www.oxo.com Open in urlscan Pro
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Submitted URL: https://links.oxo.com/u/click?_t=755dca16f3d349448e5e4d8402245e39&_m=96d8298993ae4d8885475e24758a2827&_e=Mwdgl8TCZBnhy...
Effective URL: https://www.oxo.com/oxo-good-grips-glass-salad-spinner.html?utm_source=Iterable&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=202307...
Submission: On July 07 via api from BE — Scanned from DE

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  <!-- ko ifnot:  $parents[1].isShopNow(type, attributes.size_apparel)-->
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  <!-- /ko -->

POST https://www.oxo.com/checkout/cart/add/uenc/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cub3hvLmNvbS8%2C/product/4201

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POST https://www.oxo.com/checkout/cart/add/uenc/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cub3hvLmNvbS8%2C/product/37235

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  <!-- ko ifnot:  $parents[1].isShopNow(type, attributes.size_apparel)-->
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  <!-- /ko -->

POST https://www.oxo.com/checkout/cart/add/uenc/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cub3hvLmNvbS8%2C/product/4261

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POST https://www.oxo.com/checkout/cart/add/uenc/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cub3hvLmNvbS8%2C/product/4375

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POST https://www.oxo.com/checkout/cart/add/uenc/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cub3hvLmNvbS8%2C/product/304

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  <!-- ko ifnot:  $parents[1].isShopNow(type, attributes.size_apparel)-->
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POST https://www.oxo.com/checkout/cart/add/uenc/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cub3hvLmNvbS8%2C/product/2257

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POST https://www.oxo.com/checkout/cart/add/uenc/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cub3hvLmNvbS8%2C/product/4522

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Name: country-selector-form

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 6. OXO Good Grips Glass Salad Spinner

OXO Good Grips Glass Salad Spinner

Iconic one-pump design with elegant glass bowl for drying and serving greens


Iconic one-pump design with elegant glass bowl for drying and serving greens
4.9 star rating 53 Reviews

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OXO Good Grips Glass Salad Spinner

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Salad Spinner

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Product Details

The OXO Good Grips Glass Salad Spinner is the quick and easy way to dry greens
or herbs—just press the soft, non-slip knob. The spinning basket doubles as a
colander, so you can rinse lettuce and more with ease. The non-slip base
prevents skidding, and the patented built-in brake button stops the Spinner on a
dime for unloading. Toss and serve your salad right in the elegant glass bowl:
It’s made of durable borosilicate glass and moves seamlessly to the table.
Simply slide the lock to hold the pump flush with the lid for compact storage.
The lid comes apart for thorough cleaning. Bowl capacity is 5.9 L/6.2 qt; basket
capacity is 4.1 L/ 4.4 qt. Dishwasher safe.Features Elegant yet durable
borosilicate glass bowl works for serving or storage One-handed pump for maximum
drying with minimum effort Patented brake stops basket immediately with a simple
press Storage lock holds pump flush with lid for stacking and storing Removable
spinner basket works as a colander for rinsing greens Easy-to-clean lid comes
apart for thorough cleaning Dishwasher Safe

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Dishwasher Safe


BrandGood Grips Dimensions6 (L) X 10.7 (W)

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4.9 star rating

4.9 star rating 53 Reviews

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Steph S.

5.0 star rating

Beautiful, high quality salad spinner

Review by Steph S. on 8 May 2022 review stating Beautiful, high quality salad
I have wanted a salad spinner for ages but had a hard time justifying one with
our limited storage space. This doubles as a beautiful glass serving bowl so
it's worth it! It's high quality (the spinner mechanism feels so sturdy) and so
easy to use with the nonskid base. It comes apart easily for cleaning and as a
bonus, it's dishwasher safe.

On OXO Good Grips Glass Salad Spinner
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5.0 star rating

Nice Salad Spinner

Review by Cwar87 on 6 May 2022 review stating Nice Salad Spinner
The Glass Salad Spinner is a nice addition to your kitchens. This spinner is
very easy to use and give you a nice clean salad when you are done. The colander
is great to use to rinse you salads. Overall we really love this product.

On OXO Good Grips Glass Salad Spinner
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Cwar87 on 6 May 2022 twitter twitter Share Review by Cwar87 on 6 May 2022
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5.0 star rating

Upgrade to my spinner

Review by Jwjw on 3 May 2022 review stating Upgrade to my spinner
I have the original OXO salad spinner made of plastic, which I use and love.
This glass spinner is an upgrade and doubles as a cute serving bowl. I will
definitely be using the glass one since plastic isn't great for the environment

On OXO Good Grips Glass Salad Spinner
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5.0 star rating

Perfect spinner

Review by Charlisa on 2 May 2022 review stating Perfect spinner
The Oxo Grips Glass salad spinner is so effective. Super easy to use and even
easier to clean. The sturdy and durable spinner works effortlessly to Toss any
salad. Recommended to all my friends and family. The handle is easy to grip and
it locks in place to help with handling. Your salad is ready to enjoy in no
time. Hold about 5 cups of salad.

