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HGUC 1/144 #19 MSM-07S Z'gok (Char's Custom) Regular price $ 13.99 Regular price $ 13.99 Sale price $ 10.99 Unit price/ per Add HGUC 1/144 #203 Zeta Gundam (Revive) Regular price $ 24.99 Regular price $ 24.99 Sale price $ 23.99 Unit price/ per Add * GIFT CARDS * PRE-ORDER * GUNDAM MODELS * GUNDAM KITS * MG Kits * RG Kits * PG Kits * HG Kits * SD Kits * RE Kits * Entry Grade * GUNDAM SERIES * Universal Century * Witch From Mercury * IBO * Build Fighters/Divers * Gundam Wing * Gundam Seed * Gundam 00 * G Gundam * Gundam Age * Gundam F91 * SCALE * 1/144 * 1/100 * 1/60 * 1/72 * * MODEL KITS * ROBOT / MECHA MODEL KITS * Zoids * 30 Minute Mission * Neon Genesis Evangelion * Hexa Gear * Kyoukai Senki * Frame Arms * Transformers * Super Robot * Patlabor * Armored Puppet * Maschinen Krieger * Robotech / Macross * LBX Little Battle Experience * Natchin Tank * Mechatro * Other Mecha Models * ANIME MODEL KITS * Dragon Ball * Digimon * Pokemon * One Piece * Ultraman * Kamen Raider * GAME/MOVIE MODEL KITS * Star Wars * Mega Man * Metal Gear * Armored Core * Marvel * OTHER MODELS * 30 Minute Sisters * Megami Device * Frame Arms Girls * Mecha Girls * Little Armory * M.S.G. * ATK / MS General * SOUSAI SHOJO TEIEN * 3rd Party Kits * SCALE * 1/144 * 1/100 * 1/60 * 1/72 * NOW IN-STOCK Metal Gear Solid Metal Gear Rex (Black Ver.) 1/100 Scale Model Kit Regular price $ 99.99 Regular price $ 103.99 Sale price $ 99.99 Unit price / per * FIGURES * ACTION FIGURES * Figma * S.h. 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HGUC 1/144 #195 QUBELEY REVIVE Skip to product information * HGUC 1/144 #195 QUBELEY REVIVE 15 reviews Regular price $ 22.99 Regular price $ 24.99 Sale price $ 22.99 Unit price / per 8% OFF Sku : 2301242 Add to Wishlist Product variants Default Title - $ 22.99 Quantity Decrease quantity for HGUC 1/144 #195 Qubeley Revive Increase quantity for HGUC 1/144 #195 Qubeley Revive Add to cart Couldn't load pickup availability Refresh Add to cart FREQUENTLY BOUGHT TOGETHER HGUC 1/144 #195 Qubeley Revive Regular price $ 24.99 Regular price $ 24.99 Sale price $ 22.99 Unit price/ per HGUC 1/144 #19 MSM-07S Z'gok (Char's Custom) Regular price $ 13.99 Regular price $ 13.99 Sale price $ 10.99 Unit price/ per HGUC 1/144 #203 Zeta Gundam (Revive) Regular price $ 24.99 Regular price $ 24.99 Sale price $ 23.99 Unit price/ per Subtotal for 3 items Was $63.97$57.97 Add All To Cart * Description * Shipping & Returns * Instructions HGUC 1/144 #195 QUBELEY REVIVE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Add to your model kit collection with this 1/144 scale Qubeley! Once complete this figure is highly poseable, perfect for recreating action-packed scenes! PRODUCT FEATURES * 1/144 Scale * Made of plastic * Part of the High Grade model kit line * Highly poseable * Action Base not included * Instructions may or may not include English translation * No glue required for assembly, a hobby nipper is required to remove parts from runners BOX CONTENTS * Pieces to build * Qubeley * Beam sword * Instructions RETURN POLICY SADLY NOT ALL PURCHASES ARE GOING TO BE PERFECT. AS MUCH AS WE TRY SOME PACKAGES ARE NOT GOING TO ARRIVE PERFECTLY; KNOWING THAT WE OFFER A 30 DAY RETURN POLICY. PLEASE SEE RESELLER RETURNS FOR CUSTOMERS DEEMED AS RESELLERS UNOPENED ITEMS Unopened and unused items are able to be returned within 30 days. The packaging must be in the same condition as when initially received. OPENED ITEMS Opened items are not eligible for returns. this includes: * Items that have been opened or removed from the packaging * Items that have visible indications that the packaged has been opened * Opened cases that are no longer factory sealed CLOTHING AND APPAREL Used or worn clothing, apparel, and accessories may not be returned. DAMAGED AND DEFECTIVE ITEMS Any defective item or item damaged in transit can be exchanged for a replacement of the same item (or a replacement part depending on the issue). Store credit Can also be issued on level of the damage of the item. Requests must be sent to us within 30 days of receiving your order. If the item is no longer available, we will be happy to issue a refund. We may request that you e-mail a picture of your broken or defective item to help us determine what exactly is wrong and if a replacement part would be helpful. The following issues do not qualify as a defective product: * Minor cosmetic paint issues * Package condition HOW TO RETURN AN ITEM Please contact Customer Service to receive authorization for your return so that the item(s) can be accepted. Any returns without authorization will be delayed and possibly not be eligible for a refund. Customer service may be reached by: * Email: Support@usagundamstore.com * Phone: (386) 317-5112 (9:00 AM to 4:00 PM EST Monday through Friday) RETURN SHIPPING - DOMESTIC CUSTOMERS If the return is due to our error or a damaged or defective product, we will cover any return shipping fees as long as the return is completed through a USAGS