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"Chad King" in his early years

Frank Hassle (powerword: Cameron Williams), also known as calumhood2288 and
hats, is the embodiment of every overweight pencil dick on alt chans that derail
unrelated threads with shit advice on "how to be chad" that they don't even take
themselves. But unlike most channers, he actually goes outside without being
forced to. Not to do anything productive of course, but to slightly bug people
until they go batshit insane and push his tubby ass around while he screams
"harassment! [forced laugh] this guy is hurting me!!" like every other yt
prankster. Speaking of youtube pranks, that's basically all his channel is,
except it gets the 4chan/altcomedy seal of approval since this fat waste of
space is "friends" with another well known comedy hack, Sam Hyde.


Before he weaseled his way into Sam's posse, he baked a cake for myg0t. Before
becoming semi-social media famous, he was most famous for being a paedophilic,
pizza faced CSGO griefer. Like most myg0t members, he OD'd, or at least he tried
to. Not to trip balls and have some fun, but to take the emo sixteen year old
girl's method to suicide and down a bunch of his parents advil. His reason for
attempting an hero? A girl on the internet didn’t meet him at an airport and
scammed him.

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Cameron Williams threatens to raep a girl's five year old daughter until she's
hospitalized @ 0:17-rest of the video
Provided ID could not be validated.
@2:25 A band of losers make fun of Cam, the biggest loser in the virgin squad.
@4:17 he tips his fedora

Previous Video | Next Video

 * Cameron's adopted son and gay lover
 * Frank Hassle goes to Africa to contract AIDS
 * Another brown toddler Cam most likely molested
 * El Gordo retrasado

He then later got on the news for making the funny sam hyde shooter joke. Upon
this happening, Sam Hyde, ever eager to draw more sycophants into his posse,
hired cam on as his cameraman, ball washer, personal assistant, casual
boyfriend, and as a guy to go make harassing phone calls to people he doesn't
like. This includes former MDE associate Don Jolly and former youtuber VMU
dream. He filmed a bunch of extremely retarded skits with Hyde, and after
failing to be an adequate slave for 300 dollars a week, he was let go and given
control of these skits. Frank/Cam uploaded said skits to youtube and cumroad and
the rest is history.


In 2020, Frank/Cameron was on the killstream having it out with famous planetoid
and serial narcissist Boogie2988. Nobody knows why these two fat retards were
mad at each other, but Boogie seemed concerned that Frank was going to rape him.
The exchange mostly consisted of Boogie blowing smoke up his own ass, while
Frank made extremely funny rape threats. Frank coaxed Boogie into admitting he
fucked his own sister and sucked his dad's dick as a kid. This resulted in
Boogie getting Jewtube to delete Frank's channel. Used to subsisting off sewage
like a raccoon, Frank kept uploading videos of himself committing felonies to
gumroad as Boogie continued to spiral into mental illness.

In August 2020, the situation came to a head when Frank decided to pay a visit
to 2396 Berkleigh Drive, Fayetteville, Arkansas, where Boogie lives IRL please
go to that address and ring his doorbell and scream at odd hours. The night
before Frank had been posting some tweets calling Boogie a pussy and saying he
was in Fayetteville. This made Boogie have a completely real and totally not for
attention PTSD episode and chimp out on Keemstar saying he would derezz frank
with a gun. When it came time to shoot, however, Boogie pleaded with frank to
"please don't make me do this" and shot a revolver into his own siding. If this
incident had happened at any other time, both parties would have been arrested,
but since courts and police are too backed up with the absolute trashfire that
was 2020, it seems like both men got off the hook for the multiple felonies
committed that day. JK Boogie got arrested lol


 * Twitter
 * last.fm
 * YouTube His old YouTube channel, terminated by flagfags
 * Bitchshoot
 * Instagram

Frank Hassle is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal

#GamerGate Series

[RagequitPress Start]

Zoe Quinn 


Mighty No. 9
Gone Home


Ian Miles Cheong
Phil Fish
m00t sells out




Jimbo Wales
Ben Kuchera
Jonathan McIntosh


Randi Harper
Shanley Kane
Leigh Alexander


Sarah Butts
Brianna Wu
Chloe Sagal


Arthur Chu
Milo Yiannopoulos ✡
Peter Coffin
Tim Schafer


Sarkeesian Effect
Vivian James


GG Faggots
*Nods Respectfully*
Tom Preston


DQ Sim
Cathedral of Misogyny
Law & Order
Kung Fu Guy


Other People and Sites That Got Involved:

Anti-GG Faggots: Videogame "Journalists" ◈ Videogame Reviewers ◈ Cameron Baker ◈
Joss Whedon ◈ Egoraptor ◈ Chris Chan ◈ Ahuviya Harel/ADF-Fuensalida ◈ m00t ◈ A
Man in Black ◈ Nick Denton ◈ Ellen Pao ◈ DarksydePhil ◈ Adam Sessler ◈ Jed
Whitaker ◈ Alison Rapp ◈ Nolongersilenced ◈ Tony Sidaway ◈ Alex Wuori ◈ Andrew
Hussie ◈ TransFrequency ◈ Wil Wheaton ◈ Asalieri ◈ Jerry Peet ◈ Angry Joe ◈
Maxofs2d ◈ Chris Kluwe ◈ Tauriq Moosa ◈ Todd in the Shadows ◈ Maddox ◈ Faggot
Who Started OWS ◈ Sceptre‎ ◈ NorthBySouthBaranof ◈ Ironholds ◈ George R.R Martin
◈ Stephen Colbert ◈ Jim Sterling ◈ ValisHD ◈ Nerdcubed ◈ Joshua Idehen ◈ Vordrak
◈ Rian Johnson◈ Julia Alexander

