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Meet Kitimat (British Columbia) women for online dating. 62 y. o. ♀ Canada,
British Columbia, Kitimat Aries I love seeing my parents and going for dinner.


from Willard 25


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say the male, formerly of Kitimat and now a resident of Alberta, has been
charged with aggravated assault. At around a.

Witnesses at the scene directed the RCMP north from the hotel where people say
the suspect allegedly ran into a wooded area. RCMP officers used foot prints in
the snow to track the suspect down and he was quickly apprehended. Rinquinha was
in custody how-. The year-old victim was taken to the hospital for treatment of
severe head trauma and broken facial bones, and she remains in hospital. The
RCMP say they would like to speak with anyone with information or more witnesses
who have not yet spoken with the police. Asia needs energy. BC has huge reserves
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The next step is natural. Through e-mail, Transport Canada media relations
advisor Kelly James explained a bit more about what this change means. A public
port, though, is subject to port traffic control as they are under the
administration of the Minister of Transport. Designating a port as public would
entail consultation with stakeholders like the District and users, she added.
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The answer is natural. Includes tax.


Cheers to the old days and the new This weekend is the 60th anniversary of
Kitimat. It was incorporated on March 31, And I think birthday celebrations like
these are very fun, especially as it makes me reflect on the ways this town has
grown on me since I first moved here. Oddly enough the month of March is my own
Kitimat anniversary, the month I moved back in But moving back in was a whole
lot different then when I actually first moved to Kitimat in The town was a
different place then.

I had come to town in the wake of the closure of Methanex, and coasted in just
as the whole power sales issue was coming to a head. All in all, it was
confusing time to be a new resident. Economically the town just plugged away,
but the people themselves were, and still are, very endearing.

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As a cub reporter fresh out of post-secondary, it was very helpful to me. That
community spirit is what helped draw me back after I had left for Smithers for
two years. All in all, Kitimat is just a really easy town to like. The idea that
this community will grow, that there will be jobs and that things will, in
general, come here is widespread. Just looking downtown, there are new and
coming shops to keep our money spent locally.


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> dinner.

So, at 60 years, the town seems to be in a good and exciting place. And to
celebrate, there will be events throughout the year and, of course, cake this
Sunday. No celebration would be complete without it. So, as a new resident, and
perhaps a future oldtimer at what point do I start claiming that distinction?
Cameron Orr. Fearless election predictions As British Labour Party prime
minister Harold Wilson famously said, a week is a long time in politics.

So by that standard I would normally be chancing my arm trying to predict the
outcome of the provincial election seven weeks ahead of polling day. But this
time only the most diehard and delusional - Liberal would anticipate anything
other than a New Democrat victory. The Liberal death spiral began with the HST
fiasco, an extraordinary episode even for British Columbia where a government
was returned to power and then almost immediately committed political suicide.

And the opinion polls have faithfully chronicled her descent into the abyss. So,
the question is not who wins but by how much.


Heated front seats. Social life was always important within the district. Stuart
complained to Governor George Simpson that few engages remained more than one
3-year contract in New Caledonia because of the terrible diet. June proved that
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Easter is the second top-selling candy holiday of the. We appreciate the
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Coons appeared to do a good job representing his riding, especially on big
ticket issues such as BC Ferries. That said, she should win handily NDP. Robin
Austin is seeking the hattrick. Here I am going to be looking for So take those
23 seats, add it to the 35 that were NDP last time and you have how many people
even voted.

Much easier to predict are the three votes. Since that election the Eurocan pulp
Liberal Scott Groves.


Austin also faces a tougher opponent unseated Liberal incumbent Bill Belsey in
by just short of 1, Four this time in Carol LeClerc. None of that will change
the result years later and facing a credible Liberal opponent in former Prince
Rupert mayor - an Austin victory - but I suspect his Herb Pond, he increased
that margin to majority will be sharply reduced. Working Workingtogether
togetherbringing bringingthe thenews newstotoyou. Community newspapers a s s o C
i a t i o n. He said He is, the Son of God who came to pay the price of our sin
on the cross as our substitute; so that all who through the leading of the Holy
Spirit repent of their sins and believe on Him as their Lord and Savior are
forgiven and promised a resurrection to eternal life just like His.

