Jul 2020



Pana Organic Peanut Butter Chocolate Spread 200g Published date: 21 Jul 2020



25 June 2020


Mamma Lucia Halloumi Cheese Published date: 18 Jul 2020



Jinsung Trading Pty Ltd Puffed Rice Cracker and Snack Published date: 9 Jul 2020



Xiong Mao Pai (Panda Brand) Bamboo Fungus 100g Published date: 7 Jul 2020



7 July 2020


Halo Top Chocolate Ice Cream 473ml Published date: 6 Jul 2020


Updated 6 July 2020

Pandan Cake Published date: 1 Jul 2020



The Egg Basket eggs Published date: 14 Jun 2019




Public consultations on food standards
Have your say on changes to the Food Standards Code. FSANZ welcomes feedback
from the community and our stakeholders.

Food labelling for your business
FSANZ sets labelling requirements for both packaged and unpackaged food items,
including mandatory warnings and advisory labels.

Food recalls and incidents
Food recalls remove unsafe food from distribution and sale to protect
consumers. FSANZ coordinates and monitors food recalls in Australia. 





Help with creating a Nutrition Information Panel for food labels. 


Search for information about a food or nutrient.


Calculate the nutrient profile of a food product for health claims.


A guide to mandatory food safety standards for food businesses and retailers.


Anyone can make an application to amend the Food Standards Code.


Proposals are prepared by FSANZ to consider changes to the Food Standards Code.


 * 2 -hour / 4-hour rule
 * If you’re a food business, the 2-hour / 4-hour rule will help you keep food
   that’s taken out of the fridge safe.

 * Read more

 * How to recall food
 * Step-by-step instructions on how to recall food in Australia.

 * Read more

 * Cooling and reheating food
 * When cooling or reheating food, it’s important to do it right to keep it safe
   from harmful microorganisms and toxins that can cause food poisoning.

 * Read more

 * Call for comment: new processing aid from a GM source
 * FSANZ is calling for comment on an application to allow a new processing aid
   from a genetically modified source.

 * Read more

 * Labelling of alcoholic beverages
 * Find out about Food Standards Code requirements for labelling of alcoholic

 * Read more

 * Salmonella linked to frozen microwave meals
 * Australian state and territory food regulators and health authorities
   investigated cases of salmonellosis associated with a range of frozen
   microwave meals.

 * Read more


Subscribe to the latest news and alerts on food recalls, public consultations
and food standards information.






Read about our achievements and impact over the last financial year.


Read more about changes to conditions for making voluntary nutrition content
claims about added sugars in food. 


FSANZ's review of regulatory requirements for infant formula is nearing
completion. Find out more.


   Consumer guidance warnings and intakes
   Food business requirements and safe practice
   Food standards code the legislation
   Help & contacts

FSANZ acknowledges the traditional owners of country throughout Australia, and
their continuing connection to land, sea and community. We pay our respects to
them and their cultures, and to elders both past and present.

FSANZ acknowledges Māori as Tangata Whenua and Treaty of Waitangi partners in
Aotearoa New Zealand.


 * Copyright
 * Disclaimer
 * Privacy policy
 * Accessibility
 * © Food Standards Australia New Zealand