On OXO Good Grips Glass Salad Spinner
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Charlisa on 2 May 2022 twitter twitter Share Review by Charlisa on 2 May 2022
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Joanna N.

5.0 star rating

Perfect salad spinner to keep food fresh and clean

Review by Joanna N. on 2 May 2022 review stating Perfect salad spinner to keep
food fresh and clean
I love this OXO Good Grips Glass Salad Spinner because it helps keep my
vegetables fresh and helps to rinse out the water when cleaning them.I love that
it is easy to use and my veggies taste great all the time.It is very easy to use
this kitchen tool and does not require much effort to use it.I like that I can
use it for different kinds of foods ...Read MoreRead more about review stating
Perfect salad spinner to keep food fresh and clean

besides vegetables such as when preparing shrimp.This is one of my favorite
tools to use in the kitchen and I feel more confident about the cleanliness of
the food I eat and how it is more fresh tasting. Read LessRead less about review
stating Perfect salad spinner to keep food fresh and clean

On OXO Good Grips Glass Salad Spinner
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Product Details

The OXO Good Grips Glass Salad Spinner is the quick and easy way to dry greens
or herbs—just press the soft, non-slip knob. The spinning basket doubles as a
colander, so you can rinse lettuce and more with ease. The non-slip base
prevents skidding, and the patented built-in brake button stops the Spinner on a
dime for unloading. Toss and serve your salad right in the elegant glass bowl:
It’s made of durable borosilicate glass and moves seamlessly to the table.
Simply slide the lock to hold the pump flush with the lid for compact storage.
The lid comes apart for thorough cleaning. Bowl capacity is 5.9 L/6.2 qt; basket
capacity is 4.1 L/ 4.4 qt. Dishwasher safe.Features Elegant yet durable
borosilicate glass bowl works for serving or storage One-handed pump for maximum
drying with minimum effort Patented brake stops basket immediately with a simple
press Storage lock holds pump flush with lid for stacking and storing Removable
spinner basket works as a colander for rinsing greens Easy-to-clean lid comes
apart for thorough cleaning Dishwasher Safe

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Dishwasher Safe


BrandGood Grips Dimensions6 (L) X 10.7 (W)

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4.9 star rating

4.9 star rating 53 Reviews

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Steph S.

5.0 star rating

Beautiful, high quality salad spinner

Review by Steph S. on 8 May 2022 review stating Beautiful, high quality salad
I have wanted a salad spinner for ages but had a hard time justifying one with
our limited storage space. This doubles as a beautiful glass serving bowl so
it's worth it! It's high quality (the spinner mechanism feels so sturdy) and so
easy to use with the nonskid base. It comes apart easily for cleaning and as a
bonus, it's dishwasher safe.

On OXO Good Grips Glass Salad Spinner
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5.0 star rating

Nice Salad Spinner

Review by Cwar87 on 6 May 2022 review stating Nice Salad Spinner
The Glass Salad Spinner is a nice addition to your kitchens. This spinner is
very easy to use and give you a nice clean salad when you are done. The colander
is great to use to rinse you salads. Overall we really love this product.

On OXO Good Grips Glass Salad Spinner
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5.0 star rating

Upgrade to my spinner

Review by Jwjw on 3 May 2022 review stating Upgrade to my spinner
I have the original OXO salad spinner made of plastic, which I use and love.
This glass spinner is an upgrade and doubles as a cute serving bowl. I will
definitely be using the glass one since plastic isn't great for the environment

On OXO Good Grips Glass Salad Spinner
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5.0 star rating

Perfect spinner

Review by Charlisa on 2 May 2022 review stating Perfect spinner
The Oxo Grips Glass salad spinner is so effective. Super easy to use and even
easier to clean. The sturdy and durable spinner works effortlessly to Toss any
salad. Recommended to all my friends and family. The handle is easy to grip and
it locks in place to help with handling. Your salad is ready to enjoy in no
time. Hold about 5 cups of salad.

On OXO Good Grips Glass Salad Spinner
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Charlisa on 2 May 2022 twitter twitter Share Review by Charlisa on 2 May 2022
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Joanna N.

5.0 star rating

Perfect salad spinner to keep food fresh and clean

Review by Joanna N. on 2 May 2022 review stating Perfect salad spinner to keep
food fresh and clean
I love this OXO Good Grips Glass Salad Spinner because it helps keep my
vegetables fresh and helps to rinse out the water when cleaning them.I love that
it is easy to use and my veggies taste great all the time.It is very easy to use
this kitchen tool and does not require much effort to use it.I like that I can
use it for different kinds of foods ...Read MoreRead more about review stating
Perfect salad spinner to keep food fresh and clean

besides vegetables such as when preparing shrimp.This is one of my favorite
tools to use in the kitchen and I feel more confident about the cleanliness of
the food I eat and how it is more fresh tasting. Read LessRead less about review
stating Perfect salad spinner to keep food fresh and clean

On OXO Good Grips Glass Salad Spinner
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