Pro-GG Faggots: Adam Baldwin ◈ Anne Rice ◈ William Shatner ◈ Hideki Kamiya ◈
Boogie2988 ◈ JonTron ◈ Derek Smart ◈ MrRepzion ◈ Suey Park‎ ◈ Richard Dawkins ◈
Richard Stallman ◈ Filthy Frank ◈ Shoe0nHead ◈ TotalBiscuit ◈ Theamazingatheist
◈ Thunderf00t ◈ Julian Assange ◈ Weev ◈ Icze4r ◈ Roosh V ◈ Gabe and Tycho ◈
TheRalphRetort ◈ ParkourDude91 ◈ The Wannabe Dickriders ◈ JewWario ◈ LordKat ◈
Cowkitty ◈ Craig Brittain ◈ Sir Wulfington ◈ Sargon of Akkad ◈ Lane Davis
(Seattle4Truth) ◈ Carly Fiorina ◈ AlisonPrime ◈ Zoe Askalon ◈ DJBPlaythroughs ◈
Mister Metokur ◈ Armored Skeptic ◈ MundaneMatt.

Sites: Reddit ◈ Voat ◈ RationalWiki ◈ SJWiki ◈ 76chan ◈ Twitter ◈ Wikipedia ◈
TGWTG ◈ BoingBoing ◈ VICE ◈ GOG ◈ TheMarySue ◈ Stormfront ◈ ScrewAttack ◈ The
Escapist ◈ Buzzfeed ◈ Salon ◈ Patreon ◈ Jezebel ◈ Something Awful ◈ TV Tropes ◈
4chan ◈ EDF 2: Electric Boogaloo ◈ Encyclopedia Dramatica ◈ We Hunted The
Mammoth ◈ Mic ◈ Vox Media ◈ ResetERA.

Others: 2064: Read Only Memories ◈ Facade ◈ Fire Emblem ◈ FleetCOMM ◈ Dead or
Alive ◈ Cards Against Humanity ◈ GNAA ◈ Bill Waggoner Crew ◈ MSNBC/CNN/BBC etc ◈
The Guardian ◈ Electronic Arts ◈ Intel ◈ Adobe ◈ Google ◈ Shirtgate ◈ Million
Dollar Extreme ◈ Hatred ◈ Postal 2 ◈ Baphomet ◈ Anonymous ◈ Gamers ◈ Everybody
else on the internet and their dog.

Minor Related Pages: Censored article about Brianna Wu ◈ Sarah Butts FFshrine
chatlogs ◈ List of people defending Butts' pedophilia ◈ The DMCA Butts sent us ◈
Milo Yiannopoulos ✡ The feminist version ◈ Shanley Kane's butthurt rant ◈ The
Great Gawker Implosion of 2015 ◈ Skype Con Leak ◈ Ralph's retarded group to
monitor people trolling him.

Frank Hassle is part of a series on 8chan


Alex Leal ♠ Ben Kuchera ♠ Brenton Tarrant ♠ Brianna Wu ♠ Byuu ♠ Ciara ♠ Dick
Masterson ♠ Ellen Pao ♠ Ethan Ralph ♠ Frank Hassle ♠ Jenny McDermott ♠ Jim
Watkins ♠ John Earnest ♠ Jon Sudano ♠ Kimmy ♠ Kraut and Tea ♠ Lord Foxworth ♠
Maddox ♠ Margaret Pless ♠ Moot ♠ Nate Spidgewood ♠ Niggest Crook Force ♠
Nolongersilenced ♠ Null ♠ ParkourDude91 ♠ Patrick Crusius ♠ Payton Gendron ♠
Peter Coffin ♠ Sam Hyde ♠ Sarah Andersen ♠ Sarah Butts ♠ Sol Pais ♠ Takedownman
♠ Timbox • Tyler Malka ♠ Vordrak ♠ Wyatt Mann ♠ Zoe Quinn ♠


Brianna Wu for Congress ♠ GamerGate ♠ He Will Not Divide Us ♠ Hitler Top Tens ♠
m00t's GamerGate Sellout ♠ Operation Timebomb v2 ♠ QAnon ♠ Skype Con Leak ♠
Steam friend thread ♠ The Great Habbo Raid of July 2015 ♠ Valentine's Day
Massacre ♠ YoutubeWakeUp ♠


/baphomet/ ♠ Brit/pol/ ♠ /cow/ ♠ Encyclopedia Dramatica ♠ /leftypol/ ♠ NeoGAF ♠
/pol/ ♠ Salon ♠ ShrekChan ♠


Brownpill ♠ DUN DUN ♠ Ebola-chan ♠ Hitler Top Tens ♠ Just Fuck My Shit Up ♠
Kekistan ♠ Meme Magic ♠ Moon Man ♠ Zozzle ♠

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 * YouTube
 * Gamergate
 * 8chan



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