return option (a prepaid label provided by us). If you choose a self-return option (a carrier or service of your choice) you will pay the cost charged by the carrier selected and will not be reimbursed. We are not responsible for any lost or damaged packages through a self-return option. If the return is for any other reason, we will not pay for the return shipping fees and you will be responsible for all shipping costs without reimbursement. We are not responsible for any lost or damaged packages returned to us. RETURN SHIPPING – INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMERS If the return is due to our error or a damaged or defective product, we will issue store credit for what it would reasonably cost to ship the item back to us using a cost-efficient method. You will be responsible for shipping the item(s) back and paying for the actual shipping fees. If the return is for any other reason, we will not pay for the return shipping fees and you will be responsible for all shipping costs without reimbursement. We are not responsible for any lost or damaged packages returned to us. HOW TO PREPARE YOUR ITEM FOR RETURN SHIPPING Please pack the item in an appropriate-sized shipping box and use bubble wrap or other fill to adequately protect the item. Please do not ever place the shipping label directly on the item to return it as this results in a partial or no refund. If the item is damaged in transit or received in less-than-original condition due to poor packaging your refund will be less. REFUNDS Refunds on returns are issued after the product has been received and processed. Refunds are in the original form of payment. In cases where this is not possible, store credit will be issued. You may view your account to check a refund status. Once we issue your refund there may be a delay for these funds to show in your account: * Credit Cards: Typically 3-5 business days * PayPal: Depends on your PayPal original source of payment. PayPal states up to 30 days. * Store credit: Available immediately REFUSED AND UNDELIVERABLE SHIPMENTS A refused shipment will be treated as a return and any return costs will be deducted from the refund. If a shipment is returned to us as undeliverable due to an error on your part (such as incorrect address or not home), we will contact you to reship the package; any return and reshipping costs are due before the package is reshipped. Re-shipments for domestic customers may not be elligible for Flat Rate Shipping. International customers will be responsible for any additional fees, duties, or taxes for refused or undeliverable shipments. If customs disposes your shipment for any reason, no refunds will be issued for product or shipping. RESTOCKING FEES We typically do not assess restocking fees but reserve the right to do so in some situations: * Returned shipment contains missing, damaged, or opened items * Merchandise inspected by Customs * The return was received after the 30 day return window Our Customer Service team will contact you with any general concerns prior to issuing a refund. SELLERS DEEMED TO BE RESELLERS If you order more that 5 of an item and have multiple orders with this same activity. You will be classified as a reseller. Resellers have 7 days from arrival of product to request a return and refund after that time no refund or return will be granted. All other return policies mention above will be in effect as normal PRE-ORDERS Are you tired of missing releases of highly sought after collectibles and toys that have sold out? Pre-ordering products helps you avoid this frustration and makes the process a hassle-free and enjoyable experience! Once a manufacturer announces a new item and gives us the ok to publish, we will list it for presale with an estimated arrival date. A Pre-Order means we are taking advanced orders for the item. It has either not been released or has not yet arrived at our warehouse. PRE-ORDER ARRIVAL DATES Every product on pre-order lists has an estimated arrival month. Our product team is in constant contact with all of the different vendors we work with to try to obtain the most up to date information as possible. Once we are told something has changed, we will update the listings. We would all like pre-orders to show up within the expected time frame, but unfortunately the toy and collectable industry can have some delays. The expected arrival date is an estimate; there are no guarantees for exactly when pre-ordered products will arrive. No compensation can be given for pre-orders that arrive late. We don't recommend pre-ordering products as gifts or for special occasions that are time sensitive due to the possibility of delays. What does it mean when it says Quarter arrival? This is the estimate of arrival for a preorder item. This means the item is expected within a window of arrival and an exact month is not yet available. Here's a break down of each quarter and what it consists of: Quarter 1 is January - March Quarter 2 is April - June Quarter 3 is July - September Quarter 