Having such a disregard for life for such a simple requirement makes no sense.
As a ratepayer and user of MK Bay Marina I will be looking for serious action to
come from the board of directors who have the duty to oversee this Regional
District service. Cheating death is a manner of luck and luck does run out. I am
very thankful that no one has lost their life for such foolish defiance. Victor
Lick. What is the cost of a life? Now the ratepayers are going to have to pick
up the legal expenses and fine and all associated costs with this case.


from Lyman 30


Navigation menu Discover Canada - Canada’s History

Available Indexes Full-text Catalog Full view only. Search HathiTrust. Advanced
full-text search Advanced catalog search Search tips. Tools Cite this Export
citation file. Published Canada restricts travel from U. What we know about the
U. Members of Ont. First Nation return home after evacuation due to contaminated
water. More EU nations ban travel from U.

Living and dying with dignity: third chance to get assisted dying bill right.
Easily reached by sea from New York, Nova Scotia became the chief refuge of the
loyalists. Some settled in the peninsula itself, some in Cape Breton and in the
separate colony of Prince Edward Island. A large number, however, settled along
the St. John River, north of the Bay of Fundy. Dissatisfied with tardy
government from Halifax, they promptly agitated for a government of their own,
and equally promptly the new province of New Brunswick was created for them in ,
with its own governor and assembly.

In Quebec the loyalists simply crossed the new frontier and settled along the
St. Lawrence River to the west of the old French settlements. Their impact in
Quebec was even greater than in Nova Scotia and led to the creation of the
Constitutional Act of The loyalists who settled in Central Canada were for the
most part quite different from those who went to what were soon to be called the
Maritime colonies later the Maritime Provinces.

The latter had possessed an elite of government officials and professional men,
often loyalist regiments with their officers and men, from the long-settled
seaboard areas. The Central Canadian loyalists, however, were largely from upper
New York, especially the Mohawk valley country , and from Pennsylvania and were
almost wholly simple frontier folk and recent immigrants, driven from their
homes by neighbours who often used the Revolution to dispossess them of their
lands thus explaining the bitter fighting along the frontier and the long
loyalist hatred in the new province for all things American.

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Their coming transformed the character of the population of Quebec. That
province had been given a government much like that of New France, except for
the important office of intendant, and the province was in population almost
wholly French, as it was in civil law. The result was the Quebec Act of , which
marked a radical departure from the manner by which British colonies in America
were governed. It granted permission for Roman Catholics in Quebec to hold
public office; stipulated that an appointed council, rather than an elected
assembly, would advise the governor; and legitimized French civil law , though
English criminal law was to be in force.

The Quebec Act also recognized the legitimacy of the French language and the
Roman Catholic faith, gave the church power to enforce the collection of tithes,
and formalized the authority of the seigneurs to collect cens et rentes.
Carleton had sought to cement French loyalty to Britain. As the American
Revolution would demonstrate, however, the Quebec Act did not do that.

Instead, it brought about a virtual revolution in Quebec society. The Quebec Act
gave the seigneurs, the church, and the clergy a degree of authority and
influence they had never enjoyed even under the French regime. After , however,
the bishop and the church reigned supreme in their own sphere, especially since
British governing authorities were loath to interfere in religious matters. The
Quebec Act also enhanced the status of the seigneurs by giving them unchallenged
legal authority to set the terms and conditions of settlement on their lands.

Magnifying this important change, some seigneurs sold their holdings to members
of the newly arrived English-speaking merchant class. These new seigneurs, with
no understanding of the informal habitant-seigneur relationship under French
rule, frequently thought of themselves—and acted—as landed gentry in their
dealings with the habitants. Carleton had erred, either misunderstanding or
ignoring the underlying realities of the social structure and class relations he
found when he arrived in Quebec.

He imposed his own vision of what Quebec ought to be, an action that earned the
British the support of the church and the seigneurs but the distinct dislike of
the habitants, who soon realized just how much their position in society had
been eroded. When the COVID pandemic began, they adapted their service to
deliver fresh food to people who couldn't access food as they normally did
because of the pandemic.

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This included people who are immunocompromised and especially at risk of
contracting COVID, or people who simply didn't feel safe using public transit
during the pandemic. The response from students to all of this has been
positive, Meunier said. Students receive vouchers from the school to be able to
spend at Fresh Routes' store, and Meunier said it's led to good conversations
with kids about the value of accessible healthy food. Meunier said he's proud of
how the partnership between the two organizations has evolved, and expects it to
continue when the COVID pandemic is over.


So we have no near-term belief that we should stop doing this anyway. BERLIN —
Germany has organized the return of three women and 12 children from camps in
northeastern Syria for humanitarian reasons, its foreign minister reported
Sunday. Heiko Maas didn't further identify the women or children, who were flown
back to Germany on Saturday. However, the German weekly Bild am Sonntag reported
that all three women had left Germany in recent years to join the extremist
Islamic State group in Syria.

