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 * Home
 * Ink & Essence 2.0
 * Soul Deep Immersion
 * Language Your Message
 * Offerings
   * Soul Deep Immersion
   * Ink & Essence 2.0
   * Language Your Message
   * Ink and Essence Writing Atelier
   * Book
 * Contact

Select Page
 * Home
 * Ink & Essence 2.0
 * Soul Deep Immersion
 * Language Your Message
 * Offerings
   * Soul Deep Immersion
   * Ink & Essence 2.0
   * Language Your Message
   * Ink and Essence Writing Atelier
   * Book
 * Contact


To share your Message & Medicine, to Shift Paradigms in the heart of humanity &
Reshape Culture, first you must walk the face of the Earth as your real Self.

Welcome to Archaeology for the Woman’s Soul!

A global platform for Renaissance Women, Wayshowers, Paradigm Shifters, Culture
Shapers, Wordsmiths & Visionaries who feel called to contribute their gifts,
talents and skills to ennoble our world.


I am a Renaissance Woman.
I am versed in many subjects.
I know things about many things.
I have many passions and interests.

I paint. I write. I sing and dance. I cook.
I am an activist. I garden. I travel. I uplift. I listen. I teach.

I am a messenger. I hold space. I take pictures.

I envision. I live fully. I am a Seeker.
I am wise. I rise. I am a Sage.
I am a Nurturer. A Leader. A Peacemaker.

What can you add to this list?
Because you are not one thing or another…
You are many things at once…

The question is: How do you bring all of you together to bring forth your Soul

And the answer is… by knowing who you really are, your true gifts, talents,
skills and motivations… Your timeless essence unbound by the whims of time and

By creating an umbrella broad enough to bring together your skills, mastery and

And you live your message… you walk the face of the earth as your true self.

And you Language Your Message according to your voice, vibe, vision & your
unique Soul Metaphor. 

Let's begin, together

Game Changers’ Manifesto- Why Your Mission is to Tell a Bigger Story & Share
Your Message

A blueprint for Truth-Based Women Entrepreneurs who seek to find their Voice and
unleash it in the world.

This manifesto teaches you the art of branding & offerings, designed to empower
you to share your work soulfully, ethically &authentically. 

Coming Soon

To make an offer without feeling that you sell your soul, you must know yourself
at the deepest level, your patterns and motivations, your medicine & message…
your calling & purpose. It’s about knowing who you are, why you’re here and how
you can serve guided by your unique genius. 

Soul Deep Woman forged in the fire of adversity…

You have been waiting for a long time to re-emerge from the land of trials and
now ready you are to tip the powers of the world with knowledge and wisdom you
acquired traversing the landscape from Pain to Power to Passion to Purpose.

You were tried and you came out resilient, strong, courageous and motivated to
stand up for what you believe in.

Convictions lead you. A deep desire to do good and make a difference can’t let
you sleep at night.

You are ready to heal and mend your trauma. The evolutionary process calls you
to deliver your Medicine from a place of Wholeness, not Wounding. Because when
we bleed, when the pain is too intense, we can’t see the path. Your vision is
blurred and you can’t hear the subtle sound of the message you have for

Not everyone is born called, Soul Deep Woman. But you are. Your destiny is to
speak truth to power. It is not a path for all. Not for the faint of heart. But
here it is. You can’t escape your calling. Because the fire that forged you will
continue to burn until, like the Phoenix bird, will rise again from the ashes of
fear, despair and doubt and be the messenger you are meant to be.

And this fire that forged you, the adversity you endured, the abuse, the trauma-
have within the seeds you must saw on the fertile ground of your tribe. You must
teach them what you’ve learned on your own Heroine’s journey. You must help them
join you in your vision for a better, more just, more humane world.

From the moment when you decided to heal inside, find your truth and mission and
share it with the world, the gates of opportunity have been opened for you.

Make it count.

Let your knowledge, your knowing flow from you and mend the wounding of those
that are waiting for your Holy Medicine.

But first, to make it all happen, you remember who you are… and then, you
Language Your Message… to share it with courage, conviction and clarity.

Become familiar with the landscape of Archaeology for the Woman’s Soul

In the land of “Archaeology for the Woman’s Soul” there are three layers we
unearth: the Soil (the healing of the Wounding)— the Soul (the gifts, talents,
skills and purpose)— the Sacred Service (the calling & the Offerings).

The Self. The Soul. The Sacred Service.

This process is not linear in nature. You will oscillate between the three
layers as you evolve as a wayshower, medicine woman, culture shaper and

And then… there is the writing…

The thread that bridges all the layers together is the power of language and
writing. So, be ready to write, to explore your Soul Metaphors and the words you
use to describe who you are and the Language of Your Message.


Orient yourself on the landscape of “Archaeology for the Woman’s Soul” and I
will meet you right where you are. And where you are is exactly where you are
meant to be.

Do you find yourself in the Soil, Soul or the Sacred Service layer of your
personal and business evolution?

Let's begin, together

Ready to excavate the landscape of your Brand?

If so, check out the offer below— and let’s chat!


Let’s connect, You & I,  over a cup of coffee or tea and chat about YOU and your

I am looking forward to dig with you through the layers of you and your brand
and bring to light your genius and unique superpower and who you need to become
to stand in the market place with a brand soulfully crafted through the unique
Language of Your Message.

My deepest desire is that you stand in the middle of your creation with courage,
clarity and deep conviction.