4 is October - December PRE-ORDER CANCELATION You can cancel most pre-orders at any time prior to their arrival at our warehouse. All of this can be done by contacting our support team at Support@usagundamstore.com. in most cases there is a 5% fee to cancel a pre-order item or no fee for store credit. PRE-ORDER PAYMENT We are on a live payment checkout meaning that orders are charged at time of purchase. ARRIVAL NOTICES When possible we will send out notification that a pre-order is arriving soon. This will allow you to review your shipping address, and shipping information before your order is processed. Please note we are unable to do this for all products; we are dependent on how much notification our vendors give us prior to shipping. PRE-ORDER PRICING Due to the nature of pre-orders, pricing may sometimes change after we list the product for presale. If the price is reduced and your item is still on pre-order, your price will be adjusted so you receive the lowest price. In rare circumstances, mandatory price changes may happen to a pre-order. This could occur when we receive a solicitation from a vendor with a pricing error or when product import tariffs are assessed by the United States government. In the event that the price increases, we will notify affected customers. As always you are free to cancel your pre-order at any time. PRE-ORDER ADDRESS CHANGES Please contact our support team at Support@usagundamstore.com for assistance with updating an address on your order. Updating your default account address will NOT update previously placed orders. Please contact us for assistance with changes to orders already placed. PRE-ORDER FULFILLMENT We work hard to fill every pre-order we take, but occasionally a situation may be out of our control. If we cannot fill your pre-order, we will contact you and give options and estimated arrival. if you wish to cancel it there will be no cancellation fee for this. × ❮ ❯ General Safety Warning: Products may contain sharp points, small parts, choking hazards, and other elements not suitable for children under 12 years old. Customer Reviews 4.7 Based on 15 Reviews 5 ★ 73% 11 4 ★ 27% 4 3 ★ 0% 0 2 ★ 0% 0 1 ★ 0% 0 Customer Photos i i i i i i i i Write a Review Ask a Question * Reviews * Questions Thank you for posting a question! Your question will appear on the site once we've answered it. Ask a Question Author Name Email Question Question Submit Write a review Author Name Email Location Rating Rating 1 2 3 4 5 Title of Review How was your overall experience? Questions Photos Upload Thank you for submitting a review! Your input is very much appreciated. Share it with your friends so they can enjoy it too! FacebookTwitter Be the first to review this item SortWith Photos Most Recent Highest Rating Lowest Rating Most Helpful Filter Reviews: × * design * build * articulation * Quebeley Revive * process * model * binders * seamlines * touch * finish SortWith Photos Most Recent Highest Rating Lowest Rating Most Helpful Clear filter More Filters R 08/05/2024 Rhythm United States A VERY FUN BUILD! The Quebeley Revive was definitely an interesting build. Its different design makes it stand out on the shelf, and the process of putting the wings together was way more fun than i had anticipated. HGUC 1/144 #195 Qubeley Revive Share | Facebook • Twitter Was this helpful? 0 0 G 06/08/2024 Goose United States GREAT PIECE! Really enjoyed building this one! HGUC 1/144 #195 Qubeley Revive Share | Facebook • Twitter Was this helpful? 0 0 D 11/10/2023 D.Lai United States FINNICKY BUT UNIQUE Looks great and has ok articulation but arm connection as well as the binders are a bit finnicky. HGUC 1/144 #195 Qubeley Revive Share | Facebook • Twitter Was this helpful? 0 0 MD 10/28/2023 Matthew D. United States FUN BUILD Very big unique kit. Fun time building. HGUC 1/144 #195 Qubeley Revive Share | Facebook • Twitter Was this helpful? 0 0 IL 09/27/2023 I L. United States SUPER COOL DESIGN AND BUILD! This model caught my eye for the unique design and kept my interest with the unique build to allow certain poses and movements. Definitely recommend! HGUC 1/144 #195 Qubeley Revive Share | Facebook • Twitter Was this helpful? 0 0 * < * << * 1 * 2 * 3 * >> * > CUSTOMERS ALSO BOUGHT * Facebook * Twitter * Instagram * TikTok * YouTube CONTACT INFORMATION CONTACT INFORMATION * Location 1329 Bellevue Avenue United States * Contact Us (386) 317-5112 * Email Support@usagundamstore.com QUESTIONS? QUESTIONS? * Support Center * Contact * About Us * Policies * Price Match Guarantee * FAQ * Shipping * Delayed List GUNPLA GUNPLA * MG Kits * RG Kits * PG Kits * HG Kits * SD Kits * RE Kits * Entry Grade FIGURES FIGURES * Figma * Scale Figures * Banpresto * S.H. Figuarts * Funko Copyright © 2023 USA Gundam Inc. All rights reserved. * Apple Pay * Google Pay * Visa * Mastercard * Discover * Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. My Wishlist 0 Close dialog Limited Time 10% off Save on your first order and get email only offers when you join. Continue