The paper identified the women as Merve A. It said she is accused of IS
membership and allegedly committed crimes against humanity. He said the return
was organized in co-operation with Finland, which brought home six children and
two women. Hundreds of Europeans — many of them young women — left the continent
in the last couple of years to join IS and fight in Syria and Iraq.

Several died while others were arrested and detained by Turkish, Kurdish or
Iraqi authorities who have been eager to deport them and their children back to
Europe. European governments, however, have been reluctant to take back the
often-radicalized IS supporters. The Finnish government said Sunday the
repatriation of its citizens from the al-Hol camp in Syria was done for
humanitarian reasons and because of the country's legal obligations for its

No identities of the children or women were given, but Finnish officials said
they consisted of two families. He said Finland opted to co-operate with Germany
as the two countries had common interests in the case and share similar
legislation. The two returning women, which Finnish media said are both known to
be radicalized IS sympathizers, will face thorough screening by security
officials upon return.

The women and children who just arrived in Germany were detained at the al-Hol
and Roj camps in northeastern Syria, the German foreign ministry said. The camps
are managed by the Kurdish-led administration in northeastern Syria, but lack
basic services and have been rife with diseases and lawlessness. Al-Hol holds
more than 60, Syrian, Iraqi and Western detainees, most either family members of
IS fighters or supporters of the group who had remained in the territories it
held until the final battle in March last year.

In late , Finland repatriated two orphans from the al-Hol camp. Around 15
Finnish children and five adults still remain there, Finnish officials said
Sunday. Roj is a smaller camp with mostly Westerners — also family members of
imprisoned or killed IS fighters or supporters. The Kurdish-led authorities said
last month they would begin releasing some of the 25, Syrians held in the al-Hol
camp, allowing them to return home if they choose to. Kirsten Grieshaber, The
Associated Press.

But since then, the disease has spread rapidly in a small number of communities.
Arviat is currently in the midst of an outbreak, which began on Nov. Since then,
more than residents in the community of fewer than 3, people have tested
positive for the disease. The news release says the Arviat resident was
medevaced to a hospital in southern Canada before dying in hospital late
Saturday afternoon.

The Rankin Inlet resident contracted the disease in southern Canada, the release
says, and also died late Saturday after developing complications. Winter storm
warnings are in place for several areas of B. Snowfall amounts will range from
25 to 35 centimetres before tapering off Monday night.


A special weather statement is currently in effect for much of the Fraser
Valley, including for Chilliwack, Hope and Abbotsford. Heavy wet snow is
possible over higher elevations of southern Vancouver Island and the Lower
Mainland on Monday. People planning on driving in the area are being warned to
delay trips until conditions improve.

Tay councillors overrode a request made by a fellow member to make amendments to
pass a strict bylaw prohibiting all-terrain vehicles ATVs and off-road vehicles
ORVs from municipal lands and roads. Barry Norris was the one who asked for the
amendment to give some wiggle room to those who use these vehicles for
farming-related tasks or for plowing snow from their or a neighbour's driveway
or to access the lake when ice fishing. The topic came to the table after the
province forced the municipality's hand to make a decision around regulating
ORVs and ATVs, saying it would step in and permit all ORVs on municipal roads by
default if a municipal bylaw isn't passed.

Staff came forward with a prohibitive bylaw that would govern the situation
until the roads safety study was completed.

And council was in agreement with staff.


from Patricia 88


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The observation deck is circular, giving you a degree view of the town of
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Pearce said that her year-old father lives alone, while her year-old mother
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the comfort of our own home! Its current rate of erosion is estimated at 1 foot
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See. This made the British loss 10 killed, 17 wounded and 6 captured. BOOKS
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the right person for you and can support you to get. Corps of Engineers. Those
who did try to scale the defenses found that many of the siege ladders built for
the attack had been made without taking the ditches into account and were as
much as 5 feet 1.

The Skylon Tower is You can view landmarks like Niagara Skywheel and even
Toronto skyline in the distance on a clear day. Located approximately 0. It has
many islands connected by small wooden bridges and footpaths. If you visit in
winter, see the displays of wildlife light sculptures and trees covered in
coloured lights for the Winter Festival of Lights. This summer, Clifton Hill
will have a new attraction.

Niagara Speedway is a go-karting track with a multi-storeyed spiral track that
is 40 feet high.


A part of the track is undulating like a roller coaster, designed for maximum
thrills. The track is the first of its kind in Canada! Admission is FREE. Take a
walk through 40 hectares of gardens and wooded areas with trees, plants and
flowers of different species. The Botanical Gardens is also home to the
Butterfly Conservatory. Wander in a glass enclosed lush green rainforest setting
with decorative ponds and a small waterfall where thousands of tropical
butterflies fly freely.