I promise you my full attention and a deep connection with you and your
creation. My ability to see what is there, what is missing and what is not in
alignment with who you are will allow you to move forward with a new gained
clarity of where to focus your attention and energy as you continue to embody
your heart’s calling

The session is $200 USD for 90 minutes.

Prepare yourself to leave the Soul Deep Immersion Session with a new perspective
on your Self, Soul and Sacred Service, empowered and ready to Language Your
Message in your own unique way. 

Knowing your niche, message and how to language your message doesn’t have to
take up a decade of your life. 


Let's Unearth Together


Treasured Testimonials by my clients…

Corina was able to help me identify my soul metaphor with precision. She is an
absolute joy to work with and knows how to unleash your most potent medicine.

Corina is a keeper of profound wisdom. She lovingly shares her offerings with
deep and soulful creative women, who know they are meant to share their gifts
with the world. I highly recommend working with Corina and spreading your wings
to fly.



Spiritual Ecologist, Philosopher & Muse 

I had a beautiful session with Corina this morning, I feel so honoured to
receive her time & wisdom!

I have found it is rare to be truly, truly seen, which I feel Corina has the
gift of… her embodied archeology metaphor allows her to uncover, see, and
reflect back to me in a way that I can accept and understand myself with
clarity, and claim who I am.

I feel more confident to embrace my uniqueness and offer myself, weave in all of
the parts of me ~ leave to the side the conditioned ways – to really explore the
language of my soul and to speak and express clearly my gifts & offerings.

Thank you. You are a blessing.

I highly recommend a session with Corina.



Corina has these remarkable gifts of holding nurturing space and offering her
wisdom in a gentle and empowering way.

It was a blessing to have this time with her, to view my life, actions and
thought processes through a gently polished lens and I am deeply appreciative of
her support and guidance which are informing my onward path in life and
business. She has a way of adding magical to everything she does..



A session with Corina is like having tea with a wise friend who doesn’t tell you
what to do, but leads you to find the answers within yourself. I had the vision
and the structure of my business in place. I’ve been growing into it gradually,
but something was still missing. I wasn’t quite getting down into who I am and
what I’m about, even though I’m a poet who loves language! I wasn’t sure how to
describe what I do without using copywriting buzzwords and marketing spiel.

In just an hour, Corina helped me identify two key soul metaphors that truly
convey who I am as an artist and the unique gifts I offer. Something I believed
would be difficult and outside of my skillset turned out to be easy and fun! Now
I don’t dread the marketing side of my business, because I’ve identified the
language that aligns with my soul work. I feel liberated! Thank you, Corina!



I met with Corina for a Soul Deep Immersion session today and the session was
more than I could ever imagine or hope for. It is very obvious that Corina has
spent many years working on her craft, and I am very excited to become a part of
her Soul Deep Women tribe and coursework.

We spent time exploring my Enneagram, my life history and Soul Metaphor in a 90
minute session. I now have a deeper understanding of who I am and what drives
me. I can now begin the Soil process, Corina’s words, of liberating myself in
every way possible and finding my peace in this chaotic world we live in, while
shifting my perspective to find Soul Deep Healing.

Corina is caring, kind, and empathetic. She has a vast knowledge of what she
offers in the Soul Deep Immersion sessions and does not disappoint in any way.
I’m excited to have found her, especially during this time in my life.

She has literally been singing me back to myself through her poetry and
writings. I am extremely grateful to have found her and her life’s passions. I
give her a 5 star rating with a very high recommendation for what she offers
through Archeology for the Woman’s Soul.



I’ve enjoyed a little more than an hour of one-on-one time with Corina. Like so
many others I’m feeling privileged and invigorated.

Her ability to quickly discern who and what I’m about and not only call out my
gifts but express a genuine desire and willingness to invest herself in them and
in me is so very gratifying.



Corina and I just had a session which I wholeheartedly recommend.

Not only was she able to mirror back to me my gifts and more aspects of my
personality that I’d taken for granted, but she helped me to look at my soul
metaphor and much much more.

We had 90 minutes together and the depth, riches and clarity that came from this
session is priceless.

Like the wise Soul Guide she is, she helped me excavate, illuminate and see what
was right there in front of me and in such a wise presence and magical way.

As I’m sure we all agree she brings so many gifts to us and this session
certainly was a cherry on top.

I’ve climbed a lot of mountains in life and my mastery is in traversing change
and seeing it as adventure. I’m a Sherpa of Uncertainty, Faith and Trust and I’m
excited about sharing more of my work now as I’m clearer on my gifts and skills.
Life has given me a PHD for sure.

Thank you, Corina!



“I had an amazing session with Corina today. It was a privilege to be in her
company on a one-to-one.

The time spent with Corina was invaluable and I highly recommend a session with
her. She has incredible wisdom and a very generous willingness to share it.

I have had some very challenging experiences during my lifetime and listed some
of them during the session. I also explained my aspirations. In a very short
time, Corina came up with a platform for my work which covers everything
perfectly and resonated with me 100%.

Thank you, Corina, you are an absolute gem”.



Honored and Humbled to be of Service & offer my knowledge and knowing…




Find out more


Coming soon


Find out more

Remember Who You Are-Guided Visualization

Download here

Corina Luna Dea Inc. trading as Archaeology for the Woman’s Soul

Copyright © 2024 Corina Luna Dea. All Rights Reserved.

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