The Butterfly Conservatory is located in the Botanical Gardens and is home to
butterfly species from all over the world. Count the different varieties of
butterflies and see if you can hold still when they land on you.

Children will love the colourful butterflies! A paradise for any chocolate
lover! Enjoy all the free samples of chocolates and freshly baked goods. The
chocolates, chocolate-coated strawberries and other Hershey brands look all so
inviting, you will want to buy every type of confection there is in the store.
See all sorts of weird and bizarre displays at the museum. From shriveled heads
to fun scientific exhibits, this is a great place to gain knowledge and have
some fun.

The museum is a favourite with children. Please click here for ticket prices.
See the largest collection of beluga whales, dolphins performing feats, and
killer whales at Marineland. Children will especially enjoy the dolphins and
feeding the beluga whales. Take selfies with life-size wax figures of your
favourite movie stars, characters, singers and other celebrities at the
Movieland Wax Museum on Clifton Hill. Get spooked by a maze of mirrors, special
effects, zombies and horror movie characters. With pitch black tunnels and
animatronic props, it is quite scary. Finally, a column of soldiers, sailors and
marines led by Lieutenant Colonel William Drummond would attack the fort once
the other assaults were under way, with the objective of capturing the old
British barrack buildings.

A reserve of just under men the 1st Battalion of the Royal Scots , the Glengarry
Light Infantry , the Incorporated Militia of Upper Canada and those soldiers
from the Regiment de Watteville who had not volunteered to take part in
Fischer's attack on the Snake Hill battery was left in the siege lines under
Lieutenant Colonel Tucker. Colonel Scott and Lieutenant Colonel Drummond were
both experienced soldiers and had little confidence in General Drummond's plan.

Both men arranged their affairs before heading into battle, sending their papers
home to their wives. Shortly before moving out, both men wished each other luck
and bade farewell. The columns moved out after dark but the preparations during
the day had been obvious from the fort. Surprise would be nearly impossible to
achieve. While Fischer's column made its long march to the south of Snake Hill,
Scott's and Drummond's columns waited in the pouring rain in a ravine a few
hundred yards north of the fort. An hour before the assault began, the British
bombardment of the fort ceased, having inflicted casualties on the garrison of
10 killed and 35 wounded.

In the fort, General Gaines ordered his men to stand to. This produced rumblings
from the troops forced to stand in their positions in heavy rain but would prove
invaluable in the coming battle. He also ordered that the charges in all guns
were to be drawn and replaced, ensuring the guns would not misfire through damp
powder. The Hill was topped with a large gun emplacement containing six guns
under the command of Captain Nathaniel Towson. The fort itself was defended by
two companies of the 19th U.

Infantry, and three guns under Captains Williams and Gookin.


The wall between the fort and the Douglass Battery which held one gun was manned
by the 9th U. Porter with detachments of the 1st and 4th U. Finally, two
companies of the 11th and 22nd U. Infantry and a detachment of the U. Light
Dragoons were in reserve. De Watteville's nominally Swiss regiment was made up
of men from all over Europe , many of them former prisoners of war or deserters
from the armies of Napoleon Bonaparte , and the British commanders suspected
their loyalty. On the approach march, the roll was called every hour to prevent

Fort Erie, Ontario: Downtown Driving Tour (February, 2019)

Except for a few steady men, the entire column was ordered to remove their
firearms' flints and take the enemy battery on the hill with the bayonet.
Surprise was nearly achieved but because of the rainy weather, the British
troops' advance was betrayed by the loud swishing sound made as they passed
through high grass. The picket opened fire, alerting the garrison, before
hastily retreating.

The leading attackers rushed forward to the abatis. As they reached it, Towson
opened fire. The rate of fire from his battery would earn it the nickname
"Towson's Lighthouse". After several attempts to storm the battery, many
attackers broke and fled in panic, sweeping away the steady soldiers to their
rear. Those who did try to scale the defenses found that many of the siege
ladders built for the attack had been made without taking the ditches into
account and were as much as 5 feet 1.

The light company of De Watteville's Regiment attempted to bypass the defenses
by swimming in the Niagara River. The current proved to be too swift, and many
of the men were swept away to their death; those who survived were quickly
captured. Some of the attackers charged the battery five times before retiring.
Some units, such as the light company of the 8th, lost two thirds of their

De Watteville's regiment had casualties although many were "missing" and
actually hid in the woods before deserting the next morning.

Ripley, commanding this section of the American defenses, reported taking
prisoners. His men suffered only a dozen casualties. Colonel Hercules Scott's
column consisted of his own rd Regiment , less its light company.


He launched his attack as soon as firing was heard from Snake Hill. Surprise was
quickly lost when American pickets detected them and fired muskets to alert the
defenders. Once the British had moved close enough, the guns of the fort and the
Douglass Battery loaded with canister and several hundred U. Infantry opened
fire, causing horrific losses to the British who were jammed into a narrow front
between an embankment and the lake. Colonel Scott was mortally wounded by a
musket ball in the head early in the attack.

Show all photos. This host committed to Airbnb's 5-step enhanced cleaning
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Many scenic adventures close by! With some artillerymen, the force numbered men
in total. The raid was a failure.

On landing on the American side of the Niagara, Tucker found that the bridge
over the unfordable Conjocta Creek now known as Scajaquada Creek [5] had been
destroyed, and a detachment of men of the 1st U. Rifle Regiment under Major
Lodowick Morgan with some volunteers were defending the creek to prevent the
bridge being repaired.

The British casualty return gave 11 killed, 17 wounded and 5 missing. This made
the British loss 10 killed, 17 wounded and 6 captured.

Tucker complained that the troops panicked and fled, though they subsequently
rallied. The Americans lost 2 killed and 8 wounded. Morgan was killed a few days
later in a clash between outposts. Drummond lost several vital subordinates
during the next few days, forcing him to take personal charge of the siege. His
replacement, Major General Henry Conran, who had recently arrived from England,
broke a leg in a fall from a horse and was incapacitated.

Colonel Stewart of the Royal Scots was summoned from York to replace him but
fell ill with ague , and Colonel Hercules Scott of the rd Foot requested
permission to relinquish his command of a brigade and revert to command of his
regiment. While the British constructed their siege lines and batteries, three
American schooners anchored in the Niagara River harassed them with gunfire.

At the time, three small craft from the British naval squadron on Lake Ontario
were blockaded in the mouth of the Niagara River by three larger American
vessels. Commander Alexander Dobbs, in command of the British vessels, and his
sailors and Royal Marines dragged a gig and five other boats overland from below
Niagara Falls and launched a boarding attack on the American schooners off Fort
Erie on the night of 12 August. They captured Ohio and Somers.

The crew of Porcupine escaped this fate by cutting their anchor cables before
slipping away, but were accidentally fired upon by US artillery on the shore. He
was encouraged in this belief by some American deserters, who also reported the
defenders as numbering only 1,, when in fact there were 2, On 13 August,
Drummond opened fire on the fort with two light pounder field guns and four
pounder or pounder naval guns.

The bombardment was fired from too long a range and was ineffective against the
fort's walls.


from Elroy 97


Fort McMurray CBC News canada Latest News & Blog Second wave reaches western
Canada as Alberta sees surge of COVID cases | Fort McMurray Today

I think as we rebuild, people are going to demand to always have two ways in and
out of every community.


The northern Alberta city of more than 80, people is split by the Athabasca
River and connected to the rest of the province primarily by Highway Referred to
as the Highway of Death for the decades of head-on collisions and single-vehicle
accidents that exacted a terrible toll, the road has recently been mostly
twinned and is now much safer.

Highway 63 also extends north to oilsands camps and Fort McKay. Highway , which
branches off Highway 63 about 16 kilometres south of the city and connects to
Lac La Biche, offers an alternative corridor.


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But Vinni believes east and west routes are essential. There was a ton of people
coming from work up north, trying to hook up with their families who had already
had to exit to the south. Welder Brad Marks, who was working a shutdown at the
Suncor plant, received his layoff notice Tuesday, filled his pickup with gas and
headed south on Highway 63, trying to make the trek home to Sherwood Park. He
ran into a roadblock in the southbound lane just before Supertest Hill, north of
Fort McMurray, got out of his truck and spoke to a police officer stationed

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In the census, Greater Victoria had , females to , males. There are a few
possible explanations as to why. For one; Victoria is particularly good place to
be a woman. The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives has repeatedly ranked
Victoria as the most female-friendly city in the country, due to a combination
of higher female employment rates and representation in politics.

Capital cities are often more feminine, with everywhere from Winnipeg to Ottawa
typically seeing a higher ratio of women to men , as opposed to more blue collar
cities like Fort McMurray where the ratio is reversed. Victoria is also a
university town; ever since the s, women have formed the majority of students in
Canadian graduate and undergraduate programs. Life expectancy for women remains
much longer for women than men, and Victoria counts large numbers of older
widows living alone.

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For Victorians between the age of 95 and , for instance, the most recent census
counted women to men; a ratio of nearly three women for every man.

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Coquitlam, Richmond and Burnaby.